Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Tom fitton Judicial Watch General James Mattis political cartoon White House antifa 🏛🏛🏛 for President Donald Trump

Tom fitton Judicial Watch General James Mattis political cartoon White House antifa 🏛🏛🏛 for President Donald Trump

Tom fitton Judicial Watch General James Mattis political cartoon White House antifa 🏛🏛🏛 for President Donald Trump post thumbnail image
Tom fitton with General James Mattis with antifa in his pockets and a mission creep tattoo on his chest on the steps of the White House that was totally desecrated vandalized it’s an outrage and here it is this is what Tom fitton today said on his Judicial Watch
very beautiful man to draw I love drawing beautiful men I just love the sharp lines the masculine features and the clean face and the nice teeth and he’s just got such a nice haircut and he always wears nice clothes trim fit
un-freakin’-believable I mean don’t think that this hasn’t happened to the White House been before it’s been set on fire it’s been conquered I mean this is what antifa wants they want the White House and they will get it they’ll try and antifa goes way up to the top so we’re just seeing the first stage phase with the foot soldiers

Los Angeles City Hall what a beauty what a Marvel I mean while you got to protect these buildings are so beautiful just look at that

and the base looks like it was built in a different time look it’s like the facade or maybe the whole thing look like that and they just tore it down and remodeled it I don’t know but it’s beautiful look at how tall the Arches are you would have to be pretty tall to walk under there like a giant almost

Philidelphia City Hall it looks like things are quieting down you know what that means either a false flag is coming or something worse is going to come different in a different area these global communists mean business

right outside City Hall they let a car on fire if they could they would try to do the building’s just a threat it’s not performance art ..this is Conquest this is an attempt at a takeover you got to get control of these buildings in order to control people it’s a big secret about these buildings there’s so much secrets and so much lies and deception about who built them their actually is old as the old world
New Jersey Elizabeth look at that still Latin inscription usually they whitewash that out to hide the past but now you definitely know Latin used to be the one world order a long long time ago as ancient as these buildings and even the Latin people probably rented and didn’t pay the rent or something and then told their people they were the builders as well all cultures that have these buildings have to tell the people they built them in order to control them because he’s it’s just such magnificence it’s so ancient it’s a well-kept secret lots of trickery involved to keep the past hidden from View

So a guy with Wild Child tattoo across his chest set fire to Nashville’s City Hall

Pasadena City Hall look at that tartarian Marvel

you would have to be a giant to walk under that Arch or to carry those stones
this is what they want to do to our buildings this is what it would look like but please just imagine all the fire going out and dying and nothing gets set on fire just people being arrested please focus on that
portland a beauty 😍 of a building #tartarian

Stay the f*** away from Trump Tower

wow this is scary this is like you wonder if he’s just been one of those released from prisons because criminal out in prison thats 💪 how you tell if someone just came out of prison if they’re buff like this. I mean that’s just things that police look for Is he wearing like a du-rag what is that I don’t know what it is is that something you wear under a football helmet or something and why are they punching to the sky
this is Beautiful People protecting Trump Tower in Las Vegas it’s beautiful he’s a master architect I’m mean the Ancients might have had solid Stone but we have steel and our President Trump has the very best taste he knows how to build to build it to last
Portland look at that architecture it’s beautiful the triangles the pillars the Dome I mean it’s so beautiful look at how tall the windows are for that little sniper
look at how beautiful look at how tall the Arches just look at that brickwork I mean a past civilization probably put up the brakes and then they claim they built it covering the stone that’s how it’s done a lot of times Phoenicians Etc
buildings are forever people aren’t

The Colorado Capitol I don’t know what that smoke is it better not be bombs as fire it better not be

des Moines iowa do you see how all of these buildings are similar and they all seem to have building built by the same people now why would you tell people that men and wagons built these out of solid Stone All Over America in the same style copying somewhere in ancient Greece or something that’s ridiculous every culture that comes along claims that they build these buildings you have to do in order to rule over the population it’s just that’s the secret of these buildings they’re magnificent their ancient they got all this free energy Tech that’s been taken down and stolen and spit self-heating with geothermal Steam and they’re Beauties all the paintings inside have been painted over all the statues taken down and replaced over and over and over for all-time pretty
They have been set fire to many times it’s just part of Conquest

Sometimes I think that Matt Drudge Report and I have a lot of synchronicity and it’s not just this post over the last few days but I just want him to know that I’ve definitely noticed

it’s funny because the first night there was thunder storming lightning in Portland like I’ve never seen it and then in Buffalo New York there was lightning and it hit trees and stuff and it was crazy like I’ve never seen it and now look at this lightning in Washington Monument it’s almost as if the earth and the people are connected and when there’s a lot of angry people 🙂 😒 🙃 😤 🙄 😑 🙂

or maybe I’m really in sync with him who knows I will never forget Matt Drudge I’m like one of the only people in the world that can understand his language he speaks in headlines he’s definitely gifted he’s a genius in headlines there’s no other person ever like him and you can’t mess with him that’s for sure

So lightning hitting an obelisk wow isn’t that something I’m sure Trump is very very very impressed with that I hope it didn’t do any damage to it

You know in order to rule over people in the past people have always use the weather you know rulers they’ve always looked at these things as Omens from God may be our President Trump refer to this is that because people this is how you can control people there very very superstitious about that stuff and I’m not saying that in a fake way like global warming is fake but this is definitely real this is the real thing
Everything with our President Trump is real I mean everything written about in the past maybe fiction it really might be all those revolutions and stuff just follow the hand signals but I’m just saying with our President Trump it’s all real that’s why I knew this was coming and I knew it would be the best out of all of them all the world history events this is we are living in the most authentic one
And I’ve been politically cartooning it the entire thing since the beginning even before the beginning I was there when it mattered and I’m never leaving I’m so in my element and I’m overcoming all sorts of obstacles to protect my art and I mean all obstacles and I’m very talented at staying behind the scenes and being kind of invisible I think I’ve learned my lesson early on and I’m very careful about my posts

Ben Garrison knows what they want to do

if they could they would but that’s a feat and then possible feat to destroy the Colossus of Rhodes the Colossus of Rhode Island the Statue of Liberty what our culture has named it it did not come on a boat from Paris France know it’s never moved that’s another man of secret secret those phony construction photos can be easily debunked they are so phony it stood tall like that before we arrived

Maybe that’s what he meant but it’s definitely in our Collective consciousness

They want to take down our statues they want to burn our city Hall’s down if they can’t Conquest them for themselves to rule over the people and they would take down the stuff if because they’re just so evil and they’ve been doing it for hundreds of years destroying our buildings right under our noses they just moved from one structure to another and dynamite it

Protect the White House at all costs !!

I agree with this this is beautiful.. this makes me feel much more better because the White House is so beloved it can’t be destroyed damaged burned or taken over

the White House is our baby

We are the parents America Patriots people who love this country who are citizens that building belongs to us and it’s where our President Trump lives it’s beautiful
Now the comment I mostly get his buildings are not important more than human lives..
well.. buildings are forever people aren’t and I don’t think you understand how important these buildings are because it’s been kept from you so how would you know you think it’s just thrown up haphazardly a few hundred years ago no it’s not these buildings are at way more important it’s such a big secret how important they are.


So is a nobody …more important than the White House…a dead pornstar a dead drug addict a dead possibly not even dead he could have been an actor …I mean… that’s not more important than the White House..

I’m sorry I’m really sorry you got to figure this out for yourself just sit down and and think about everything I mean you know you say you’re anti-establishment but yet you follow everything the mainstream News tells you and it’s it’s just funny you don’t even look into the other side what they’re saying …you’re like living in a bubble you don’t realize that you know the same thing is happening all over the world and it’s the same exact scenario with two cops standing on a black guy’s head and it’s causing riots everywhere and there’s many Derek Chauvins..right now you guys are being played.

These are actors. It’s like a play it’s like take one take two and when you analyzed the different takes they’re all different the secrets are in plain sight how they’re tricking you just look at the name of Derek Chauvin.. that means excessive patriotism chauvinism. That’s not his booking photo that you’re seeing that’s not even him where was the photo of him getting arrested how come he looks like a low level actor Benjamon Ray how come this come that ..there’s so many of those how come there’s different takes and the scene is set up completely different how come the same scenario is happening all over the world.. the police badges don’t even check out on the footage they show you and the people are up in arms it’s a communist takeover you are being used and here’s to the anarchists who think that they’re going to have a Anarchy you’re not going to have Anarchy the Communists are going to kill you off first

I mean do you remember 9-11 Do You Remember Las Vegas I mean these are set up by the media and Bad actors and the symbolism is everywhere

If it was me or the white house I would definitely give myself up first that building is so beautiful it’s so important I would die protecting these buildings I would they are forever and I mean it and I don’t think people understand how important it is and that’s on purpose that’s how important these buildings are if they lie to you about who built them they are the secret of free energy of all kinds illuminations the White House used to illuminate on its own without paying someone an electric bill at night the Obelisk lit up the entire city it illuminated I mean it’s such a rabbit hole and I can’t prove it in one post but I’ve been looking into this for a long time and I’ve gathered evidence on this blog and photographs and I’ve deconstructed the phony construction photos

I don’t get mean I would give myself up an exchange for the White House I mean that if the White House were to be destroyed it would throw me in such a mental state I would be I would go nuts I really would and I would probably do something silly trying to protect it and you know what these parasites this entire time our country’s cities around they’ve been destroying many buildings just like the White House all over our cities they don’t want you to have any history any past any access to free energy or anything these buildings were machines they gather electricity from the air like I don’t know if it’s static electricity or if there was a field turned on but I have lots of proof of this.

1 one day Patriots will know all of the secrets all secrets shall be revealed boy will the Patriots be in control of this truth and spreading it around the world we will be the ones to bring light to the rest of the world who have fallen into darkness because of these parasites so Bravo President Donald Trump bravo bravo you are doing excellent work this is what a leader does mean wow Hillary Clinton would have let these people burn it down after she stole everything inside
many many secrets about that obelisk all of our cities had them most of them have been taken down they get renamed called memorials but they tried to destroy this one they even destroyed they used to be pillars around it but they destroyed that and the phony construction photos of this are hilarious it’s not even the same building and you could see like a little wooden Shack next to it in the old construction photos and that wooden Shack was what people of that time wagon people were capable of building wagon people were not capable of building Katsopolis it was here before we arrived before any settlers arrived all of our cities were ghost towns when we arrived everything was intact and then the men of Secrets came along and claim they built everything and they even put themselves back in time a hundred years sometimes to explain all this Majesty away

Oh but they edit the phony construction photos you’ll never see workers you’ll just see like piece by piece and it’s just been Whited out with like double exposure and then they like white it out the photograph to make it look like they were constructing it it’s called Vanilla Sky technique it’s actually as old as the pyramids every civilization that comes along claims they’ve built these buildings it’s necessary in order to conquest and control the people are these buildings these obelisks are so important nothing is what it appears almost everything in our books is a lie especially about the obelisk I know these all too heavy they cannot be brought on a boat by rulers that’s fiction even Caligula did not bring his obelisk on a boat that’s just fiction to lie to the people because whoever built this it’s definitely prehistoric I mean it’s a giant secret or a Titan secret if you will

even the ancient descriptions of Egyptians building their Obelisk they were just claiming they built it themselves also to rule over the people there is secrets and that’s why these antifa want these buildings because they want to conquer them in order to rule over you it’s necessary you can’t take over the United States without taking control of these buildings

That was extreme lightning … it’s just so bizarre I don’t think people are paying attention but lightning is looking for a place to land down and I wonder why it’s static energy it’s such a good form of free energy I’m just guessing I don’t know I’m not an expert in free energy but I know these buildings have something to do with it they are machines and Cathedrals are ancient machines there for Acoustics and those organs are ancient even when you read made in J500 these organs.. those people… were just claiming they built it also… so they’re even older than all time they’ve been used all of this equipment all of these buildings have been used by ancient Christians ancient Phoenicians since the beginning of our known time and we don’t even know when our time has begun because we’ve been lied to we’re not even on the timeline they give us.

America was Rome and I don’t mean we were controlled by Italy we were Rome it’s looking right at you how could you not see it

White House is half buried in mud it had to be excavated out of the mud that’s why they call it the Mud House in the 1800’s and it’s been set on fire many times Washington DC used to be called norumbega it was one of many…. that use the same structures

the Capitol
there are secrets all around in the dirt Treasures like you wouldn’t believe technology many many..bodies secrets.. buried from before we arrived
it’s been burned too many times and the official story is always b******* and there was a lot of ancient Photoshop you know like the construction photos and after fire photos and you can tell if you have eyes

but no the rain from a storm or a war did not bury the White House it was found that way and if it’s that if that’s true about just the White House then almost all of the buildings like this in all of our cities are half buried in mud also so that story just doesn’t sit well when you look at the whole picture all of these structures are buried happened mud all over the world even at Notre Dame Cathedral is buried half in mud and they just build new steps and they encode this in their novels just follow the hand signals

there’s like coliseums under these sometimes entire Villages made of brick ancient stone it’s just one city piled on top of another and somehow these buildings survive everything but they cannot survive dynamite and bombs or Antifa coming on…if u let them.

Remember antifa are just the foot soldiers who do you think want to Conquest these buildings the evil Senators the evil Congressman I mean and whoever controls that they want these buildings

antifa are just the little dudes and they will be the ones that get killed off first because these new rulers are not going to want a bunch of anarchists useless eaters running around and that they have to feed .

History is a lie we are far far far far far far far far far greater than we’ve been taught and everything about history and the world has been moved from us to Europe and the Middle East that’s all we know about life really comes from there don’t you think that’s suspicious they hate you the parasites hate you they’ve been book burning building burning bombing these buildings like you wouldn’t believe all of our American cities once.. look like the Vatican and had Jewels statues and it’s all been destroyed and all that treasure has to have gone somewhere all that gold has to have gone somewhere just so you know I mean if Conquest is in the air well that stuff belongs to us and we need our President Trump to get it back for us

Absolutely nothing we get in museums is the real thing it’s all reproductions . All the photographs we see of these big Diggs they only show you the ugliest Parts they never show you the glory of the past that will never show you that they are in control of all of this stuff
for example on the left you have one of Chicago 7 City Hall’s that was demolished and dynamited and you can see that there’s different levels to the building and the White House is no different there’s different layers underneath and it’s all of these ancient buildings are built like this they’re meant to laugh and even if you had a big flood the top levels would still be there

Matt drudge I see you I see you

that is a beautiful picture of the Strawberry Moon and notice how it travels in a straight line like that and every season it’s the exact same pattern but in a different location and you could tie in the exact can know exactly where the moon is going to be wherever it goes can’t you it’s like a clock it’s like a perfect clock and everything is kind of set still isn’t it?

Like solid still.
that beautiful picture on the Drudge Report reminds me of this beautiful picture of the sunset I saw online look how it curves with the waves isn’t that beautiful the sunshine it’s liquid sunshine

oh wow I’m really in sync with Matt drudge look look look at his head line and I was there at the exact same moment it’s switched over I was like just staring at the screen and it just switched over isn’t that something yes but don’t forget I posted about it that first

Fortress 🏯 that Baby! The White House is..OUR BABY. NEEDS PROTECTION BY ADULTS. THANK YOU.

Boy I love fortresses in the olden days they had solid stone walls why do you think that is
these buildings go down they go down maybe not this far but this is just an illustration of how it’s just the tip of the iceberg what we see about these building and people online are saying buildings can be replaced but people can’t and I don’t know how to correct them because you can’t really prove it in a a tweet or a post but no you cannot replace the building

And I’m sorry but nobody’s life is as important as the White House I’m sorry it’s just I’m sorry ..but..buildings are forever you’re not

you just can’t replace.. all you can do is build on top of them and whatever is underground is yours.

For example Obama build his library on the site of a architectural Marvel that was here before we arrived
now that is not a greenhouse the people of that time we’re not capable of being building such a beautiful buildings just for a World’s fair just to be torn down that’s the official story it’s made of plaster…the excuse. The hoax.

the ancient free technology antennas you know what they did they just put a flag on it and they made it a flagpole you should see how big these flagpoles are there actually antenna

They lied they lied this was old world order this was a magnificent place and it was just one of many buildings that they demolished and there are a few pieces that are left that they’ve turned into a gexcuse ent building or Museum but they’ll charge you for looking at them and they keep their secrets dear to them just follow the hand signals
and get these.. Men give themselves credit for the building so people were just arriving in America the settlers and you know what they would just throw a tarp on this for like 30 years and then give you some fake Photoshop pictures the way they used to do it in the olden days take a few pictures of a few ladders and some scaffold and say they built the whole thing and they took all the glory

Gondolas…in Chicago..once

and just think about it look at how small the people aren’t this was an ancient Palace that was here before we arrived and they demolished at the parasites the men and secrets demolished it it didn’t fit the colonial Narrative of cowboys and Indians and stuff like that they demolish that they took all the free energy tech inside of it everything was still working at had moving sidewalks Plumbing still intact Chicago was a ghost City when we arrived anyways Obama built a library site on it because of course there’s Treasures underneath these buildings are so beloved for all-time I mean these are every civilization that comes along claims that they built them all
and when they show you the pictures of the dig..they’ll just show you an old dirty wall it’s like of men of Secrets Joke..cuz they’re messing with you they think it’s funny they’ll tell you but they won’t show you..

it it’s such a tragedy that all these American Treasures of our pasrs have been robbed and we don’t even know about it you really think wagon people of the 18th century like a hundred people and wagons built that Greenhouse just for a fair only just to tear it down ?

It was stood countless civilizations using it and until we came along they blew it up with dynamite it was solid Stone you should have seen the rubble I’ve looked into it thoroughly

The glass in the mirrors rival that of Versailles and you didn’t think Louis the fifteenth built that.. either did you hahaha
They were overtaken in an hour buy some fish women and the revolution so they really had the technology that built that Versailles they would have had the technology to protect themselves they were over Tech taken they were decadent they just lived in they lounged around they were kind of like the Phoenicians are the Canaanites who are also Renters of these great buildings oh yes these buildings are as old as the Bible and the Bible is just tell you the stories of something that happened way before .
The days when Moses lived a hundred and twenty years obviously cuz he was a giant and there was some people in the Bible that lived eight hundred years obviously because they were Titans only people This Tall would be able to walk under those arches in those building and they hide this very well today they build the doors smaller but if you look at the entire structure you can see the Arches are built for bigger people
they are just poseurs they will never be like the old world order they will never be they wish and you know what it doesn’t matter the glory will never be there because you can’t have the glory without the good people believing in you and nobody believes you anymore so you’re just role playing your role playing okay

and believe you me they have entire agencies just for these buildings that if you burn them they will pay you to rebuild it and then maybe in 50 years you can tell the people that you built the whole thing I mean after you get rid of most of them right it’s been done over and over and over again you Conquest to buildings first without conquesting the buildings they can’t take over that’s why the White House needs to be protected and I know all this stuff is on our dollar bill but we the people did not agree to this just because the New World Order is on our dollar bill doesn’t mean that we agree to it just means y
They’re desecrating our money. Americans do not agree to this you ask any American they won’t agree to this at all so the rule is the law of Free Will in the universe meaning means you have to get people’s permission and let’s just say that we don’t give you permission okay so you don’t have it you’re screwed and the devil won’t save you either because you’ve been exposed to light has hit you

Satan won’t help you anymore you’re the first one he’ll kill off you’ll be the sacrifice to appease the good people and to keep himself..hidden

The light has come and the strongest light of all is our President Donald Trump and you know it he is the golden one every time he does an interview the sunshine hits him and his head looks like it’s been surrounded by light cuz of his golden hair the closest thing to Sunshine is gold and believe me gold loves Trump as much as Trump loves gold it’s the closest thing to spend time they have an affinity for one another and believe you me it’s stolen gold that the parasites has taken of centuries from us it had to have gone somewhere and it’s calling out for Trump it’s saying Help Me Trump help me these perverts it’s too much Please Release Me

The secret to free energy is gold

Don’t you want free electricity don’t you want free Wi-Fi don’t you want free heating geothermal steam or other methods don’t you want that

don’t you want to stand behind a capitalist who believes you should own your home

and he wants to cut all those taxes off from you

so imagine like you could have a home and you could just do what you love doing you could pursue what you love to do don’t you want that.. stop having to be a slave to bills to utilities when this stuff is free the greatest one world order of them all they all gave their people free light free electricity illuminations I mean almost everything handed down we’ve been lied to about and all that technology has been taken and it all has to have gone somewhere

so why are they trying to tear down the White House?

Its the key. One of them.

I have proof of Facebook censoring our President Trump here it is I manage a group and I got this message from Facebook they wanted me to mute and block this person

⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🌁🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽💒💒💒💒💒💒💒💒💒💒 emoji protection wall

some comedy Portland the city where 21 year Olds go to retire.

What kind of pageant wife have this this isn’t a pageant wife she looks like she’s 45 years old why is she wearing a crown this isn’t a pageant this isn’t beauty pageant material very curious

and believe me our president knows what a real pageant crown winner. would look like
Uh oh haha gateway pundit…uh oh. Nooo. I’m really afraid to read it cuz I’ll get so goddamn upset how dare they you know it’s one of these sets on fire and goes Ablaze guess what guess what happens guess what happens okay the whole world’s going to see that this is the target these buildings I mean really fortresses around all of them for now just until we know what’s going on

Some classic political cartoons of mine since Lisa Page is in the news again

look at those stone buildings White House