Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Michelle Obama white people political cartoon

Michelle Obama white people political cartoon

Michelle Obama white people political cartoon post thumbnail image
Michelle Obama is being racist again against white people again… I don’t think she understands that white people freed the black slaves from the democrats.

And the democrats were buying black people from Africa and guess who were buying them from..the sharia people!

In fact today in places like sell blacks . It’s their biddest export to 4 different countries like Indonesia….to day..sold.. By the Lighter Skinned black people. You can buy blacks today from Somalia who sell blacks human slaves blacks..are the main export of Somalia..

If Michelle Obama was really concerned about her race she would ask elites like ilhan Omar to have her elite family in Somalia stop selling them. You didn’t think ilhan Omar was a refugee did you?

You all know she has an elite slave trader family . why do you think she’s in that position ..she is in.. They do not let regular people like you and me have positions of power quite like that without something in return?

Yes..they sell blacks to four countries to day. . because in their peaceful religion it’s commanded by God to keep blacks as slaves. .. She is in that position because She can produce black human product. The trade..Of the democrats. Human traffic satanism.. The Democrat party is a Plantation..they have always hated blacks. Look at Trudeau. HILLARY BLACKFACE. ALL THOSE DEMS W NAZI TATTOOES. ED BUCK. HOT SAUCE IN MY PURSE IS IT WORKING.

If you are a black person you are a fool to be in the Democratic Party they control your brain they make you think you are a victim ..they make you think you’re in the worst country in the world they put you on welfare they abort all your babies when are our blacks gonna realize.

Trump is strength the TV is mind control. the TV is satanic. Turn off. Every single sitcom every fake news it’s all to mind control you it’s all to get you to eat bugs and to be polyamorous and to sex change your kids . it’s so we fall apart and so other countries can take us over… the TV is globalism.. switch to the Internet listen to your people tell you that trump Has been the best president to blacks ever… obama did nothing absolutely nothing for you guys ..Donald Trump is an emperor God all the gold is going to be on trump’s side .
Michelle Obama is a covert trans that’s different than the overt transgender movement these satanist they want everybody to castrate themselves they hate man… nothing in black lives matter includes the father.. it’s all about trans rights. It is mind control people and it’s not even American.. these are foreigners these these are outsiders globalists they want to destroy our borders so we get overtaken by any country they want boatloads of 3rd world countries to come in here or else they tell us we’re racist..??
Puhleez… do not be on their team because you guys are the 1st to go… switch to day the black conservative movement is enormous and these are successful blacks that make a lot of money using their own minds and their own businesses and their own thoughts.
This is not good her racism…or zir racism..sorry..but the progressives have always done this ..the nazis were just copying democrats.. in the 1930s they were just copying democrats. How democrats treated the black the 30s.. the nazis were targeting other races..they were just copying what American democrats were doing.
It was the democrats who did all the lynching it was the democrats who had slaves it was the democrats who did this and how can black people forgive them and join their party and think that it’s different now? What! No it’s not different now’s the same thing they’re using you to get money from the government so they can get rich because they get money too when they give out welfare do you understand?
Even the blacks in Congress the Democrat blacks in Congress they are compromised I mean Sheila Jackson wears diamond studded International symbol for pedophile boy love? OK you have to pay a price if you’re a black Democrat in power.

Elijah Cummings was huge up to his neck in human trafficking and he decided to fake his death instead of the face the public with all his crimes..

Believe you me politics is full of intrigue.. and if you are living in the Democrat bubble.. all you see is hate and it eats at you. Every magazine in the grocery store every TV channel and a lot of Internet stuff is bought up by these globalists. You have to turn cable TV off stop paying for it it’s rotting your brain every show you watch has subliminal programming so you become Totally alone single mother.

The TV lies transgender .. not everyone’s doing it it’s not trendy just because the TV says everyone to do is doing it doesn’t mean people are doing it you understand its mind control.

If you are a black Republican that is a cut above all the rest it is the future for your children and grandchildren it is about not being a victim being proud of who you are working hard at being free getting hired based on skill rather than a skin color.

Credit is the absolute devil and giving people things for free it breaks down people so they don’t have an incentive to work. It puts you in ghettos where there’s absolute poverty and you get used to it. It puts you in ghettos where there’s absolute poverty and you get used to it Meanwhile your children’s futures are screwed if they make it alive.
Notice how everybody is doing it’s all the democrats are doing it it’s like they’re thing this is because they got you as mind control slaves look at kamala she comes from a Jamaican slave trader family.. also she’s not American she’s an anchor baby none of these people are who they say they are.
The globalists want extermination they’ve always lie to us about where we live who we are where we come from even American history nobody knows about because they’ve hidden it from us.

They send little girls like greta thunberg to scare us all and tell us that we should eat bugs and that that’s what they think of you is that you should eat bugs to save the planet and that you should drink bug milk.

And if you don’t drink your bug milk these are the same people who call you racists.

All your school teachers and all your scientists will tell you to eat bugs and you will probably eat it don’t side with these lunatics they even want to take your children from you and sexualize them and turn them over to pedophiles. It’s the democrats are the black markets they are the satanic party. The left are so wicked so evil notice how all the movies for kids are bad minions demonic maleficent and when you watched the movies there’s cannibalism in it there is lesbianism.
Without the family without your children there is no society we just become animals and not only that but they burned down our magnificent buildings and low of our churches this is what the laughed do they’ve always done this you shouldn’t even forgive them for what they did to blacks in the 1930s.

They want you dead and that’s why they have to kill white people. Is it’s the white people that protect the blacks.. Was the wicked media who told the blacks to vote for people like Obama. The white people who freed the slaves. Obama don’t even know who he is he doesn’t even know who his family is.

They want you to eat bugs. You know dam well that every ruler that’s ever lived has manipulated the people using the weather since the beginning of time thunder lightning et cetera.
Just want their excuse to kill you and I want their global tax and they want their one world government and they want to control it and they want to model it on China that’s the truth.

These globalists most of them we don’t even know their true sex and you want to trust them with your family and God and all this devil stuff they’ve been putting on the TV for years and mind control movies and faking space travel lying to you about dinosaurs … And that you all come from monkeys all humans come from monkeys these people are those people.
The father of my 3 kids sent me a picture that’s his cannabis machine.. in Tennessee he makes large scale industrial oil using alcohol no chemicals no butane completely Pure and when you go into the supermarket and you get a tiny bottle of pills with CBD oil in them that’s like a $100 OK. And even those are cut half half with another oil.

The cannabis and hemp industry is growing and everybody should look into it. Be A business man send your kids to a good college not run by these perverts that they had all bought up.

If you dont believe me.. just watch Democrat black congressmen..yell at Zuckerberg For not including LGBT plus people in their movement. You know what the plus means don’t you.

Look at what the democrats have done to their cities that they control over like Chicago or San Francisco or Detroit .

Believe you me everyone has insecurities about who they are and their race. It’s not right to bank on this fear. The tribes will always exist. It’s time to be proud of who we are. In America is the greatest country in the world for blacks just go outside this country and see how they live in others.

Just remember that the media is in on it the magazine’s the TV’s they’re all owned by the same people and they’re pushing this on you. They promote books and the bookstores and you almost think that the people they prop up ..are respected..good..loved and heroes ..but they’re not it’s just the media mind controlling you.

Nothing on Earth is sexier than a black conservative.
God-bless you God-bless the family and may you be saved.

Drag Queen story hours for kids…are all brought to you by the left.

Will Johnson is a black conservative and hes got his own show on info wars and I would really recommend him if you are looking to follow a black conservative. It show is called fire power and its on in the afternoons every day on
“ ” .
There are actually so many but I would start there because he Really gets into this. It’s got lots of proof and lots of facts. And such an alpha male!