Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Nancy Pelosi Coronavirus Editorial Political Cartoon Covid-19 Breitbart Caricature #nancypelosi #coronavirus #covid19 #breitbart #editorialcartoon #politicalcartoon #donaldtrump #caricature

Nancy Pelosi Coronavirus Editorial Political Cartoon Covid-19 Breitbart Caricature #nancypelosi #coronavirus #covid19 #breitbart #editorialcartoon #politicalcartoon #donaldtrump #caricature

Nancy Pelosi Coronavirus Editorial Political Cartoon Covid-19 Breitbart Caricature #nancypelosi #coronavirus #covid19 #breitbart #editorialcartoon #politicalcartoon #donaldtrump #caricature post thumbnail image
old but Things make sense now more than back in 2017
Must watch if you wanna be my friend

for covid??
Some of these photos I’ve seen around maybe a few years old not all of these pictures are what they may appear to be and just picking them from the Internet it could be from the case or something who knows but it’s just a picture of what it would look like

Here are some videos outside digging Buffalo New York I don’t know it’s right downtown I don’t know if it means anything. It just seems like a strange time to be digging underground and it’s about a block away from city Hall.

I don’t even out these will upload

The only reason I posted is because I saw this

And I’ve seen a few of these I’ve seen several of these from different people reporting fire coming from under the sewers

here he is helping out.
This is an old article but I’d never heard her story and I remember I used to watch little house on the prairie that was Nancy and it wasn’t the 1st Nancy it was the 2nd Nancy

Fake history…is on the research

I think all plagues in the past have been covers for genocides all these stories we hear smallpox or this or that or leprosy I think they straight up killed the people and then just blamed it on a silly “spooky” disease but that’s just my intuition. different…orphan trains..were just more fake news to cover..white slavery.


Portland ..was ancient… like all of the amazing structures that were here before we arrived they were destroyed and demolished because it didn’t fit the colonial narrative.

You know I really want to thank our president trump for saving my soul you know ever since I was in a car accident I like lost the ability to know right from wrong like I really couldn’t understand it I just there’s just something everybody has that stops you from speaking about disturbing things or doing inappropriate things .. I was in embarrassment to my friends and family for many many years I couldn’t discern right from wrong I didn’t have that ability it was like something was gone from me..and I just didn’t have that for a long time and I couldn’t understand why and I was really vaccine injured and I guess you now when I say doctors really harmed my health I mean it they really hurt me and they gave me bad advice. Misdiagnosis..and you know I almost died many times I just I just didn’t have like the ability .. to know right from wrong I didn’t know was good and I didn’t know anything. was evil…

and I healed myself for 7 years I was I just ate raw vegan foods fresh fruits fresh nuts fresh greens and I definitely changed for the better but still I was kind of hung up on strange things and you know a lot of hollywood..evil things..

I was rebellious so I gravitated towards witchcraft and I’m very knowledgeable

..things things that were done to me things that I have witnessed books that were put into my desk at school led me astray and I didn’t know where to look and I was very Goth for a long time I only dressed just in block for many years..

I was a pervert I mean a real pervert and I wasn’t really a pervert I was just spiritually a pervert

I even was a lesbian for a while and I was always a wallflower and I read lots of books I read 75 books a year but like I would read books about Marilyn monroe.. And I was obsessed with a courtesan’s

things that weren’t really healthy and I started to take real vain narcissistic care of myself and just focus on my beauty and I only dated doctors and lawyers and I was really materialistic and you know it’s really been a journey I never really had a positive role model and when I 1st started watching celebrity apprentice I’ve seen every single one every single episode I was hooked I made everyone around me watch our president trump before he was president so I knew who he was I adored him and then when he ran for president I began to see how to be .you know and for a while I was reading a lot of books like the fountainhead and Atlas shrugged and those had a positive influence Anthony Robbins all that

I’ve had a few traumatic experiences and I did self hypnosis for a long time I would listen to these tapes talking about how great things are going to happen to me and good things were gonna come a lot of good things did come to me and I always ran away from my problems so I never really settled I never really built anything up and I never had my own family until now and I’m just saying it’s been a long journey and I finally found God again and I’m telling you it was really hard it was for it’s really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel and it happened it worked for me and on this Easter it’s a great Easter the full moon was the 9th so that was Easter kind of if you look at it astrologically… it’s called.. what’s it called.. the worm moon or something of the year.

and I’ve been having nightmares lately not nightmares vivid dreams I haven’t had them in a long long time I had a dream last night that I was in a car accident and I know because I’ve been in 3 car accidents that when you 1st get hit by a car you don’t realize that that’s just the 1st impact usually you will have 2 or 3 more so you gotta keep bracing and I was in my dream and I was almost like controlling it like I had it under my control and I woke up and I

Remember the 1st impact bracing for the 2nd and the 3rd one and that’s really important when you are in a car accident is you can’t let the 1st impact affect you got a brace for a second and a 3rd and like really focus I don’t know but it was this nightmare I had last night and I just feel a part of me was fixed in a way I cant explain it..

so I don’t know what’s going on this Easter but he is definitely risen and I read love trumps so much and in a way he is risen because Jesus is in all of us and Jesus definitely is inside working in trump and all of us will rise again it’s really symbolic for a Jesus in all of us because hes not a person anymore hes hes in the ather hes electricity hes everywhere Jesus is a symbol now and hes not a real guy walking around hes in the stars hes in the moon hes hes everywhere and you know The Bible was written a long time ago it’s kind of archaic when you look at it but hes with us now and hes evolved hes not the same and I’m just saying I just love life so much and I’m so happy and I’m so grateful and I’m waiting for president trump to rise again and you know he let the devil run around for a little bit but it was necessary to get his own work done and I’m so proud of him.

And I’m sorry if I’ve written about inappropriate things are talked about traumatic experiences or maybe my writing comes off as a little evil and I’m sorry for the embarrassment I’m not perfect I’m a sinner but I know now I know I’m learning I’m getting like the feeling like my feelings are guiding me …the better I think about things you know sometimes for an hour I will write about how horrible things are for me or how bad my relationship is and you know I can’t focus on that and I’m sorry if I descended into madness like that in my blog sometimes I’m just not perfect and a lot of stuff I write as short stories it’s not really real I am..novel writer I’m a short story writer and sometimes I crossed the line in imagination so please don’t quote..

I just have the bag habit of writing inappropriate things in appropriate things about my family in appropriate things about my past and sometimes I over exaggerate and you know what I should respect my family respect my legacy and just you know start always being positive..

Do not on anything in my blog you know some nights I wake up and I’m I’m just panic and hysterical and I run here to my blog and I just write all this garbage and you know I’m just I’m so sorry I’m so sorry because you know if I’m going to be working supporting our president II can’t have anything embarrassing and I’m just so sorry for saying the wrong thing or bragging or being narcissistic I’m just saying I’m not perfect and it’s a work in progress and I really want to be good.

You know I’ve been working on these cartoons for 4 years and I still not satisfied I just you know I have very little time A-day it’s not really a job it’s just something I do under an hour and you know I’m very critical and I feel like I’ll never be perfect I’ll never have a good style I shall never have my technique I don’t have a teacher I’m just learning myself and I’m not even a good writer on the horrible writer I’m like the depressed person who rambles sometimes and you know

I blame being vaccine injured all my life I’ve had books of vaccines filled because I traveled so much I’ve I remember almost dying many times and I remember descending into just dark dark place depressions and you know I never quite fit in I was always a little punk and I love my family I love my family so much but it once it was not like that and here I go again you see what I’m saying I just have to learn to be more professional I guess and not so talkative and focus more on my skill and I want to be known for my political cartoons not my personal life so I’m just apologizing for anything embarrassing or in appropriate or maybe evil because you know evil isn’t all of us and we all should have it but not use it you know and I’m sorry for saying things like trump should have a life term if that is inappropriate but it just means I love him so much you know.

Just sorry if I’m sorry I’m so sorry for being evil for so long I just had no idea I always always since I was a little girl I always related to the vamp character the fallen angel Ark. Type I always was attract to stories to novels and it’s just it’s been such a part of me that I do have something to offer is I can use my skills for good.

I was lost I really was lost and I don’t blame myself I forgive myself I was lost I had nobody I mean I was a latchkey kid I mean you know II new I was important I wanted power and I got it in all the wrong places I did I looked for love in all the wrong places and I had no idea how innocent I was because deep down inside everything I’ve done I thought I was doing good that’s the thing I had no like my conscience was gone II would just say the most inappropriate things to people and I would do the most inappropriate things …

I was consumed concerned with lust I mean like you wouldn’t believe for so long and it ate it was like a worm in my heart it was a worm I just had no control over it… I had nobody . My body was like a rag and I didn’t know how to say no. I was not fruitful at all. I was barren.

My entire life I was obsessed with horror in movies in books and the worst kind and I didn’t partake in it I was just intrested in it. The saddest most depressing music that was the only thing that could calm me down.

I read books and books and books on Freud and just existentialism and that stuff’s really wicked

I’ve never respected men I’ve never respected women I just it was all about me. It took a man like our President Trump to show me right from wrong and what beauty is and true genius and talent and knowledge and tone..skill..language

I feigned manner and I feigned class and I feigned being worldly it was all fake

he is a superhuman he is extraordinary he is and I’ve known this for 4 years and I’ve been working things out in my soul ever since and I never wanna be the same person I was I it’s like I want the 2nd part of my life to begin right now and I mean it I mean it in my own style I would like to be beautiful in my heart on the inside and not just on the outside.

He has risen again inside of me and he is risen inside of our president and he is risen inside of all of us we are no longer dead.


For the 1st time in my life I know what Easter is and I will never forget twenny twenny.