Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized William Bill Barr political cartoon hoarding toilet paper stockpile masks Coronavirus #williambarr #billbarr #coronavirus #covid19 #politicalcartoon #masks #spiritanimal Bill Bearr ♥ #toiletpaperfor President Donald Trump #donaldtrump

William Bill Barr political cartoon hoarding toilet paper stockpile masks Coronavirus #williambarr #billbarr #coronavirus #covid19 #politicalcartoon #masks #spiritanimal Bill Bearr ♥ #toiletpaperfor President Donald Trump #donaldtrump

William Bill Barr political cartoon hoarding toilet paper stockpile masks Coronavirus #williambarr #billbarr #coronavirus #covid19 #politicalcartoon #masks #spiritanimal Bill Bearr ♥   #toiletpaperfor President Donald Trump #donaldtrump post thumbnail image

Editorial cartoon William Barr Attorney General

Bill William Barr political cartoon
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Bill Bearr 🐻 spirit animal caricature class assignment
That is the teacher in my caricature drawing class and boy is he good

He gave me feedback. I paid $75 twice for his courses..Twice.. his really really good hes like the best caricatura person in the world but I think he may be a little lefty he likes to draw lots of lefty celebrities but that’s OK because it’s really about the art.
I posted this to the group and let’s see what feedback I get
Your draw the spirit animal 1st
Then you draw the caricature..on top using the lines and inspiration and may be colors I think
And you’re supposed to wind up with the essence of that animal and it helps you with exaggeration and I’m really getting into it but I don’t think I’m very yet and I’ve gotten feedback and the teacher in the class via his Facebook group you can see here gave me some feedback so I’m not sure he was too pleased with my Tucker Carlson one.
my cat won’t let me draw.
This is a rescue cat and it was brought home I didn’t really ask for it and then once it got home I got a letter telling me of the animal’s past and it turns out this was a very abused cat and had many bones broken but it’s very very affectionate and and out of everybody in my family it only likes me I think I know how to scratch it the right way because when it came to us it had all these nasty scars on its belly from being fixed which I would never ask for I think that’s pretty sadistic. So you can’t really rub its belly so I just scratch its back and it loves me and it runs away from everyone else .
I had a cat maybe 20 years ago and I do remember that whenever I typed on my laptop or computer I remember my old cat used to sit on the keyboard too.
I posted it for the Facebook group flat Earth cats which is just such a collection of really cute cat pictures and David Dees..famous memes. He runs it.