Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Political Cartoons Diane Feinstein Jair Bolsonaro

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Political Cartoons Diane Feinstein Jair Bolsonaro

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Political Cartoons Diane Feinstein Jair Bolsonaro post thumbnail image
Aoc and Diane Feinstein political cartoon Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
The Kremlin Drone political cartoon
Jair Bolsonaro Political cartoon
Mexico Corruption Political cartoon cartels and cats
Noone believes me. I CANNOT use DONALD TRUMPS name to title my drawings of him. On Open Sea I wrote them and they told me that DONALD TRUMP is a protected name. What is that?

My dear friends, you will not believe what has happened! I have received a reply from none other than Matt, the esteemed leader of Freelancer dot com. Surely you know of him, he has made a fortune on the site by writing articles. MILLION DOLLARS. He is a true inspiration and everyone watches his every move.

To receive a public response from him is a sign, a synchronicity that I am on the right path. But I must confess, I am in dire need of funds. My internet bill is due, and just three days ago my cell phone was flung into a wheat field. I have been searching on my hands and knees for hours each day, desperately in need of its return. Has not rained yet!

If I did not NEED Money, I would have political cartoons for you daily. It takes so much time from me. I am resentful I have to work rather than draw cartoons. But it is not so bad working on conservative issues, for other people. BUT IF YOU WANT A STREAM OF POLITICAL CARTOONS DAILY I do too. Please support me financially. I need a manager. But no one will ever help me. I have to do it myself. And I would much rather draw political cartoons everyday for free, than afford my special diet , raw vegan. But I want to look young. And I do not want to age. ALAS

DO you know how many gorgeous russian women would KILL themselves if anything happened to Putin? He is so beloved, they have given him a lifetime reign practically. Why cant Trump have that>??

Engaging in freelancing contests day in and day out, envisioning a life where bills fade away, and I can indulge in creating cartoons tirelessly. But how do I make this dream a reality? I believe the key lies in honing my artistic skills, tirelessly pushing myself to become a better cartoonist. Charles Addams, my idol, resonates deeply with who I am. I’ve delved into his biography and find inspiration. Additionally, Edward Gorey’s influence has touched me, evident in my early fine line drawings


#watchthewater #trainderailments In the recent days, unnoticed by many- but marked by scattered signals, a multitude of events unfolds. The waters on all sides grows hotter, akin to lakes of fire. The world stands on the precipice.