Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Ivanka Trump spirit animal caricature cartoon Proko class assignment #womenfortrump #editorialcartoon #trump #politicalcartoon #ivankatrump #spiritanimal #CARTOONS #caricature #ivankatrump #donaldtrump #qanon

Ivanka Trump spirit animal caricature cartoon Proko class assignment #womenfortrump #editorialcartoon #trump #politicalcartoon #ivankatrump #spiritanimal #CARTOONS #caricature #ivankatrump #donaldtrump #qanon

Ivanka Trump spirit animal caricature cartoon Proko class assignment #womenfortrump #editorialcartoon #trump #politicalcartoon #ivankatrump #spiritanimal #CARTOONS #caricature #ivankatrump #donaldtrump #qanon post thumbnail image
Ivanka trump political cartoon spirit animal swan

I just think she’s so beautiful so graceful so perfect I mean really so I thought I would do this as one of my caricature class assignments we are doing spirit animal cland you start out drawing the spirit animal and then on top of that you draw the caricature using the same lines and inspiration and this is what I came up with it was the best I could do.

I will do better the more I practice these and trust me I was dreading this part of the class for a long time but now that I do it it’s really fun and it’s helping me exaggerate way more than I would normally.