Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Roger Stone on Alex Jones Sunday part 1 AND 2

Roger Stone on Alex Jones Sunday part 1 AND 2

ALEX JONES. HERE from the flat-earth transmission. It is 6 5 2016. Ahahah I hate the

globalists so much, I cannot even SAY GLOBAL Transmission. The globe must be flattened. 

 I drew a photo for you Alex, I did in MSPAINT. Its to honor Ben Carson.  I did this just now. 
 Mexican Nationalist high level Operative is in the news, you explain it all Alex. Thank

you. I am not the idiot in the room, ANYMORE, after I hear your broadcasts.

La Raza the hidden hand of HATE. OOOh sounds ISIS.

LIKE when you say that. Or ISIL.



snakes. When you say ISIS you sound like a hissing snake. Thats why Obama is

superstitious , he cannot say the name of his master. Who hisses. The snake liar

lord level of his secret society. Now run by ISLAM. 

 I heard this interview this morning, I loved DAVID KNIGHTS part about the LUCIFERIAN

like symbols he has seen, it was really good. I look forward to hearing the whole

thing again, and leaving you what I think

 Alex, at 8:00
I LOVE YOUR RANT about GOD and the creator. WHO CREATED all this

ALEX? This close sun and close moon. THE NWO tells you , you are nothing. You came

from a monkeys ass and think the earth is a ball, and that there are such things as GERMS and SPACE, Dinosaurs, satellites, what will we not fall for. Its

the joke. The SECRET of all secret societies, are they are making fun of how dumb

you are. The bigger the lie, the more you buy it. They hate us, for not figuring it out,

their dark secret, they hate, that is rotting them like DORIAN GRAYS PAINTING. 

Mohammed Ali RIP that was nice of you to talk about his life.

I say release them.

I love when you talk about MATT DRUDGE. Thanks Anyone can talk to me about whats

on drudge and I will be very entertained. I even like the reruns of Matts interview. You need to get him on about CLINTON gossip.

 11:20 I love when you talk about EUROPE news. I seen Brexit. BRITISH EXIT.
SECRET SERVICE AGENT BOOK coming out, you say. CAN I BUY THIS, can I pre order it? I cannot wait, I cannot wait.  CRISIS of CHARACTER its called. 

Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne exposes the truth behind Hillary, Bill, and their public facade.

Posted directly outside President Clinton’s Oval Office, Former Secret Service uniformed officer Gary Byrne reveals what he observed of Hillary Clinton’s character and the culture inside the White House while protecting the First Family. Now that a second Clinton administration threatens — their scheme from the very beginning — Byrne exposes what he saw of the real Hillary Clinton.

While serving as a Secret Service Officer, Gary Byrne protected President Bill Clinton and the First Family in the White House and outside the Oval Office. There, he saw the political and personal machinations of Bill and Hillary Clinton and those who were fiercely loyal to them. In CRISIS OF CHARACTER Byrne provides a firsthand account of the scandals–known and unknown–and daily trials ranging from the minor to national in scale.

I am finishing Legacy of Ashes by Tim Weiner, now. I may share my favorite quotes. GET RID OF THE CIA. They stand in every Preisdents way and thats not in the CONSTITUTION.  Noone likes them. No President, likes them.
You just cannot control, they are too big. Too many secrets. Really incompetent.

Thats what the book STRESSES. I underlined the BEST QUOTES. 


RAZA and OBAMA’s buddy? WOW. Obama is wicked! THATS WICKED ALEX JONES!! Open

ESPIONAGE I AGREE, you are so spot on. 

They are beating up Trump supporters with Mexican Flags. Mexico, you will never be part of us. You will never have a NORTH AMERICAN UNION. Trump is going to make your country very wealthy with the GREAT WALL building.

Close all door to this Gonzalo Mexican La Raza Racist Judge. Banish him. When he walks in the room, walk out. Do not do eye contact, just leave. Do not hire him. Do not write new contracts for employment, just say we are moving in a new direction. Fire him. When he says something, ignore him.

La Raza is THE RACE right? Sounds like THE

RAT? Doesnt it? Maybe they should change the name. Like the car CHEVY NOVA, in

SPANISH it means, CHEVY does not go. Well la Raza sounds like a Razor-Rat. La Raza Razor Rats.

So we have a racist judge let loose, CRAZY la Raza JUDGE GONE WILD.


They should make a reality show. With Balloons let loose everytime the judge

slams the gavel. Mexican Racist Judge! 

 HILLARY CLINTON should be in jail for her emails. 14:48 You play the clip, of DONALD

TRUMP, omg he sounds amazing. He has that TONE. You know it. He means business.

This is it. Hillarys Judgment. I hope he banishes her to the undergrounds, she can

rule over the banished ones, all the liars clubs and satanists. 



Yes, you and your INFOWARS filmed all the violence, and that showed the world, who

are the evil ones out there. This is like, DONALD TRUMP is beating evil, every single

round. I hate the ghouls. You speak of a School barring a student from wearing a MAKE AMERICAN GREAT again hat. WOW. Thats

wicked. They are wicked. Americas children, getting taught by these looneys, control

freaks. Its the teachers making money off common core book sales. I bet you. Who

else would ban this? Americas classrooms should be watching the rallies and

There should be teams and every child should be at least introduced to whats going

on in the world. 

I love the look on his face. When I hear him address HILLARY in his speeches, I imagine his face like this, angry, fed up! 

Mexico would love the GREAT WALL. It would bring in tourism dollars like NUTSO and generations of poor mexicans will have work and well to do homes will be built for them, by Mexico. Who has tons of cash, tons of AZTEC GOLD I am sure.

That was so well written, whoever wrote it, sounds like it is from the heart. Thats what will win him this, the heart. America LOVES DONALD TRUMP. You can never take that back. 
He is like the LION, he will kill you, if you stand in his way. With his words and ideas.



OBAMA set him loose on him, but the Mexican Chihuahua is whimpering now. 

Obama told him he would get power in this new AMERICAN AND MEXICO union. But he is getting wind, that Obama is a LIAR. He was to do this in exchange for HURTING TRUMP, that was the deal, and

this Mexican Racist is now terrified. Terrified he may be on the wrong side. He knows what happened to JUSTICE SCALIA. He is

like, I better do my job and go after TRUMP or else I may be suffocated in my sleep


 He secretly praying to his rosary beads in Spanglish, he wants to take back his contract with lucifer.

But he lost access to all good. He is damned. 


JUDGE for OBAMA. “Race Based Brainwashing”, you call it ALEX JONES. 

They had a secret meeting, they say, you the one holmes. You the one, the dark lord has chosen to go after TRUMP. 

 29:00 Hillary is such a liar. I love when you play a clip of DONALD TRUMPS counter

punching HILLARY CLINTON. DO YOU HEAR HIS VOICE, the tone? ITS new, he knows

something, this is BIG. BIG!


dangerous for PRISON. She has to be banished. We are talking, Lucifer has found his

replacement. Or his PHYSICAL BODY. In her, that is how WICKED SHE IS.


Still commercial break.. 

 34:00. THIS LA Racist Rat Judge, You say he is equivalent of a KKK Grand DRAGON. Yes,

whats he doing? What did Obama do? He needs to get out of Trumps seat!

Hispanics cannot say we are only for Hispanics.


36:00 minutes! WHAT A SURPRISE! 

They look like they arresting Hillary Clinton, she escaped and they caught her..
Alex is like, HOLD YOURSELF THERE MRS CLINTON, this is a citizens arrest. Look how happy Roger is. WE GOT YOU HILLARY, you cannot escape.

Trump University was a real estate course. So they found one person, who didnt

make a million dollars overnight and this is the scandal? ITS SET UP fake case. 

Roger STONE, you tell the truth! OY VEY! SCAMSTERS of the CLINTON


Laureat University, why is not that on the news, and why is that LARIAT UNIVERSITY not in the


It looks like our enemy, is controlling what is seen on the idiot box. Or Idiot

magazines at the dollar store checkout line. 


Machiavellian, Alex Jones said it was like.

People wants to get to the heart of the issue. You are right. 

 40:33 DONALD TRUMP is SMART LIKE A FOX, you say. I agree, ( HE CAN OUTFOX VINCENTE?) Is that

what you meant ROGER STONE. Talking about Mexican Loyalists.

For Bernie and Hillary.:


RAMADANNNN all pretending its Mohammed we pray to…when its LUCIFER…the cube god of HELLRAISER movies…Bernie is like, hail satan…make me VP Hillary.

Look who Donald Trump respects. MY GOD, he is sucha  good man. WHO not can see this?
OBAMA destroying America, its so funny, yes…This HEAT from GLOBAL WARMING making me sweat, no, I am crying for guns and all those false flags that didnt work.

Hillary’s VP chpice is Satan. I think the big joke is, he wants to retire and have Hillary take over the BANISHED ONES underground. He wants her to rule over the undergrounds 2016. Lucifer wants to MAKE A DEAL. He says, I live up there with you people, and Hillary can take my place. Hillary will have a good laugh with SATAN when she gets his joke. But snakes are snakes, we cannot make deals wirh snakes or liars, period. So how about we just send Hillary to PRISON 2016! In the UNDERGROUNDS, under Denver Airport, or the underground of her choice, maybe her and Bill’s Bunker, will suffice for all time. I hear JBLM has cities undergrounds.

That is who it is people. That is the VP CHOICE. But like I said, he is tricking her, to take HIS Place ruling over the banished ones in the undergrounds. The joke is on her. Thats the king of lies humor for ya.
They hate Hillary, the DEMOCRATS hate her. SO does MATT DRUDGE, he hates her hates her hates her. I can tell you this for sure. I follow Drudge daily for decade. His day is now, every day is bliss for him.

41:00 to the PRISONS……
 STOP INTERRUPTING ALEX, I did not catch what STONE said about CHRIS CHRISTIE and

MARCO RUBIO!! But STONE ZONE dot com, is so gracious.

I cannot keep up, so much going on, I love it.

I have to wait a few days to post this,

so I can just bump this, and not ride on it. I understand how forums work. You have

to wait after you post a topic, til the response slows, or find one you really want

everyone to see, wait for the spark to go, then you bump it, and after waiting a few days, everyone else does, and then

the topic stays current forever. Most bumps, will say just that, “BUMP”. At least I am

writing my commentary. You have to do what you can, to spread this information, AT


America has to get TRUMP in, no matter what. 
 TRUMPS WINGMAN, Roger Stone 47:00 ALEX!

GONZALO is the name of the judge! WOW. And he is a LA RAZA, and gets illegal

scholarships. Megabanks are funding them, in exchange for future promises of land

or power, or underaged children, whatever the satanists snacks..temples

to baal, to ruin all medicine, science and art? My thoughts.

 ROGER STONE When you speak of IVANKA, the greatest single asset the TRUMP

CAMPAIGN has…wow. I feel we have that idea in common. I feel the same way. She is like Alex Jones, called her a GODDESS. She is. Like Venus, and the one with brains. A totally new goddess. Beauty with Brains. A new creation, a new archtype. The Model American Woman!

THE GODDESS in gold.
Looks sooo good here. Show this picture of IVANKA to a baby and watch it smile and coo, and then show a picture of Hillary Clinton to a baby and watch it cry.
Who picks out her clothes. They are probably HER BRAND which is amazing.
Hillary Clinton is not the golden goddess. She is the goddess of promises and IOUS of paper money. Checks and Verbal agreements. Bills and Fees. Fines and Breathing tax. Those pink copies of receipts. 

 Donald trump is the golden one. YES/ #goldstrike – Gold loves Donald Trump. Gold has affinity for DONALD TRUMP. It ius attracted to him.

 No gold is to be seen anywhere around Hillary Clinton. Gold is all around the TRUMPS. Ivanka if anything, would be the golden goddess. AGREED? Hillary is the ISIS COMMANDER Goddess

THIS IS HILLARY CLINTON GODDESS. ( In Alex Jones’ Menacing Villain Voice, ISIS the serpent goddess) 
She has arisen. The Wife of Lucifer, and the butt of his last joke.
Its the name of ISIS goddess with TWO SNAKES.
Thats what Hillary Clinton is. THE cobra commander goddess ALEX JONES. Of ISIS. The woman holding the snakes under her control. Isis is the name, Hillary is ISIS goddess holding the snakes of JIHAD ISLAM in her hands.  HILLARY CLINTON is ISIS. She controls the snakes. 
That is the actual name of that ancient goddess holding two snakes. ISIS. The wife of OSIRIS.  ITS HER! 

Cobra Commander! Alex Jones heed, it is SHE. Cobra Commander from the GI JONES cartoons, is HILLARY CLINTON. Thats why COBRA wears a black face mask.

Donald Trump says you cannot trust a snake.
This police officer is arresting her, and she turns into a snake with a forked tongue. She needs to be step down for TRUMP now and beg the public for forgiveness now. America may cut her a deal if she rats out EVERYTHING bad her and Bubba ever did.
Its like if you listen to her voice, you are put into a death trance and your eyes get tired and you feel like sleeping and you feel her warm snakeskin wrap around your body.
Roger Stone speaks highly of IVANKA. You know, I seen this. ALEX JONES SAYS IVANKA TRUMP IS A GODDESS I agree, yes.

IVANKA TRUMP is AMERICA’s MAIDEN! Who is waxing slowly, into Mother. And I love

her products. I always looked up to her in CELEBRITY APPRENTICE, I seen everyone.

She was always spot on. Professional. I love her voice! Its got that IT factor. That voice, thats not sissy, means business.   I love her husband too. 

Roger Stone, you say, “They hate the fact that Trump has

Three Jewish Grandchildren”. WOW. You are right. Roger Stone. That is important. But

remember, DONALD TRUMP thinks for himself. I heard you say too. Ivanka is very

royal-like. Who she marries, YOU KNOW its for love. This is not arranged marriage like ISIS. Or Hillary Clintons ISIS handler. This is love that Ivanka has for her husband, she is MARRIED TO.  I know you know this. You do! She has the smarts.

” Noone can plant negative stories on his son in law”. He is very skilled. This is a MARRIAGE of LOVE. It is real. They are really together.  Look how beautiful. 

Ivanka is the golden goddess. HAVE YOU SEEN HER COLLECTION OF GOLD SHOES ALEX JONES. She is a business woman. I would say Ivanka is the GOLDEN GODDESS.
American Woman. Type in Gold Shoes by Ivanka Trump in Google Images. 
Gold on the HANDBAGS….umm..hello, this is quality and style, She is business.
Or you can go to the dollar store and buy Hillary Clinton’s Products

A Mousepad that says LAWS are for the LITTLE PEOPLE. 
Her best seller:
The Infowars shirt.

 Major Ace or Major Mistake? 

Mistake, I SAY ALEX, going after Trumps son in law.

HOW CRUEL, that is. 

What about Hillary’s cuckold husband Bill Clinton?

 “I know one when I see one”. I love it ROGER STONE. I wish I knew the inside joke. I

feel you and Alex have your little conversations too. He is always trying to get you to

say more.

 SHORT LIST, PART THREE…what I have to wait til Monday! I am dying. I have to know

whats going on. 

OOOOO  DAVID KNIGHT! Ok then good, yes, I love this, I love it. I love David Knight, he brings professionalism, good suits, and class to your show ALEX. 

Now I know why I thought I

missed something when I heard this live earlier. There is a part three, MONDAY, I

have to wait.

But David Knight is so funny. So witty. 

THIS RAZA JUDGE, yes, yes I am glad David you

want to talk about this! Yes, “CESAR CHAVEZ did not care for LA RAZA”

La Raza, like razing, raking, sounds like a rake cutting you. It doesnt translate well.

Or like thats sound your zipper makes. Its very unsexy. RAhzahg. RAZA Razor Blade Rats! RAZA!

 Opening, Luciferian Opening, for a undergrounds tunnel, Satanists in Switzerland.

You speak of.

I seen BREXIT doc, you should see it David Knight. 

I agree, if any, the ONLY good one on the internet. I want ALEX JONES to have a internet station. With many channels. I love Nightly News. I love the daily transmission. Alex Jones is the best news

source, he gets his news sources, from DRUDGE, who has a perfect sense for whats current

news. SPIDER SENSE he has. He is GIFTED. I appreciate Alex Jones for always talking

about the real news on Drudge. Its so exciting. I share many of the same opinions,

and I think I GET HIS HUMOR more than anyone else. Not alot of people understand that humor. I get it. I get Matt Drudge.

YES Drudge, I love so much. The headlines, the sides and

photos, all talk to one another. Look for the clues! Usually if your eye fell on that

headline, its meant for your eyes. Always click on the one your eye fell on first.

Always comment on the article. If they let you. Some too mainstream to hear truth.

Be funny. 

 David Knight, satanists, everywhere, they taken over everything. Yes, Trump is our

SAVIOR! Well then!

 1:07:08 LA RAZA judge, needs to be deported. To the UNDERGROUNDS 2016!
Traitor to America and man, I wish he would come clean and beg the public for

forgiveness. His soul may be saved, if others vouch for his soul. But he would have to

expose everything on live tv, or something. It would have to be a worthy sacrifice for

what he has done. Some sort of TRUTH. On who paid him. Hillary maybe, or to tell all

his “people” since, he believes in supremacy for his culture, that Hillary Clinton, is a ,

well, from his heart he should say. A SNAKE.

Snake Obama too afraid to say Isissssss

The worst Man ever alive likes Hillary Clinton. BANISH THEM BOTH TO THE UNDERGROUNDS 2016! They can fight over who rules the banished ones, underground. They can have cities there and cars they can drive and they can grow wheat with fiber optics. They can do all the experiments they want. They need to be banished to the undergrounds. Federal Prison is too dangerous. Its humane, they can live for 250 years under there. Under Denver Airport, the undergrounds there, can be the city for the banished ones come 2016
What do you say all you JUDGES out there? Let the evil, be away from the rest of humanity. It is gods will. Underground. Evil. Do not let Obama escape to ARGENTINA.

 1:09:00 Mexican Heritage Judge. David Knight Exposes. This is great. 

This Raza

Judge, Going after Donald Trump by orders of Obama, pretty much. Like the

thirteenth tier in in the INFERNO. The demons walk backwards on walls, on spider

legs. His name is GONZALEZ….sacrificing his soul, just to fail at smearing Trump. The

man whose forgiveness, may save his soul.
Just sayin! 

LA RAZA judge. Let the Platinum Blonde Goddess handle him!
This is AMERICA! Women here are strong, intelligent, witty, quick to answer…


She looks very badly dressed. Is that a smock? SO she doesnt spill her white bean soup lunch on herself, just her smock.


 Nobody has permission to hurt Donald Trump. No one has permission. He is

protected, loved by so many. I am sure. He is protected. He has

got this. Nothing the evil cabal can do, will stop him. The will of the AMERICAN PEOPLE want him in office.

They should all just give in and

come clean for all that is pro man. For all that is good for man. The self esteem they

will have, no fake paper money, can buy. That will be spent on dollar store wasteland

gifts, that will break out of the bag. Real Gold, is with TRUMP PRESIDENCY. Have

some gold coins instead. 

 Do not believe the lies the idiot box tells you. Its all to hypnotize you with bad

programming. SO OBVIOUS and repulsive. I am ashamed. But I thank those like

Napolitano, Judge Jeanine and Sean Hannity. You guys are so awesome. 


David Knight, connections with LA RAZA judge you mention, and not because he is

Mexican. La Raza is anti white. It Raza is RACIST. In a normal American world, that

would be a gang. But in Obamas world…he is a JUDGE! Is this the movie FRIDAYS?

Grown up! This is gangster!

La Raza is a Nationalist movement. Mexican Flags. Nationalists movement. Well,

nationalism..we got a bigger AMERICANA movement then. Bring it on. May the best

culture win! But America wins with its words, its free speech. Its IDEAS.
Mexico seems like its controlled by the cartels. That sounds like fear. Weak. HILLARY IS ISIS commander and commander of THE CARTELS….

 1:20:00 ALEX JONES SHOW, David Knight the host. SALON attacks DONALD TRUMP by saying he

watches Alex Jones, the truth, OH THANKS FOR ADVERTISING who NOT to listen to! SALON, noone

reads that, Unsubscribe.

You cannot smear Alex Jones now, people believe in Alex Jones over Mainstream


Why are the governments buying ammunition, like crazy, because all Hell has broken

loose and the rats are eating everything. I say, ahahah. Like, yes, they are all


The light must be turned on. 

 David Knight, thanks for clearing Alex Jones Smears. Defend him! I support you.

Thats interesting about the fish and the drought. Man made of course it is. Yes I see

this, its destructive the EPA. YES. These need to be really looked at from within and

seen, how can we fix this, what can we do, that would be a service.

 1:34:00 Energy efficient news. Thank You David, It was a good show.

I cannot wait to hear you again
I posted this in honor of Roger Stones outfit on your show Alex. where he wore a skull on white.
See, well, see my scarf? Look.
Thank you for reading my diary
Some Memes.

Medical Tyranny. The two snakes. Germ Theory is a Hoax. Remember that, the clues will show itself to you. If you want to know more. Viruses PLEOmorph from your own blood cells. There is so many video evidence. And about 100 dead doctors. Viruses come from you! Yes there is bacteria. But thats not the same thing. Pasteur said himself on his death bed, he was wrong. Its not about the germ. Its about your body. How YOU take care of it and what you EAT. I did live blood analysis for a short while. If its too difficult, then its LIES. Thats how the globalists want you LITTLE People to think. But the truth is so very simple. They are liars. THEY take oaths to the APOLLO sun god before they graduate. Heliocentrists! Earth is flat, there is no globe people. I am afraid to tell you.
Nasa, why are you still lying?
Werner Braun, father of NASA and Nazi left aquote on his grave about gods firmament.
 Like Pink Floyd, we are swimming in a fish bowl
Noone can go into space. Its never been possible. NASA with the forked tongue vector in it, spells SATAN if you arrange the words around. Get it now? AHHAHAHA It was all  JOKE! Be a good sport. If you take shot glasses and fill with water and put in the sun, you get the same refractions, or reflections..
Earth is flat people, we all been lied to, since we were children by the globalists. Take their ball away and they have nothing. 


Book report.

These are my favorite quotes from CIA LEGACY OF ASHES by TIM WEINER
I am listening to CLINTON CASH now. Roger Stone recommended it, so I bought it last night.