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Will President Donald Trump pardon Roger Stone? Tarot Reading.

Will President Donald Trump pardon Roger Stone?  Tarot Reading. post thumbnail image



To prove that I got this card I did it in an online random Tarot blind card generator and I disguised my it question with codes so it can be a clean reading.

The Queen of pentacles..A warm and generous host, providing shelter and comfort for all who would seek it.  This is a definite definite πŸ’Ÿ YesπŸ’Ÿ in ..readings. The ultimate parent archetype. The Queen is cradling a gold coin with both hands and looks down on it with loving care. She is doting nurturing sensitive and it signifies being loving and she’s classy stylish and affluent… This is a very loyal energy. This is the 13th card in the suit of pentacles. She lives finely no nonsense matter of factly..and she has economic freedom property land stability wealth and success. This is an energy that can also be found in a man. This Tarot card represents of feelings of warmth or atmosphere around a person that is full of trust and security. This Tarot card is the symbol of nurturing big heartedness and trustworthiness it’s that energy.. Because there is a woman on the card does not mean it’s a woman but it could be a man with these qualities inside of him about ..Roger stone. You see the king of pentacles is a little sterner and harder. But the female energy the female protective energy around Roger stone is a very very powerful and also very convincing when they want something… Roger stone is definitely a man’s man but also a ladies man. I see the female energy… Around roger stone very powerful… And they can be very convincing when they want something. The Queen of pentacles will come to Roger stone’s aid in a financial matter…

There is a rabbit in the corner which is a symbol in the qanon movement..

There is a rabbit in the corner which is a symbol in the qanon movement. The queen of pentacles is an earth sign. It reigns over Virgos. Which Roger Stone is. I just looked it up.

This Tarot card the Queen of pentacles always means that the querent..or Roger Stone… will experience a level of abundant support like no other time in life… The female energy in America will do a lot of the convincing for our President Trump to pardon Roger Stone. For Roger stone is beloved by American women like you have never seen. The Bower of ROSES 🌹🌹🌹⚘⚘⚘🌷🌷⚘ over the Queen represents and signifies desire. This card is an Earth sign and so is Roger stone a card representing a truly noble soul and a creator on the physical plane. Every revolution that has ever happened the females are the ones who started it. I see this as a powerful influence around the decision that our President Trump has to make. The queen of coins represents. This card represents an energy of problem solving. It represents a person playing this role in the life of the questioner. Concerned w the welfare of another that is very cared for. A teacher. A mentor. In career or workpath. Reflects a person financially adroit. With a practical nature. UNCANNY ABILITY TO CREATE WEALTH. Very Stable person. It is a definite yes you could ask anybody this is a definite yes. A natural card of prosperity. A good card. Opulence and skill for PERSUASION. Every Tarot card reader in the world past present and future will say the same thing this card represents a definite yes! The pentacles today would correspond to the playing card suit of πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž Diamonds. This is the social class of merchants and the element of Earth.

I am a Christian and a woman for God and Jesus but I do these in absolute emergency questions that I really need answers to. I bring my knowledge to the table because I have years experience with Tarot decks. And I always ask God to help me also. Please God-bless this reading.

Sealed! SO MAY IT BE.


The sun appeared in the sky! Rare thing indeed here in the rainy pnw. Good sign. My phone on the Fritz also. Good sign. Watches break alot in this state also.

This is my comment in the gateway pundit article about Roger stone sentencing
There were many comments about Roger Stone. Like Steve pieczenik says. SILENCE IS POWERFUL. And Roger Stone has been such a good boy with this gag order on him. I would never comply but Stone is a man ..of manners.

Wait til he gets exonerated. Trump 2020 will hear Roger Stones influence yet again. Possibly another book???
I love when he does this and I believe he is the one who told Nixon to do this. And why not take it because it’s an iconic symbol.
The ideal family! She must worship him. He is so great.
I couldnt get the Stone defense fund in this screenshot watching infowars. I took this live. And had to be fast. It showed for a short bit.
Roger Stone did nothing wrong tshirt. Collectors item.
Look at that scarf. Did Roger Stone influence Owen’s dress code or what.
Beautiful sweet soul.