Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized My Thoughts about ROGER STONE on DONALD TRUMP on ALEX JONES, and flat earth..Ron Paul

My Thoughts about ROGER STONE on DONALD TRUMP on ALEX JONES, and flat earth..Ron Paul

Donald Trump symbolizes everything GOOD. He represents man’s greatness. The individual. The one. I. Me. What he has accomplished is a feat. No one else can do what he has done. And if they have, they have not come as far. He is not a puppet where he just stands there and lies. He is the one the globalists all fear. The man. He has won already.

What Alex Jones said today about Bernie Sanders
” Bernie Sanders HATES America”

” He wants to destroy America and fill his own coffers, along with his buddies”
is exactly how I feel too. 
Someone called in and asked him about Bernie Sanders and Alex Jones just told the truth, he just wants the destruction of America he is not a good man.  I have felt the same way about Bernie Sanders since the very beginning.  
at 2:11

Roger Stone was on Alex Jones too. He is so smart.

 I want to go over the points. CLINTON’S WAR IN WOMEN BOOK, best book ever. He wrote the book. With a man names GUS VAN SAINT. It is so easy reading, SALIENT is what Stefan Molyneux called it.
 I love the hat. You are in the Matt Drudge cool hat club. He wears one just like this! I want one now. I like the stripes. Reminds me of working in a law office. Blue eyes! Poster in the back of ANGRY HILLARY..


  1. Why are the Clinton’s acting so invincible?
  2. Diamond and Silk will be at CLEVELAND speaking.
  3. Next Level Info before it happens always with Roger
  4. Roger Stone you been in 9 Presidential Campaigns
  5. 40 years in American Politics you have been in.
  6. You have never seen anything like this.
  7. You wrote the definitive book on CLINTON CRIME FAMILY.
  8. “We are no longer a nation of laws, we are a nation of MEN.”
  9.  James Comey Said Hillary was Careless.
  10. Napolitano said evidence of CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE is more than enough.
  11. No Idictment.
  12. Boggles your mind she gets a pass.
  13. You do not think voters will give her a pass like COMEY did.
  14. Alex Jones says she may have been Selling Data
  15. Globalists are covering for each other
  16. FBI director is one of the GLOBAL ELITES
  17. What signal does this send to Americans?
  18. Violate any law you want if you are big enough.
  19. The law does not apply to the CLINTON’s
  20. Donald Trump has an opening now.
  21. Premium now is his running mate who is an attack dog.
  22. Who can take the case right to BILL and HILLARY.
  23. Email scandal, and all of them go after.
  24. How about you for VICE PRESIDENT?
  25. You have too colorful a lifestyle to run for Vice President
  26. I agree with Alex Jones, you should.
  27. You need someone to stop the bailouts.
  28. Stop crooks on Wall Street
  29. And generate jobs for the American People
  30. Donald Trump is playing close to the vest
  31. It will be a Patriot, 
  32. Jeff Sessions is your personal choice. Is a GOOD MAN.
  33. Donald is casting a wide net.
  34. He wants to find the best.
  35. There is a premium on who can go after the CLINTON’s.
  36. Who can take the attack to the CLINTON’S is the plan for VP
  37. The system is completely rigged Donald Told everyone
  38. Hillary is not going to go to prison from James Comey.
  39. Evil Corrupt witch Hillary,  All these crimes. 
  40. She is flagrantly being protected.
  41. Reach out for her constituents? Alex asks.
  42. They do not know what July 4th is. 
  43. They will vote for her just because she is a woman.
  44. Hillary Supporters you think are a third of the Bernie Sanders supporters.
  45. How can a thinking person vote for Hillary?
  46. People who vote for her are ZOMBIES.
  47. Trump supporters outnumber Hillary’s at the end of the day.
  48. What Trump is saying about Hillary Clinton is all true.
  49. How do you put brass knuckles to witch like Hillary.
  50. How do you take the wood to Hillary?
  51. MULTIPLE DEBATES you say.
  52. You say the best confrontation will be in the DEBATES!!
  53. Donald Trump is a BRAWLER!
  54. Bill is a SEXUAL PREDATOR
  55. Hillary is accessory.
  56. They are guilty for TREASON.
  57. Epic Crimes of Clinton Foundation.
  58. Bill sold his country’s security out.
  59. Clinton’s traded our technology ( Alex Interrupted)…
  60. Treason of the CLINTON’s
  61. Bill Clinton should have been charged with treason
  62. High level tech to the RUSSIANS he sold.
  63. They took $300,000 in ILLEGAL contributions from CHINA
  64. Bill Clinton sold our missile secrets to the CHINESE!
  65. Crazy Clintons. Russians and CHINESE.
  66. Rather than impeaching for Monica, he should have been impeached for those two transactions.
  67. More egregious, took money from Johnny Chung.
  68. Your story is on Infowars.
  69. Why do ELITE allow CLINTON’S to do the things they do?
  70. They are buddies with CHINA and  Saudi Arabia?
  71. But they are not loyal to anyone but themselves.
  72. Do the CLINTONS want to get us?
  73. They have no loyalty to anyone they are all about the money.
  74. They are about acquisition of money and power.
  75. They will do anything for CASH!
  76. CLINTON FOUNDATION is not a charity. 
  77. Slush fund for GRIFTERS
  78. The people do not know anything about this.
  79. Mainstream Media does not “rouse the populace”.
  80. The people do not know.
  81. There is no pressure on our institutions to bring to justice.
  82. Media Coverage is needed to rouse the public.
  83. If people knew, they would be angry and they would ACT.
  84. That is strength of INFOWARS and BREITBART etc
  85. 1980s the internet did not exist. 
  86. “No news is old, if no one heard it the first time.” 
  87. Clinton’s go by ” NO NEWS”
  88. What is on your radar?
  89. GOOD NEWS big victory
  90. You prevailed over the city.
  91. You have your CLEVELAND PERMITS.
  92. You do not need to bring the duct tape over your mouths.
  93. The rally Alex and you are speaking at is:
  94. July 18 11 am at Landing Park. 
  95. Fundraising is now.
  96. Need money to pay for the staging. 
  97. Need money for the Marshalls.
  98. You Need 30k to pay for everything SOUP TO NUTS.
  99. You have to GIN IT BACK UP your fundraising.
  100. Hillary for Prison banners Alex is doing.
  101.  Alex Jones will be flying in plane, with the banner.
  102. 10 k Alex Jones put down for you.
  104. You have to hit the phones too.
  105. 40 Million Dollars Trump put in his campaign.
  106. That is  Not chopped Liver.
  107. You like that he didn’t take the elites money.
  108. He has his independence. 
  109. DONALD TRUMP will never adopt GLOBALISTS agenda
  110. SHOW of strength you need for CLEVELAND.
  111. You have seen nothing like DONALD TRUMP’s campaign.
  112. Alex Jones is all in too.
  113. They tried to Ban this event, three times.
  114. Get your butts to Cleveland.
  115. They are trying to shut down FREE SPEECH.
  116. This is a WAR.
  117. This is a FIGHT
  118. Roger will post The Committee to restore America’s Greatness..
  119. Ann Coulter may be there!
  120. Paid thugs by George Soros will be there.
  121. Be Prepared to turn the other cheek.
  122. This Witch will try to kill Donald Trump Alex Jones says.
  123. Gary Byrne’s Book…you quote. Loved it. CRISIS OF CHARACTER.
  124. Two of the biggest liars in all history is HILLARY AND BILL.
  125. Secret Service agent says Hillary is bi polar.
  126. Trump is in a good mood.
  127. He is outraged by Hillary.
  128. Roger Stone just hung out with Donald Trump.

Here is a video too. I love Roger Stone and I recommend you follow him NOW 

  I do not know what these young kids are thinking, look at TRUMP.  Donald trump is what you want to grow up to be like.  Donald trump has everything that glistens gold.  Creativity innovation invention the smarts to deal with people . He has the brains to  talk to any man.  He is all about respect.  Men listen to him. 

Donald Trump Baby

I love him and I do not say that about any man on tv.  I know who he is. I grew up reading magazine articles and newspaper stories about him. I would cut them out and tape the articles to my school books. I know who he is. America knows. We all grew up watching his accomplishments. One after another. He is the ideal dream man for young Americans. He really is. Look what he promotes. He legally made a fortune. He loves the free market. It loves him.

Donald Trump is VIRTUOUS because he believes in Man’s freedom. He is an economic GENIUS. He can turn dirt, into gold and he has many times.  He has the alchemists touch. Midas. Gold finger. Golden one, #GOLDSTRIKE, Gold is his spirit. He is that energy. He is fire. He is valuable. He is expensive.  He is practical and VERY MORAL. Donald Trump is an EVANGELIST. I think I may convert. But there is alot MASS BELIEVED LIES need to get out of the way before we embrace the bible again. Flat Earth and DINOSAURS hoax, germ theory hoax, etc need to be addressed first. Then I believe, we can match the passion of our enemy and their holy war. Our book can be just as holy as theirs. 

 For it was right. Science was wrong. Earth is flat. There is no globe. That is the 500 year deception. Research Flat Earth. I guarantee when it comes, the bible will be looked at once again as right.
There I go again. Talking about Flat earth. I think it is the most important thing in the world. It can unify, everyone.
Trump is a nationalist

America’s last chance
Donald Trump believes in Private Property. His businesses are his private property. He knows when he has to pay 2 k global warming tax on his plane, what a pain, what looters! He says this, I BET, everytime he pays these TAXES the globalists have put on all of us.

Global Warming is a hoax, there is NO GLOBE. 
Donald Trump knows what mens rights are. He is rational and moral. He will keep our second ammendment. He will leave us alone if we want, and be a boss if we want. If we want to win and I do DONALD TRUMP. I want to work with you DONALD TRUMP. I want to support you.  I know that you believe in men’s freedom. I know it. I know who you are, that is why. I just know. You have virture DONALD. You have value. You want a free mind. You want to have OBAMA and HILLARY off all your ideas and mind. You do not want them to control the information, you get.

Donald Trump is based in reality. He has eyes and he can see what is wrong and he has a voice, And he speaks it. He speaks it so high on the mountain, the whole world, hears it. All the countries are translating what Donald Trump says. He does not lie. He does not make up fantasy like Loretta Lynch or Hillary Clinton. He knows, he sees, he can THINK. Donald Trump does not follow orders. He thinks. He uses his brain. He does not work on the work of other men. He is not a parasite on others. He gives others, their dream. He gives men work. He inspires them to greatness. You can too build something JUST LIKE TRUMP TOWERS.

Donald Trump is not controlled by the mob either. He is not for the crowd. He does not do what the crowd wants. No. He knows there is a job, there is tradition, there is a CONSTITUTION that needs to be followed.

RON PAUL this is for you: 

Ron Paul, I know all your eggs are in your son Rand’s basket, but Rand is not perfectly libertarian, and I think if you are a man of ideals, then your choice should be HOWARD ROARK, aka DONALD TRUMP. He is John Galt also, in these hard times and I beg you, Ron Paul, CHECK YOUR PREMISES about DONALD TRUMP.  Support him. It would be the cream. You two would be unstoppable. It would be a Libertarians wet dream, to have you two. Too good to be true, to high, too pure, but remember, Trump has the BRAWN and the brains. Alpha Male is what this country needs now correct? I need a boss. I want a boss. I want to help Donald Trump attain greatness. I know Trump will leave me alone as well if that is what I want, also

I have the same expression on my face as the lady. Not what I expected from you. But I feel, you want this moment to be for your son RAND. But I am telling you…DONALD TRUMP is the son you wish you had. Adopt him, love him and support him please Ron Paul! He is HOWARD ROARK. The hero. The Savior of WORLD CAPITALISM. Heck, he may even put you  IN CHARGE Of the FEDERAL RESERVE!


RON PAUL to you: Support DONALD TRUMP Ron, you know you love him. Morally Judge him. Look close at his accomplishment. That is what you love right? You are into capitalism, correct? Well, Donald Trump is the ideal Capitalist. He is Executive Order, yes. But you could not do this job ahead, Ron, without that.  Donald Trump CAN. 

You know this system is rigged, RON Paul, and you still could not stop them changing the rules on you. You could not beat them. You could not outsmart them. You understand right? Donald TRUMP can. He can beat them and he can outsmart them. Noone else can beat these globalists. 

Ron Paul I extend my hand. Join the WINNING SIDE. Your support and insight, may swing millions. People respect you highly but now, they assume you will go with Trump, its the obvious libertarian choice. Donald Trump crossed over too. He can do it. I am just waiting. Please, please CHECK YOUR PREMISES about DONALD TRUMP. 

  Donald trump knows how to dress for the occasion. Silk, clean, wool, whites and gold.  Look at his businesses. It is like a book.  Donald Trump did this. Most people cannot even have one business. Look at his successful celebrity apprentice shows and THE Apprentice tv shows, I grew up watching the seasons.  You knew Donald trump’s advice would help you.  I always got the best business advice from those shows.  I got a lot of good things from watching.  It is nice to find a solid man then who can teach you alot of things.

 Donald trump knows how it’s done.  He knows how to do it.  He is sick of seeing our country go down the toilet.  He believes in greatness and he sees a higher mountain he wants to climb.  He does not have to run for president, he does not have to do that,  he has enough money. But he knows he can get the job done.  He knows there are bad bad people in charge. He loves America so much , it has given him everything and wants to give something back.  But when this danger approaches , who else is our hero? Our man? The ONE?  It would figure it would be him. The best we have. It is DONALD TRUMP who can save the world. 

Children of the rich demand a redistribution of suits, meanwhile, DONALD TRUMPS kids are all business owners. Ivanka designs SUITS for the rich. She works, still, and everyday goes to work. She has a fire. She knows how to sell. Look up her GOLD SHOES. And people will buy anything she makes. Its got that magic touch. 

He will emerge TRIMUPHANT, or  TRiUMPhant. All that man needs is freedom. Freedom to win.  Hands off Trump. Do not stand in his way against him, you know the reasons are bull.. The path is there for him. I will it.

Body language says it all..

Donald Trump’s moral master, is god. He is not mediocre.  He does not summon spirits for wealth. He does things properly..not evil. He has talent. He is the innovator, he built the “FOUNTAINHEAD” in Trump Towers. He is not slothful, he rose to the top and he needs to be acknowledged. He is offering his BEST. I want to buy it. I want freedom. Clears the road to the active mind. He is an advocate of the mind. The enemy are advocates to death.

Capitalism is a rat race, but so is life. It is the forward system. Donald Trump is the leader of this. Look who god has blessed. Has god blessed AMERICA when it has been the most free-st. Do what you need to reach your goal. I give you permission Donald trump to be my president. It is what I want.

Dictatorship does not lead to prosperity. Donald Trump will not be a dictator. He will be a liberator. He will be a protector. He will clear the field so we all can finally start winning. He is SO HONEST. Noone else is. These days you cannot live in a dictatorship, you will die.

Donald Trump does good FOR HIMSELF when he makes his businesses successful. This is his reward. He succeeds, He has creative thought. He does not sacrifice others, and do fraud like Hillary Clinton. He does not run to the government for bailouts. He creates. He thinks. He makes deals. He has GIFTS. Donald Trump has very healthy self esteem because of all his hard work and successes. This noone can ever take away.

Profit means a return and he gets it. He knows how to make profit. He knows how to collect capital, how to organize, how to oversee, how to mix labor with resources. These are big man decisions. LOSS represents failure. Success represents winnings. He has got so many. Hillary Clinton is a parasite.  Donald Trump is a PRIME MOVER. Other men VALUE his work, his creation, he is a PROFIT MAKER. Very valuable Donald Trump is. 

Donald Trump will LIONIZE the Republican party. If it is still around, we shall see. Remember who the lion is. He is the alpha male. He is the protector. Noone dare try to change the US Constitution on Trump. He will eat you. I like that. He will create wealth objectively. He will not steal but he will work hard. If he does not know how to do something, he will get someone. He is in charge. He is quick to learn. he is sharp. I want him to know everything. I trust him. He cannot be tempted.

Code of values of DONALD TRUMP: Freedom. Capitalism Untampered. Mans rights. PARADISE basically. He wants to live in a FREE SOCIETY. He wants the best and not the worst.

No human sacrifces He needs to do. He wants the looters to go find other victims, to stay away from the USA!  America needs its stolen gold back. They need to give it back to the rightful owners. Donald Trump call that gold. It will call back. Its been stolen, its crisis gold. Liberate it and put that back where it is supposed to be. 

Irrational men stand with Hillary Clinton. These gangsters. They are like sinking bank accounts, they are panicking. Her IOUS and promises are no good. Her minions are not happy. She wants to subsidize and control everything . SHe wants to make it so we do nothing and she does everything. She HATES us. She cannot even COMPEL respect. Noone likes her. She hates her staff. 

Donald Trumps reward is the degree of his PRODUCTIVENESS. His achievement proves this, also others acknowledging him. His Earnings were earned by work. He has earned, and he is rich. 
Harmony between mind and body he has. Money has not ruined him. He can be trusted to FIX our government and its loopholes. He will fix AMERICA. He will put America First. Freedom will last long under Donald Trump. Money is the Root of all good. Ayn Rand says. I agree. Donald Trump knows this too. But he has god and he has good judgment and experience on his side as well. WEALTH Has to be created. Only he can do this now for AMERICA. He will not sell his soul out or make a bad decision, just to get money.

Money loves Donald Trump and he makes alot of people HAPPY. The rich man has alot of power. And he is so good too. He has economic power and now political power.

He will purchase and not plunder. He will make work, give equality of opportunity,  no more obstacles, red tape…mystery bathrooms, no, he will give work and everyone will work hard because he knows how to oversee. He knows how to leave people alone if they want, but I want to build with you TRUMP. I want to be on your team. AMERICA. The best team. You are the man! Ok I am getting excited! You are a benefit to others. You benefit me, just with your voice I hear on your raillies. I become smarter! I am no longer the ignorant FOOL.  You convince me that there is no limit to your dreams.

Hillary wants everyone stupid in the name of progressive education. Backwards talk. Graveyard quality is COMMON CORE. I mean, REAL science, REAL education. Not the globalists with their spinning globe fantasy ba’al earth. Not that kind of education. Real education. The stolen copyrights, the stolen patents. The 500 year gig of the secret societies of lucifer…are NOW UP. 

Hillary Clinton is DECAYING….Leanne Macadoo quote


I am a Libertarian, Ayn Randian, Flat Earther, Donald Trumper, Raw Vegan, Paralegal. French Literature Fanatic. Advanced Adult Ballet Dancer.  Medium Horseback riding level.  I might be a Libertine like Roger Stone, too. Right now, I just want to focus on Donald Trump until he gets elected. Until the White House becomes the GOLD HOUSE. It will be paved with it. The real thing. So much gold will come.

Trump Towers is the Capital in Capitalism. He lives it!

It is a National resource and it is a SUCCESS, like a pyramid or a CATHEDRAL. Represents man’s great architecture! He is its maker!
Capitalism has brought the longest peace the world has ever seen. Noone should vote for HILLARY CLINTON FORCE. You will pay for the sins of your neighbor.


I am not a victim. That is what Hillary will make AMERICA. The man at the top has to have the intellectual BRAINS we need business brains to DIRECT a nation, and protect..that is DONALD TRUMP.

Ok Focus focus speak only and focus on Trump. I want to give my attention to this. Whatever power I have. I want to exercise it. It is my free will. I will that DONALD TRUMP is my president. I will it. I WISH IT. I pray now. GOD PLEASE PLEASE give us a good battle between good and evil and please show us all the truth and show the world, the truth. God please show us, the man, the individual, the image of you incarnate, if you were on earth, SHOW US HOW IT IS DONE…God show us and make DONALD TRUMP our 45th President and give him the good ideas to win. 

 Show the good always overcomes evil. Evils only power is deception. They cannot create. That gift has been taken away from them. Only twist things and lie and falsify, that is THEIR GIFT.

SHOW THE WORLD GOD. That good overcomes evil and the ideal man is something attainable.

ahahahah wake up call, The GIG is up. GLOBALISTS go away now.

We must not let our goodness blind us to this evil. So let us ask the wicked, please evil, you want to join our side, you want this to be your free will. Choose love. Choose Gold. Choose Prosperity. There is no limit with DONALD TRUMP. Do not choose liars like Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren.

Donald Trump is for Laissez faire Capitalism which means HANDS OFF Capitalism.

Donald Trump can only improve the WHITE HOUSE. It may not be good enough for his standards, he may have to do a TRUMP remodeling of it. It may just be REALLY REALLY DIRTY. I feel bad, he should stay in Hotel until its remodeled TRUMP STANDARDS. Clean.

With Hillary, she will DESTROY the White House. She will gut the rest of the WHITE HOUSE fixtures, or steal more furniture. It will be like a crack house, with holes in the wall, where she missed hitting Bill’s face with a baseball bat.. and furniture bought from GOODWILL. It will be the house of Bill’s Tears. Haunted by Bill’s tears. Bill’s fears. Until he gets aroused again. Then he has his DEN, DUNGEON in the WHITE HOUSE BASEMENT WITH SECRET TUNNEL where he can go and do his preying on the WHITE HOUSE STAFF, for forced sex. I am talking phone answerers, and janitor women. Noone is safe in the WHITE HOUSE WITH BILL AROUND. He hops from behind curtains just to grope you!

Imagine leaving the WHITE HOUSE that last time, the CLINTON’s had to pay someone to hide all the marks on the walls and holes. Put that putty and then paint over it. Where Bill kicked in the door, trying to rape Hillary, as he so joked,  and the holes in the walls, where she told him who rapes who. All those marks need to be covered before Donald Trump moves in. It may not be good enough to move in, he will have to rent a hotel until the WHITE HOUSE can be cleaned out and sinks replaced. Donald’s sinks will be all gold.

Hillary Clinton may steal the White House furniture AGAIN…this time to sell to Saudi Arabia, who want to mount it in their mega GIGANTIC hotels, because they probably have a special WHITE HOUSE STOLEN FURNITURE ROOM, STOLEN BY HILLARY OUR B****H Only $60, 000 dollars a night. Wash your face in Bill Clinton’s bathsink ! See the room Vince Foster shot himself in! Spend a night in the replica room. The Saudis will have the best hotel.

Or she could have sold the stolen WHITE HOUSE FURNITURE to SELL to the CHINESE who are obsessed with “AMERICANA”. They probably have their own reproduction already of the WHITE HOUSE and we do not know. They love to dress up like Bill Clinton and Hillary, they wear masks, and that’s their FETISH. He says: I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT WOMAN….and she goes…WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE..

Thats my favorite SMITHS SONG, what difference does it make.

I want the CHINESE to become OBSESSED with DONALD TRUMP. He is very “Americana”. Why cannot the Chinese become obsessed with the Patriot movement. They want to be American so bad. They copy us on everything. They quote our great movies, they do not even speak ENGLISH. Why cannot the CHINESE start their own DONALD TRUMP sensation. Their own Patriot, their own radio show….who says they cannot? Life gives everyone the right to be whatever they want.

Chinese ALEX JONES FANS, wake up, to you I say, Spread the word, to your buddies…That Donald Trump…he is the world savior…the most brilliant of all men. No, not the racist that you have heard on your PROPAGANDA TV. DO whatever it takes. I search on, all the time for the CHINESE NEWS,  the chinese news is bizarre. Put something up there about ALEX JONES. Tell the truth.

“Tyrants are emboldened by stupid people” Alex Jones Quote

“The Hajib is like at Gitmo that black thing, they put over your head. “ ALEX JONES QUOTE.

I cannot wait until Donald Trump first has his first meeting with Vladimir Putin! As a WORLD POWER! Wow, that would be SO IMPORTANT. They will be dressed so well. They will fly in on giant planes. They will meet in palaces. 

Or All the LEADERS of SOUTH AMERICA, stepping up to Donald Trump, slowly, all the TRUMP Mini Me’s.  All of them. Venezuela saved by their own version of Trump.

Or ASIA, or the leaders of COUNTRIES who have all left, or are leaving the EUROPEAN UNION. The ones who just want to pray and meditate but keep getting kidnapped by the CHINESE GOVERNMENT, their livers and kidneys cut out while still alive. And sold to…Americans. All those countries, fed up with being just BODIES they can cut you up anytime? What kind of parents do that?

The new leaders, the future, the renaissance in everything. The beginning of the beginning. After all evil energy, is banished to the undergrounds 2016. And Trump gets the WHITE HOUSE and makes it GOLD. He is the gold capstone. He the individual. He is the golden one. The best of all man. And so moral he is. He is what we should all aim to be like. I see it.

But we are all different and he wants to protect that too. He is in charge. He has the brains. You know it.

Where is the GOLD they all ask? The GLOBALISTS with their toy globe rattles.  I thought you had it. I thought you had it. I thought you were joking! Etcetera!

The gold…

Donald Trump will find it. He will. Noone else can. Noone. This is it. Glistening heavy gold, solid and shiny a bright orangey yellow bright light. It is sitting somewhere, abandoned. Lost. So few people, know where it is. It says HELP me. I want to be with DONALD TRUMP. All those gold coins, sing for Donald Trump and only he. It is just who he is. Look. Just google him. Gold has affinity for Donald Trump. All those beautiful coins. The sound they make singing for DONALD TRUMP. Liberate me. They sing. The gold is crying. It hates with hate its evil masters. It wants to be liberated with the good of this world.
Trust in mainstream media? It’s a minority the people who do. The ratings go from bad to worse. You have to be a senior citizen to watch the nightly news. Or in airport. Its JUST BACKGROUND noise. TV is so terrible these days. Its trash. The shows, are all about gay muslim stripper sons coming out to accepting parents! With more than one dad. Or the mother, used to be the dad. Or ANIMAL SOCIALISM planet. It is garbage. See the fishing police be nosy.
News Reporters, the honest ones, only speak through the lines you have to have on MAGIC READING GLASSES to understand what THE REPORTER is trying to sneak it to warn us. I want to be led to the truth. Matt Drudge catches the words between and HEADLINES them, so his site IS the trut the reporters are trying to get us to see telepathically. That is how bad the mainstream is. We need DRUDGE to be able to see the truth, he goes through all the news for us. He has the time, and h posting, is before everyone else.

Powers that be, before the Elections, they want to censor the internet. They can take down anyone’s free speech if they can take down one person’s. No. I cannot give anyone permission to do this. Internet will always be free.

I love Donald Trump. He is Howard Roark , the MASTER ARCHITECT. Donald Trump believes in privacy and personal liberty. He is all about PRIVATE PROPERTY. He does not like this globalist takeover. It is not good for the USA he says. And I agree. He says I am the man. I, it is I. I have a brain, I have senses. I can see what is happening. I know you are incompetent and I am here to clean this mess up! That is what he is saying folks. He will be President 2016.  I promise.

It will take so much heart.  I give what I can. I say YES. MY vote is with him. But please TRUMP, give us a worthy battle!! Tyrants like Hillary Clinton and George Soros, they must be taken down. A BIG SHOW of it. Unless they step down and say VOTE TRUMP. Unless they do, they will lose everything.

The current system is ending.  It is a total failure. Socialism is so dead. Its so last year. Its gone. It has had its day, it has had its glory and it has been exposed. As Creeping DEATH. Pretty much it is the same thing. Creeping death, until you have died. And if you cannot pay, you will go away. Like the VENEZUELA experiment.

It will be like AYN RAND’s ANTHEM NOVEL ( Free on AMAZON ) I mean one day it will be like that. That is the path. The eal motive is exposed. Its looting. Its the lower emotions. These people hiding on corporate boards, know what they are doing. They are all writing their confessions and switching sides. One day the ones who did something, to get DONALD TRUMP IN that office seat, will matter. That is the plan.

They are like big bosses these Democrats. They want to dumb America down. Its a fight of ideas and beliefs. It is also spiritual. The side of good. The unseen armies. The dead and living. All Spirits come here now to witness JUDGMENT. Good versus Evil, finally being judged, by all spirits of the past and future and present. It is here. Good versus EVIL. It is here. We are the players. This is our video game.  COME HERE NOW all PATRIOTS who loved this AMERICA. The time is now.

I do not want what the globalists are serving. I Want To Be Rich Doing What I Love.

The Globalists, they want me to go shopping at the DOLLAR STORE.

People individuals have all the power.


Earth is flat corner

Nasa is no where near Jupiter. Do not believe Mainstream Media. Jupiter is not a place to go. Space is not real. Its a joke on you. Just TRADITION. 

DINOSAURS only around since 1850’s and only the ones that look real, the others LOCKED AWAY..the dinosaur bones that looked so fake, the museums HAVE to hide. Oh they know. NOT ONE DINOSAUR MODEL IS REAL. They hired companies in the 1850s  BOOM to make the bones out of bone meal and plaster. 
EVERY tv cartoon aimed at your child is dinosaurs and space. Both lies. Centuries of proving the bible wrong to control you. Now you know what these secret societies are for.
And why is the SMITHSONIAN dumping artifacts in the middle of the ocean? Giants did walk, and BIBLE filled with stories of whole group of them. Yet,the internet is filled with debunked “hoaxes” of them. You get confused. And you have no option but to say THAT is a hoax. Giants did live. You have to really research to find the stories and see the BONES. It is backwards.
You know all the worst tyrants, they LOVED DARWIN. HILTER, loved him. It debunks of the bible perfectly. Its the aim of the SECRET SOCIETIES.

Let us “science makers” make this religion. Stalin, Lenin, they loved that people are like ANIMALS herdlike and stupid. Absolutely not true. We never were a monkey. We have things all monkeys do not have. We are divinely created. We are not like Monkeys. We do not come from monkey’s vagina..

WHY LIE? It is just tradition! Do you have your password to the HOUSE?

Well, for 500 years secret societies for Lucifer have done ALL THIS to prove the bible wrong. FOR KNOWLEDGE POWER CONTROL. THEY LAUGH at you and actually resent you.  They make the lie so big noone will doubt. They use universities, schools, all of HOLLYWOOD, INTERNATIONAL liars clubs, NASA too,  etc to give their lies legitimacy.

NOW ISLAM has infilrated all the SCHOOLS of knowledge ( Liars clubs). Islam has infiltrated all your SECRET SOCIETIES, do you undersand, all you LAW ENFORCEMENT MASONS. The enemy has infilrated your groups and will kill you from within.

And if you think, they are like you, you are wrong. They will kill you and destroy your demon oaths. They will burn effigies of YOUR MOLECH. They will kick over your temples to BA’AL. They will steal your gold and close down after it is all gone.

Lucifer’s last joke is on you who stood in the way of DONALD TRUMP. DONALD will win. Good wins. Inside all of us. All that is good and right. Always wins.

THINGS MAKE SENSE. The world, is so simple. There are no equations not one of us can figure out and if we cant then its basis is false. Life science is simple. And its so much fun. If you are a flat earther, your eyes will be open wide to the evil in the world, where you were completely blind before. You can see GOOD or EVIL and the EVIL is so obvious, noone can ever miss it, unless you been globe earth indoctrinated.

Listen the evil is inside everything. Its all over. I do not even know if EVIL thinks it is evil. When it hijacks someone’s mind for example. And drives it, gives it impulses to do crimes..Evil is evil and there are many evil people, who believe they are not. Because they lie to themselves. They say. ” I am a good person, people trust me” and they put that on CNN and everyone believes it. No questions. Because they would never believe this has happened to their country. But believe it. See it, know it. Then there are evil people who deep down know it and want us dead.  The two are both the same.
Education and the truth are the cure. I extend my hand. I ask evil to come clean. Support Trump. DO it for all that is good. Stick up for him. Defend Trump in conversations. Tell the truth. Video your debates, send them to youtube.

Nasa never went to MARS, you cannot, it is not place to go to. There is no space. How can you go to MARS when SPACE IS NOT REAL? Only with MATT DAMON, GEORGE CLOONEY and SANDRA BULLOCK, space is a place. Only for them.

The moon landing was only faked, to show you live on a ball. You do not, the Earth is FLAT. That was ONLY REASON to fake it. When you look at moon landing pics on NASA website and save it then upload it to photoshop and adjust the levels, YOU SEE A BLACK BOX around the moon. CUT AND PASTE JOB. Tinfoil, curtain rods and national tv…you bought it, you fell for it, and then you misled others.


Look at JFKs warning speech and see the flat earth keywords. He used sphere, horizon, dimensions, and a few others, he used GRAVITY…go listen to it. He was warning about something using FLAT EARTH keywords. I am just saying.

The Patron Saint of Free Speech. I wonder who that is. Has that been named yet? I know the Patron Saint of Private Property is Lavoy Finicum. Who would be the patron saint of FREE SPEECH?

You know who started the French Revolution? The fish women, with their little march. They banged on pots and pans and walked along and the crowd just got that big. The women, who worked. Not the men. I been where it started.
still waiting for REAL IMAGES
( all Nasa photos are IMAGES, Artists who use photoshop)
Because planets do not exist as places to go. They are wandering luminaries in cycles of their own. They are lying to you.  As they lied to your grandparents and your ancestors for 500 years.  Copernicus, was in the liars club! Earth is FLAT. Newton too. His science kit, uses a MAGIC WAND. Newtons science kit comes with magic wand. I lie not. 

I want to share a trick. I use SNIPPING TOOL in windows, its under accesories in your start menu. It will snip a crop and save, from your screen and save as jpg. It is WAY better Than CONTROL, FN, PR SC. (Print SCREEN) That is the old way. SNIPPNG TOOL is the new ay. Go find now and drag to your taskbar to use easily. I will be very using this in my writing.

Flat Earth Corner

Nasa liars, liars liars liars, space does not exist and these people inherited our ancestors tradition of lying. Liars clubs. To prove the bible wrong and make money off it.

Desirée Jaeqx Yesterday is saw a post that claimed they found dinosaur bones on mars,hilarious! Liars!
There would be a curve if we live on a ball right? Well, where is it?

Liars club too he is.
Only they do, the ENLIGHTENED ONES!
THE ISS is fake. There is NOTHING UP THERE
You did not see it. Never. Not even one satellite, because they are fiction. 
Major deception