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World Peace with DONALD TRUMP and Division with Hillary Clinton ,

World Peace with DONALD TRUMP and Division with Hillary Clinton , post thumbnail image

Division with Hillary Clinton or Unity with Donald Trump.  

Hillary wants to be crowned queen despot.  Good will never come to her.  She forces America. America HAS to put up with her. She forces herself on CNN. Clinton News Network, I hate it. I never liked CNN, it was always the fake news, to me. 

Hillary Clinton wants you to pay her,  or else, you  get everything taken away from you.  You have been paying her and Bill’s Co Presidency, and Obama, that JIZYA  for decades now.  What comes next I think it’s obvious. 

She wants to be the world landlord and she wants to collect rent and breathing tax and home and cannabis and milk tax. She wants to sell out anything America has, for cash.  Anything we have, she wants to tax, because she has time and she loves us.
What does Hillary Clinton spend her own money on?  Not her wardrobe, right? What does she spend it on? Does she have a secret expensive vice? Where does all this money go?
She makes so much money in speaking fees, just speaking fees, that’s how she covers herself when accused of bribery.  Her words are so important that they cost $100,000 a speech? Sometimes more, that is just a safe average. 
  How about you buy me a car and I talk to you for 24 hours? I can read to you. I cannot get that for that. I will read, I will speak, my my words, worth so much! People really love hearing my words that much!
 Do you know anyone who wants to listen to her?  She gives you secrets and she makes news laws up, just for your business,  and she gets your Shady governments in power!  If you give her what you what she wants which is cold hard cash.  

Huma Abedin does not love Hillary Clinton.  Huma Abedin does not think Hillary Clinton is beautiful. That is a lie. Huma is lying to Hillary. Using her, seducing her. Huma is the plant, the Radical Brotherhood handler. Huma is making sure Hillary goes through with her blood oaths, she knows she cannot keep. Huma is using Hillary. She is using Hillary for political reasons. Huma may have been talked into this, being a martyr. She may be a suicide bomber herself. Poor Huma. Submission is everything. What a life. What incentive does she have? Or is her life threatened by beheadings if she disobeys, who knows!  

He is not black. He is a ARAB Radical. His moral master is Mohammed. Or Lucifer. We shall see whose loyalties he has.

I have to ask: Does Huma Abedin, think she is Mohammed incarnate? HOW HARAM! ( That means forbidden! It is forbidden for women to have power)
 I bet you Obama thinks he is Mohammeds horse riding her in.  And that is what BARACK means. That is the name of the prophet’s horse, Barack. ABBEDON means in old english, HELL or the DEVIL. Its in the bible too.  Abbedon is in the bible. Hell is the name. 
 Barack is the name of Mohammeds horse.  Abbedon in the Bible, is a name for HELL or the DEVIL.  yes yes. Look it up. I made a meme. Look up what Barack means and look up ABBADON. Its not exactly ABEDIN but very close. 
I feel she cannot resist the temptations of power, she may have another plan up her sleeve, or she is just using Hillary to buy more handbags.  She is so stupid. If she does this for the muslims, they will just kill her.  The muslims see her as HARAM. A working woman? Totally Haram. That means FORBIDDEN. For they hate women in power. They hate it with passion. They see women  and they just want to kill them. Women are NOT MEANT TO BE SEEN..
 But first, they have to be patient like their book says, and lie and decieve, to gain trust from the Kaffirs.  They have a BIG plan for Hillary. Foolish Luciferian, they think of her, she believes our promises to her!

Hillary Clinton wants slave labor camps, starvation, plunder, torture and slaughter for sale.  She wants to broker that. It is for sale on the world market.  She wants to use the United States physical power against you, the people.  She wants to enslave you, in the name of WOMEN. She wants to be your Dr.  AND she wants to be your landlord AND she wants to be your car.  She cares about the earth so much! She cares about the resources of the land.  She cares so much about your house. She cares about your bank too. And your driver license. She cares about Bills you owe. She wants to help. Hillary Clinton is here. She wants to help. She wants you to have three bathrooms she loves you so much.  She wants you safer, by taking away the guns. 

With Hillary, and thanks to Bill and what they signed in, If anyone has a child, do not worry, the MAN will be forced to pay child support for life!  No more family! She did it!  
There is nowhere to run and hide because she wants these laws to be controlled, internationally, via United Nations.  You will not be able to HIDE. 

You will not be able to bank or buy groceries or or even drive a car, in any country in the world!! if you owe a dime in Australia for example, you will not be able to get a license in England, or America.  If you refuse to pay child support that was owed 20 years ago, your driver license will be suspended. No matter what country you go.  That is how it has started, and the abuse is rampant.
If your daughter is 40 years old, doesnt matter, you still owe. And whatever you owed, they will triple it, for cost, for fee, for Hillary’s CUT. If you say anything, she will put your face on the internet.  
That is what the United Nations is, with their flat earth map logo.  They are a INTERNATIONAL BILL COLLECTION AGENCY.  Hillary wants to be crowned queen of the world with molech’s and nimord’s blessing. Despised by all. How glamorous. 
Wicked!  Just like in the SUPERFRIENDS or AUSTIN POWERS. EVIL so dumb. Morons. Bloated, arrogant and they always get foiled.
 Evil are so dumb and they always lose. See James Bond, Superman.  And hear this, Hillary wants to collect the money! 
She wants to be the bail bonds lady, using USA phsycial power, to force all people to BILLPAY, to pay, the system. They do not pay, are late, they go to jail. Without committing a crime! Internationally!  
With Hillary it is rob or be robbed, Kill or be killed.  If you are Hillary you have to lie and decieve. You have to cheat,  and you have to fight to seize power.  Mrs. Clinton has a savage ideology.  She promises you Civil War.  She wants an enslaved nation.  She wants to fool you. She is a dictator.  She has no self esteem because she is like a cornered animal.  She has surrendered to destruction.  Hillary cannot even control a tiny tribe.
We will never have one world peace under Hillary Clinton.  You will have conspiracies betrayals and coups.   Hillary Clinton is a pirate.  She does not recognize independent Men’s rights.  How can she recognizes those rights of a nation of men!
In a free society all of the wealth will be privately owned.  This is what Donald trump wants.  He wants America to be great again.  Alex Jones says we have to be freed, before we can be great and I agree. 
 A FREE country survives under production.   Donald Trump knows how to produce.  He is the builder, he is a creator. 
What has Hillary Clinton built?  What has Hillary Clinton produced?  
Hillary knows how to take bribes very well.  Maybe she can write the new Satanic bible.  If you can call that a creation.  She’s very good at lies. She has talent. Maybe she can have an EVIL school in prison. I say banish her to the undergrounds, she is too evil. It will be hard on the guards and other inmates. Its traumatizing.  
Donald trump won’t force others to do business with him.  He just doesn’t work like that. Hillary Clinton Does.  

Donald trump knows that if you leave America free to produce, there is no incentive to steal.  There is nothing to gain from defrauding, in a free country, but much more to lose.  All those looters will be gone.  With Hillary the you will have epidemic of parasites.  Hillary thinks military conquest gets wealth.  Donald Knows that leaving men free will get wealth.  They have no incentive to do wrong.  Men are great if you let them.  America will be great again. There will be so much wealth.

Donald trump knows how to deal with traders.  He has experience.  Other men value and esteem him.  He he knows that profit does not grow on rubble you have to build something of the rubble like Trump Towers.  Hillary Clinton thinks profit is selling out our secrets.  Donald trump works harder than his employees.  Hillary Clinton has all her work done for her she is just the puppet.  She sits on George Soros’s lap and he moves her mouth.  She is a baby. There has to be a board working out what she does next. She cannot make decisions on her own, with the money invested in her by warlords and kingpins.
Hillary makes deals with unsavory governments. Her wars would be fake, to cause fear and make money. Maybe do experiments on the soldiers.  She gave permission for.  Her wars would be to loot, or to threaten, or to wield power, her power trips over men world leaders, for example. Can you see her going into power trips with world leaders, who disrespect her?  EMBARRASSING. 
  Hillary would have to do a draft to get anybody to do anything for her.  Donald trump’s army will be voluntary.  That is the most efficient army there is.  Donald trump will never send men to a cause like Vietnam.  His cause will be WORTHY.  Bombing the hell out of Isis for example.  The citizens would WANT to pay for this war, as in a free country all the wealth will be privately owned. 
Man’s true nature is good and productive Alex Jones says. I agree. 
Rome fell when it became statist.  Hillary Clinton law of statism.  She makes special markets for special governments.  Who gives special advantages and gets.  Special privileges at the public’s expense.  In the name of peace and women, Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton just breeds poverty.  I have learned that the “haves”,  have freedom and the “have nots” do not have freedom.
Haves= have freedom
HAVE NOTS= have no freedom.
Many have no incentive to do evil when set free.  I love man and I want men to survive.  War will come with Hillary Clinton she is Isis commander.  She wants to be bossy.  She wants so badly  to get Bill Clinton’s love back.  She says if only, I can just show him what I can do, he will love me.  When Hillary exhausts every American’s wealth, she will attack other countries.  That is her philosophy.  At how she does business.

Donald  knows that trade is not flourish in war.  He knows how to make money.  When a country is free, do you think people are gonna want to go to war? No,  there is too much to lose. With war there will be nothing to gain.  All the brightest minds in the world will want to come into our country legally. LEGALLY!  Production that will happen. Truth will have its protective layer removed forever. Man can be great.  It is a gift. Trump can do this. He can create GOOD in the world. 
The only way unsavory governments get money, is by stealing. That is Hillary’s vision. Remember, Hillary has no loyalties, not even to SAUDI ARABIA or CHINA and definitely not to us.  She will not keep her promises either. Donald Trump, you can trust and he has a history of trust. If he says something, and shakes on it, it is good.  

Donald trump is the man who means peace.  Who will want to go to war when everyone’s making money in the free market?  There is no incentive to be bad.  His foreign policy is so good.  There should be free international exchange. 

 Protective Tariffs, Donald shown knows all about.  He can protect us or do away with them as he sees.  There should be an banning of trade barriers.  All evils are blamed on the free market. But all good comes from making the market, control everything. Holes will fill up. It will regulate itself.  
These tyrants need to be voted out immediately.  GET OUT OF DONALD TRUMPS CHAIR.