Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Eric Trump Political cartoon

Eric Trump Political cartoon

..this is something that was said I think by Bill Barr about Obama a long time ago.. that the wheels of Justice grind slow but when they grind ..they grind fine …something like that ..and I wanted to draw him because he really is photogenic and I love drawing beautiful people.

Now when President Trump called Adam Schiff watermelon head.. he added it’s like an inside joke! The respectfully…

His speech on Hannity it really moved me almost to tears.. and I’m finally at the end he said that, karma is coming around. I could feel in his voice he was really angry that Hillary Clinton has done so much bad stuff and his father ..and never got punished for it…that made me feel very angry. I also felt guilty because I kind of gave up on Hillary’s thinking she was old news but no she’s finally back in the spotlight. Thank God. 😊 About time! Come on John Durham!

Who was the first person to comment..tonight on John Durham’s..aka the PUNISHER’s ..account on YouTube tonight!?? ME!

First Comment!
Listen..last thing he says. Eric Trump.
Working on it..she is not this pretty.


I drew this in 2016 and I design the u.s. Mexico border wall.. it is made out of rose quartz turrets. Gardens and water ⛲️ fountains and statues..and all sorts of fancy security posts.. build the wall! Great Wall of America.

Yes ..a food shortage in Canada that’s what I’ve been saying ..that’s what’s on the menu.. That’s What communists do..

Who told you first about the food shortage in Canada? In 2 weeks…it’s coming! Great White North backlash coming.
No oranges or bananas? I would not like that.
Health Ranger


Work ❀️ Market for online jobs….report.

I am a conservative political cartoonist always looking for work.. here’s the latest from my Adventures..

..limits my tips..

I am not allowed to get a 30$ tip? This is on Fiv…this is so unfair. I wrote 2700 words.

I have a tab that I look at every day ..about jobs that are needed…on another app..

This is from UPW. I see this all the time. I pay UPW 15 dollars a month.. trusting they will do best for me..and promote my gigs..and feature me maybe….etc..yet…these are only political cartoonist gigs who get any helpp?Why? WHAT MAKES THIS JOB SPECIAL? ITS NOT EVEN A VERIFIED BUYER! ..and..
..250 an hour..for something that takes 50 minutes? Very disappointing. I don’t scam people like that! That’s alot for a drawing gif. Cartoons … like its favoured just because what the first two words are in the gig title so unfair

I have a lot more to share…. .and I got another cartoon coming..I’m working really hard on my painter realism class lessons. Trying to put them in action. I have to work on blending. I enjoy this. I’m winging it!

Someone commented on one of my cartoons… and I can’t add them back ..but I really like what they’re doing.. and it makes me sad.. that I can’t add any more people πŸ˜” social media is so important and I am stunted so much by them ..big tech.I like alot more things than other Trump supporters, you know. I like to educate myself, too. SO bad! So Pissed! I used to have almost 10k followers before the grand purge. Now people unfollowing me cuz their feelings hurt I do not follow them back. I have to send them a ” Pm in a comment of on of their posts” I cannot even message anyone unless I follow them.! All these top dog nft buyers are following me, and I cannot get in touch with them. I cannot delete any of my followers. That follower with 100 followers himself, it may be a Politicians secret account! You can never know who you are deleting. I cannot do it. I didnt sign up for this, how do people with a million followers, follow me ? This LIMIT is not a daily’s for many months now, permanent. I try everyday and once a week I can add one person back. It works every once and a while. This is gangstalking. Part 100. When I was banned from commenting on Facebook I went and I wrote on purpose like 100 comments a day, only to see them disappear…as if I was trying to find the bug that would break the system…it confuses the A.I. when you fight back. And 5 times out of 10, my account was returned before the time was up.
..all they can do is destroy themselves! They only way, they can defeat EVIL, is to unleash themselves, on themselves, The Cosmic on them!
Art on Martin Liedtke channel

Remember, the bad guys have no real leadership. Plus they are only getting away with what they are doing because the good guys are letting them. The only way to get rid of the bad guys is by letting them destroy themselves. Good guys can’t destroy, they create. Bad guys only destroy. It is their talent! And the price to pay? They lose themselves for eternity, after winning for a FEW SECONDS. It is a spiral into hell, into hard dark gooey matter for millenias, until they can find someone to parasite on, just to recycle again another time

( They wish for death so bad and the fire cannot be quenched!) .

Back to the GAME. Now it is like a chessboard, the good is the white and the black is the evil. But it is on the same board. Regular people, cannot really play the game. Both sides do not want outsiders in their game, so the game is really rigged. I call upon a NEW PARTY. The REGULAR PEOPLE PARTY. And why not? Why cannot the regular people govern also? Why can’t regular people, play the game? Does the game never evolve? It is pretty archaic, antiquidated, People know about it.

American Regular people, have emergency powers too, you know. The most powerful ones. It would be wise to align with this, force out there. Now Communists always have their revolution, by pretending it is the People’s revolution. They control both sides! They FINALLY SHOW UP after leaving you, defenseless to evil…only to take the keys away from you, when you won. When you got the job done. Whichever side wins, they take the key away, both sides. Remember, they left you defenseless. And gave you false heroes and false villains, noone ever gets in trouble just a new identity. Just a news article showing you drawings of the autopsies. Not even real photos. Everything, all this mysterious prison suicides and fake courtoom stuff…is just theatre for your entertainment. Noone REALLY gets in trouble. They are both on the same team! They make EACH OTHER look good.

Regular Americans have emergency powers too. Imagine within ten minutes, all regular people share one thought? Not through 5g or graphene or wifi, but through mental energy, synchronicity, imagination and thought? There is an individual gene. The smallest minority, the individual! There is an emergency and a SUPERPOWER act we can call upon. And that is to rise above the game, and make it play for you, or knock the chess pieces off..and / or get on the board.

You know you are watching or playing it..because, YOU WILL NEVER BE FREE, under your nose to the game, you will not see yourself being robbed, decade after decade,,

What’s up with the business suit and tie? Why do both sides wear the same uniform?

We live in a stalled century. We are still..watching…the same movies since we were born..the same music stars..since we were teensagers. The same tv shows made into reruns…our REALITY is false under the game… ALL OF US have good and evil in us, because we watch it, all day long, in every area, every science..and both the light and the dark are both lucifers. It’s the same. Republicans are not god and Democrats are not the devil. The devil is not God upside down. Both teams are both lucifers. Do not get distracted, all your heroes have been Hollywood LIKE productions complete with cell phone authentic-looking movies. All the people you donated to, because you heard a sad story on the news, they were heists. The Regular person is not dumb. They are closer to God himself. They so good, they cannot even see evil. God is the remedy of all evil. And not the light god. Light is but a trinket not get confused. You do not worship the light, you worship who made it. And you give light meaning everyone gets free electricity, because.. that is what electricity is..God’s gift to us and it is free. But these lightworkers, as them call themselves..charge us for it, and it is diminishing in beauty. They make it darker. Both sides. In the end. It is a chess game. You are watching. They would never let someone like you play. You are an outsider. You, are a regular person.

Matt Quantum of Conscience – on youtube..taught me about stalled century. He is like reading Henry Miller. For me, the boring parts were the sex parts..the good stuff is the philosophy that pops out, very often. But you got to sit through the sex parts. To get to the good stuff. It is hidden by a gatekeeper, the truth. Like watching Jon have to sit through him on youtbe talking about being sad alot, in order to get to his brilliance which always shows up, much later in the video. Meaning, these are real people. Meaning, you have to put in the patience when watching his videos. It is so worth it. You have to hear everything he says in the whole video FIRST before you decide if it is a good video or not. Like Watching Martin Liedtke videos. You have to sit through 30 minutes of him talking to the live chats before he gets to the presentation. But it is so worth it. Watching him talk to the you. It grows on you. Because you know these are real people. Like UAP, you got to watch Hippy Dippy Balongie clips first, in order to get your pass, to hear the truth, about something, that brings up the question, WHAT IS REALITY?

At the end of Matt’s last video ..he showed my drawing… if you guys like wanna know, what is our reality and do bots write it now? You want to know this right? That is the title below. The stalled century one on the right, is part 2 of stalled century. He first started talking about it in a previous video. Its not that one, there is one before.

Thats my cartoon. Quantum of Consicence. You got to watch it, and stay til the end I promise you, your life will change. With true genius, you have to sit patient for every gift has a price. It is all about our reality we live inside. It is manufactured. Spider Web Fractal Reality Quantum of conSCIENCE.


Think of Something, that all regular people want, too..and that is to get Hillary Clinton for what she did to Trump, and to us ” Deplorables”…and how she spied illegally.. and the John Durham report. Invoke the Regular People’s Party Emergency Powers ACT and get it done.

If the doors between the two worlds open, because the Luciferians opened a portal.. maybe all the truths about Hillary Clinton’s suicide list will come forth? Ever think of that. ALOT of pissed off ghosts at her. And all the people the globalists drained of blood? They are coming back super pissed too! This is a blind spot of the Globalists. Most damned souls will come after THEM! EVEN MOMAR Khadaffi…in the spirit, Yeah, ever think of that Hillary? Imagine all the mothers, in hell who chose it, JUST TO FIND YOU. All of the mothers of the kids you have drunk from.

Fidel Castro may come back, in spirit, to torment Justin…Castro-being horrified, that his son dressed up like a Cowboy, a Indian, a Priest, in pink, a COWBOY, as an American Indian headdress, a Ss officer, imagine the look in Fidel’s eyes.. and may really be upset he wears girlie socks with ice creams on them.. and romps around with Macron like glitter bugs in expensive suits. ” You have become a whore like your mom!” he may chide his son, from the afterlife.. He may throw Justin against a wall, cracking a mirror, and say,

” SON! Be MAN! A REAL Bona Fide…like me, Communist leader…DOES NOT BOW TO HIGHER AUTHORITIES. WE ALONE are the leaders!!

Klaus is not your PAPA.. I AM!! You make a mockery of my legacy!” FIDEL may look Justin up and down and say, “SINCE WHEN HAVE COMMUNIST LEADERS…DRESSED LIKE THAT? In a BUSINESS SUIT??! ? You wear FATIGUES! Like a General! SON, like we are at war! Why don’t you wear my military cap? Make that your symbol. My cap?”

None of these globalists have prepared for this, have they?

All the communist war crimes from every century for all time, its not new folks, may join in the ghost war, against them. They just want to come back, to have their souls released..for all that was taken from them, made them so angry, they became damned…. or those who finally understood, how the devils pact, was not so honest. They are pissed, and want their chance back at eternal salvation… All the damned souls have a chance to come clean, by avenging what the communists have done, for all TIME. Even titans and giant souls. Open up that portal, and see who is waiting. Regular American People have never done a thing to Evil people. They know this. They know who…put them in that pit of fire. Nerve damaged for..ever…even in the grave. Even in the dust. Let the DAMNED, kill the DEVIL!

And who do the REGULAR PEOPLE want? Ask anyone. Tv Zombies do not count. Ask any REGULAR PERSON who follows politics..they all want PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP BACK. Ask them, See who they prefer? Listen to their voices. Hear them. Look at their actions, look at their goodness. Ask them to tell you. Have a conversation today with a REGULAR PERSON and you may find , you like their company far better.

The TV, is not how things are. Hollywood, is not how Americans are. The Music industry singers, are not who Americans are! Those who live downtown, not the best representation..

How much longer are we going to be taken advantage of? Everything is being stolen from us. For decades, centuries..we have been robbed..of jewels, given back reproductions in museums they charge us for.. All of our inherited structures, they, history, free energy, where we live, ..who we are.. all the domes towers pillars of Gold, all the mercury all the blimps, property, rights, zeppelins and art..all the statues,..our past Kings, and Real Heroes.. All the treasures and now the war is for our blood, minds…and souls!

Where O where Brother, is our Father? Where is our Shepherd? The chess pieces in the Game, are… not our parents. They envy us. They are like Very Jealous Mischievous Bastard Siblings. Attention Hogs! They want all the money. They want to be the good guys. All of the time, except when Klaus Scwabb tells them to be, on a particular subject…Not very nice. The game is rigged! It’s just no fun. Maybe for Fake Wrestling..No.. Who wants to play a real game?

Not the game of good and evil..back and forth decade after a sitcom over and over..but the force of.. THE REMEDY FOR ALL EVIL…game. For the win? Because those who watch the game, are part of it too, Watch the chess player win the game of chess by burning up the pieces. When he finds out reality is rigged.

The fear and intimidation, is..the script. And the good guys , LETTING THEM do this to us, “for our own good”…is the script, then SAVING US later, still the script. The holy war, is a script… the script creates reality..

Yes, the Good would allow the bad to be bad, to get a job done… but what would the regular person party do? You know the game of chess, needs to be redesigned to have three players. Four Corners of chess even. You see THE PIECES are not really enemies..Step up take a turn. Experts only, let them pass thru the crowds. When you lose, we take the King…and we do not give it back. We take the board… From then on, ALL CHESS GAMES ARE REAL. And not like watching a play where the both sides of actors all go to a bar after the show… The victory even sweeter, because its not been pre recorded or rehearsed. And so much to conquer. And you have the WORLD of REGULAR PEOPLE, as your army. As your BUILDERS. Free Will they are there for and they are true believers in you.

If we must have a back and forth game, then how about, WHO CAN DO GOOD BETTER BEST?

Good is what helps our country, citizens and humankind. Good is not the ” Evil Upside Down” type of good. No it is devoid of evil. You want reality more natural than nature? Then Turn people setting them free…let them into the game..accept them.. And give them the knowledge, they do not have. And give them Free Energy, and no more utility bills. Teach them how to warm their home with geothermal them how to run fresh spring water to their homes and give them recharged water fountains they can have a drink wifi and free electricity..Build their homes to harness electricity, show them how you do it, with some towers… Light up the obelisks at night to give the cities a light, that the stone radiates, so it is like daytime. Build Castles and Parthenons. Bring back the Giants. The race of Titans. Bring back real art..figure out exactly what happened to us and what the real timeline is..Give all nations BACK THEIR STOLEN JEWELS TREASURES AND GOLD. Bring all the real treasures back to the museums, and throw out the reproductions you have been worshipping.. Copies.

I mean without my will lose the entire game. Some traditions are worth keeping. Just change the rules and add the Regular Person Party. Let’s keep it going. Competition is healthy, if it is not rigged. No emperor on earth that was real, would engage in this game, come on! Most of your kings were just made up..27 Johns and 55 Queen Mary’s..It cannot last forever..the script you are playing in , is the biblical one. It is not organic, it is planned out for us to believe we are in it now..revelations..

Are not leaders sick of just playing “leaders”?, like an actor does, plays a part..but he knows he REALLY ISNT the KING… no..don’t you want to be a real one? Would you rather be a real leader, or a puppet one? The latter is no fun. Because YOU KNOW…what you are. It is no fun. No glory. Wouldn’t you want it, to be real?

If you set people free, all of them will turn good. All of them, will turn good. Yes you can have courts for disagreements, there should be maybe 10 laws we follow only..Free will is the law, unless you infringe on the free will of others.. that is…key. The Courts can be for that stuff. And protecting our rights, and ourselves from outside evil.. NO LAWYERS, JUST PEOPLE…Yes..the courts are for us. They can sit on the sidelines and watch, I mean you can hire them as consultants. But the courts are for the regular person. The courts, may get very busy..

Back the script of biblical proportion..You are in it whether you like it or not. You are the bad guy, IN IT. You are IN IT. The script. You are there to make good look good.. but why hiss when they beat you? That is the script.. And yes, it is powerful, but..if it isn’t organic, it is..not real. It is not really a holy war. it is like a tv show. And the actors after the movie go out for drinks together. They are not really enemies, in the movie you just watched, and the actors, they look, too familiar..don’t they?

… How about we make it real?

I mean, defections can happen everywhere, even in reality. You said you were gonna do some bad in order to do some good, well, show us your good. Let the regular person party, into the game. For they can do, what you only wish, you could, but can’ step closer to saving your soul…you can ask for it back, but you got to ask God for it back…and he will tell you..let the regular person party in…first.

There is a stalemate, you see. The century is stalled. Stalled century. When I was born I was watching the Queen of England, and every day , even today, I see the Queen of England in the internet today. These things, are not natural. This is a serious glitch. It is a bug that needs to be removed from the computer virus. How can you be born watching star wars and today, watching star wars or seeing in your feed, somewhere? Today. It is called a stalled century. Nothing changes..we were seeing Disney movies as babies and now seeing Disney Movie stuff everywhere today. Something has glitched. Reality is stalled. We do not want to see 60 year old rock stars twerking.. the same ladies we liked as pre teens ourselves, and then as we die ..our last final breath…we hear that their new song comes out..and we stay alive JUST TO SEE WHAT HER NEW LOOK cannot go on like this anymore people. You should welcome the change.

When I was born watching zombie movies, I will die watching zombie movies..really? Stalled Stunted Century.

Leave the people alone..and they will fix reality. Have them lead. Treat them WITH RESPECT. You will be immortal in memories of man ever of the greatest leader. The Father, of all Christians.

So when I was born Nancy Pelosi was in politics, and when I die she will still be there in politics? Cannot you see with your own eyes that reality is manufactured, by the same actors? The Heroes have even come back through bloodlines and spirit. For ever. The same light and dark actors. Out of darkness comes light.. but the light is..not god.

No- we need real people, like President Donald Trump, as outsider of anybody is, you know it, when he looks in the camera, he is looking right at you.


the disabled lady run over by a horse in Canada my analysis Yes.. but please.. I’m watching it again and again.. and when she’s on the floor you can’t see her face ..and then the cops around her ..surround her.. it could be a setup photo opportunity.. kind of like the Buffalo police in front of Buffalo city hall …and you see an old man trying to reach for the police’s taser on his jacket. then the camera pans away.. and then it pants back ..and he’s on the floor and there’s blood coming out of his ear.. I never really bought that story.. but this could be one of those things.. trying to take the attention away or to raise some money to heist..or something.. it could be.. I’m just saying.. it kind of feels like Ashley Babbitt theater kind of thing… remember the victim actors make off with millions of dollars and all of your emotions..

So in this video the camera pans away.. when the horse rides over her.. and then pans back.. you see someone who looks like her.. but you can’t see her face ..with the same jacket could be a dummy .. remember they can make Hollywood Productions out of cell phone and some actors like it’s authentic ..I mean.. you know what I’m saying.. you got a really look close..

.. so it could be real though ..I’m not saying that just you know ..these things have happened before.. and the victim actors and mom promoting the story profit.. they are the false Heroes and martyrs of the story and they have the narrative and then the family will come up and say something to attack us later on the news ..

These crisis actors makes out with millions of dollars or “the family ..”in donations

Yes.. the disabled lady run over by a horse in Canada my analysis.. this could be the controller’s again creating reality and being the stars of every show.. they are attention Hogs.. someone should check if that woman looks like another woman who recently died a mysterious death or something or maybe she’s still alive I mean she’s so or maybe she’s still alive.. I’m not saying this isn’t authentic but I did not get ID proof that it was her that got run over. I did not see the horses run over her it kind of walked close to her.

.. just think about the police running into a crowd of people..with horses. This is extremely dangerous to them because the horses can get scared by a loud noise or by screams.

I have a feeling I may be wrong though but I’ve called the stuff out before.. we are watching a play the put on for us I’m not talking about the stuff that’s really happening I’m talking about anything on TV or on the mainstream news.. they always want to get in there and make off with a bunch of donation money for naive Americans who have hearts.

We don’t want another Kenosha we don’t want another Ashley Babbitt.. these things will never be solved because there’s nothing to solve it’s just theater. ..crisis actors…the very best filmmakers like John sullivan.. what the worst ones are the ones we believe are on our side.. they become world famous Heroes and in exchange all they have to do is go on TV and attack us later

You need a crisis actor event whichever side.. to try to Halt the whole thing… and take all the attention away from the protest ..and remember even our side believes in false flags.. that promote our cause.. and none of us get that money. None of us get to meet the president. None of us become a conservative celebrity overnight. Only they can be the heroes of any one of our movements…. it’s the attention hogs again they’ve never stopped doing it they just maybe switch sides every now and then .

I was expecting this this definitely wasn’t the event though but because this happens things are going to be changing you watch and it all benefits the players. The good guys and the bad guys do not like outsiders they will never make a normal person the hero . of the freedom convoy..

..and I looked at the other version and if it was a real event that would be multiple far.. only a few people caught it so far.. and so far I have not been able to verify that that’s the same lady that got run over.. and I never really saw the running over part.. you know I’d have to look at the face to know for sure and I’d have to see it happening.. because all of this is smoke and mirrors sometimes know like they’ll show you an empty Club room and tell you look at the massacre.. and you’ll believe it even though you’re looking at an empty Club? On the news. It’s like hypnosis!

But I was not there ..and I can’t find any footage that doesnt pan away…. it could have happened. .. I mean I never heard of stuntman going under horses ..This is very hard for me to trust what’s on my emotions these days.. I have to really check to see if things are real

.. it would not be the first time the Canadian Otrawa Globalist police did a photo op like when they marched in like Stormtroopers that was a photo op to scare the people of Canada when most real person police have resigned.. these events are done to steal the attention away in make the event something totally different..

..after January 6th my life has changed and I look at these events a little differently and believe it ..or not ..I know a little bit more about this event than most conservatives I know I know you guys were set up ..we were set up ..and even especially the event that happened.. is pretty much all crisis actor stuff.. even if it benefits our side us a false joan of arc..why believe a lie? When in the end it’ll come back to bite us and they’ll have made off with 10 million dollars..for the bad guys. πŸ‘Ž and you’ll never ever get closure on any of these stories nothing because they just are not real so how can you get closure on something if it’s not real if everybody is an actor or if the courtroom is just green screen… you will never ever find out what really happened won’t find bodies in the morgue… but they’ll definitely be another one and another one and another one to take you to the Future and not reflect upon your past.