Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized William Bill Barr Bret Baier Fox News political cartoon for President Donald Trump #williambarr #billbarr #qanon #politicalcartoon #donaldtrump

William Bill Barr Bret Baier Fox News political cartoon for President Donald Trump #williambarr #billbarr #qanon #politicalcartoon #donaldtrump

William Bill Barr Bret Baier Fox News political cartoon for President Donald Trump #williambarr #billbarr #qanon #politicalcartoon #donaldtrump post thumbnail image
a digital art caricature of William Barr based on what he said..I added to it.
I don’t know why I like that meme but thats what Democrats do.
Banned! It was brilliant video that could help…alot of misled people out there. Gone. Youtube deleted it.
the building or the bike?
more ancient buildings from a past civilization that are still around in america hidden in plain sight all that technology inside must have been fantastic but you know as with all these old buildings they are false stories no blueprints no construction photos and the wrong men take credit for its buildings for the construction but they are really left over from the past solid Stone
they don’t stop the memes they don’t stop and I love them I want more of these this is so funny