Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Tucker Carlson Aoc Sandy Cortez Alexandria Ocasio Political Cartoon

Tucker Carlson Aoc Sandy Cortez Alexandria Ocasio Political Cartoon

Tucker Carlson Aoc Sandy Cortez Alexandria Ocasio Political Cartoon post thumbnail image
Tucker Carlson political cartoon
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez politicalcartoon.. Hydra hair
My tablet.
This was probably the best Tucker Carlson episode.. I have ever seen in my life ..I laughed so hard.. I couldn’t believe it you know what he is getting better and better and better. There is only a clip here but you have to see the real thing
Lindsey Graham editorial cartoon

My daily Facebook media..gang stalking update..

I got this weird message saying my post was covered..yes… I got this weird message saying my picture will be covered.. because it’s graphic content.. and I looked at the date.. and it’s like two years ago ..
….December 9 2020..

Can I see the picture? Did I press a mistake when I hit continue? I saw πŸ‘€NO PICTURE

..why would that come up now? I mean isn’t there a time limit for this sort of thing ?’s just very annoying ..and it doesn’t seem relative.. to anything now..
it’s very strange.. so I clicked continue.

I mean I need to see what the picture is first and I could not see.

Such emptiness on their notices.. and such a waste of time do they really need three pages…that I have to go through?

Why would I agree with any of their decision? Everyday all of this hurts my credit rating on there so much …they would have you believe that I’m some sort of shock jock freak who has no idea how to entertain others…no tact. No brains. I and someone who does not understand the news and all I do is post things that are wrong like that’s what I’m attracted to online is just the wrong kind of information …or something that’s all silly. like I’m just attracted to lies. but that is not me ..they’re just creating something.. it’s not me…and no trial. It’s bait and switch. When I signed up in 2005 ish…is… never agreed to fact checkers. And I don’t do business with third parties so my original contract is what I agreed to. Under duress I’ll press anything to get back in my account if I have to agree to new terms of service just to get back to my account ..but my account is already established.. and I can’t be locked out. so that’s just under duress that I agreed to the little boxes. .. I never ever ever agree to fact Checkers and they are not my friends’s private my posts… and they are not allowed to read my friends only account.. that is a huge security problem!!!

.. this is a picture I posted two years ago .. when I disagreed with this decision…..but first… I need to see what it was first ….so I went back and.. the whole thing disappeared.. so there you go.. I am not crazy.. I get harassed every single day by social media.. in these subtle ways and it makes no sense. Its not supposed to. Its harassment and it puts me in such a sour mood. I couldn’t find any of it in my notifications …but I see a mark on my credit on Facebook or meta… why would anybody want to be on here like really.. if this is just old people and family members… but I can’t forget …that this is my account ..and my investment.. my part of the business.. and I’ve been vested in..years decades.. so it’s just as much mine.. as it is a fact checkers..

So they are striking me for a picture that’s been up for two years ..friends only.. I can’t even see what it is ..why didn’t they strike Me 2 years ago?..And what sort of community standard did I break? You need agreement…this goes back in time years and years and censors.. it’s just very unlikely. and easiest answer that is that they are just harassing me ..trying to break me ..but they’ll never break me and I opt out ..I’m telling you I’m opting out.. I don’t want to be in this experiment .. they promised me something when I signed up that this was a place for friends ..and I took the dive and I gave a lot of my information to them.. and it’s just as much as my Facebook it is theirs. And if Facebook sold the business to someone else.. well that’s a third party.. and I don’t do business with third parties… my agreement is with the original Facebook I signed up with around 2005 or something ..and they should have never sold my information.. I never gave them permission for that. You can’t change the rules after everybody’s invested and they have to agree to get back into their account.. that is under duress might as well sell people food and somewhere in the fine print say that u have to pay them $100 a day forever . and people if they are hungry they will click on anything to get the food.. it is under duress and it doesn’t count in law. Duress. That would be like buying a condominium and then one day the condo people who cut the lawn and stuff have new rules that all the women have to sleep with every man and if you don’t like it you can’t get back into your condo I mean really in order to get back into your condo you have to click on the dot to get entered in and these are new owners that’s what it’s like it’s under duress and it’s not right .. they did me wrong. The only agreement that stands with me is the original one I had when I first signed up. And show me exactly where my signature is? You need my signature don’t you?

Facebook fact-checkers is a revolution of involuntary celibates! If they can’t have the women they want then…they fact check them. Like if you were fifteen years old and the guy that likes you you do not like back so he reports you …That’s how they get attention. The losers are handed the keys. And they screw it up. πŸ™„ Imagine getting a job… where you got to bother people all day? It is like telemarketing and everyone hangs up on you. Stalkers who got access to your private conversations that are unwanted. No one has ever paid them attention in their entire lives and they are getting their first taste of power over others and they go ahead and ruin all relationships. If you ever make a loser a manager in your business they will create so much chaos. Give an incel just a little bit of power and he will turn red everyday from frustration. I think the job of the fact-checkers is to destroy Facebook actually I think that’s their job. I mean any business on Earth would know not to do such a stupid thing. How to kill your business? You get fact-checkers. Maybe this is a white hat production I don’t know. But just remember the white hats and black hats are on the same team. Like the black and white tiles you see everywhere. πŸ‘€

I cannot wait when truth social is up ..I signed up early a long time ago but I didn’t get any email yet and I check πŸ™ƒ every day.


Marjorie Taylor Greene congresswoman on Alex Jones look at her outfit isn’t her choice of shirt..fine?? πŸ‘„

I want that shirtπŸ‘•

mtg on infowars
She’s a beauty 😍 she would be a leader of our ” regular person party.” And I’m not saying regular persons are bad. Just means average Americans and not in secret societies.. both the light side and the dark side.. she is not one of them. She is not a false Savior and she is not an actor villain. Globalists are not scared of each other ..good and bad..they are scared of the people… She is the voice of the American people and that’s what I mean when I say regular person’s party because in the game of chess.. if white and dark.. black evil and good white… fight each other.. while they’re on the same’s rigged… so we need new players.

The regular person’s party needs to have a go at the beat it for good… and this time around.. the bad guys.. really will get punished ..and not just given a new identity or resignation ..they will really get punished… and we can find the best and the smartest of us like Mtg.

President Trump is our president of course. Equal Justice .. there will be no Operation Paperclip this time around βš–οΈ… for the globalists……just cold hard Dark Matter ..inside of a rock for eternity.. it will be centuries and centuries.. of centuries.. before globalists.. can find another host to parasite on…. that’s a lot of time to think about your good people. And reflect on how good Americans have never ever ever done anything bad to you..

Mtg is our Marianne. She’s a Real Person. She will start the American Revival.. Watch. She will carry the wreath of her hand. I see this. I mean I’m pretty intuitive. I have been right befobefore..

We are like children in this great American Revival. We have a lifetime ahead of us. We all get a chance to be reborn. We suffered…with the Democrats wanna be Commies.. ..and we were good throughout it all. ..we were angels. Justiceβš–οΈ is here..and she’s taken off her blindfold!!