Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized How to Juggle a Busy Freelancing Career While Pursuing Your Passion for Political Cartooning: My Journal

How to Juggle a Busy Freelancing Career While Pursuing Your Passion for Political Cartooning: My Journal

How to Juggle a Busy Freelancing Career While Pursuing Your Passion for Political Cartooning: My Journal post thumbnail image
Political Cartoons from other countries are on the right. Five Dollars for a simple cartoon like this in 24 hours. For that price you send me a dm with your request. Your next contact will be the delivery. I do not ask questions. I just do. It is NO CONTACT work, for introverts! Of course if you are a conservative, I will have a conversation with you.

Unveiling the Truth About Robot Self-Checkout: The Hidden Cost You Didn’t Know About Social Security Trust Fund. This was my only prompt. I had to do research! It is a VERY SERIOUS ISSUE. Where does the money come from? Taxpayer money? NAH Its all YOUR TRUST FUND. They got you down as dead so you cannot access it. And they spend it! For themselves, they skim off the top, they give their friends these accounts..they sell the get it.

How do you become a freelancer and do what you love too? Political cartooning?

As a freelancer, it can be tough to balance making money with pursuing your passions. It’s all too easy to get caught up in the daily grind of working on assignments for clients and putting your projects on the back burner. This is a common struggle for many creative professionals, particularly those in fields like political cartooning where personal expression is so vital.

If you find yourself in a position where you’re too busy freelancing to pursue your political cartooning, you’re certainly not alone. Many freelancers struggle to make time for their projects, particularly when they’re juggling multiple clients and tight deadlines. However, it’s important to remember that your work is just as important as your paid assignments. After all, your creative projects are what set you apart as an artist and help you stand out in a crowded market.

That being said, it can be challenging to carve out time for personal projects when you’re already so busy with freelance work. One strategy that can help is to set aside dedicated time each day or week to work on your political cartoons. This might mean waking up an hour earlier each day or taking a break from paid work for a few hours each week to focus on your projects.

Another strategy is to find ways to incorporate your passions into your paid work. For example, if you’re ghostwriting for conservative sites, see if you can work some political commentary or humor into your writing. This will not only help you stay engaged and interested in your paid work, but it can also serve as a creative outlet for your political cartooning. It can also give you an idea for a political cartoon if you wrote 5000 words on a subject. Every time you write an article for someone to claim as their own, do the cartoon for you, for personal use. With the knowledge fresh on your brain!

If you’re struggling to come up with ideas for your political cartoons, there are plenty of resources available to help you brainstorm. Try reading political news articles or listening to political podcasts to get a sense of what’s happening in the world. You can also check out other political cartoonists’ work for inspiration and ideas. I tried having the chatbot scan a couple of articles and give me a political cartoon. That is how I did the Robot Grocery store. It made ZERO sense, but at least it picked out the most striking parts of the article. But as with jokes, CHATGPT most of the time is not funny and makes no sense. It can give you a starting point. For references, you can cut and paste Google, or you can input into Leonardo ai, and it WILL NOT BE GOOD ENOUGH for you, but you can look at it AS A REFERENCE. When you are cartooning a horse, it’s best to see it to get a feel. Also, you need references for light and textures do not forget. You are not an AI artist. It is no different than looking on google for references. Typing into chatgpt can give you something close to look it. While you draw. You do not want to trace. YOu can trace when you begin learning digital art, and do lots of tracing and fan art. But that is just for practice, not for a portfolio. You want YOUR WORK to be YOUR WORK.

It’s also worth considering collaborating with other artists or writers to help generate new ideas for your political cartoons. By working with others, you can bounce ideas off each other and come up with fresh, creative concepts that you may not have thought of on your own. One can sketch the cartoon, another ink it in, another color. And All split the NFT money. LOL.

Ultimately, the key to finding time for your political cartooning is to make it a priority. While it can be tempting to put your projects on the back burner in favor of paid work, it’s important to remember that your creative expression is what sets you apart as an artist. By making time for your projects, you’ll not only stay engaged and inspired, but you’ll also continue to grow and develop as an artist over time. So don’t be afraid to set aside some time each day or week to work on your political cartoons, and don’t hesitate to reach out to other artists or writers for inspiration and collaboration. With a little persistence and creativity, you can find a way to balance your paid work with your passion for political cartooning. As well as freelancing for OTHERS. It teaches you how to present work so that the viewer likes it. With freelancing you get feedback. This can be good for your career, drawing for others temporarily to see what people like. They critique sometimes critically. And you learn.

My favorite people I follow. He worked for Tucker Carslon!
He is gonna be a guest on SUNDAYS ALEX JONES I may do a cartoon on it. TOMORROW,Be sure to catch him as a guest on the renowned SUNDAYS ALEX JONES show! I am contemplating creating a cartoon to capture his intriguing insights. This individual is at the forefront of critical thought, expressing ideas that are remarkably sound.. There is my Steven Crowder comment.

Attention, everyone! Urgent help is needed for a man in dire situation. Please take a moment to read his thread and act swiftly. He is currently trapped in a hospital and in need of immediate assistance. Prior to censorship, he had painstakingly compiled thousands of videos detailing the heinous crimes of Jeffrey Epstein and Hillary Clinton. But now, all of that crucial evidence has been taken down, leaving him in a desperate state. We cannot let this injustice go on any longer. We must do all that we can to help him. Please spread the word and take action. Jamie Delux. From YOUTUBE. He wrote me back too.

JOE BIDEN POLITICAL CARTOON Taking bribes from anyone
DONALD TRUMP ATLAS, this POLITICAL CARTOON, was rejected, I have to draw him at a podium, he forgot to tell me! . He wanted it to look like Realism too. I will do anything for that 10$. Overcoming Rejection and Perfecting the Craft: My Journey as a Freelance Political Cartoonist. Despite facing rejection, I persevered and continued to deliver high-quality cartoons to my clients. Although some projects proved to be challenging and time-consuming, I remained committed to meeting the needs and preferences of my clients. These experiences taught me invaluable lessons about working with others and honing my skills as a professional cartoonist.

One guy hired me to do 7 conservative reels on Instagram and rejected everyone until I figured out he was scamming me. BUT I LEARNED A SKILL. Making reels! All this goes to your portfolio. The thing about fiverr. IF he doesn’t pay, the watermarks stay and he is unable to download them. So he was like, ” I rejected all of your reels, BUT NOW I CANT USE THEM !!!” Please send them to me. So I busted him. You have to pay me for the work I do. 7 political reels for Instagram, your favorite stars? NEWS of the day? 7 reels for 35$ in 24 hours.Its not bad. I am not ripping anyone off. But there are scammers. TIP: AVOID BE VERY WARY OF ” PRO and VERIFIED” Clients, in my experience, are always a nightmare. because they always ask for way more, or they will say, “I change my mind. I want another article..” You cant say no, because the 5-star reviews are at stake. So get used to being subservient. When I get those hires, expect the gig to take a week to get approved. I do notice other freelancers are hiring me to do the work that someone HIRED THEM for. And they take my 5$ cartoon and sell it for 100$ I do not mind. I do not mind signing my cartoons in their names either. I do it all the time. I wish I can show you the ones I cannot. I signed NDAS even and was strictly told I can never share them. Its a piece of my heart. I hate giving it away. That is for COMMERCIAL USE and I charge an extra 5$ to delete my copy. Otherwise,, I can post them here. Or on Instagram as my portfolio. This week I wrote 1 5000 word article on Australia economy. Three 1500-word articles, one on SUDAN Africa fake news CNN reporting, another on Erdogan’s’s Heart attack,, and also, China and Russia. I learn SO MUCH. I can tell you how I do it. If the client wants an international article I go to TELEGRAM and browse. I get a few articles, and I focus. I go to Twitter and ALWAYS see what my FOLLOWERS think first. How did I do the 7 reels for Instagram? It is called video editing on Canva app.

I gave CHAT GPT an article and it told me to draw my cartoon like this. Very weird. You have it scan the article. But it doesn’t make sense. I have to reload and regenerate until I can understand something. I took bits and pieces. It was my experiment. I can see if you are good at this stuff it can produce ideas, but without the true believer cartoonist, you cannot get the energy. You need a human. It is so inferior to the human mind. It just does ” collages” of whats out there already on the internet. You have heard some of the jokes, they are terrible!

NOW I could technically use this in a political cartoon. What I have learned is the MORE I THINK, the more things can make sense. THE JOKE DOES MAKE SENSE IF I STARE AT IT FOR A FEW HOURS. That is what I did above. I just made sense of a big mess.

If a stand-up comedian made such a quip, it might elicit a chuckle or two. But not for me. But the truth is, when it comes to succeeding as a political cartoonist, one needs more than mere wit and humor. One must possess a sharp mind, an unwavering sense of purpose, and the courage to stand up against the prevailing dogmas of our time. And a fierce attack feeling on Trump’s enemies. Chat GPT cannot give you that. It will not. CHATGPT will not make fun of politicians. I tried. So use your mind..Only then… can one truly create art that is timeless and impactful.

And let me tell you, relying on a machine- like ChatGPT to aid in your craft is not the solution. As I have always maintained, true greatness can only come from within oneself. The mind is the ultimate tool, and it is only by using it to its full potential that we can achieve true success.

So to all aspiring political cartoonists out there, I say this: You -need to use your brain. Don’t rely on machines or the opinions of others to guide your work… Embrace your individuality, your creativity, and your unique perspective on the world. That is the only path.. to true greatness.

Selling NFTS contact free would be ideal for me, as a introvert. I just need to break in! I sold 4 already. But I am not selling them for less than 100 $ now. THEY TAKE ME HOURS. All political cartoonists on the front page of FIVERR ( anti trump) get 250$ a cartoon! GO LOOK. 100 dollars is a good price for an nft that will belong to you and you can use in your newspaper. You can even change the description to say whatever- in the NFTS that I have not minted, just created. They cost money to mint, so usually the buyer can do this if I allow. They are there online! You can edit the descriptions as you like if you buy them. They are not frozen yet. You can attach crypto to it. It is an investment. 50 years down the line TRUMP POLITICAL CARTOONS from the great AMERICAN REVOLUTION will be in museums.

I am disappointed in the lack of political cartoons this month. Too busy freelancing to draw. I need to change something. Move around something. I just need money to live. I stress out so much about missing the days cartoons. I have nightmares sometimes and wake up to draw something. I am an artist. I am not a writer, well. I feel like I am missing out on something so good so amazing and that is the Maga party. I want to draw everyone, doing everything. I procrastinate. As soon as I get these orders out of the way I can start. But everyday I get more orders. And I don’t mind using the money to pay for internet and maybe a food delivery. It is nice.

I will never forget that time someone ordered three cartoons I drew them and delivered them to the wrong man who took them but he said he wanted three articles in 24 hours. So I had to REDRAW 3 political cartoons for the first client and write 3 articles in one day for the next. I was a day late so I offered a new cartoon in exchange for a time extension. WHEW If you miss one day of being late, its not good. You get put to the last page of freelancers. The deadline is the most important thing. If you cannot get something out in 2 or 3 days, MAKE IT A WEEK on the gig. You will deliver in a week. It is much better and deliver early anyways. Or Raise the price. I cannot raise the prices until they put me as a level one seller. I have been stuck on NEW SELLER since 2015. The easiest answer is political censorship especially when I see ANTI TRUMP cartoonists WITH NO REVIEWS being promoted as the TOP. Scribbles. My scores are 100% 100% 100% and star reviews.

Tremble, tyrants and traitors! The hand of the vengeance is at your throats!

My dear Generation X, it is high time for us to awaken to the importance of protecting and nurturing the younger generation. In this fast-paced world, where the left and the boomers hold sway, we must be vigilant and resolute in our efforts to secure a better future for our children and their children.

This video, brought to you by Generation Z, serves as a stark reminder of the challenges and obstacles facing our youth. We cannot stand idly by and watch as their dreams and aspirations are dashed upon the rocks of socialism and big government. It is up to us, the defenders of individualism and personal responsibility, to pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.

We must instill in our children the values of hard work, self-reliance, and rational self-interest. We must teach them to think critically and independently, to question authority, and to resist the siren song of collectivism. Only then can we ensure that our society remains strong, prosperous, and free.

So let us heed the call to action, my fellow Generation Xers. Let us stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our younger brethren, and fight for a world where individualism reigns supreme, and the rights of the individual are sacrosanct. Together, we can build a better tomorrow, and secure a future that is worthy of our great nation.


This is perfection, this is beauty. Strength, power!

WO to the men who try to harm our youth. There is no forgiveness.