Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Screen shots off my phone

Screen shots off my phone

Screen shots off my phone post thumbnail image
Thats me. 7 days just fruits greens nuts. Raw food fast. Clear eyes. 5 decades.
Notre Dame looks like they’re something under it. Top hats. Walls doors. Coliseum.
Victor Hugo says there was an entire staircase 12′ buried that they had to move.. meaning it’s 12′ buried the building..the machine.. he was secret society.. he knew a lot of things a lot of these old authors for example they all write about the 1900s world’s fair.. Where everything was destroyed or stolen or hidden from us.. and I think that the reason that we have these classics and in literature is because they are talking about mysteries.

Anyways Victor Hugo was talking about how notre Dame is actually 12′ lower. Meaning they had to dig out a staircase.
Whoever controls these buildings controls the world these buildings are all over just like notre Dome like in Cologne Germany or in Indiana.

That wine isn’t drunk I still have it but it’s the Tartarian flag the flag of Tartary has a Griffin on it
That is my Uncle I loved very much. I just want to say that I miss him and I really love him and if he was here I would give him a hug and I would try to help him.

His 1st son was vaccine injured.. the injury was so bad…that my cousin died. 2 months. The hospital try to make it out like it was shaken baby .. but then they finally said it was sids because I guess everybody try to make a stink out of it…my dad is attorney etc… It was put on the 6 o’clock news. Sudden sids death.

But the reality was my cousin got a vaccine ..turned blue and died. And it was listed as a sids death.. so the hospital lied about this was murder and my Uncle died from sadness yes..simple he died from sadness became an alcoholic etcetera..
He told me this story how he was so sick and so sad and he drank himself to death.
He called them satanists.

I teach my kids how to draw with my graphic tablet. 5 years old not bad. My other kids learns latin but mostly minecraft when home.

A nose sticker…w no pimples. Haha. Love it.

God-bless notre Dame. You know in the Disney movie it’s A musical…a there is a song about fire and how the hell fire can’t destroy her… It’s almost like they knew something.

You know I studied macrons face and I saw his wife crying behind but you know what he looked a little upset like I did something badd but in the end hes just doing his job and he knew he was going to do this and he solemnly did did this speech and yes they will rebuild it 10 years later and maybe they will tell that the world that He built it. Maybe they will Bruin it like so many other buildings like the Louvre remember they put that weird glass triangle.
I think they were hunting for treasure there is so much treasure buried underneath these architectural marvels

Another reason why the statues were removed from notre Dame 4 days before it was burnt down was because I think the statues may have melted and it would not have looked right they may have had stuff inside of them like gold and they were probably robbing all the stuff too.

I know that notre dame used to be a temple to the God Jupiter do you remember what Emmanuel macron said when he became elected to be the president of France well he said he was going to rule like the Roman God Jupiter I remember that.
My lilacs bloom. Such a great Time of year it’s a very short window soon I’m gonna get my lilies and then my red roses. The daffodils are from my lawn too.
Breakfast raw vegan fruity nutty I really love the food I eat

I’m glad it’s over because I really felt something really bad…yes on that day something really weird switched off inside of me. April 19th that night.. and for 2 days I was in bed ..I haven’t done anything ..I’ve been so depressed I don’t know what’s come over me ..but I feel like I’m just so alone anyway cartoonists always have this problem cartoonists are famous for having these issues..
I just have a really hard time with solitude and living in the country sometimes I don’t talk to anybody outside my family for like 3 or 4 months straight.
That Friday I guess trump said every kid should be vaccinated and the father of my 3 kids just went off the deep end and called me a loser told me I was stupid for defending such a horrible person . I would love to live in a world where there’s other trump supporters around me and I’m not so isolated and so alone in Portland.

I have all these people spying on me that are in relationships with him and they get information about him by following me online and social media . There are so many people that want to get in contact with him that try to figure out me in order to get a good deal with him or to get New NDA..signed or something new.. everybody wants something out of him.

Honestly if you wanna be in with us if you want to get in with us the best way is to just be nice to me be nice to us. Show us love.

I really enjoy cartooning and I really wanna do it it’s just when I think about my kitchen and my workspace and who’s around me it’s not a good time it’s not a good area I don’t have a good team at but I’m still doing the best I can.

I try to go to put the kids to bed early so I can do The radio show. Twice I was queued to call in but I just couldn’t I just laid in bed and I was so tired.

I always say I want to be the best person I can be and I want to make myself happy and I want to do the things that I am proud of and I want to make my family proud and I do I I’m still looking for love even though I have 3 kids sometimes you can’t help who you have kids with ..I had kids with a never trumper.
I’m glad I did .. I love my kids and anything that I’m lacking in love.. my kids make up for they just give me so much love much attention.. and my son hes just so sensitive to me and he won’t eat anything unless I’ve had a bite out of it 1st I mean we have a great platonic love.

I would like more friends and I would like even if it’s just one good friend I would like 1 good friend I mean I have moral support but I mean I’m looking for an absolute father figure that would really heal me and take care of everything I need and give me anything I wanted and help me and send me presents.

Notre dame… a machine.. Older than 800 years I think so I think maybe 800 years ago some tyrant burned off a roof and then took credit for building it. Then maybe the church got into power they burned down the roof rebuilt it in their own image. I think it resonated frequencies are sound it was a machine it wasn’t just a regular place. It seemed like the doorways everything’s built for larger people . Plus buildings very similar are all over the world in every country and they all have the same windows cathedral type and its sound those are you can replicate those those are megatron..

It’s very junk food like but the only place around us is the convenience store.
The wine is still undrunk sitting on my fridge.
I should drink it now and chat with my diary because I really don’t have anybody else to talk to right now and I really don’t want to talk to guys at midnight.

But I don’t wanna talk to random guys I don’t wanna meet anybody I’m just looking for my father figure .. just looking for somebody to give me everything I need all the love I need all the money I need all the food and it’s not much I just need quiet time to do my cartoon work.

You is about the buildings it’s about the 😊 “antiquitech” …the ancient technology you know most of history’s fake..most of history is fake most of what we’ve been taught his fake fake fake.
These buildings are ancient something happened we have missing time around the 1800s late 1700s and all the dates you see before are not actually the right day you see we think it’s 1600s but it’s actually I 600 or J 600 you have to look really closely at these gravestones and as at these coins and they’re going by a totally different year.

I know I lived in Beacon Hill I used to walk by all those cemeteries and when I worked in Harvard square for 7 years I would go to the Harvard cemetery all the time so I know about these old dates they’re all like that.

So all these kings and queens and royalty who say they’re descended they’re not they all showed up at the same time and everybody just squatted and didn’t pay the rent. Original nationalists if you will and this all hinges on our belief system.
Before the Internet the only place to get information was the encyclopedia Britannica and we got all our literature all the bookstores were owned by these secret societies.
The next time you read madame bovary pay attention to the talks about this great world’s fair this great agricultural fair because all of those books talk about it.
Or even Anna Karenina. Or Hugo.
Hugo wrote a lot of mysteries about notre Dame in his book about the hunchback he talked many many mysteries in fact the book was about the building.
These all had domes and they all looked like like the buttresses look like maybe something was cooling off like it was like a big electric whole machine resonating sound or frequency or something.
Hey put a cross on it turn it into a church.
Every culture that is come along has turn that building into their own image. Taken credit for building it.

Lied about. The past is controlled. It’s not real what we’ve been taught. We are really in the movie the matrix we really don’t know what’s going on or where we came from or who built these buildings but somebody does and they are destroying them all over the world

Interesting book I saw.. I don’t feel it moving ..maybe if I take a hot air balloon and I hover over..letting go my anchor…maybe in 7 hours I’ll be in Miami??
Wouldn’t the clouds move.. if we’re flying? and what’s this about being in a vacuum but yet there’s no seal is.. Very bizarre. I know my 1st teacher had a globe on her desk so that makes it real. She was very nice too I believe her.
Hey for billions of dollars.. we get really cool artistic scifi graphic space “images “ exchange. Maybe we get 1 or 2 new space pictures a year of the bottom of a frying Pan.

David dees is a cool cat he is an artist just like me. He has a Facebook group where hes into all this stuff about Tartarian buildings.
These were here before we got here. In every city there was statues to Greek and Roman goddess. Every courthouse everything you see with pillars columns that’s all ancient it’s all living ruins.
Creepy men who came out of nowhere didn’t build these works of art. They lied about it and they did this with their secret Clubs.

Hundreds of them Torn down before we could see them.

Good all creepy Joe Biden. What a weirdo.

An old medieval demon drawing

Flag of tartary. I actually bought that T-shirt for the father of my kids. The emperor of Tartary his flag has An owl on it…want it?

I guess the message I want to say is please cheer up Maria please if no one’s reading this at least my soul is in the future and the past are. maybe my kids will read this or maybe somebody will read this a 100 years from now and I just wanna say that unhappiness is a mental illness and one should never be unhappy and if 1 is unhappy 1 is mentally ill and 1 needs to fix this and sometimes we wake up and we’re absolutely disgusted …but you just have to make the best of it and you have to do your the right thing and you have to make sure that there are no victims in your life.

Also everything that’s ever happened to me is a 100% my responsibility and anything bad that’s happened to people I’ve known is my responsibility also I’m responsible for everything that happens around me.
I hope that I can really use time to love my children as I was never loved as a child I was an after school supervision latch key kid of the eighties I walked all over town by myself every day.
I didn’t have a helicopter mom I did not have parents hugging me and telling me I was beautiful every 5 minutes.
But I did go to very nice schools and I was on soccer teams basketball teams I Was in spelling bee my 1st year in school . The 1st year of Learning English I was in a spelling bee so that’s what I’m capable .
I’m glad to have lived through the paradox of Ayn rand And her philosophy I’ve lived with for so long….and to finally have lived through a lifetime of questions.. and having them all being answered in my lifetime. Honestly I just need direction as to where I’m going to next I don’t know where I’m going to be tomorrow I just know that something’s changed this past week and I’m going to be moving into a different direction I don’t know if I’m going to be streamlining my cartoons or just simplifying everything I don’t know but I’m constantly changing.

I’m shaking off baggage to I’ve gotten myself into pretty strange habits where I post certain people my cartoons and I write them long letters and I don’t really get much back so I’m looking to stop all that because there is a lot of time wasters.

A lot of people that I thought were intrested in my cartoons … I don’t know they kind of drifted away and I just I want them back I want their attention back I need help with my cartoons..
A lot of things have worked that I do want to keep I want to keep a certain amount of friends there’s just so much going on my life with my kids with house cleaning like I said I’m totally isolated and I’m totally like a slave to things that I never Thought I would be a slave to and I’m I have to humble myself because from my entire life I’ve been spoiled I’ve always had maids of always been pampered of always made a lot of money and now I’m like a housewife with nothing.

The great thing about geniuses I’ve always attracted men who are smart but the thing I hate that comes with it is they have a one track mind there are workaholics my father for example was a workaholic but that’s what I’ve grown to love I’ve grown to love the man who can’t love me back and it’s a beautiful bitter bitter sweet thing.
I wish I was married to my work but maybe my work will pay right now my work is free it’s donations it’s charity it’s my patriotic duty but Hey if I was getting paid to work it would be such a headache because I would feel like I have to get up every morning just to please my art patrons and just to give them what they want which is usually the dumb stuff that my cartoons that go viral ..are always the dumb ones the ones that you know are just one gag jokes..or something really simple and basic I try not to do them because most cartoon ideas I get that are 2 basic other cartoonists are drawing so I tried it really really think hard about what my cartoons are gonna be like.
If I get a cartoon idea and it’s too easy I usually don’t do it because chances are A-day or 2 later another cartoonist this going to get the same idea and draw it and I don’t wanna do simple ideas.

For example if I get a joke out of a new story and it’s so obvious it’s so simple I don’t do it usually A-day later another cartoonist will have drawn that cartoon that I thought but the idea was just so simple

I try to be original in my cartooning.. sometimes I focus on the caricature .. because I take a lot of classes.. and I try to get that out of the way.. and as I am drawing the caricature..the funny likeness the exaggeration that’s when I get my joke.. that’s how I draw most days.. but some days I get the vision in my head and it cracks me up.. and I write it down and I have to draw it right away because if I wait too long it’s just not funny anymore.

In the comments people are saying that I should learn English while I’m going all this with a cell phone and it’s really hard took to write all this just using the cell phone so just be happy I’m getting something out.