Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Pete Buttigieg Political Cartoon FOR Donald Trump

Pete Buttigieg Political Cartoon FOR Donald Trump

Pete Buttigieg Political Cartoon FOR Donald Trump post thumbnail image
Pete Buttigieg
Political Editorial Cartoon

This was my vision when I read article . I just saw this. I added the pink horse later on.

Drudge headlined this

Same picture I used


Alex Jones voice now is a famous meme on tik tok. Froggy cosplay. Many videos w Alex Jones voice!
Nyc had its own arc de triomphe. Ruined. All the roman ruins are hidden destroyed or turned into government buildings or churches. They couldnt explain this one. It WAS all here before we arrived. Many took credit for building these buildings. Free masonry was all over. You just moved in. Put a cross on it. Didnt pay the rent. Took credit for Building.

Michael Obama the Tranny watching Notre Dame burn

Zee Michelle Obama sorry. Was watching it burn from zir boat.
My pronouns get mixed up.

My comment below

Roger Stone is the ideal American. The ideal Jew. He is perfect. Jared Kushner is ideal Jew too. I heard his speech today. I love Jews when they are winners. The self hating Hollywood Liberal Jews. No thanks!
My great grandmother Jewish.
Father of my three kids. Half Jew. His mom a Jew.
But my family history of Original nationalists is secret society Original nationalists . So thats like…triple a normal Pirate.
I was raised in Jesuit schools in Buffalo. Sister schools to Jesuit schools. Tartarian buildings all of them. My college too.
My grandfather is a pastor.
My mom a catholic. My fathers side freemasonry since the franco prussian war.

I am well rounded. I studied the Roman Sumerian Greek Gods in my classes. I wrote in Babylonian. I made cuneiforms. I illustrated 7 stages of the crucifixion. I was a French lit freak.

My 1st best friend was Jewish she had her breast implants done by the same doctor a demi Moore had hers done by in Boston and her parents owned a newspaper she was absolutely beautiful she had jet black hair and green eyes.

I always fall in love with Jews.. my entire life but they’ve never took me seriously because I was not Jewish.

Jews have super powers over christians. We don’t we’re not allowed the same rights that they have.

I believe Christianity is the original religion I believe it is older than all religions combined.
The story of Jesus is the Sun’s journey through the skies it’s an astrological pagan religion Jesus was literal ized by the council of nicea.

Sun worship is the original religion Christianity is older than Judaism it’s older than Islam.

Now many cultures like the pirate on other cultures and even attached themselves and take over their buildings tear down spiritual places and rebuild in their own image.
All history is fake all history is fake the common sense will tell you that the Sun God religion has been here since the beginning of time.

A lot of sons of God have had the same life story as Jesus the.. same 3 days … rising .. Born of a Virgin the Virgo constellation..the Christmas event that happens only once a year astrologically were Virgo Orions belt ..the 3 kings the scorpion Judas’s all astrological.

Christianity is the original religion. It was called many things before. There were many sons of god before. Born of a virgin! Its a sky event. 3 kings of Orions belt. WHATS EASTER? oh he has risen! The sun! Judas the scorpion! The constellation.

WHATS this 12 apostles nonsense? 13 is a coven. These are moon cycles. 33 years old, is the level of freemasonry honorary. You see the graffitti already right all over this ancient pagan religion of the suns journey in the skies. Every culture puts its signage. but the original religion, is the same for all time.

We are the number one persecuted even though other cultures like to say they are …but we are the number 1

If my daughter was dying or I was on my last breath I would not not like to go to an angry God… I would like to go to pure love.. I would like to go to the Sun.
I’m not into raping 72 children.

The sun is white by the way. Glowing white. Its not hot magma sun like Nasa shows you. Thats just art,.

Some cultures money is their God.

For example there’s many things christians are just not allowed to do what other religions are allowed to do .

We’re just not able to lie cheat murder etc.
It doesn’t matter if it’s an outsider An infidel…or if it’s a goy..

Stuff the old testament says, well, when did that attach itself to us? That’s nothing to do with Christ. The sun god . But people like to attach myth and legend to things.

The father of my kids is listening to Owen Benjamin. In the dark. I feel so bad for him he works so hard, and so many have taken advantage of him lately. but his life is his gig. I always warned him and I always was the bad guy. And I am not sorry I was right.
But I am so glad he got out when he could. For the first time in 5 years he has a paying gig. ITS SO NICE. I am sorry I got mad and blamed all Original nationalists . But when you get screwed by one god damn it makes impression.

Thats why I want to look at the old gods, and goddesses. Nike, Themis, Zeus, etc Its very communist to have one god. of all. I like free market. ( Joke)

I have dabbled in the occult but looking back it was just wicca. I am ocd about information and I read every book in the magic shops when I lived in San Francisco. One long summer. I had books, not friends. I can write a spell for anyone I can design a ritual. I know alot about it. I know all the holidays the many goddesses and gods. The elements. The lunar cycles and waxing waning. I wrote a spell for Trump you can look it up in 2016, to ensure he got into the white house and I envisioned it gold. Its secret knowledge! I have it. A giant box, filled with books, some authentic Gardenian and Dianic , were my favorite styles. I know dragons blood ink. I know wax seals and copper wands. Athames made of stainless steel. I knew how to write in witches alphabet. its a code. Theban alphabet. Thats how I wrote the book of shadows. I made. You can google that stuff now but back in the 80s…NOONE knew that stuff. It was one of my many phases. I have great knowledge of evil. To this day I am uncanny with the tarot. I asked it today. And it helped me greatly.

Thast why I wrote what I wrote. I had a card in mind and it made me feel like writing.

We were not allowed to hurt anybody . Yes we are told since birth to think about others and help others. To pray for our enemies. To turn the other cheek. To forgive people for everything as long as they come clean and want to be better.
Christians are very productive and it’s not in our bones to parasite on others. But to give. And the most highest love? is a mother and son!!!

And christians have that as a weakness.. Yes, also it’s it’s a weakness. Not a strength, but a weakness. Yes christians are innocence.. they do not know the dangers of the world they have no idea because they don’t see them.. They been raised in a bubble… they don’t look for that. Yes, instead they think the whole world are like them. They are easily fooled easily fooled. Fodder for evil.

Christians, are not allowed to make trans chemicals for children. Christians do not do this..
They are not allowed to make Hollywood Gay Marriage movies. Christians are not allowed to harvest children for organs.

Chrsitians are not really allowed to be Doctors or top freemasons. Your oaths are to Apollo and many other gods. Mercury is the god of deception and medicine. That’s your god. Symbolism of the snakes. You cant inject kids with pig blood and call yourself a Christian!

Easter Worshippers are the meek. Christians are the real victims. Christians are like children. But the genius of god is pure love.

I saw undercover video from Syria, John McCains gig.. of a child about to get her organs cut out of her and they were telling her to go to allah and she was like ok. While the men held her down, about to cut her open , alive. It was banned so fast. She was like 5 years old a little Pirateish girl.

Christians not allowed to kill anyone, even outsiders. Christians are not better than anyone and we dont mutilate our kids. We think the world is like us. We are not commanded by god to keep sex slaves. We dont say the best of THEM should die.

Christians are not honored, when they lie to outsiders. That is shameful and terrible! They are not slave masters.
The old testament, has nothing to do with the sun god religion. We are lied to all the time especially about history. Thats called baggage.
Jesus entire life and I am not talking about the 33 secret society code of his age. His entire life is in the stars. Like Osiris. Same exact life story. The sun god religion. Why does Jesus have a halo?

WE. are the original religion.

PLUS when JESUS comes back, The muslims recognize Jesus. They know he was more powerful than Mohammed. In the koran. He comes back a warmonger. In our Bible, Jesus comes back a warmonger too. A very powerful well known man : of the world.

But in the stars its just a cycle that goes on forever.

I don’t know, sometimes I think Christianity the NICEA kind, is a cancer that came and destroyed all the old Roman Greek Gods. They were too..hedonistic. Hedonism didnt build those old temples. They were there before the Romans!

The ancient egyptians were renters who didnt pay the rent. They were great at graffitti and sculpting over statues that were there already and putting their dear leaders on everything and making these generators tombs. The people who built the pyramids were sun god worshippers. The pyramids clearly outline and replicate the stars, but on earth.

People like Obama or John McCain are luciferians who lie about being something else. Christians are the victims

You know the statues all over the usa? With Nike on top? Plus the colossus of Rhodes aka the statue of liberty. Thats not its name! YOu think you saw construction photos of the statue of liberty? Look again. You will laugh. America WAS ANCIENT ROME

The sun ROLLING ABOVE US.. is the life story of Jesus. Thats eternal. There are 4 corners of the earth. And there is a circle of the earth. You have to really look at the globe earth model, Virus theory, and dinosaurs a little closer. Christians are the victims. Also, Giants did exist. Why are all the old tartarian buildings built for Giants. Notre Dame, built for giants. Like the bible says. Giants.

Many bones have been tossed into the ocean by the top museums in the world, yes. Many civilizations under our feet. Their buildings they left behind. Carnegies have taken credit for building their buildings. Free masonry was everywhere. Ready to be moved into.

You just cant google this stuff. Those roads all dirty.

Nothing else is, everything else is just paper. The sun in the sky. Is here forever.
The truth is in the skies. Not in folk tales . The stars in perfect constellations for all time turn above us . The North Pole has never ever moved. Nothing has moved under our feet.

Rory just called me hes got this talk show radio and I’m supposed to call in kind of like a co-host so I gotta go now but I do wanna write more on this topic.