Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Inktober 2020 day 21 20 19 sleep Coral dizzy Hunter Biden Jack Dorsey Twitter Trump boat parade political cartoons for President Donald Trump

Inktober 2020 day 21 20 19 sleep Coral dizzy Hunter Biden Jack Dorsey Twitter Trump boat parade political cartoons for President Donald Trump

Inktober 2020 day 21 20 19 sleep Coral dizzy Hunter Biden Jack Dorsey Twitter Trump boat parade political cartoons for President Donald Trump post thumbnail image
political cartoon of Jack Dorsey and Twitter censoring conservatives behind the scenes and they’re falling asleep because it’s just too much censoring
Jack Dorsey Twitter wearing a t-shirt of a bird with its mouth tied
Hunter Biden sniffing crack
political cartoon of the computer shop laptop calling Hunter Biden and he’s just so dizzy that he forgets to pick it up or he passes out
Hunter Biden smoking crack what looks like ice in his pipe
these are the inktober prompts for this year I’m doing each day and it’s really pushing me really hard like for example this next one it took me six hours I couldn’t figure out what to do using the word coral I thought of many things such as the Coral Gables Miss Coral Gables pageant girls and nodding immigration lawyer behind President Trump in town hall I thought of Coral Gables the boat parade Coral Springs Coral Creek and then I was like God I need a vision and then I went to sleep I woke up with this and it’s really cute because it reminds you of all the boat parade pictures
political cartoon Trump boat parade
random screenshot I took of a structure in Rome that was demolished and I just post this to the compared to the ones that got demolished All Over America or falsely attributed to the new culture that were actually ancient but that were demolished on our soil
look at how good Matt gaetz looks hair he’s such a cutie look how Slender he is how cool he has how beautiful look at his hair he’s gorgeous
very interesting for all you Christians what the hell is going on with this CGI so fake you know it’s real maybe because the CGI so bad he says if it was better it was done be really fake or something like that I don’t know it him shooting a car driving a car having someone drive a car in outer space that’s just ridiculous I can’t believe that anybody Falls her his stuff store
I don’t feel like we are moving I’m just saying you know do I trust myself
When Jon rappoport goes on Infowars I’m blown away every single time I’m blown away I met and he says exactly what I’m thinking it’s just some a Genera it’s like folklore it’s like it’s just something to scare little kids with it’s not something Americans should believe in its for the superstitious
Wow it looks like this takes up half the Earth what’s with these fisheye lenses they get smaller hey I’m not saying anything I’m just looking at what these people are talking about him commenting that maybe they do have a point with these fisheye lenses I mean really I’ve seen so many some of them are really bad some of them are really tight other ones are really wide some of them look flat
They’re farming you for your insurance and making sure that they have you on a list when someone needs something and then that’s it nobody will ever suspect
I drew this on my cell phone at the stylist I also did some tracing of old pictures like I traced over them just to study them a little bit more
Now this part of this drawing with cut out but next to that guy the human next to the other guy behind him there was a few Giants but I only drew the building cuz I was studying what the hell they’re doing with these cranes maybe this is an Old Fashioned fake construction illustration I don’t know but there was Giants there so there was Giants behind the guy and if you look at those guys behind the building they look pretty tall too so maybe it’s Giants and Titans were building these ancient castles I don’t know because it just seems like an impossible feat with all that solid Stone I’m just imagination talking I write a lot of short stories on my blog and I just go off and I just Ramble On and sometimes it’s semi-autobiographical and sometimes it’s just stuff I’m pulling from the air so I like to tell stories on my blog about pictures sometimes I don’t know it helps me because the more imagination I use the more I can get Visions for my cartoons
I drew this a long time ago but I’m putting it here cuz it was on my phone because I posted it someone posted a link of President Trump calling Adam Schiff watermelon head

How are these powered because electricity is free there’s nobody riding a bicycle to get your electricity or being charged for something for free and the Ancients had stuff that worked on the atmospheric energy imagine never having to plug in your phone it just got electricity from the air that’s my point

well you do see it a lot everywhere
The real weapons of resetsโ€ฆ.
They never left us alone โ€ฆ they always did the same thing โ€ฆ don’t be fooled โ€ฆ meditate with this information and free yourself โ€ฆ since today is a loop of events that never stopped rolling โ€ฆ a very important thing โ€ฆ they could never against everyoneโ€ฆ.
Broadly speaking, the most memorable โ€œplaguesโ€, โ€˜pests orโ€œ epidemics โ€that have affected humanity, in the known world, were the following:
a) The plague of Athens described by Thucities (471-400 BC) It is estimated that it was the bubonic plague.
b) The plague that followed the great eruption of Vesuvius when the destruction of the city of Pompeii (79 D.C.)
c) โ€œThe Plague of Orosio (125 AD) preceded by lack of pasture in Italy, where it came from Africa.
d) The Antonine epidemic (164-180) that struck the Roman Empire.
e) The “black plague”, since 1348.
From 1347 to 1350, 25 million people died in Europe from various plagues, in a population of 100 million (The Lancet).
The most notable epidemics of the fifteenth century were that of English miliary sweat; the appearance of measles and smallpox in Germany and the syphilis epidemic in Europe, introduced by the soldiers of Carlos IV of France on his return from the Italian campaign.
Up to the year 1500, 125 major epidemics were described. Smallpox was known for the first time in Gaul in the 5th century, exanthematic typhus in the camp of the Catholic Monarchs when they took Granada.
โ€” Plague in Provence and Marseille.
โ€” Serious lenticular plague in Italy.
– Flu in Germany .
โ€” Plague in Carniola and Andalusia. 1515 .โ€” Plague in Germany.
– Military sweat in Germany.
– First meeting in Basel against the โ€œplaguesโ€, some โ€œProphylactic Rulesโ€ were published.
โ€”Exanthematic typhus in Metz, Rome, and Barcelona.
1523.โ€” Chaac in Mexico and Guatemala.
– Plague in the Milanesado, Italy.
1529.โ€” English sweat in most of Europe.
โ€”Membranous angina in Spain.
– Plague in Eastern Europe (bubonic?).
– Plague in England, Germany and Flanders.
1549.โ€” Plague in Seville.
1550.โ€” Military plague in Europe.
โ€” Plague in Transylvania.
– Plague in Guatemala.
1565.โ€” Exanthematic typhus in Zaragoza and Seville.
โ€” Terrible plague (bubonic?) In Hungary that spread to Europe.
– Tabardillo (typhus) in Mexico and Guatemala.
1577.โ€” Bubonic plague in Milan, Italy.
– Influenza in Spain.
– Garrotillo (diphtheria) in Spain.
– Plague in different parts of Europe.
– Smallpox in Spain.
– Exanthematic typhus in Valladolid; and influenza in Rome, which killed 60,000 people.
1591.โ€” Plague in Paris and Rome (influenza, bubonic?)
โ€” Exanthematic typhus in Spain and Germany. Membranous angina in the first.
– Plague, in Marseille.
In the century, bubonic plague, influenza, typhus, diphtheria and smallpox wreaked more havoc. These conditions were exacerbated during the Thirty Years’ War.
– Influenza in Mexico and Guatemala. 1603. – Plague in Jaรฉn, Spain (bubonic or in-
โ€” Membranous tonsils in Spain.
โ€”Plagues in France.
โ€”Garrotillo (diphtheria) in Andalusia, Spain.
โ€” First epidemic among the English of Virginia (smallpox or yellow fever?)
– Plague in Paris.
– Plague in Poland.
โ€” Plague in Palermo, Metz, and London (here 34,734 victims).
โ€” First influenza epidemic in America.
โ€”Pest in Milan (Italy) and Lyon (France) (bubonic?)
1636.’โ€” Plague in London, kills 11,000 individuals.
โ€”Epidemic in Valencia, Spain. First influenza in La Barbada and the same in New England (America).
– Yellow fever in Guatemala, Yucatรกn, etc.
โ€”Pest in Seville, almost all the doctors die.
โ€”Plague in Naples; 20,000 people perish in a day (plague?)
– Plague in Italy.
– Epidemic of fevers in England.
– Plague in Germany.
1665.’โ€” Plague in London, 12,000 individuals die.
โ€” Dysentery in England.
1673 โ€”Tabardillo in Guatemala.
โ€” Much smallpox in Europe.
– Smallpox in Guatemala.
โ€”Yellow fever outbreaks in Spain. 1686. – Plague in Guatemala.
โ€”First typhus epidemic in the United States.
– Yellow fever in Veracruz, Mexico.
โ€”Yellow fever in Cรกdiz.
At the end of this century, epidemics of bubonic plague decreased in Europe, which was confused with typhus, typhoid and influenza.
XVIII century
โ€” Exanthematic typhus in Ireland.
1709.โ€” First epidemic of dysentery in the troops of New York.
โ€” Sleepiness in Tรผbingen, Germany (encephalitis lethargica?)
โ€” Yellow fever in Barbada.
โ€” Prote of yellow fever in Lisbon.
– Yellow fever outbreak in Cรกdiz.
1 732. – World flu pandemic.
– Yellow fever in Santo Domingo and smallpox in Guatemala.
โ€” Yellow fever in Lisbon.
– Rippling fever in Dublin.
– Plague in Messina, Sicily, causes 43,000 deaths (bubonic?)
โ€”Several typhus epidemics in Europe. 1745. – Recurrent fever in Ireland and yellow fever in North Carolina.
– Epidemic of erysipelas in France. 1764. โ€” Plague in Naples, recurrent fever in Ireland and yellow fever in Cadiz.
– First epidemics of rabies in dogs in the United States.
– Plague in Marseille and malignant measles in Guatemala.
– Plague in Moscow, causes 80,000 deaths (bubonic?)
โ€”Yellow fever in Cรกdiz.
– Much smallpox in Europe, King Louis XV dies of it.
– Influenza epidemics in Europe.
– First dengue epidemic in Egypt.
– Yellow fever in Cรกdiz, dengue fever in Philadelphia and smallpox in Guatemala.
โ€” Cerebro-spinal meningitis and influenza symptoms.
– Yellow fever in the Antilles.
โ€”Yellow fever in New, York.
1 797. – Yellow fever in Philadelphia.
– Yellow fever in the southeast of the United States.
โ€” Yellow fever in Cadiz, scarlet fever in Germany, and hemorrhagic jaundice in French troops in Egypt.
– Yellow fever in Cรกdiz.
โ€” Cerebro-spinal meningitis in Geneva.
– First epidemic of this affection in Medfield. E. U.
โ€”Influenza in America.
โ€” Yellow fever in Cรกdiz.
– Influenza in London.
– Smallpox in Portugal.
โ€” Cholera begins to invade Eastern Europe.
โ€” Typhus in New York.
– Yellow fever in Cรกdiz and Seville.
– Miliary sweat in France and ophthalmia in the Belgian troops.
โ€” Cholera stationed in Turkey.
โ€”Yellow fever ends in Barcelona, โ€‹โ€‹where it caused 20,000 deaths in four years.
– dysentery
โ€”Acrodynia in Dublin.
– Great epidemics begin to appear
scarlet fever.
โ€”The cholera advances towards the east of Europe.
– Arrives in Western Europe (Paris, London)
1833 – Cholera affects North, Central and South America and Spain.
1837′ โ€” Flu pandemic, typhus in New York.
1839 โ€” Typhus in the French troops at Versailles.
1841 – Bubonic plague in the Balkans, typhus in Paris, cholera cases in Europe.
1843 – Yellow fever in New York.
1844 โ€” First cases of undulating fever in Philadelphia.
1845 – Scarlet fever in the United States and typhus in England.
1846โ€” Cholera advances again towards Europe, influenza pandemic.
1847โ€” Cholera in Constantinople, world flu, typhus in Ireland
and rippling fever in New York.
1848 – Cholera kills 668,000 people in Russia, cases reach the United States.
1849โ€” Cholera affects Europe and the United States.
1850 – Cholera continues in the United States.
1851 โ€” Cholera continues in most of the world, affects the Antilles.
1853 โ€” Typhus in Paris, much yellow fever in the Antilles.
1854 – Cholera continues to affect Europe and America.
1855โ€” The same situation as before. A lot of yellow fever in New Orleans.
1856โ€” Diphtheria in Paris, typhus in London, cholera in Lisbon and South America.
1857โ€” Cholera in Central America, diphtheria in Bologna and Paris, “titk fever” in Lunstsng, E. U., yellow fever
kills 5,000 people in Lisbon.
1858 โ€”The bubonic plague severely affects Girenai and
Bengal, yellow fever to Rio de Janeiro.
1859โ€” Diphtheria in England, cholera in Meklemburgo and fever
yellow in Santo Tomรกs, Antilles.
1860โ€” Scarlet fever in England, anger in Malaga and in the Spanish troops in Africa (war).
1862โ€” Yellow fever in Veracruz, epidemic in North American troops (war), dysentery, typhoid, etc.
1863โ€” The outbreaks of cholera continue in Europe since 46; typhus
in Edinburgh as in previous years and in London.
1864โ€” Typhus in Philadelphia and yellow fever in the Antilles.
1865 – Last major malaria epidemic in Paris, typhus in Russia and Germany, cholera in Mediterranean ports and in the Antilles, malaria.
1866 โ€” Cholera in France, malaria in Europe, and very severe in the Mauritius, Africa.
1867 – Malignant purple in Ireland,
cholera in Buenos Aires, where it kills 20,000 people.
1868 โ€” Influenza pandemic, outbreaks of recurrent fever in Europe and severe scarlet fever in England.
1869โ€” Severe scarlet fever in England, typhus in Spain and fever
andulante in Pennsylvania.
1870โ€” Rash typhus in London and scarlet fever (of which about 50,000 people die a year), smallpox in Paris (war), cholera in Russia, yellow fever epidemics in E. LI. and in Barcelona, โ€‹โ€‹relapsing fever in New York.
1871โ€” Aggravate diphtheria, which has a 30 percent mortality rate, cholera in the Middle East, yellow fever in Buenos Aires.
1872 – Cholera in Russia and smallpox in Philadelphia.
1873 โ€” Cholera from Russia to Paris, and into the Mississippi Valley
in E. U.
1874 – Epidemics of typhus and ulceromembrane stomatitis
1875 – The outbreaks of cholera continue in Europe since 65.
1876โ€” Typhoid increases in Europe, typhoid in Paris.
1877โ€” 1879โ€”
1880โ€” 1881โ€”
1882โ€” 1883โ€”
Yellow fever in the United States.
Cholera in southern Russia, undulating fever in Germany, and hookworm in workers in the Gotthard tunnel, Italy and Switzerland.
Child polio epidemics begin in Sweden.
The plague threatens the East, yellow fever in Las Barbadas.
Typhus in New York and typhoid in Paris.
Typhus in Greece and Philadelphia, cholera in Egypt, diphtheria in Paris (several doctors die) and yellow fever in Mexico
1884 – Cholera in southern Europe and yellow fever in Caracas.
1885 โ€” Cholera in Spain kills 119,620 people, in Italy 100,000, and in Japan 1,100 and so on.
1886 โ€” Influenza in Russia, cholera in England and other countries in Europe and South America.
1887 โ€” Cholera in Argentina.
1888 – Yellow fever in Florida.
1889 โ€” A major influenza pandemic begins at the end of the year.
1890 โ€” Influenza pandemic, harmful to the elderly; cases of cholera in Spain, only in Austria, Italy, and Sweden.
1891 โ€” Influenza in Europe and America, yellow fever in Caracas.
1892 โ€” Cholera in Russia, Hamburg, Paris and arrives in New York; typhus epidemics begin in New York.
1893โ€” Cholera cases continue in Europe and in Cana rias, typhus in France and the disease has not yet become extinct.
1894โ€” Plague in China.
1895 โ€” Cholera in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Japan, influenza in London.
1896 โ€” Cholera in Egypt.
1897 – Typhoid in Ireland, psittacosis in Vienna, plague in India, cholera in Egypt, and yellow fever in New Orleans.
1898 – Plague in India, cases of plague in Vienna; typhoid,
yellow fever, etc. in the war in Cuba.
1899โ€” Cases of plague in Porto, plague in India and the Orient, cases in Santos, Brazil, first time in America.
XX century
1900โ€” Influenza in Europe, plague in Russia, Turkey,
Austria, Argentina, etc .; typhoid in Paris and Belfast; Weil’s disease in Rome and smallpox in New York
1901 โ€”Lots of smallpox in the United States and in Paris, cases of plague in San Francisco threatening the whole world. Yellow fever is fought with rational means.
1902โ€” Anglo-Boer War, much typhoid, first preventive vaccination; (Pan-American Office in Washington); first cases of rock fever in the United States; Plague outbreaks in almost the entire world (since 1992 it caused 12 million deaths in China and India), in Mexico threatening Cuba.
1903โ€” Typhus in Portugal, plague continues in California, yellow fever in Mexico, smallpox in Liverpool.
1904 – Outbreaks of cholera in Persia, pneumonia in New York (80,000 deaths a year on average), first case of tularemia in the United States in San Diego, dengue in Beyrut, the plague caused more than a million deaths in the year and in 1900 only 92,700. 1905 โ€” Much tetanus in the wounded of the Russo-Japanese war and gas gangrene, yellow fever in Panama and New Orleans, plague and dengue fever in Australia, one million die from plague every year in India, typhus outbreaks in Europe and the United States. United, cases of cholera in Germany, typhoid in New York (70,000 cases), a lot of smallpox in Spain (from 1901 to 1905, 21,226 deaths from it).
1906 – Yellow fever in Louisiana, plague in Australia, the Canary Islands, Rio de Janeiro and Egypt; typhus in Scotland.
1907โ€” Cases of tularemia in Arizona, typhus in Glasgow, miliary fever in France, cholera in Russia and the Middle East, and poliomyelitis in the United States.
1908โ€” Plague in Indochina and Asia, influenza in England, cholera in Trieste, poliomyelitis in Vienna, 15,000 choleric die in Russia.
1909โ€” Typhus in Paris, plague in Morocco, typhoid in Cheburg, and 10,6000 deaths from cholera in Russia.
1910โ€” Typhus in France, Germany, and Norway, 10,000 deaths from plague in Manchurria and 100,000 in Russia from cholera that also affected Manila.
1911 โ€” Angina malignant in Boston and Chicago.
1912 – Plague in Puerto Rico and Cuba, from the Canary Islands, where there have been cases since 1906, plague in Manila.
1913โ€” Cases of plague in different parts of the world and typhus in Sweden.
1914โ€” The first great war breaks out. Typhoid in Barcelona, โ€‹โ€‹influenza in England and polio in Vermont, E. U.
1915 – Influenza in England, typhus (150,000 die in Silence and 30,000 Austrian prisoners in Serbia), dysentery in Gallipoli, typhus in Paris, trench fever appears, plague in Senegal.
1916 โ€” Poliomyelitis in the United States (29,000 cases with 6,000 deaths), influenza in England and the United States. First outbreak of encephalitis lethargica in Vienna. Newborn pemphigus epidemic in Chicago and typhoid in Mexico.
1917 – Much pellagra in the southern United States, encephalomyelitis in Australia, mouth and trench fever in Europe, cholera in Galicia (17,000 deaths), typhus in the Balkans and in the Jackson concentration camp, E. II.
1918โ€” 1919โ€”
1922โ€” 1923โ€”
Typhus in the Balkans, poliomelitis in France and England; First case of lethargic encephalitis in New York, cholera in Moscow, malaria in Macedonia, a global influenza pandemic begins, war ceases.
Influenza hits the whole world (nervous, pulmonary and septicemic forms), attacks the young and strong, causes 40 million deaths (7 million in India), the worst epidemic of the century, 482 doctors died in the US and 200 in Spain ; Typhus in Macedonia (51,000 cases), focus of plague in California.
In the first months, a new influenza epidemic, typhoid in Madrid, smallpox in the Philippines, plague in Manchuria less severe than that of 1910, in Paris 95 cases of plague and cholera in western China, recent typhoid pandemics.
5,000 typhics die in Spain each year, plague in Tampico, smallpox in the United States (more than one hundred thousand cases), infectious jaundice in New York and polyomelitis in the United States.
Typhus in Madrid, influenza in Europe and dengue in the United States.
Typhus in Germany, dengue fever in Louisiana, encephalitis in different countries and cases of bubonic that kills half a million inhabitants in India.
1924 – Epidemic encephalitis in England, continuing
plague cases in California since 1900, Hap disease outbreak, East Prussia, from ingestion of spoiled fish.
1925 โ€”Last outbreak of botulism in the United States, influenza in
E.E.UU. and Japan; (studies of disease vectors are deepened).
1926โ€” Increase in the cases of tularemia, a rare epidemic of โ€œarthritic asthenia in Mass, USA, smallpox in Florida and cholera in Shanghai.
1927โ€” Brucellosis on the rise in the US (217 cases), outbreaks of gastroenteritis due to salmonella in the US, benign influenza in Europe and typhoid US in Montreal, and cholera in Russia.
1928 – Yellow fever in Brazil that was free since 1907, yellow fever in Dakar; influenza in many places and dengue in Andalusia.
1929โ€” Benign influenza in Europe, dengue in Athens, in Spain 50,000 tuberculosis patients die a year; plague in Ecuador and Peru and yellow fever in Venezuela.
1930โ€” Meningococcal meningitis in Detrot, E. U .; pleurodin in Denmark, polyneuritis in E. UL, plague in Tunisia, typhus in Sonora and smallpox in Mexico, plague in Marseilles and increased undulating fever in E. U.
1931โ€” Influenza in E.U., poliomyelitis in E. UL, diphtheria increases in Europe.
1932 – Miliary fever in Russia, more typhus in the US. (831 cases), cholera in China and the Philippines, yellow fever in Bolivia, new types.
1933 – Influenza in England, special encephalitis in St. Louis, USA, amebiasis in Chicago, polio in California.
1934 – World benign influenza, dengue in Florida and encephalitis in Japan.
1935 – Typhus in the United States (1,200 cases), encephalitis in Japan, influenza.
1936 – Much diarrhea in the summer and smallpox in the United States.
(8,000 cases), since 19, eleven influenza outbreaks in Europe, yellow fever outbreak at the Rockefeller Foundation, New York. (The war begins in Spain).
1937 – Influenza in Europe, diphtheria increases in Germany and the United States.
1938โ€” Kerato-conjunctivitis epidemic in Berlin, severe diphtheria outbreaks in Germany, England, and Australia. smallpox in the United States (15,000 cases), psittacosis in Vienna. first outbreaks of atypical pneumonia in the United States, malaria in Brazil.
1939โ€” Diphtheria and typhus on the rise in Europe, the war in Spain ceases, few diseases, the same as in the Abyssinian campaign. The Second Great World War begins.
1940 – Dengue in the Philippines, influenza in London, since 1910 there have been 500 cases of plague in the United States with 314 deaths.
1941โ€” 1942โ€”
1943โ€” 1944โ€” 1945โ€”
In the United States, epidemics of new types of influenza, encephalitis in Dakota, Nebrasca, United States, and typhus in Spain.
Typhus in Spain, malaria in Delhi, India, pleurynia in Brooklyn, USA, a lot of infectious hepatitis in the war (it was confused, in the 14th, with Weil’s disease), typhoid decreases everywhere.
Yellow fever in Venezuela, typhus in Cairo, diphtheria attacks the elderly more, plague in northeastern Brazil, influenza at the end of the year, typhus in Eastern Europe.
Since the year 20, six outbreaks of influenza in the United States (type A with periodicity of 2 to 3 years and type B, from 4 to 6), typhus in different places.
In Europe: influenza, tuberculosis, diphtheria, typhoid, polio, and contagious jaundice. Plague outbreak in Italy, encephalitis in Okinawa and the great war ends. Americans with an army of 11 million men had the following cases: dysentery 756,849, malaria 572,950, infectious hepatitis 191,574, dengue 121,608; there were no major epidemics.
Influenza in England, meningococcal meningitis in San Luis, Mexico; a lot of diphtheria on the Pacific coast, E.E.UU. 590 American doctors perished in the great war. Q fever outbreak in Texas. Since 25 very few cases of cholera, smallpox and yellow fever in Europe, cholera in Korea.
1947 – Little typhoid in the US, plus diphtheria, outbreak of polio in England, plague in Jaffa, Palestine; lots of tuberculosis in Alaska, cholera in Egypt, polio in Berlin.
1948 – Cases of cerebral schistosomiasis in the United States, sleeping sickness in Nigeria, there new diseases (buyammer fever and a special meningo encephalitis). The cholera cornered in the East kills six million people every year.
1949 – Influenza in France and England, smallpox, typhus and
plague in Colombia and Brazil, smallpox and yellow fever in northern South America, plague and smallpox in Ecuador, in the year 50,000 cases of poliomyelitis in the United States.
1950 – Mortality in the US: 9.9 per thousand, outbreaks of yellow fever, smallpox and brucellosis in South American countries, cases of plague in New Mexico, influenza in the US, cholera and smallpox in India and Burma, smallpox in Chile, yellow fever in Panama, only 59 cases of smallpox in the US, smallpox outbreaks in Venezuela.
1951 โ€” Influenza in Europe, more in England; influenza in the US, cholera and smallpox in Calcutta and plague cases in the southern US; a lot of influenza in Puerto Rico- plague in Venezuela and Costa Rica, pleurodynia in Texas, yellow fever in Costa Rica (without Egyptian aedes), cases of typhus in Korea and Manchurian fever (war), typhus in southern Italy.
1952 – Outbreaks of influenza in the US Midwest, epidemics of foot-and-mouth disease in livestock in Europe, Canada, etc .; influenza in Shangtum, China; influenza in Berlin, plague in the communist troops of Korea, cholera in Calcutta, four million lepers in the world. Yellow fever in Brazil and smallpox in Ecuador. Poliomyelitis in Texas.
Years later, between 1957 and 1958, the Asian flu (H2N2), which appeared in China and reached America and Europe several months later, caused a total of 1.1 million deaths.
Another million deaths caused the so-called Hong Kong flu (H3N2), which went around the world between 1968 and 1970 and killed many children, a disease that entered history as the first pandemic of the modern era, that of the Air transport.
And the century ended with what is considered the fifth largest global pandemic, HIV, which since 1981 has killed more than 32 million people, according to UN AIDS.
The 21st century, with all its scientific advances, was not exempt from major epidemics either, from the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) to the current Covid-19, through avian flu, influenza A, Ebola and dengue.

I think we’re all adults I think as a society we should look at what’s on the laptops of Hunter Biden I don’t think we should be sheltered because it’s just going to hide what they do more

Do you think this is artificial or naturally occurring?
Itโ€™s called the โ€œEltanin Antennaโ€. It was photographed on the ocean floor near Antarctica at a depth of 12,808 ft and apparently itโ€™s huge. Some theorize itโ€™s a sponge ๐Ÿ˜‘ lol. Not a sponge

I don’t know I really don’t it could be a sponge but it’s interesting interesting looking sponge

Everything’s supposed to be attributed to the new culture so if things are too fantastic they have to destroy it I’m just imagination talkin trying to figure out I’m just like reading this this..psychic ๐Ÿ”ฎ is from the old order another civilization before we came along and it had free energy Tech it had technology like you wouldn’t believe it ran off the air all this equipment the ferris wheel that ran off the air because electricity we aren’t supposed to pay for its atmospheric it’s free it’s in the air we’re not supposed to plug in our things into a plug it’s these old machines these old buildings they gathered it from the air itself and all of the sister has been wiped and we’re told that all of this was knew it was all there to me 1800 can actually it’s kind of previous civilization here in America that disappeared

That’s because it’s from the old world order free energy Tech completely abandoned when it was found use for a little bit then the globalist decided the technology we were not allowed to have I’m sure I’m just thinking imaginary things to explain this away why do they would burn this cuz you know they didn’t burn this by accident this was demolished

Of course you’ll find people to take credit for everything maybe even all of this people who have never done anything before we have never built anything before who’s never done any artwork they just created these masterpieces in architecture

Aha the electrical building mystery solved cuz you guys no electricity 3 and look at how short these people are compared to the doorway it looks like this was something acoustic maybe yeah but it’s all about the structures they’re the things the machines the generators they gathered the electricity from the air that’s why had to be destroyed I bet you

why do you think Giants are like prehistoric cavemen I wonder what if they’ve built all the greatest structures all over the world that we little people have attributed to us building

this one’s from the Republican Journal all these bones get thrown out in the ocean they get destroyed they don’t want you to know this this is if you looked it up this up on Google it all be Photoshop stuff it won’t find the truth and all photos are suspect unless you could see it yourself and there’s so many models

Now there’s too many of these clippings and I don’t really collect these clippings I’d rather collect living Giants images of them drawings of

I’m just not sure but there’s plenty of giants living around the world now and yes it’s biblical so if you’re Christian it’s totally okay to believe in them especially Titans I mean how else would these structures out of stone be built all over the United States that people think is only a few hundred years old because that’s all over. older We’re taught we’re just copiers
Why build such massive doors for such little people anyways just because there is a ground Stone in these churches doesn’t mean that was the year it was built just because you see a name attached with capital J 532 doesn’t mean that’s the year 1532 either. It could have been those people claim they built it also

Anyways that pictures Italy I focus on American Structures but I’m just posting that to compare that it was all built by the same old world order all over the world and most of it’s been destroyed whoever controls these controls the world and they don’t want anyone else to have the structure so they demolish them or set them on fire and then claim that that’s how the whole Stone structure got torn down

The Sun King in France did not build Versailles he found it that way and then he claimed he built it and if he he really had the technology to build it where are the blueprints I mean you have phony construction sites all over the world every ruler claims they built these structures as presents to their wives or whatever but they’ve all been found and they’re for bigger people and even the mirrors you have to climb on a ladder to see yourself in the mirror so it’s not too far-fetched to reason that these were once the structures of Titans and Giants now if he really had the technology to build it then how come he his son and wife got overtaken in a few hours by some angry fish wives

You’ve only taken a peek at the crack of what fake history is you know what fake medicine is just barely now getting out of this coronavirus hoax you’re just barely touching it wait till you see fake history

You think the universities are bad now and you think they were okay when you got your education oh my god I’m laughing so hard

The only thing worthy of those Ivy League schools was the structures that they were taught in it has nothing to do with the education it’s all about the buildings the ancient buildings you believe are a few hundred years old but are actually here before we arrived and falsely attributed to the new culture and it’s only These Guys these men of secrets that take credit for building these great structures these decadent men that all of a sudden make masterpieces it’s just such a fake story

Cathedral of St John’s in New York City same thing look at the big doors they’re built for taller people that’s because taller people built these buildings it’s the only way you can explain how the hell they built these Stone buildings what do you think they took wagon carts and where did they Quarry the Stone from I mean it’s just ridiculous it’s all this money all this workmanship the people of that time. We’re capable of building it you’re told it’s just a mystery people of the time. They say New York was built we’re capable of log cabins that’s it everything was already here so are you going to believe your history teacher or are you going to believe the phony construction photos just like white Skies no clouds you’re really going to believe that you’re going to believe drawings of construction of the Statue of Liberty by people hanging on ropes built it that is so hilarious it was already here at never moved everything you’ve been taught about America’s a
lie.. six the Colossus of Rhodes as in Rhode Island that’s what’s real name I love how they take all these ancient statues everywhere I just called it Lady Liberty when these are ancient gods and goddesses and the statues of never moved but the stories about them I always false but they were all built in the eighteen hundreds just a copy of Rome no I think we were the real thing and we have just as richest culture has anybody else it’s just been taken from us shipped off falsely attributed to other countries other lands and definitely everything about our history religious has been moved to the Middle East everything mythological that happened here in America has been falsely attributed to Greece or Rome as if they are the only ones that hold history oh there’s plenty more and I can prove it

I’m automatic writing so forgive me I’m just it’s like poetry to me

Come on you got to be a fool to not see this all around you ancient structures still living that Rivals the best in Greece actually the ones in Greece are the shittiest ruins falling apart at least our ruins are living and their ancient and just as old old as the pyramids you think people came here and had the technology to build this stuff out of stone in America all-at-once

Let me ask how tall do you have to be to walk into a doorway that way

But every year these structures are being demolished because people don’t appreciate them they think that these can be rebuilt again that they’re just imitations of ancient Rome now it’s the real thing guys you can paint shity hieroglyphs on them but the base is always the same like President Trump said in his speech to the United Nations we have seen the foundations of America what do you think he was talking about the foundations because you can replace statues over and over again with new leaders but the base is always the same

That’s what I’m saying I mean and I’m just reading this psychically it’s not attributed we didn’t build this we inherited this just like Trump talks about in his speech America is our inheritance inheritance inheritance inheritance meeting it was all found here all of it all our cities were intact all our city layouts the streets have been renamed over and over and over again in the oldest ancient maps of the world all of our cities are laid out there and the structures were all there including the White House the Capitol Building could have easily being turned into a cathedral but it wasn’t do you want to see the phoniest construction photos look up the Capitol building construction photos oh you’ll die laughing it was already here in the new world it was all empty of people with the structures were always always there
This is in San Francisco and look even the Ancients built the doors out of wood smaller for the smaller people and then we built it even smaller
Illuminations atmospheric energy or just a religious painting did people’s heads light up like light bulbs or is that just because they were holy or was that like a thing could people really do that that’s because electricity is free it’s no one’s riding a bicycle to make your electricity there charging use for something that’s free it’s the ultimate scam

Just follow the hand signals it’s one of the biggest secrets out there

now of course there’s Photoshop and especially people of this time. We’re famous at it but you can find these Giants alive today all over the world even now
Giant skeleton discoveries in America

don’t worry Giants are biblical

of course they’re testing for something I always thought it was candida yeast because in anyone who has AIDS or cancer the candida level is off the chart it’s the yeast in the body and it can be seen in a microscope and dogs can smell it and it can be easily tested and they don’t want to admit that this is the culprit because it blows apart their entire virus Theory hoax

Seattle before demolishing most of the ancient structures but u could see all of our cities have fire stories flood stories every single American cities because they’ve been demolishing these structures for centuries

Below is the Hearst mansion and he did not build this a decadent man like that I don’t care how much money he has you can’t build something like that that was already found he probably just renovated it it’s from an ancient civilization in ancient person how’s everything built for Giants and he just remodeled it and then claimed he built it

can you say Phoenician

say it!!

Same thing with the Vanderbilts all of these Mansions were bought and only to demolish them in these fireplaces weren’t fireplaces they also brought down electricity from the aether it’s a long story and I’ve written about it

This could be children dressed like that

Same thing all over the world do these people look like they were capable or had the technology to build these structures and look how tiny they are and look almost looks as if the buildings have been buried half in mud and these people are just building around it and even the Ancients of these people built around it so these structures are even older than were told there falsely attributed to the new infrastructure when there’s remodeling done

And you know the cross is our antennas right

It’s below ground level because the structure was Far taller than we see we just see the top half it’s buried in some sort of mud that’s what the theory is that’s below ground level and every civilization that has lived here has always claimed to its people that it was the Constructor of it it’s just how it’s done all rulers all of the world they take all these ancient structures and say they built it for their wives or whatever whatever they can get away with they just burn it and then rebuild it and claim they built it you’re looking for the real thing they give us hoaxes like Stonehenge and tell us that’s ancient when you’re looking at the most ancient building right there and it’s being used it’s amazing nobody even appreciates it you are told America is just copying ancient Rome when they build something like this we’re just copying it they call it Roman Revival a Romanesque like a shity place called Rome Italy that’s like where everybody wants to be like it’s so funny

Before and after London same thing happening All Over America all built by the same old world order all over the world it was a one world Empire that use free energy

San Pedro California and obviously it’s half-buried in mud and the floor level has raised and it’s falsely attributed to the new culture people claim they built it of course over and over and over again and look they whitewash it take down all the statues all the technology and now it’s just a flimsy building it’s like the church I grew up in Pastor grandfather the church she goes down and it’s not the basement it’s actually the first floor

When we came in America was all here skyscraper submarine Central Park I mean it was all here and even the trains all had to be excavated that’s why the train tracks had to be dug out by prisoners and even the canals and you hear about so many people dying from accidents because they were murdered because they couldn’t tell people the truth that’s the stuff was already here the prisoners were just Excavating the railroad tracks and then these evil men took credit for building at all but anyway because it from a past civilization not ours definitely

I was I was actually being funny here but this is a memories from 2 years ago today but I was actually being funny here I wasn’t being serious I think this character as a banner he had like a alter like a witches altar but it was with a make America great again hat and like a trump effigy candle or something and he was doing spells.. as if he were doing spells so President Trump could got into the White House and I think it was a spoof account but I don’t know anyways when you look at his account he hates the left and it’s I don’t know if it is just funny to get a mention by him.

I’m not really a goth but I like to promote the subcultures and a lot of these goth people like styxenhammer they all turn to Christ since Trump got elected so definitely you can pull from these large subcultures and they can talk to their friends and their friends๐Ÿ’‹ don’t trust anybody in Suits ๐Ÿ’‹ so when someone of Their Own tells people about Trump you get a lot more converts into the right and a lot of these people are actually good gentle Souls introverts that can do a lot of work behind the scenes like make memes and drawings and stuff like that so there’s room for everybody in the movement and most of the stuff is just theatrical

I even made a Pinterest prove about the aesthetic what do you spell it should be of the conservative Goths for Trump because I really think the right should take The Narrative of all these subcultures and turn them into good stuff and there is a lot of beauty there and there’s a lot of material to work with that you can turn it away from Satan you know and there’s beautiful gentle Souls who really don’t want to kill babies I really want to protect life and you know when you see a pro-life golf it change everybody wants to be that all of a sudden you know it’s trendy so these things are powerful especially with the youth and President Trump he is an aristocrat looking Emperor God you know that these people they’re looking for that father figure you know

it’s just for show it’s just for dress up but the left has taken control of a lot of these subcultures and turn them satanic when it’s never been originally about that you know we grew up in the 80s and there’s a subculture of vampire movies and stuff like that and it’s not at all about blood-drinking it’s about the castles it’s about the ancient dressed about a love of history and different times so not all these people are bad

No I’m not a goth anymore. But I won’t let a modern goth tell me that because my lineage is pure when they were still in nappies I was dancing to the Cure but when I was in high school I dabbled in it with the music I used to like Sisters of mercy..I used to like Siouxsie and the Banshees I still like dressing up and I know the aesthetic really well and I’ve done some things online to push the Goths for Trump movement there’s actually two Facebook groups conservative Goths I chat with the leaders all the time and and they all talk about Trump and they potentially bring in a huge community of people out there.. in the shadows who are kind of lost in the movement looking for a tribe.. and when they find the Trump movement it’s like their souls have been saved.

you’ll definitely get the torture vote from them .. for the globalists

I’m not a fruitarian a raw vegan anymore although I would like to be but I do like to eat fresh fruits and vegetables still the more the better and raw nuts I love those I have all that food here banana smoothies I feel better and I feel closer to God but you know what I did have a strange Vision yesterday when I was meditating

I had the strong Vision meditating that I was holding a rose quartz rosary beads and for every bead instead of saying our father I was saying one affirmation over and over..and I looked online for a rose quartz beads but they have to be rose quartz they can’t just just pink beads and they’re a little expensive so you know if anyone asks me what I want for my birthday or for Christmas I’m going to tell them I want a rosary rose quartz and that way when I’m meditating I can go through each of the beads and do my affirmations such as

” Dear God..I have always done things successfully” and I go through every bead saying that and everyday I could have a different affirmation. because you know I used to go to Catholic mass every day at 8 a.m. and before Mass Iwould see all these old ladies going over the rosary beads and it’s a powerful prayer Our Father there’s also an ” our mother” ๐Ÿ™ that’s been erased from history but the essenes say it.. you could also do Hail Mary or you could also go to church with a Rosary in your hand and go through the entire beads you start at the bottom and you do the whole circle and go back to the cross and every bead you say an affirmation you could use this as a prayer beads.

That would be lovely and I could keep it around my neck imagine rose quartz petrified Titan flesh whatever it is it’s a mystery. I want it I’m just keeping it around your neck kind of holds that intention to you close

it’s beautiful

You know I just don’t know what I am the only identity I have is a political cartoonists but I don’t want to be like Ian Rand and throw all my energy into Political cartooning because I also want to be beautiful because beauty is really everything in this world and I really want to take care of myself and sometimes this comes along with what you want to do in life is you can’t just you know wake up and do political cartoons you have to be presentable and you have to look professional dress up in a suit stuff like that if you want to really make it I know that sounds like a second hand ER but beauty is really important to me too but one day I dream that my political cartoon speak to me I want to become that good and all the beauty is in the cartoon and be pretty too because I really could let myself go and just eat junk food I’d be happier just sitting and eating and drawing cartoons I would be happier but I got to take care of myself and try to be healthy and give up bad habits and get some sun and wear some high heels I really like that but it’s not about my high heels is it it’s about my cartoons but sometimes the high heels will attract people better I don’t know it’s terrible I know I really want my cartoons to speak for me and to be as beautiful as I want me to be and sometimes the people that are geniuses there’s a beauty about them even though there’s slovenly and unshaven there’s a beauty about their love for their passion and I kind of want to be like that too but I did grow up in a very wealthy family long family line and I did grow up in private schools and I’ve always work in law offices so you know I understand that people will judge you for how you look before they look at your work sometimes sometimes people are just like that

Update on this cartoon it’s Friday 3 days since I posted this and I just want to show you how well this cartoon did on Twitter now Jack Dorsey can appreciate a good joke and he can even laugh at himself I’m sure I’m not attacking him I’m just commenting on the news and I don’t mean anything personal by it

So it is Friday and I have about 7500 followers and 38 people scrolled passed it and only two clicked on it to open it and I’m just showing you like what the hell is wrong with this social media it’s not working. It’s like Twitter is broken it will never be the same it needs to help somebody needs to save it it’s worth saving but the way things are going it’s this is going to ruin the lives of so many people who invested decades in it it’s got to be saved someone has to do something

Yes there’s definitely a problem let’s see what it is I clicked on it

I have no idea what they’re on about I have no idea it says contact them to resolve this issue I don’t know how I’m going to resolve anything . When I click on that it gives you a bunch of options you know I’ve done this before I have I’ve done this before for many times and I never get a response this is fraud guys this is fraud I’ve been cheated I’ve been screwed with I’ve been messed with it’s not just me it’s many people

Now you have a real problem here this is not free market there’s nothing free market about this stop it it’s not stop it stop it this is not free market is something else.

Ladies and gentlemen this is going to require serious brains to outsmart these people who are really dumb they are the collective they are as good as their weakest member I look I’m just trying to help Jack out this is his baby but he either betrayed us or he’s sold out and it’s just his face that’s on the business but whatever it is it’s not the same business and we’re dealing with a third-party here that we never made an agreement with and all of our stuff is on there