Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized My Opinion of DONALD TRUMP RALLY 6/ 2 /2016 San Jose

My Opinion of DONALD TRUMP RALLY 6/ 2 /2016 San Jose

35:02 to hear

God bless the USA. Our courageous CANDIDATE DONALD J TRUMP. Everyone roars, USA USA we are the best I agree! I love it. I get so pumped up watching Trump rallies.

  1. Hillary Clinton is sad to watch, she is pathetic, I agree, her political speech. She made a speech you say and it was pathetic.
  2. Many Millions of votes you will have in the history of all Presidents.
  3. This has never happened. Airplane hangers packed with people.
  4. Time Magazine putting you in the front, because its the one people want to buy.
  5. Inclusive is a word you use. I like that word too.
  6. Ford Carrier Nabisco leaving USA with no consequence.
  7. 10 months you have been doing THIS.
  8. 200 years of politics, You have beat what they know.
  9. You know so much about lobbyists and special interests
  10. You are representing AMERICA, or “you “you call it. SO me. Thats me!
  11. You are amazing with MONEY.
  12. You turn down money when its not for AMERICA.
  13. It is a rigged system, not meant for people to win, just the cabal.
  14. Donald Trump you will solve it. I agree. You can.
  15. I am so proud of you DONALD TRUMP.
  16. The Mexican Great Wall will be built and MEXICO will pay for it.
  17. 100% they will build the wall.
  18. Polls say you are beating Hillary Clinton.
  19. Hillary Clinton does not look presidential.
  20. Hillary is not a PRESIDENT
  21. If you win DONALD America will be all great again, the best, better than every country.
  22. Trump was a big donor, he knows the other side, he has been there.
  23. Trump is expert on special interests and how it works.
  24. Trump turned down 50 million dollars.
  25. Trump is going to work with RNC
  26. RNC is treating you fairly now, they are winning everything a real power!
  27. Donald Trump you are going to solve the heroin problem coming in from MEXICO
  28. You Won New Hampshire
  29. Mexico is paying for the wall.
  30. Fox Polls say you are number one
  31. I do not want to listen to bad people anymore, I agree. OUST the evil.
  32. Those days are over like the IRAN DEAL
  33. We got laughed at and scorned for that, HILLARY STARTED the foundations of lies.
  34. Obama wants Hillary gets for him, she doesnt want to go to JAIL.
  35. Hillary and Bubba hated OBAMA
  36. Obama called BILL CLINTON a racist.
  37. Now they love each other, get each other coffee.
  38. We have to win for AMERICA
  40. We have to keep this to ourselves.
  41. Our wealth is being taken from us like DOPES.
  42. We have massive trade deficit with every country. They cannot pay.
  43. We have not been safe for a long time
  44. National Rifle association endorses you. GOOD. I love that.
  45. If American businesses who leave here is the consequence 35 % tax on your product!!
  46. All companies are leaving.
  47. Stats on SAN JOSE are not good. Losing too many jobs.
  48. Hillary did this.
  49. Bill Clinton signed NAFTA
  50. California has lost so much.
  51. Hillary Clintons negative ads she wasted her saved up blood money.
  52. Hundred Million dollars in ads, false ads, all of them false.
  53. Trump built a great company. Filed his papers, they are mountains.
  54. Donald Trump you are flawless in business.
  55. You built a company million dollar loan and turned it into BILLIONS.
  56. All Hillary has done is swindle poor VIOLENT countries into scams.
  57. SINGLE ONLY PHENOMENON Bill O Reilly has ever seen. YOUR MOVEMENT
  58. HILLARY CLINTON is a SOMINEX commercial.
  59. She should make speeches for people who have a hard time sleeping.
  60. SHE LIES, she lies.
  61. Hillary Clinton says CHINA and RUSSIA are jealous.
  62. They think we are stupid and give them free defense.
  63. They are taking our money, DONALD TRUMP SAYS
  64. Time Magazine is a failing magazine, dishonest.
  65. Story they did a week about DONALD TRUMP and women.
  66. The women came out and said NOT TRUE we love him
  67. I LOVE YOU Donald Trump.
  68. Times story is a BAD HITPIECE, they are not a magazine. They are Hillarys toilet paper.
  69. Donald Trump is said to tell women to not eat candy anymore. THATS THE WORST
  70. Trump Tower is amazing.
  71. 30 thousand emails been deleted by Hillary.
  72. Hillary Clinton has to go to jail.
  73. She is guilty.
  74. Defend yourself DONALD TRUMP they are sleezebags
  75. Retraction or APOLOGY is owed to you DONALD TRUMP by TIME MAGAZINE
  76. Media are totally dishonest.
  77. You raised money for the VETS
  78. AMAZON doesn’t pay taxes
  79. Amazon bought Washington Post.
  80. Bob Barrow is a sleazebag.
  81. He wrote a bad hit-piece he needs to be fired.
  82. Washington Post made up lies, with their AMAZON money.
  83. One Million Donald Trump wrote a check for the MARINES
  84. 6 million dollars were raised 5 million was given.
  85. Its not favors for friends, for VETERANS
  86. Trump got nothing back
  87. One guns alone HILLARY LOSES the 2nd amendment.
  89. Donald Trump has thick skin
  90. When DONALD makes a mistake he can handle it its fine
  91. BUT WHEN THEY LIE about you, you have to fight them.
  92. We cannot defend countries and lose our fortunes.
  93. We owe money. We are in trouble.
  94. Obamacare is a disaster,
  95. BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD Texas announced they have to raise up OBAMACARE 65% increase
  96. All over this will happen, because everyone can’t get their fake health care they think is free.
  97. Hillary Clinton is bad for the 2nd amendment
  98. Rebuild the military which is depleted
  99. SHIPS we have soldiers, old equipment.
  100. Profile of our planes jet fighter planes, they show planes that are 18 years old.
  101. Fighter planes. Old falling apart. Plane graveyard they go to and take parts in old parts dumps.
  102. We cannot let it happen in the UNITED STATES
  103. Other Nations put out beautiful planes.
  104. Bigger Better stronger than ever before.
  105. Crooked Hillary is a warmonger, to IRAQ and ruined it all
  106. Who is running the banks cannot loan money to people who want to create businesses
  107. Trump won NY by record margin, true votes. NY counted them honestly as experiment I felt.
  108. Inherently dishonest people doing these votes.
  109. We love TED CRUZ you say.
  112. Hillary is a bad person.
  113. We are going to start winning
  114. KNOCK the hell outta ISIS
  115. Our wall is going to be beautiful.
  116. COMING IN people are going to come in legally.
  117. Rid of COMMON CORE, education is local.
  118. REPEAL OBAMACARE disgusting awful
  119. SAVE our 2nd amendment from HILLARY
  120. Appoint beautiful unbelievable Supreme COURT JUSTICES.
  121. As close to JUSTICE SCALIA as you can get
  122. Make trade deals bring jobs back
  123. We are going to create wealth for our COUNTRY.
  124. We will be proud of AMERICA
  125. Will win in everything.
  126. Trump stop winning so much. We will say,
  127. You do not care, you will keep on WINNING for AMERICA
  128. THANK YOU

Rest in Peace, CASSIUS CLAY,  the AMERICAN boxer. May BOTH God and Allah fight for your soul, and may GOD win. May GOD WIN your soul. I pray. That happens when you die, if you change religions I hear.  May god win for you CASSIUS CLAY. May the angels win for you. Thats my will. That the good side win your soul. American First you are!



like HUMA deleted her emails. She was meeting with probably Nigerian Princes and drug warlords, Those who killed the TUTTIS or Columbian blood money business loans, Haiti fake businesses, LARIAT UNIVERSITY money scandal, Nuclear SCAM projects, Aids germ theory hoax  in Africa. Yeah, Aids is real, ok.  Far far away is her humanitarian services, so far noone can see. She mixes NON PROFIT and FOR PROFIT with POLITICS. And you just bribe her with SPEAKING FEES! All that money you think is helping poor children in another country, THINK AGAIN. Its going so Bill can buy underaged teenagers at Orgy ISLAND. And Hillary can pay off her SOROS GHOULS fake anti Trump Protestors they found in sewers somewhere, So her and her one friend, Maybe HUMA ABEDIN will be Vice President pick!

Clintons have blood money. BLOOD all over it. Its going to bleed when they do transactions.
Petraeus did less and is gone forever,

Hillarys plan I THINK is she will come out as gay and everyone will vote for her. Because she is gay and her lover will be VP. Thats her plan, because the TV is prepping you for this I feel.

I am thankful too, our country is going to UNITE against EVIL like Hillary.

That guy opening her car door, probably dead now suicided himself. He seen too much opening up car doors. Heard her domestically abusing Bill Clinton.
“I got some smut videos of beheadings, I DO” ” OH YEAH”
I love the snake poem. It is about Hillary Clinton. Isis goddess holding the two snakes on ISLAM.
Our enemy. Not those muslim-americans #notallmuslims, but only those who want reformation, like Louis Farakkan, who also hates HILLARY. Our enemy are ones who want JIHAD over AMERICA and world domination.  They are taught to lie, to non believers. You cannot trust a snake. Not going to HAPPEN HILLARY.
Amazing time following you Donald Trump almost daily, something is always there about you. Love love love.
Victors the TRUMP Campaign will be. I cannot wait for OHIO.
You talk about TUESDAY the big vote coming up, but yes you won. You have done really well.
I will pardon your treason if you pardon my treason? Lets just be treasonous snakes in peace.


Noone flies around any ball. There is no ball. Period. I swear. I would not lie and I would not be dumb enough to forget to double triple check. Its so easy. All you have to do, is see the proofs yourself. Someone will show them to you if you ask.

NO ISS exists. You did not see it. There are supposedly millions of space satellites up there. Guess what. Nothing is. LOOK FOR TALL” CELL PHONE”  TOWERS. Thats what your dish is pointed at. Google planes and Google blimps take photos of lands. Its out in open.
They have satanic patches, honorary liar badges. Yes, all levels have some weird homage to APOLLO sun god, numbers, or even the twin towers. All the exploded CHALLENGER crew are STILL ALIVE with same names.
LIAR! Never trust a freemason ITS A LIARS CLUB for 500 years.
Thats what its all about. LIES. And it has worked but the GIG is up now. 
G for Gravity, their BIG SECRET. Its fake. It does not exist. Our world is flat and immovable. The stars and wandering stars, are luminaries, thats it. In our firmanent. Do not believe ANYTHING government space tell you 
and all the TV PROGRAMMING and SPACE MOVIES every friggin minute.
I thought the shadow of moon, was supposed to be the other side of Earth, ” in the way” THE SUN DOES NOT LIGHT UP THE MOON. YOU CAN MEASURE moonlight versus SUNLIGHT and both the shades, and you will be surprised..
GOOGLE too busted for saying the EARTHS curve which does not exist, is .008 inch every mile instead of 8 inches. ITS HIGH UP LIARS LEVELS. WIKIPEDIA is lying too. THEY WANT YOU to be  HELIOCENTRISTS while they are secretly to themselves, FLAT EARTHERS, everyone IN ON IT is a flat earther. Only the masses are what they call GLOBEHEADS.
No globe people. No Satellites. Flights Planes Boats  Perspective Canals Rivers Water all proves this too.
You believe we live on a globe because of NASA PHOTOS?
What about EARTHS SPIN at 1000 MPH like they LIE THERE IS NO SPIN. No gravity. JUST LIES.
Thats schoolteacher you cried over, has a  comfy job for life, all of them do.
KRISTA MACALLIFFE still alive. Took her sisters name. The other astronauts all magically have twins and working in UNIVERISTIES. Now. They post on social media CRAP. Go look, all of them.
THIS BOOK IS GLOBALISTS environmental socialism LIES but look at the title
They are like laughing
In physics, the graviton is a hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gravitation in the framework of quantum field theory. If it exists, the graviton is expected to be massless (because the gravitational force appears to have unlimited range) and must be a spin-2 boson. The spin follows from the fact that the source of gravitation is the stress–energy tensor, a second-rank tensor (compared to electromagnetism’s spin-1 photon, the source of which is the four-current, a first-rank tensor). Additionally, it can be shown that any massless spin-2 field would give rise to a force indistinguishable from gravitation, because a massless spin-2 field would couple to the stress–energy tensor in the same way that gravitational interactions do. Seeing as the graviton is hypothetical, its discovery would unite quantum theory with gravity.[4] This result suggests that, if a massless spin-2 particle is discovered, it must be the graviton, so that the only experimental verification needed for the graviton may simply be the discovery of a massless spin-2 particle.[5]
BS thats what it is. BS. They discovered this year. MIT did a WIZARD DRAGON LIAR LEVEL accomplishment of taping, recording with flying tape recorders in space, that cost billions to photoshop and fake video,  two black holes having sex. They discovered WAVES OF GRAVITY from this. Copernicus, they are not. They are very bad liars. Not good liars. The brothers did not toast to this grand lie. It was more like a crafty lie. Not grand enough. They got called out.
THE MOON. Its a luminary. You can see stars through the shadows during the day. Sun and moon are visible during eclipses. DO NOT TRUST ANYTHING Nasa ever says, every photo they put out is CGI or PHOTOSHOP. They say it has to be. They do not even call them photos. They say its DATA compiled together.
The KELLY TWINS are abomination. There is no space to go into. Time MAGAZINE, in on it. All the universities, all the schools all the cable tv. HOLLYWOOD the most.
Hahaha so many clues even Obama admits it in his speeches though he bungles what his purpose is, he shows off that he knows though.
SATAN is the king of lies. 
DO NOT BELIEVE THE GOVERNMENTS or THE DOCTORS or PROFESSORS its LIES. SECRET SOCIETY keeps the truth and tells us lies, but what happens is over the centuries, MAN JUST GETS WORSE AND WORSE and further away from GOOD.
And all our patents our inventions all our GOOD DOCTORS they get murdered. Everything is taken from us so we do not know the truth about our world. ITS ELECTRIC.

NO curve. FLAT plane sailing, no dipping down so the plane doesnt fly into space. They do auto pilot FLAT flying for sometimes 12 hours. If we are on ball, the plane would have to dip every mile like 800 feet.