Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized One hour realism Art Class.

One hour realism Art Class.

One hour realism Art Class. post thumbnail image

It’s just one hour of work so relax..! I know it’s not perfect. But I did what you call a lesson.. and I did it in a way.. I am not used to doing I had no control of what it would look like ..I was just taking the course honestly.. I am like a baby in realism so over the next few lessons you will see me getting better and better this is more like a “before picture”.

..the tablet was on my knees.. so I was looking at the drawing from an angle . so that’s why when I straightened it out.. the face is actually a lot shorter than I drew it I keep forgetting that when you’re drawing with a drawing tablet’s supposed to be right in front of your face ..straight..but my tablet is almost broke.. and I have to hold it in my lap ..and one of the cords is frayed.. so I have to hold it in place.. that’s like the least of my complaints. I just got to tape it up.. I guess I just have to have tape. .. and tape it up it’s just you know of those things.
The reason I took this screenshot.. is he was talking about the half circle that’s in between the brow ..and the top lip.. do you see that half circle ?..and I forget what he called it. But I took the screenshot.. kind of like notes ..because I really want to remember this.. I think it’s really important when you’re doing profiles think of a circle being there I never thought of it like that. So I took the screenshot so I remember it.. and now that I’m talking about it.. I hope I remember it more ..that when I do a profile I’m supposed to look at that line ..that is beautiful .. A Perfect Circle for the ideal face.. the average face .. some circles might be bigger and other circles might be smaller for that area ..that’s definitely an aha moment of this class. And he also did the temple Circle
…which I kind of do in the Reilly method.. but not like he does. totally different.. like it’s tape turn to its side.. like it’s a ball of tape turned on its side the temple Circle

..but yeah I drew that model of his..with pencil in under an hour.. I know it could have been better ..if I spent more time on it ..but I’m trying to draw with realism’s all about the shading ..which I’m really not good.. at shading.. you can look at any one of my poltoons.. and I’m not good at it.. I mean ..I can do it.. maybe like anime style ..but I can’t do realism.. so that’s why I have joined this art course ..this is lesson 3. I had every distraction.. Under the Sun trying to distract me and I can barely hear his voice.. as I was watching the video on my phone.. and drawing on my tablet.. I had a dog come up and try to rip my sleeves. I had every other stereo noise ..everybody else’s phones.. and music going on .. I had to really put myself in the zone.

I hope he doesn’t see that I cheated I used a grayscale version of the photo.. I was to reference.. but actually I think I was just trying to copy his drawing.. as best I could.. because that way.. I could follow his technique ..and try to find the tools in my digital art program.. that will mimic ..which I think is the hardest part about the lessons…

… it’s not just blur tool … you need a diffuser or a blender.. and the settings have to be just right ..and the pencil has to work with it all of these other blending brushes..on Corel Painter 2022 it’s just something I got to master ..before I take a traditional art course. They even have the paper blender stump…as a brush. I also used the kneaded Eraser settings..

..honestly it feels like everything I’ve ever done digitally I’ve just Winged It.. even when I was in ballet class I just Winged It where as other dancers would have these thoughts in their head and they would have names for all the steps ..1 2 3..and jetes and tourniers..not me..I just winged it .. I never knew what I was going to do and when the time came I just did it usually I copied other dancers ..I never thought about anything and I don’t know if that’s bad or wrong but I can enjoy myself if I don’t wing it.. that’s the same thing with our I just wing it like I never have any idea how I’m going to do a cartoon its just oh what’s this oh what’s this oh what’s this what’s this… it’s so nice to be trained in the traditional Arts.. digitally …because it’s just the old way ..and the old way is far superior but digital …I mean it’s just like cheating… I don’t have time to go to an art store ..and buy supplies and if you make a mistake’s hard to erase.. if it’s real.. and there’s so much you can do like distort things to make the same drawing different people…for example πŸ’― with digital. But there’s something I envy watching someone draw traditionally art…and see their paintings that are like wall to wall paintings.. I mean I envy that..

. .. I had to learn how to use the blenders in Corel Painter .. and I also filled out a survey in order to get some free brushes so hopefully I win something …

I mean no matter what I did before..trying to blend wouldn’t work.. and I just got a really dark shadow ..learning pencil blenders hard..and then I just finally figured it out ..but whatever I figured out just for pencil.. and I not sure I saved my settings I hope I remember..

.. but it’s easier when you blend paint.. and I’m going to be working with paint more. But he got me he really got me.. he got me starting with ✏️ pencil… it’s just not something I’m used to… it’s the hardest thing in the world for me.. but I’m so interested in it now. because I think the reason why ..I don’t like it because I’m just not that good at it.. it’s like my secret weakness but have mercy upon me and let me have

I’m like.. a wanna be.. digital oil…painter….but nakedly I am a..

” Pen and ink” person. That was scratchy little lines.. yes Nails on a chalkboard really is ..but not when the wet and soaked with black Midnight Oil .

Yes….traditional pen ink crosshatching ❀️ I know ..I could do those forever ..and I used to do them on paper traditionally.. with a pen and ink and quills and all that ..and I’ve had beautiful Collections ..and rare inks.. and I stop doing that a long time ago ..because now everything’s digital…

I used to sell these large pen and ink drawings for $100 each ..for about 7 years I helped someone illustrate a volume of books.. it was a complicated 7-year job ..and I wasn’t always working.. and some weeks I was doing two or three drawings a week. I really liked working at home also by the fireplace on the floor with my pen and ink set.. and if you make one mistake ink goes everywhere.. it explodes.. splatters everywhere.. like wine stains. I’ve never been a pencil person I really appreciate it now …it’s my biggest challenge I am trying to do realism ..and traditional art ..

..because for a long time I was exploring manga-style cartooning .. and my favorite cartoonist is Charles Addams .. so really..cartoons.. but lately I’ve been bored with that.. and I want to get better so I decided to take his course .. I really like how the Masters painted… I don’t know if I could ever do a political cartoon.. just like the Masters ..painted especially with my time limit ..I can only afford an hour on all of my cartoons.. but if I had more time like 4 hours a day maybe I could probably do a masterpiece everyday.. I would need total silence and an assistant to do all the worrying about life for me.. I would need to be totally taken care of and loved and appreciated and strictly on a fruit diet or something I really really get to those Heights of Art.. know what I mean there is nothing so Exquisite as a project that comes out and flows out and it’s just the way you want it to look and it impresses you and you know as soon as you started it.. it’s going to be that kind of work..

not a dream one should take up art and I mean everyone and there’s so much not to worry about believe me the best artist in the world if they spent the same time you did on a drawing it would look just as bad the secret of art is just practice practice practice and the more time you spend on it the better it’ll be and then one day you’ll spend very little time and it’ll turn out perfect it’s just one of those things like magic

. Digital art with pencil and shading is hard to learn for me.. I just have to take one step at a time…I’m talking about the brushes and the shading and stuff

Cartooning big eyes..boring wash background..with gradient color variabilty… so boring but that’s what the top cartoonists draw with only one style …but I kind of get bored with that’s too popular..

..and then I was focused on caricatures..and I got a good way to draw caricatures now.. but I’m still exploring and I have to admit I’m a little bored with the reilley method caricatures…and I want to learn another style of drawing faces.. but it’s really a little complicated .. and I always carry with me wherever I go the things I most need ..and this is tucked away in a suitcase.. this special technique.. and I and putting it off because I would have to go through my suitcase is just to look for this one book… but I can just wing it for now.. it’s really not realism ..and you can draw all the cartoons you want.. but if you do not know realism will not draw realistic anime ..either. Realism is..

that important. And Noone is a better realist than this teacher.

I RECOMMEND HIS COURSE. I actually don’t want it to end..7 more classes. I want to keep paying forward for them we’ll see! I just really really need to force myself to do these as fast I can.. because I think I’m always waiting for the best time ..and when that time comes …I’m like oh my God ..I have private time .. and I pass out in bed snoring …but…I just wanna meditate or relax or recharge cuz I’m so much tired from life. But this is my break in life that’s how I have to look at it as..

.. you know I’m really tired of this life thing.

..this class just makes everything worth it ..I look so forward to doing it ..I thought about doing it every single day ..but I just couldn’t find the right moment and as soon as I had my own time I fell asleep.. I mean just rest. I need. I work so hard everyday. But if it’s not done right you’re just wasting your time kind of..

Here’s something I art course on Valentines day.. and I actually finished this with every distraction in the world all around me and I was just in total Bliss except when the dog tried to knock out my cords for my laptop I got really upset. The dog kept biting me and biting my hand and I didn’t know what it wanted and I couldn’t believe it it was biting me for like an hour just trying to play it’s a puppy.

… everyone’s art teacher is the most important person in their life.. and there’s a reason.. I’m not good at shading .. though I went to art school ..I hated values class.. I hated it ..I thought I can’t believe I got to do weeks and weeks and weeks of just Shades of Grey.. I was complaining.. and I hate pencil shading.. because it’s like nails on chalkboard ..when you take that pointed stub..

and you try to blend it …it’s like my teeth get really weird sensitive nails on chalkboard..or if you take that special hard fabric.. to blend your pencil.. it’s like nails on a chalkboard… I always thought ..

..but now that I’m doing art digitally.. I can learn traditional art!.. but it’s like I have to learn the stuff for the first time and appreciate it and change my attitude..


Update on my victories and losses with my social media gang stalking

So I started a new YouTube account..a secret one hehe..and I got a strike right away. ..but the thing is I don’t have a video up there yet so I clicked review content and nothing came up.

so you see I am being gangstalked by big tech.. and I have been for a very long time it’s just I’m going to start recording every day the s*** I get..

you see? No hours.. no minutes video and one subscriber?

and I got a community strike so you see I’m not crazy correct?

No video. No time watched. Zero hours minutes..watched..Yes.. do you see?

I felt better that everybody else was going through these issues but I think someone needs to start recording this for the world to see the fun and games we are put through. It is like playing games time or something I mean a normal person would crack under this pressure but it just makes me more excited… social media is experimenting on people to see how far they will conform.. it’s a science experiment just like this whole coronavirus thing.. is an experiment ..a
Drill..this social media is a psychological experiment.

. you can see Crystal clearly ..I got a strike for not doing anything can see that right?

Well all my other YouTube accounts.. have had strikes one strike ..was for a David Hogg caricature…I did like a speed video.. of drawing David Hogg.. and he was like the world tarot card lady with a sash…and he had two guns in his hand. That was the first strike on YouTube I ever got ..

..and the other ones were just as silly strike for drawing George Soros as the pig.. with baby pig being David Hogg ..get it?

So you the guy who decides to electroshock somebody.. just because someone in a lab coat tells you to do so? Yes.. because this is going to be recorded’s a milgram experiment…on you too..buddy.. This is a science experiment ..on you..not me…

.. will you crack under pressure?


But GOOD NEWS.. I do have one victory!

after seven years of perfect scores.. perfect time everything ..after 7 years since 2015…conservative political cartoonist gig… I am finally at level 1.. because I’ve been recently..blogging about my issue.. of being way at the bottom of the list for that long … watching while those who do anti-trump cartoonists get hired to do Pro Trump political cartoons ..I had to watch that for that long there you go can win these fun and games.. when you start talking about it… what’s going on with you … that means you have intelligence!

I just want to say fiver …I am so honored and I will try to make you a lot more money ..and thank you for trusting me after all this time ..what does not kill you makes you stronger and I never gave up.

🐦 I was on my thirteenth out of 15th strike on Twitter ….3 years ago…so I decided to make a YouTube video about how much Twitter censors me.. and after that video they stopped permanently ..that was like 3 years ago.. I think I passed some sort of test..
..experiment…maybe..but I don’t give anybody to permission to put me in any experiment.. I opted out.. I don’t want to’s not what I agreed to…and maybe the experiment is on social media to see how far the rules..they will break?

πŸ– If you want to talk about unspoken terms of service.. well ..what about the human beings’.. unspoken terms of service… that you happen to click on ..when I joined your app?.. you didn’t read the red lines did you?..we are the slipperiest…we gravitate towards …loopholes…like water we Americans!

I hope you appreciate my dark humor ..


I understood tonight .what I was doing wrong with my nfts ..and I asked for the vision.. and I got it.. I got like two or three Amazing Ideas .. never before thought of previously .. not ideas..but..answers that have not even showed up in my mind not even once before..

Yes …first of all ..I’ve been minting them ..with polygon. thinking that they pay the gas fee ..but that it’s minted in ethereum..which is not true it’s not minted in ethereum.. it’s like in a “Wrapped Eth..”. and it’s not really ethereum’s polygon wrapped eth. ..its..not the real real thing. πŸ’―

..trying to go that route ..instead of actually paying a gas fee.. it’s just marketing get a new thing going …nothing is for free baby…you’d best be off paying the gas fee but you got to pay attention to this part..

..and then I thought the gas fees were like $270 for being allowed to sell your Nft.. because you can create all then create real NFTS…all you want…

… but they are not real ..and you can’t sell them ..unless they are minted on the Block chain.. so it’s not really an etherium backed anything..without that fee… it’s just like uploading pictures… it to Instagram….or Flickr. It says you created in a Nft.. but it’s not listed for sale ..and it’s just like uploading a picture somewhere.’s not an Nft..yet.

..and if you’ve uploaded something and asked polygon to Mint it . can’t ever change that item.. back to etherium.’s stuck on polygon..and vice versa. ..did you know??

.. I thought the gas fee was $270 up or down but I was so very wrong a Magic Trick..because no matter what time of the day.. I look at..that is.. it’s that price ..BUT!

..but if you actually click on the little settings icon….you have a fast slow medium speed setting.. of uploading speed.. and if you pick the slow one it’s like $40 some times of the day…the gas fee..that cheap!! One time!

So when I first started uploading them.. I just created them . I wasn’t selling them..didn’t know that.. but I’m glad I did it.. because I selected ETHERIUM … but it’s not really MINTED..unless it’s purchased..or buyer pays mint fee… so you have to pay a one-time gas fee.. or you have to ask the buyer to pay that fee for you… but until then ..your drawing is just a drawing that’s not an NFT.. it’s just like a drawing know what I’m saying?..

..and if you are unknown or new on the scene it’s going to be very hard to get people to buy it and pay for your gas fees.. especially if it’s linked to something else or they got to do some work.. you would be best offering the real deal..

Or …It’s like the lottery you got to just hope you get a very generous πŸ‹ whale..they call them. But instead of waiting for the can do it yourself.. and it’s a one time fee.. and I can’t believe I missed ..all of these three important points …and I’ve been posting these ..not knowing what I’m doing wrong… the gas fee this is important cuz .. it’s a one-time gas fee.. that’s the thing..a lot of these people think.. that they have to pay the gas fee on every single drawing.. including me ..I used to once thought that too. On open sea. Maybe on rarible you pay twice..( the second reduced..)but..its about WHO IS ON THOSE SITES too..very popular w the big boys.Boys..

I used to think that you had to pay for gas everything you uploaded.. but that is not true you do not have to pay the gas before everything single thing you upload an nft. You ONLY pay the gas fee so the wallet …can be linked to your NFT Marketplace like Open Sea. I mean you want to get paid don’t you?

Pay only one gas fee on Opensea..least 40$ at 4 am maybe..the prices go up and fast.. when I found out that the gas fee was that low.. I rushed over ..and I didn’t know how to transfer money to my wallet from another wallet. This took time and I had to remember my passwords and it took some time… it’s hard to explain..but if you know what I mean..takes time.

And by the time I got to paying the gas fee.. that I had come back to that page.. it had shot up from 40$ to $100 and that was on the slowest speed …so you got to be up like at 5 or 4 in the morning to get those prices. So I went back and transferred some more money and then my ethereum on my wallet..went lower… I’m not kidding. some days it’s like $10 short and then the next minute it’ll be $20 higher ..and it goes up and down like a roller coaster ..your statement … but the longer you keep the money in it goes higher and higher and higher ..

Yeah. I think if you buy the gas fee for the gas fee at the cheapest price’s got to be like 4 in the morning and the closer to 6 am.. forget about it..

On opensea.. it’s just one time gas fee link your wallet to open sea…so this will save you months of mistakes.. if you just read those three points.

I mean you could have heard this stuff early on but ignored it thinking that whatever I’ll just wing it but you always come back to I wish I would have done that like people said


” Politics is always about the future not the past”..that’s a quote from Roger Stone