Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President Donald Trump train Atlas shrugged political cartoon inktober ride 2019

President Donald Trump train Atlas shrugged political cartoon inktober ride 2019

President Donald Trump train Atlas shrugged political cartoon inktober ride 2019 post thumbnail image
This is for Ayn Rand fans . I read Atlas shrugged many years ago and it changed my life I always thought of trump as Howard roark the master architect.
He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. It’s not a globe.. but it’s like a symbol.

My favorite black Conservative in the world. Hes got his own show on in 4 wars it’s amazing you can listen to firepower on all day long on your laptop .

Another black conservative retweeted my and Michelle Obama cartoon and this is what he said.

Me and Wayne dupree also follow each other on linkedin he is amazing.

It’s a good day for me to get retweeted and liked by a famous person. My whole day I swear that’s all the payment I need is just someone important to like my cartoons.