Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized My thoughts on Roger Stone on Alex Jones 6/30/2016

My thoughts on Roger Stone on Alex Jones 6/30/2016

My thoughts on Roger Stone on Alex Jones 6/30/2016 post thumbnail image
Movie starting shortly! Here are some trailers!
I watched this beautiful speech and heard Alex Jones with Roger Stone live and I think its so important. I want to go over it, the next day rerun here, and analyze and memorize the game plan and see what to do to Get TRUMP IN! I really want to help you. I want everyone to tune in to ALEX JONES. I want everyone to hear Roger Stone and his points and I want to point them out, the ideas. And how I see it, if I get the message right, I want to see.
Thank you so much Alex Jones for making me laugh. When you did your British Accent Globalists BBC news voice reading off Globalists news…I laughed so hard. I feel sometimes me and my boyfriend, when you are on, we actually get along and find things to laugh about together and its a bonding experience. Keeps us close. Your show Alex, INFOWARS. Makes us both laugh and both happy.
I cannot wait until you have your own tv channel Alex and can do kids tv shows and music videos etc. Like Trump Tv, I cannot wait for that either. I want Roger Stone to have his own show.
Here are the highlights. I love you Roger and “I am with you” too! Anything I can do I want to. You are such a great man. I feel so amazing having access to your knowledge. I feel so much smarter. I know what the plan is after I hear your interviews. I know the secrets too. Thanks.
  1. Roger Stone you look very handsome. I love this Beatnik look. I love the bracelet.
  2. Hillary Threatens Bullies Intimidates
  3. Circumstances around VINCE FOSTERS DEATH are going to become public.
  4. Case details of all these rape cases will be made public
  5. ( I like how you are hinting at her to step down. So kind. STEP DOWN HILLARY!) 
  6. You do not think Vince Foster was murdered. You think he really killed himself.
  7. You think Hillary ordered her body to be moved. 
  8. Clinton Foundation is SLUSH FUND
  9. “It is Largest international money laundering conspiracy in world history”
  10. “3 Billion dollar fraud now”
  11. “Blockbuster facts cannot be suppressed by a feeble outdated mainstream media”
  12. Great Quote Roger!
  13. “Isnt the Establishment Media filled with hubris?” Alex Asks.
  14. GOOD WORD ALEX, Hubris- hu·bris : noun excessive pride or self-confidence.
  15. Death of Dinosaur Media, They do not realize their power is dwindling 
  16. The Mainstream Media mock what they cannot understand
  17. They are savages, ALEX JONES SAYS
  18. Fewer and Fewer watchers and listeners, Cable tv has.
  19. “They are playing old 60’s 70’s disinfo game in 21st century Theatre” Alex Jones QUOTE
  20. Donald Trump is the greatest showman. ( I agree Roger)
  21. The Truth TRUMPS ( Alex Jones quote)
  22. “Carefully watch his twitter feeds if you want to know HOW HE THINKS” Roger Stone on Donald
  23. ( Great I agree, I do follow and I retweet almost everything Donald puts out)
  24. UNITY RALLY is still on. STOP THE STEAL.
  25. In Cleveland, for your rally, you went to court over them giving you a tiny pen gate 4 miles away.
  26. You won the lawsuit, perimeters were changed.
  27. City still is giving you restrictions. 
  28. (Hillary’s people are doing this from inside. Not the city of CLEVELAND)
  29. The democratic machine is trying to get you to delay.
  30. They are still harrassing you, but you all do what you can.
  31. ( Roger I support you and your wise decisions)
  32. You say this is not about money. Hillary has SOROS MONEY.
  33. ( I think George Soros needs to go to jail and his GOLD goes to TRUMP)
  35. “We are protesting against the SOROS SCUM that will be bussed in there!” Alex Jones says
  37. You better be there. PERIOD. PERIOD, we need bikers.
  38. DONALD TRUMP needs enough to be competitive.
  39. He just needs to money to respond to her Lies.
  40. Roger did you just come over from TRUMP TOWERS? I thought Alex said
  42.  Alex says we are Protesting against globalism.
  43.  ” This is like 1776 marching on WASHINGTON, this is where you march!” Alex says
  44. Exercise free speech
  45. “Do not wait for orders from Headquarters go to the sounds of the political guns”
  46. Book SIGNING you have at BARNES AND NOBLES ROGER STONE will have.
  47. You will see old and new friends.
  48. Alex will be speaking at events
  49. Looking forward. 
Alex will buy you dinner in Cleveland. Do not forget Roger.

I will finish this later tonight…

This DONALD TRUMP live stream is on RIGHT NOW!! I would finish, but let me do this one for you guys in case you missed.

Look my comment NOW:
  1. Watching this live right now, I am commenting on the live chat
  2. Very Smart people will be helping you in November Trump.
  3. Tremendous victory you will have.
  4. Colorado NRA synonymous
  5. We are saving your second amendment you tell the crowd.
  6. Nra loves the country, they take a lot of heat. They love America.
  7. Earliest endorsement they have given you.
  8. Evangelicals have been so amazing to you.
  9. Evangelicals are all going crazy in the audience
  11. He says he wants you to get with the evangelicals for 20 mins
  12. Maybe you can see them and its a good idea.
  13. Thats Ben Carsons idea for you Donald Trump.
  14. Ben did really well, when he ran, he got out. He called you and complimented you.
  15. Ben endorses you. Its important to you.
  16. Bobby Knight endorsed you.
  17. Ben Carson says he would bring 100 people for you to meet.
  18. The Largest Clergy Pastors Christians etc..
  19. This was the largest group they ever had.
  20. Over a thousand showed up.
  21. Could they have you for 3 hours instead of 20 minutes?
  22. Jerry Falwell Jr. was there also, Ralph Reed 
  23. Helpful to you was LIBERTY COLLEGE.
  24. I WANT TO ENDORSE YOU they all say.
  25. You thank everybody. That was amazing day you retell the story.
  26. FULL OF LOVE you felt
  27. You wrote some notes on TRUMP PLANE.
  28. You thank a lot of people and show your gratitude.
  29. The Mexican Wall, people needs to come in LEGALLY.
  30. Trump is number one again in polls. 
  31. You do very well Trump. 
  32. You have the right message. You are just the messenger.
  33. It is what you are saying about what is going on. 
  34. The message is getting stronger.
  35. You talk about the trade deals. They are killing us.
  36. Syrian Refugees, no paperwork, many are ISIS.
  37. You see whats happening in GERMANY and SWEDEN
  38. Nightmare, it is.
  39. DONALD, you have a big heart, and you going to ask countries to pay.
  40. Repeal and replace OBAMACARE
  41. Massive tax reform and simplification
  42. Hillary is raising taxes substantially
  43. Donald Trump is going to lower our taxes
  44. Tremendous simplification of taxes you will bring.
  45. Corporations have this money, they cannot bring it back in the country
  46. Deals that would take 5 minutes with everyone in a room
  47. But everyone is incompetent.
  48. Businesses are leaving this country to get their money.
  49. Supreme Court Justices you will choose the very best.
  50. People know you but you are not a politician.
  51. Sessions told you a story
  52. Federalist Society is the gold standard
  53. TPP will destroy AMERICA
  54. Nafta was signed by BILL CLINTON
  55. 11 Judges you picked from the FEDERALIST SOCIETY
  56. You speak of all these
  57. Ran them through HERITAGE
  58. You will pick people like that or exactly like that.
  59. You are proud of the REP party with 17 people running…
  60. You had the most votes of anyone ever -14 million in the primaries!
  61. Ronald Reagan you LOVE.
  62. When you break that record, that is amazing. More amazing than winning.
  63. You are honored ( so am I , I am proud of you DONALD)
  64. You will protect our country from terrorists.
  65. You will be so tough and so vigilant.
  66. Bombs all over the floors on homes on SAN BERNADINO’S KILLERS
  67. We didn’t turn them in, because we didn’t want to profile,
  68. GIVE ME A BREAK you say
  69. People have to turn people in. 
  70. What happened in ORLANDO is disgraceful and they do not want to mention it.
  71. RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM is what happened!
  72. (Crooked Hillary is terrified of mentioning it. TOO WEIRD!)
  73. People are sick and tired of JOBS LEAVING THE COUNTRY
  74. We just get UNEMPLOYMENT
  75. You been watching closely how the government been trying to get the country to lose its jobs.
  76. You won every county, in every single state.
  77. There is love.
  78. Hillary said she is putting the miners out of business.
  79. Liar- she is!
  80. You do great in states that do not do well with Republicans.
  81. You think you are going to win. You speak of this.
  82. ( I was busy live chatting I may have missed a few ideas, GO TRUMP!)
  83. We are going to be free.
  84. We are going to have a country that is safe again!
  85. We are not going to be politically correct. ( I say its ENEMY LANGUAGE)
  86. You tell a story of Bill Clinton who went into an airplane, airport story…
  87. Hillary is so guilty..
  88. He really opened up a PANDORA’s BOX.
  89. Bill Clinton is guilty.
  90. Your wife daughter kids will be at the convention.
  91. You love GOLF.
  92. PUT AMERICA FIRST. We do not do it, WE HAVE TO.
  93. Look and see the mistakes, the corruption, the awful politicians.
  94. We do deal in a rigged system
  95. You learned so much in the primaries.
  96. Thousands of people came to your airplane hanger speech.
  97. Night before the election you were there. 
  98. You did not expect to win and you won, easily, and you won.
  99. Two weeks later they show delegate counts.
  100. Then you had less than the losers had. THEN YOU REALIZED 
  102. But you got smart FAST.
  103. Great relationship with Mexico you will have.
  104. They will pay for the wall.
  105. Lots of good things will happen.
  106. Mexico now does not respect our leaders.
  107. You promise Mexico you would be making phone calls, if they ever needed you.
  108. Iran has become a power.
  109. Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, worst negotiator you ever seen.
  110. You swear you will never be in a bicycle race during a negotiation, like John Kerry did.
  111. You talk about sanctions and prisoners story.
  112. Trump “The art of the DEAL” ( I read that book years ago)
  113. Persians are great negotiators. 
  114. You tell Kerry how it should have been done.
  115. You are all for making deals. GOOD DEALS.
  116. DEAL is a disaster and to ISRAEL, you speak of. Kerry made.
  117. Iran was choking. They were going to bust up.
  118. Obama gave the regime solace. We now have a power that’s fighting us.
  119. You go into details of John Kerry’s disaster decisions.
  120. We spend tremendous amount of money protecting countries that have their own money.
  121. We spend all of this money.
  123. You talk about Turkey military story.
  124. You want to see them wipe out ISIS
  125. It looks like it was ISIS that did damage in that airport in ISTANBUL.
  126. They should do it swiftly.
  127. We pay for the other countries, we have to get them to pay us back or simultaneously.
  128. You built an unbelievable company.
  130. “When you go out, take the oil”
  131. You do not want to talk about your plans.
  132. You should be elected first, so you tell your plan, of making NATO do something.
  133. COUNTRIES have to get involve to clean this radical muslims problem up
  134. They are allowed to chop off heads and drown people, 200 at a time
  135. But we are not allowed waterboarding,
  136. they hate us, they think we are so weak, they have no respect.
  137. They understand strength. BRUTE STRENGTH and toughness 
  138. and HILLARY is as weak a you get, they will not understand her!
  139. They want her to get in so badly, so they can take us over!
  140. The last person the radical Radicals want, is DONALD TRUMP
  141. (They pray 5 times a day for Hillary! Mandatory)
  142. We do not win with the economy at present, but with you we will. 
  143. Japan China is ripping us off.
  144. Mexico is taking our companies.
  145. Carrier air conditioners moved to MEXICO.
  146. Bobby Knight love again second time.
  147. We are going to be so strong so smart , start winning, like we HAVE NEVER WON BEFORE.
  148. We are going to take care of our vets.
  149. We do not win for anything, for our pride even.
  152. Common Core we are getting rid of.
  153. We will bring our education LOCAL
  154. Its a mess.
  155. We will win big with TRADE.
  156. 500 Billion Dollars a year we lose to CHINA
  157. 1.8 Trillion we owe CHINA and JAPAN
  158. Yet we buy all theri cars?
  159. You like trade only when you make good deals for the USA
  161. We are going to win so much
  162. We will be sick of winning’
  163. We will not be able to take it, winning so much.
  164. You are going to get calls in the WHITE HOUSE
  166. You are saying no way
  167. WE ARE GOING TO WIN WIN WIN and make america great again!

Alex Jones I made a meme for you after hearing your brilliant idea today

You all know JOHN B WELLS RIGHT? Well, he was very un politically correct the other day. He said the B word. 

I made this meme too!

He was reading the news about the police called to the school because a kid said the brownies some other kid brought in, was racist. Brownies are racist. Police were called. John was so upset he kept screaming the word BROWNIE BROWNIE BROWNIE! So funny. 

I got good news. The Book Review I did for GARY BYRNE, CRISIS of CHARACTER, on youtube! I posted, anyways, he commented back on GOOGLE PLUS! look