Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Inktober day 19 dizzy Hunter Biden computer shop crack pipe laptop political cartoon for President Donald Trump #inktober #inktober2020 #inktoberday19 #inktober2020dizzy

Inktober day 19 dizzy Hunter Biden computer shop crack pipe laptop political cartoon for President Donald Trump #inktober #inktober2020 #inktoberday19 #inktober2020dizzy

Inktober day 19 dizzy Hunter Biden computer shop crack pipe laptop political cartoon for President Donald Trump #inktober #inktober2020 #inktoberday19 #inktober2020dizzy post thumbnail image
here I drew a political cartoon of Hunter Biden busy is the prompt for inktober day 19 20 20 and I used official brushes and whatnot Autodesk SketchBook digital art you can still use ink brushes it’s a special set that it’s just like ink and it’s great anyway I drew him and all his different faces with his crack pipe and you know there’s a qanon theory that says that he left the computer at the repair shop on purpose because there’s family trouble but I think he just got so messed up and drugged out of his mind that he forgot and he’s just such a big junky that he forgot he fell asleep
I love seeing my cartoon pop up on my YouTube feed subscriptions
so that would be Chelsea Clinton’s half sister because Bill Clinton is definitely not her father and there’s more proof it’s just you can look with your eyes and Webster Hubbell is Hillary Clinton’s old boss I’m surprised he didn’t die a horrible death if he’s still alive or I didn’t hear about it is everybody around Hillary Clinton dies everyone I’m surprised bill is still alive and that weird he must be a total MKUltra because no normal man would stay with that it’s he must be absolutely a robot
me from a still of a video I made

You know I posted this but I never spoke about it so I’ll speak about it now so this is the first time I get a partially muted thing on Facebook it’s just really strange so when you watch my video it’s like me drawing I’m drawing on video talking but in the background there’s music playing why are they so nosey why this is busy bodies I mean as you can see this is only people in my friends list.. only they..can see this it’s not public so why are they such naggy overlooker busy bodies? It’s like they got to control everything they’re perverts they’re weirdos nobody likes them stay out of my page why are you on my page restricting my videos why are you all over checking out my post to see if it’s hate speech nobody cares I don’t want you there I didn’t sign up for this and you know I’ve invested a lot of times it’s kind of late to change the rules on me only the new people who sign up should have greeted the new rules I think I’ve got a lot of stake in Facebook and why should I leave when I got so much stuff on there that I’ve invested so long and it’s kind of like my stuff I should have a say why and why did they restrict me today 👄 4 talking about Hunter Biden’s emails 📧 giving me some crappy excuse bringing a post from last year.. that broke their standards?

How am I supposed to know something I post is breaking their rules because I can’t mind read if I share something how will I know if Facebook tells me look you can’t post anything with Kyle Rittenhouse or you’ll get banned I won’t post anything like that nobody will but we don’t know the rules are constantly changing and just because they don’t like something you post doesn’t mean they can change the rules on you

☠ I mean that is like so against the natural laws of agreement in contracts and what I originally signed up for and free will


shouldn’t the clients of Facebook have their own rules 👍 like..Facebook you can’t do this… being that I own my content and I that’s like my stuff and I don’t care what button I clicked on cuz you tricked me I don’t give you that permissio8n that’s not a free market that’s like bad business fraud practices.. why does Facebook run the show when we are the ones posting the content and then when you sign in one day you have to click agree to terms of service in order to get your into your account so of course if you’ve invested all these pictures and energy and family stuff you know you’re connected of course you’re going to want to click on anything just to get into your account


Because you can’t get into your account without agreeing that doesn’t mean you know.. the free will

LAW OF THE UNIVERSE is it’s like sneaking.. they’re not doing it right.. even the devil has rules and they’re like deceiving everybody tricking everybody and it’s not even legit it’s like they’re cheating they’re not even their cheating BY their own rules I mean there’s a lot of free will and that you have to tell people what you’re doing you have to show people what you’re doing but they’re not doing it they’re being sneaky and you know just encoding things and using symbolism that’s not admission I mean you really have to make these secrets in plain sight and they’re not doing that they’re keeping it hidden and the law of the universe says we all have free will and we have to know what is going on because it’s like a Karma thing..🤎 and they’re going to suffer for this the law of the universe if you harm someone else and you don’t tell them and you trick them without telling them because everybody supposed to have free will they’re definitely going to get it I mean they’re going to be punished and maybe they want to be punished

I am stronger than you Facebook and you should be scared of me you shouldn’t mess with me you shouldn’t

You are a collective, Facebook. And I am an individual I am actually stronger than you . there’s nothing individual about you even your Zuck is owned by a board and who knows what else? 😚 that is not Glory at all it’s not👽 because you are as strong as your weakest person there 💩you are failing you are falling apart you are crumbling you are just spiraling and everything 🙀your cash cow everything you’re screwing it up just like Hunter Biden leaving his laptop at the computer shop🤡 you have left the real business of taking care of people you throwing that away and now you’re just completely out of control and everyone’s pulling in different directions because everybody thinks they have power and everyone’s fighting each other and everyone’s demanding things and being nightmarish and being totally Bad Bosses and everybody hates you everybody hates you even the people that work for you hate you Facebook 😈and one of these days someone’s going to do something like flip on a switch or turn off the switch 🤖and everything is going to be like out of control it’ll be that the worst most infamous place to have ever worked for👾 you will be ashamed wherever you go it will be like you guys will be pariahs😼 nobody will want you with the herd you’ll be outliers 🙊because nobody will want you nobody will want to be your friend or include you or hire you😶 anything u’ll be Cast Away🤧 banished when you walk down the street everybody you know🥶 will cross the street cuz they don’t want to walk by you😒 just remember that, Facebook.

And I’ll never ever stop talking about how you censored me👻 and when I leave this plane and I talk to God👰 I’m going to tell God all about you and what you did to me 🦹‍♂️and how much you made me suffer🦸‍♂️ with all your censorship🧝‍♂️ my last dying breath I will tell God what you did🤸‍♂️ just remember that Facebook. And a part of you wants to be punished 🍒because you know how guilty you are inside 🍑you know what bad you are doing you know this🍏 so your unconscious subconscious wants you to be punished🍓 and you can’t control that because this is your unconscious🥝 this is your how you were raised🍒 and it’s like your past 🍞you can’t change it 🧅you know right from wrong inside 🧄so you know you’re doing wrong 🍕so that part of your mind 🍔I’m sending this message to 🍟that you did me wrong🌭 and you broke all the laws.. 🍆Facebook you cheated so many people you tortured tormented them bullied them censored them good people 🍟so many so many Souls you’ve hurt. Each one that you’ve hurt you will feel the pain of one day when you’ve been judged and you will suffer you know with your last dying breath when you go over your life🥜 you will feel all the pain of all the people you censored🌭 magnified you will feel that guilt that pain and it will seem like an eternity and maybe that’s how you will spend Eternity…🥐 suffering and watching the sadness that you caused💭 Facebook with your censorship.

And if you think you can hurt me by Banning me blocking me taking my account away well I will make a video and I will explain . In person what’s going to happen to you spiritually even more and like I said I’m stronger than you. Remember the light is on my side so I would advise you Facebook to come clean to start being good to let everybody have free speech and INSTEAD censor the death threats against the president.. and you can make all your wrongs right. you could even do this covertly.. if you must this one little thing that you can do one little tiny thing you know it’s like switching the tape . just one little thing.. have an accident anything there’s a lot of good you can do and you could save your soul.. Facebook it’s not too late and no matter what you’ve done no matter what Blood Oath you’ve done or whatever Jesus will forgive you the sun will come again as it comes every morning no matter what you’ve done you could be forgiven as long as you make your wrongs right so please stop censoring people don’t damn yourself I’m telling you the torture that will come back to you it will be unbearable just start healing and let people talk and use your positions at Facebook to do good with make changes because you will be rewarded greatly and your life will be spared hell. You could do a lot of things you could photocopy a certain Paper or you can delete a certain Paper I mean it’s just one tiny thing to make the world of difference 🤷 look I’m reaching out to you I’m trying to help you out

I hope you liked my short story . It helps me to relax to Ramble On it’s nothing serious it’s just imagination I’m just commenting and pull out ideas from nowhere

I found this in my chest and I don’t know what it is I did a reverse image search it just came back that this was an emblem and that there’s one similar to it about the Canadian Forces Army I don’t know what that is

Joe Biden Hunter Biden culture of sacrifice a culture of Satan a culture of devil worship

I don’t believe this is real it could be from a movie scene but it’s funny to see all the disinformation out there also just don’t fall for something like that if you can’t really see the face it could be anybody

I’m doing a 3-day raw food detox

an old picture came up on my memories of a raw food dish this is cauliflower corn cilantro lemon juice tomato parsley cucumber 🥒 all diced small I think it’s synchronicity 2 what I’m doing today
spinach soup with cucumber avocado basil parsley lime juice salt a little honey to taste and some pepper it was so good so cooling inside so clean
the tiny celery pieces really made it taste like cereal it was so good it was really delicious
how this is frozen blueberries some cinnamon some avocado and a pear I think

I recommend this three times a day for three days you’ll really feel cleaned out at first you might have be running to the bathroom but that’s okay that’s good because you’re getting rid of all the impacted food inside of you and remember this is an all you can eat diet and you won’t gain in any way you’ll actually lose it
86 45… I wonder what that means it’s in the background
hot 🔥