Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Donald Trump, and the Globalists

Donald Trump, and the Globalists

Donald Trump,  and the Globalists post thumbnail image

High Class means the very best of everything. The best a man has. The best suits, the best clothes, the best  education, the best personalities, the best in literature, skill, food, talent, ideas, etc. It is what we should strive to  be. This is who Donald TRUMP is.

Low class means bad, despicable, hated, disgusting, rude, mentally ill, diseased, hated, jealous, weak, bought easily,  no morals, no class meaning you do not know how to act. Welfare loving. You cannot be polite. Ignorant, and afraid  of others. Bullies, Pain, Abuse, Rape, murder, stuff we fear.  It is what we should AVOID being. THIS is what Hillary  Clinton is.

Islam is the end game of these globalists. Their 100 year psychopath crazy plan they are starting to implement.  Our  high level governments all been infiltrated and sold , for now, I feel. ALL our secret societies and governments, all,  have been peddled for some gold here and there, and slowly its been taken over. There is noone you can trust  anymore. There is no more brotherhood for you unless you worship Allah.

 Yet, its like a blind spot. Noone can see. Donald Trump, is giving the world its sight back. Crystal Clear they can see  this, when he speaks of it, and the world, does not want what the globalists are serving up.

Rotten , moldy, wild animals. Holes in all their shoes, swollen testicles. MONEY MONEY MONEY they chant. They want  YOUR MONEY. They been promised. They believe the world is inferior to them, when they have the least! They think  their god is angry at them for not being pure enough. SO they get even more pure. They are so angry. They been  taught its AMERICA’s fault, that they have SO LITTLE. They want what is theirs, they believe, they been taught. 

Finally,  they can get a woman! A real woman who can actually FEEL SEX! It doesn’t matter what age, their clerics, TEACH  THEM, these women belongs to them, for they are inferior. 

Wow. The Luciferians working so long to discredit the BIBLE, centuries!

There are good secret societies out there battling. They are counter paying the internet trolls for example, and there  are wars and battles. The good secret societies will pay good trolls to counter the bad ones. Does this make sense?

So there are TROLL battles online too. Its amazing to watch. Paid troll battles. Good sides and bad.  The good sides,  you can tell, the profile photos and names, are usually of something nice and honorable. 

Let me be your guide!

( Please understand MY GERMAN HUMOR! )

 Its just the American People and Donald Trump, left, to save this world. I mean it. Americans want to see Hillary  Clinton Judged. I think we would force this issue. If I were her, I would call a conference, without my girlfriend  knowing, and then I would tell everyone live, on TV that I support Trump and why….and my crimes and please,  America, forgive me, if I tell you….( something big) and has to be genuine.

Our President is not a christian, and too afraid to admit it. I am not sure he even is, I feel his contract is with Lucifer. Who is  using the Islam crisis, to usher in Luciferianism. But Lucifer is a master liar and jokester. He honors no contract. He  uses you, and you do this willingly for him. Lucifer is the dark energy. And yes, there are people so wicked, like  George Soros, that fit this bill. But Lucifers last joke will be on the likes of those. He knows what he is sacrificing.  The worst of men. 

The United Nations. No Nation is “United”, believe me, with this evil.  This is backwards talk. 1984. Orwellian. This is  DIVIDED ONE WORLD ORDER. The energy of the evil villians. This is poetry.

The UNITED NATIONS use the flat earth map divided into 33 sections for their logo. Its the only accurate map of our  world, did you know? They are expecting the world to go on believing the programming that the EARTH is a globe.  The gig is up. Flat Earth is almost mainstream now. The gig is up, and they are so arrogant, they cannot see this,  Their lust for power.

LIST OF DEMANDS he gave her when on that plane:

Lucifer is laughing so hard at the globalists, he is front row watching their destruction, they will be sacrificing  EVERYTHING to him. And they will get nothing back. Thats so like him. So funny, what a prankster! Hillary will take  his place when she gets banished to the UNDERGROUNDS 2016. She can rule over the banished ones. Thats his last  joke!

The Gang are telling people its against human rights, to send your children to christian school and you  should give them a choice. Yes, the gig is up. 

We know you do not care about human rights, I know you are lying, you group of individuals.

I know that all you care is getting Christians to doubt the bible, for 500 years now. Faking dinosaurs, nuclear bombs,  Theory of relativity, etc, GLOBE EARTH and SPACE PROGRAMMING, too…all to get us away from the bible. Its Flat as  pancake our world. WE Have the power. NOT YOU. You do not. I do not want to tempt you, but I promise. Your gig is  up! I am warning you. Extending my hand, come join the side of GOOD. Step down for Donald Trump. Tell him, where  the GOLD IS. Tell him. 

The United nations are telling parents its against human rights to send children to christian schools. Thats the  latest.

What about Islam? Can you tell the world, to give children choice if they want THAT? No child in its right mind would  say yes to that scary adult tradition, their parents cant seem to figure out the puzzle…

Mom, Dad, why do you all act like this? Son, its the way it has always been done. But Dad, it is not my will. Son,  there is no will. 

 So why not ask the Children, if they want to grow up like this, You want this, you want to destroy  lives.

Ask the children, If they want to be islamic, the way it is NOW, unreformed…  Is this luciferianism? Cannot be. Cant be that ugly. Isnt satan, supposed  to be sexy? Have stuff?

The powers that be, are just a bunch of individuals. With Names, and judgment is coming to all of you. 

The ghosts of those you have deceived, I call upon them now, to battle you spiritually.

I got you.

Those in power, you are just imaginary. There are no legs to your control or rule. Its just paperwork. You see, no one  has seen this happening. But like I said, the entire world, will look at you, with these eyes.  They will see. That is  what you do not want. They will see your flat earth map logo. They will understand. This will happen OVERNIGHT. It  is coming. Everyone will see and KNOW everything in one moment. Your crimes, will be shown, your names and your  involvement, shown. Your words, read.

Globalists, You create monsters, neanderthals, ogres. Creatures no women want. Creatures the rest of us, turn away  from, banish. You hurt. You do not create. You are not like the ones that are high class or good. You are gangsters.  You are slaves. You gave up your free will. You did.

Arent luciferians supposed to be sexy? You are so gross. Helping out this small cult of Islam, making it so large, you  will never be able to control it. You will never. This is not success, this is so nasty. Suicide bombers? No…..that’s not  an accomplishment. Thats sad. Sad that person lost his life to nothingness. There is ONLY HELL FOR THAT PERSON WHO DID THAT, and you know it. Forever torture, Nor virgins, just hell. You know this. Everyone knows this. It’s that  black rock in the cube, they all worship, want to touch, I swear. It’s very bad stuff. I think we all know this inherently  but are afraid to say. This is dark prince stuff. Sacrifices people, these ideas.

All that is physical, is here now, while you are alive. And you spent your whole life giving your power away, like a S  and M GIMP. Like a bitch, with a dominatrix, you have to PAY. How Sade! I mean SAD. ( Freudian Slip). The Marquis de  Sade, his life in jail. How glamourous. YOU WASTED your human life, and you wasted it in misery and pain and  domination.

In the afterlife, imagine that TRANSLATION into eternity? A life of submission. No reward. A big pit of fire in hell  after death. That would only make sense. Right?

Bring out the gimps….is that your power? Its so gross. Its not admirable. Hillary Clinton, is gross. That is not power.  That is not beauty. That is not right. Its wrong. You are wrong. You are a cancer. George Soros, look at him. He is  UGLY. He is SO UGLY. It is wrong. Is this the GOLDEN PATH, to ugliness for you all too?

Look at Beautiful Trump. Look at him. He is the ideal man. You cannot ever change that. You cannot even be that.  You will never have what he has. No, you won’t. Look at the LOVE he has. Look. He is so beautiful and when he  speaks, its love.

When Donald Trump speaks, he is not representing your chains. He is representing himself. As we should all. He is not hiding behind a corporation. He is not on a board representing himself.  He represents everything great with man. Everything  good. Everything godlike. Trump is. Trump is GOD LIKE. And who does god seem to BLESS? 

The world is at awe right now, with DONALD TRUMP. No fake media will stop it for now. Its a love hate thing going  on, and it will turn back to love soon. Overnight. People see greatness and possibility. How did he do what he did,  people want to know. HOW DID HE BUILD TRUMP TOWERS the most gorgeous building on Earth.

 Gold and God have been good to Trump. Gold loves Trump. It is attracted to him. It is CRYING with the globalists.  The GOLD that the globalists STOLE, or deceived with for, is crying, it wants to be liberated and with Trump. I can  feel all the worlds GOLD crying for TRUMP. SAVE ME. These people are wicked.  Gold wants to come home. 

 Americans look to him. Not you GLOBALISTS, UN SEATS,  and  all the movie stars you convinced …All you bald cats, globalists puppets…you been promised lies. These globalists, your association with  them, will ruin you forever. 

Americans, you do not have. Only 6% trust what the tv says. You have turned entertainment into garbage. You have  turned music, into trash. You sell to other countries, and they buy, because THEY THINK AMERICANS are buying it.  No, we are not. Soon, it will be known.

 When America looks at you, it is done for you. What you serve people will reject. No one will want it. You cannot create. Why can’t you?  Why have  those doors to you been closed? Why cannot, you create a single good idea? Why copy? You have nothing to be proud of. You did  nothing. You gave nothing. But the anti gifts. The evil arts. People fear those. They reject them. Noone gets self esteem from that. People are ashamed to even think of  doing the awful things you have done for your power, which is fake.

Donald Trump, is the world savior of Capitalism and all that is good. He can CREATE and he will build the wall. 

America means this moment. And our constitution is for this moment. All the souls all those patriots, I call up from  the dead, to battle your demons.  Our Forefathers, of the UNITED STATES I call upon you. ALl the people who have  died in the past, I call upon to witness, YOUR CRIMES. Your SECRET SOCIETIES will be KNOWN. Your ancestors will be  judged and your grandchildren will be judged. Your toy ball, gone forever, overnight.

World Dictatorship is your goal. Thats so gross. That is so DR EVIL. Everyone knows, every movie, ever, that the evil  villains, lose. At the last minute. And that is it, it is over. It is just how LIFE IS. How would you like a madman  controlling you? Oh I forgot you were so abused and unloved as a child. Thrown away, for MONEY instead. Life is not  like you. 

HIstory will be written correctly THIS TIME. And I will make sure history is written to tell YOUR STORY, for eternity.  You, The Globalists will be forever known as evil. Only the ones who come clean and report the fraud of global  warming, climate change, will be forgiven. Or where the gold is.  Or who is after America, and why are they doing  this, etc. Only those who come clean.

There is no global warming, because there is no globe. Why not Richard Branson come clean about this to the world,  for Donald Trump. There is no globe. You can prove this. So can Trump Pilot. So can anyone with eyes willing to look  at evidence.  Global Warming, does not exist. There is no globe. The Horizon is always flat no matter how high the  plane is, correct and also planes and jets fly straight, auto pilot even, it is so straight.  Planes fly straight. Canals,  WALLS built all straight, no allowance for EARTHS CURVE, since they say we live on a ball, where is it? Just a little?  Fish eye lense and CGI do not count. THE BLUE MARBLE is a painting.

Satelites, do not exist, if they did I could wave to you outside…nope. No air traffic control, millions of them, yet no  astronomer sees them cross the moon, ever, ask them on youtube. Never. You think you have seen one, but no, you  did not. Google planes. That is why in the woods my cell phone doesnt work. They are cell phone like towers very  very high, everywhere. Look to see where your dish points. Lots of frauds, high level giant lies, noone would ever  question, starting since the 1500’s. Small societies of liars clubs. With plans that take centuries to fill. 

SO FAKE its fraud! I can see it.

If we were on a ball, nothing would not act like that. 

Look what I commented on in the Donald Trump group. I could not resist. I only did it this time.

Why do emergency landings to Bali land in Alaska. That would look like a paperclip on a globe, but a flat map, would  be straight line. On a globe, flights are not straight, and there is deception to hide this too. Flights east to west,  west to east, same exact time. Isn’t there a spin? There is deception to that too, and fairly new. 

Nasa and their fake CGI, planets are not places you can go to. 

WIKIPEDIA GOOGLE starting to really make up lies. Its obvious and noticed. Screensaved. The gig is up. You cannot  hide flat earth, its any day now. Its coming. To your doorstep. To YOUR WORK. To your UNIVERSITY. To YOUR  SCHOOL. Flat Earth, the 500 year lie is here, and you are in charge right? Oh you worked at Nasa 35 years and didnt  know the EARTH IS FLAT? Oy…tell that to the people. Their eyes, their minds. You can learn quite alot in a FEW  MINUTES. 

Where would you hide?

The World will know alot of things, I could never write about, not yet. It will be known. Lots of things we were taught,  were lies, hoaxes…really satanic things..even from the pig blood they use in vaccines. That is on purpose. Ok. I  knew that when I was 7. My uncle refused to take an oath to Apollo so he could not graduate BIOLOGY MAJOR and it  ruined alot of things for him, I believe. He told me, he said, they are luciferians,.do not ever get a vaccine. 
He told me there is pig blood in it. He said do not ever believe the reasons and excuses. They are lies. Taught to  obeying ghosts, all free will trained out. High level, knows what it is. The lies are high level, and its up to the  medium levels to make the reason. We have centuries of science lies. If you looked you would see in minutes, but  you been so PROGRAMMED you cannot even look. You do not know where to see. Because NOONE has ever shown  you.

How many medical school drop outs I have known. They say its all bad. It is all just about pushing drugs.

( Heliocentrists !!)

I do not mention the Germ Theory being completely fake and lied and many doctors murdered about. Pasteur on his  deathbed, said he knew he was wrong about the germ and Bechamp was right. Its not about the germ. Its about the  terrain…then Pasteur sent that message and died. That was his deathbed confession. He was wrong. He admitted it.  He acknowledged Bechamp, and his buddies he plagiarized and made this germ theory stuff up with. 

Viruses pleomorph from your own blood cells . YOU CAN WATCH THIS LIVE. when the terrain is upset. When vaccines  or poisons or processed foods, or medication, the blood changes, to houseclean. Viruses are you. Bacteria is  COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. 

You can see this in books on youtube. Or if you are a DOCTOR and you talk about this, your business will get a  lawsuit, or smeared or you will be heart atatcked or suicided. I seen this over two decades. I have seen. I know what  candida yeast is. I know its 100% present in AIDS and CANCER patients…so why isnt anyone looking at this? Because  it proves germ theory wrong. What are the little yeasties eating? Its so freaking simple. Noone would die of aids or  cancer, noone, if they just admitted they are wrong. Its the terrain, nothing to do with virus. 

But no, they do this ON PURPOSE. They do this BY DESIGN. Two SNAKES climbing up a tree, I think says it all. People  wake up. They are luciferians. Taking away your power and money. The gig is up for them too. I think the snakes  give it away, it’s coming. Flat Earth is coming. It will be here overnight. Any day.

SO I ask you brother and sister, join with DONALD TRUMP. You are so valuable and you have so much proof and are  so important. There is a place for you on the side of GOOD. Lots of GOLD. Lots of freedom. It will be paradise.

Free Will TRUMPS blood oaths. You are given that by god. You can not honor your satanic oaths. You can make new  oaths. You are allowed. That is gods gift to you. Free will. You can choose no and save yourselves and your families.  You will be vindicated. You will be forgiven. You will be loved. 

And if I could tell you. There are laws above religion as well. Above Christianity and above others…we can seek  unity in love. 
Over throw your crazy governments, all of us, PUT IN TRUMP and people LIKE TRUMP. 

Say I FIRST. You will love the freedom. You can be anything and anyone. You can live in the woods, or skyscraper, a  cottage or a mansion. Success comes with freedom and happiness. You do not have to be a martyr. You do not. You  do not have to blow yourself up. You can take off the vest and the black curtains. DO it. You have that power. You  do not have to fear Hillary Clinton anymore. She cannot kill everyone! Have no fear. Take charge. Arm yourself. 

Call yourself THE UNCONQUERABLE. Who says you have to submit. How do you KNOW you were not lied to? By men!  To control you! How do you personally know for SURE?

Look around, its obvious whose house is always all choas and war. And whose house is gorgeous. Who does god  REALLY BLESS?

Ask yourself. Do I want to be free? Or do I want to die?

Love, or death…choose. At least you have a choice. These laws, higher than man made religions….what are they but  love? Something higher, that is good.  Maybe electrical attraction? That connects us all. There is nothing to fear  there. Nothing can hurt you there. Only good things happen. Only wealth comes. Only work, and love and doing what  you love, and giving, having money to give. Having wealth to make those you love, love you back. What is bad with  that? Why do you have to give everything you own up to a bunch of scary ideas and threats?  Is that why we are put  here, to be masters and slaves to others vision? A man’s vision? We can all get visions from god if we ask. All of us. 

Why not make that your religion? Love Success, Happiness, protection of your dna for generations! You must turn off  you cable tv. DO not watch it. Unless it is a TRUMP RALLY.

Join the good side, I want you. But you must trust me. Leave the old ideas, that never really worked for you.. Do not  bring that, you cannot come here with old ideas. There is lots to do here. Lots of work. Lots of things to create. If  you can think it, you can do it. Thats capitalism! You can have private property, NOONE not even HILLARY can take  away from you. Libertarian that is. You must honor free will of others and contracts. Mean what you say, lying is not  good. Etc..You pay voluntarily pay, what you can, very very small for sales tax maybe. But no income tax…thats  private.  I say.