Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Tom Bossert Political Cartoon

Tom Bossert Political Cartoon

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I do not know what this means. I just had to get something out I was stuck in a rut, I see his photo everywhere so I collage it with a thought I had about what Our President said in a private meeting that was leaked about spies tied into the red cord suicides the Hilary Clinton ex employees and people who were gonna talk. Plus he is interesting face I wanted to study.
I dont know much about him.

John Durham cartoon I never finished. I been in bed a few days. Listening to Alex. Drawing.
Relaxing. Enjoying my new time.

I love Alex Jones, today he was on fire, like every day, 4 or 5 days in a row. I dont know what JUJU happened. But he is on fire with truth. I love listening to him. I share I alert. I use the word ALEX. To bypass censors.

He is not owned by the kremlin. Donald Trump loves him too, and its a test of time for Trump. You have to pass the tests. Alex has and he hasnt gone under. That is the test. Not only do you have to be out there, but you have to not be hit.

I love I love when he brings up the satanists in the democratic globalist party. I always told him TAKE AWAY THEIR GLOBE and he flirted with FE for a whole weekend. noone said anything but ears heard it all. He was given a pass. Noone will address THAT, even in jest, even to poke fun. Its way too dangerous.

The autists online keep posting videos and the youtubers, keep upstaging the cia in every single subculture, they are in. The DARK FORCES are being booted out, called out mocked and taken out of all subcultures, with many secrets revealed. Most of these disinfo stars are, actually covert trans since birth. They are in all the subcultures, and youtube promotes them.

Thats why alot of guys like Joe Rogan for example, are getting hits, they are being propped up. When you are not signed into youtube, what does it suggest to you. There it is. Joe Rogan. On your sidebar or every social media, its suggested to add people like Hillary Clinton. These are examples. The world is fooled by likes and they watch the show and cant believe we are into that stuff. But Alex is smart to use that platform. .

But truth coming out. They are being taken out of deceiving people, by public votes and likes.

The blood cells are attacking the germs. The cancer needs to eat, its being starved. Oxygen coming back to save alot of the cells that have been eaten by the cancer. People are being saved!

Have you seen the CHINA OFFICIALS booty? Well, all these crooks got these. Thats the incentive, to take their booty from them and turn the white house gold. Treasures unimaginable and kept secret. All institutions can be turned back to god, HOW? Well, inherit their jobs after you bust their crimes, from the insides. Thats incentive. We dont want our CHURCHES burnt down like Notre Dame right? Thats the incentive, to save the buildings.

L Donald Trump said in his UN speech ” we have seen the foundations” I know what he was talking about.

It wasn’t talking about our history ..was he was hinting at our buildings.

Alex Jones says to go to DC. I agree. For every person, there is 1000 just like him. Or more like millions.

ll these globalists are wanna be druids. They change history so that people think they are related to Vlad Tepes for example. No truth. These are pirates.

Alex speaks about burials of 1000s of virgins being unearthed. I dont believe the high priests of anthropology, they are them. They want these stories to come out so people think human sacrifice is normal is all cultures. Truth is, were you there? No. All history is written by the Encyclopedia brittanica, the internet of the past. It all comes from there.

And noone can carbon date, impossible. Its all high priest stuff so you dont understand, oh they know. U dont. U believe without even asking how they do it and if u hear explanation, and it dont make sense, its because its a hoax. Embrace Tesla, dump Einstein, the Jake Tappers of the past! In all sciences!

Human animal clones I dont believe we have that power. the creatures just die. They cant control the weather either, its psychological these chemtrails. Look into Nuclear bomb and even missile hoax. The ones that hit are the ones the camera shows you. Lasers are for little boys. But Americans with GUNS .. the ripest apple on the tree.

Mushroom clouds made by stacks dynamite. Nuke tests, are just models, toys and hollywood DAY AFTER movies do the rest. They all bounce off each other for confirmation. SOMETHING VERY DARK *IS GOING ON AT NUKE SITES. Fukushima still there, no radiation! You only hear sickness death in the news reports.

All these big giant ships like the titanic, and many more..have just changed their name. The people on it thrown overboard. The whole story is fake.

Just like England populated Australia with criminals, all a lie, the prisoners were thrown overboard. The fairy tale stayed. No australian ever remembers criminals coming, no records, none, they were all elites. Now Thats where the Queen gets her human smuggling, from the natives. Whole schools go missing even in the father of my kids lifetime. Now its a no go zone for people like Lauren. And STEFAN.

The loot STOLEN of these JULES VERNES type machines, that we found, a huge story, an excuse to fool the public thinking its gone, if it comes from the top, from the media the newspapers, hollywood and whatever, you never see you been hoaxed, because you BELIEVE your first grade teacher, correct? Oh, that was a Jules Verne Novel! Oh that was a Hollywood MOVIE, its not real silly. Yet at the same time, you buy it, your mind believes it as if its real.

you just get copies and reproductions. The titanic was here before we arrived, oh yeah and so are most of our old stone buildings they havent bombed yet. America is not new. The cities were here long before 1700s. Cowboys and Indians is a men of secrets hoax. They have great sense of humor, telling you we came from monkeys.

Civil wars with cannons that a man can take to his stomach. We had to explain what we found, away….

The statue of liberty has never moved. Photoshop was done more in the old days than today! Look into it. These are not lady justices and statues of freedom. The old gods, HAVE NAMES. We are upon their lands now.
THEY LIE AND LIE and it comes from the top, from the buildings they pirated and didnt pay rent, and claimed they built it. They turned them into churches in a culture before ours, before that they were all temples, before that tombs and every culture claimed they built them. Because we cant. and they need to be high priests, APPPEAR through deception. All of them. Before that they were machines. The cathedrals were machines, crosses were antenna

Organs are not new invention. Why do you think cathedral windows are shaped like that. Acoustics!

They PAINT OVER PAINTINGS TO MAKE THEM FIT THE CHURCH and add a statue of a Pope in one hall and NOW ITS A CHURCH, amidst statues of ancients gods and naked woman. Oh. Put a blue hood on her, its Mary. Mary and Jesus is as Old as the stars, many names, its the sun god religion. He saves you every day, he is risen, the events in the sky noone can see, because they think its outer space? Too comiplcated for They have blinded you from the paradise we are in.

Noone can kill us all. Noone can hurt us. We are the majority.

I am even fallin g in love with Trump. I always looked to him like the father of all. That kind of love. And my sexy crush was on Roger Stone. But now, he is SUCH A MAN such a GODDAMN PERFECT MAN, the son of GOD, Our Christian GOD! Noone, is like he is. I have very passionate feelings now when I hear Trump speeches and even his leaked stuff is…my god, people speak like that with such grace and compliment!! But serious and funny. I am in love with Trump is alllllll ways. Test of time, these things have to proven in time, you just cant come out a Trump supporter, no, you have to be there from your day one, everyday, not one doubt…to know what it is to LOVE DONALD TRUMP. I know what that is. Its not just one week. Its 100 percent of the time now. He saved my soul. and I feel so in this energy. This movement. I am so in it. With love. With respect.

I see blacks for trump looking so hot. I want them! Suits and pinstripes and that MAGA HAT, so hot. I have never ever . I been too afraid. I heard things. About anatomy. But if I ever date again, it will be a black conservative. It resonates to me when I see I wrote this.

I dont understand why Alex is with someone who divorced him. But its complicated. Just like mine is. Complicated. Some people do not have christian beliefs such a marriage. “Its just a marketing way to sell rings!” they scoff at me.

Its not a marriage to God, a committment and in exchange you get such wealth and abundance. Through the plans, the time, the dreams, and the watching of thoughts from one another, when they speak. Because you have to remind the other, the plans, the positive, and how to start accumulating property and furnishings. And to see gambles for what they are and sure things, to suggest. .because we are blinded by our passions sometimes, we need an outsider. Each other. Its a contract. To god. And to your goals.

Alex Jones believes this, but chritisanity, christians..get taken advantage of so many times, ALEX JONES needs a new woman. One who didnt divorce him. One who cant take her hands off him. Famous a plus. I summon the angels. I want to see it. Happy ending. Making wrongs right. Alex will get this, if he can get Trump, in 2020 My prediction. And if I make it help Trump to 2020 in a way can be measured…

I will ask Leo Zagami to give me exorcism.. My thoughts are always dark, LATELY> I think of THE WORST PUNISHMENT I when I always ask, Jesus, to save me….the sun god, to me, .. but its temporary. You have to ask everyday. You are flawed. We are flawed, we are all sinners. In Envy. When I get enraged>>> I ask the holy spirit to come into me and I feel good instantly. And I can see where that was the most beautiful thing that could have happened to me. We have been separated since and the peace in my life is so amazing. And I got a farm. Great, I wish I had a skyscraper. I am a city person. But I love my chickens and pigs, I could never abandon them.

My phone is going off with donate to trump numbers but I dont want to be tricked by scammer, how do I know its the real hotline? I need to give him whatever I can. Just a big one ONCE, a donation. And I will print it and keep it in my records. HISTORY. I…was a part. Every blood cell in my body has a Trump energy inside it. My progeny will always have this in their DNA, we are the chosen people.

Banning vapes? And all I can say is, NOTHING RELAXES ME like Tobacco and I tried a lot of cannabis stuff. Nothing makes me happy like they do. I would just have to get this nicotine in vapes. Because tobacco turns your lungs black, Vapes leave nothing. Its so clean. There is no pollution either with vapes. Its actually totally different. But, I hope they dont get banned. Because the vapes they sell, are selling so good, that people want to tax it and hire agencies and new employees and more money and more money and they are so watched, carefully tested.. these vapes in the news that they want banned, are opium, crack, Flakka, street drugs, fentanyl, you can smoke anything in vapes. They put in krokodil. Its so bad, street drugs but fentanyl junkies are so broke, its just there to kill them off. But drug dealers are addicted and they start mixing bad stuff in stuff they may sell in a high fashion party. But it gets into schools I understand. But the point is, smoking a vape, doesnt hurt you like a Marlboro will. The street drugs these days have to be tackled. “DUTERTE STYLE” Not the vapes in stores. I cant wait! I will document in my cartoons..
…( see my mind is constantly looking to think evil thoughts) but thats what Jesus is for. I am very flawed. But no matter what. I am saved every day, when I see the sun come after it . When I watch Trump, I see the glory of Trumps firmament. I see solid Gold. I see it. He will find it. He will find the treasures the bible talked about all our kings and the stolen treasures of France. All they get is reproductions and phonies behind glass.
You want to become a member?
If you get nicotine and share it with a friend whoD oesnt smoke either, it will be a huge peace pipe between the two of you. It shuts down your stress. Get it in a vape. Dont smoke drug store cigarettes. They id you and scan it, these days. Very humiliating. Save it for those moments, hide it away, for that panic day. Buy them now b4 you cant, they be worth money!
When you get a prescription, dont take it every day, but when you need. You be the doctor. Dont get implants, and dont let them talk you into it. And eat high fruits high greens high nuts high juices and ferments. Along with your steaks. But remember, Grains are for livestock. They are not for us, god shows this to us, with our bodies. Dont eat chemicals. Dont eat mcdonalds. Not even once. Dont microwave. Ever, especially for babies hhmmmkay? Never rent a house that doesnt have its own well water. But if you do, then get a water filter. not the ones in supermarkets.

Trump has .. ” seen the FOUNDATIONS”. In his speech to the UNITED NATIONS, he said that, also about its plane to see, this magnificent planet.( Flat Earth)

When he said, We have seen the foundations, he was talking about, the White House , its buried 6 stories, its buried in Mud. The White House is ancient. Thats what he was telling the United Nations, you can listen to it on Alex Jones, The future belongs to patriots speech. God bless the nations, god bless America speech,
he is talking about Tartary! The foundations are all ancient in our cities. Especially NYC, you can plug into stem geo thermal heating of a great culture that once was. All the great buildings are heated by the earth. tHEY TEAR THE BUILDING AND REBUIL CRAP BUT THE FOUNDATIONS OF ALL THESE BUILDINGS ARE ANCIENT. tHATS WHAT TRUMP REFERS TO WHEN HE SAYS ABOUT AMERICAN HISTORY, WE HAVE SEEN THE FOUNDATIONS!

Gold. Treasure. It can be conquered. Evil people do not circulate. All these evil politicans have these kind of booty. Let that be your incentive. They hide this from the world. Give us paper.

They will destroy our churches, let that be your incentive. You dont know and are not supposed to, know, what exactly those churches are…
The high priestess of the energy of Antifa!!! an eater of babies and drinker of human blood..Parents too. Presidential model covert trans possibly Anti-Christ for sure. Demonic possessed and in need of an exorcism.
I got a like back. I dont know why I like him. But I decide. He doesn’t like Ben Shapiro its no secret. He is a little know it all.
But Mark Levin, AHHHH there is a warrior. Ben shapiro is a page compared to the KNIGHT that is Mark Levin. I love him. Did you see what he said today? Also Jim Jordan said good stuff.
Owen Benjamin has some good content, about Time Magazine covers, flat earth and other curiousities.

I am extremely loyal and its hard to cancel people I follow. Its been the same my entire life. Lou Dobbs in kindergarten. Lou Dobbs now.
Look how big compared to men. We didnt build any of these. All here b4 we arrived. They couldnt even build roads!
Ancient! Not ours. But we conquered. I like that part. Every rulers of all time, have to claim they built these to get the people to listen. DOES THAT LOOK LIKE A CONSTRUCTION SITE OR SET UP TO LOOK LIKE THAT. Where are the workers?

Trump said in his UN speech, We HAVE SEEN THE FOUNDATIONS. Yes. He has, whats under the White house, it goes down 5 floors, submerged in mud. All these old buildings have tunnels too. All of them in every city, Ancient undergrounds, to banish the wicked in!

America was Rome.
Drudge I swear he links to the stories to show people that these are fake images they admit them none of these space photos are real absolutely none of them they tell you here’s an example they just tell you.
Cbd oil. High potency. it’s good u dont know what it does. More for me. Fresh off the still. Made from HEMP, so its even stronger in CBD. That stuff If I gave you a dropper full you would feel god in your body.
Quid Pro Joe-
Jesse Watters said today.

I love you Alex Jones..and if you do not make it, noone knows this..please..

If you are not here.. I want to say..please remember in your last breath, that you are beloved, and you go to god. And tell God about Trumps enemies. In detail. Feel free to jump in my body, if u want to stick around.. I give you permission. Just help me in my cartoons with punchlines. Law of free will.

I miss Roger Stone. I really do. Please bring this great man back on radio GOD. Because I WILL IT. So be it. The world needs his dirty tricks more than ever. They are genius. Not dirty. Crafty. I love him.

Look who is translating the codex gigas

Me! The page I need.

John Durham is coming up everyone’s gonna know who is
..and also Rush Limbaugh below said this about Hillary Clinton coming back into the race.
They look like ancient Roman ruins to me but living ruins ..they were here way before we arrived.. you have to see this and then you could see everything in your own city. I speak truth. In plain sight!
St Louis. Before they leveled all of it. You’re not allowed to know where we came from. You’re led to believe that was just cowboys and Indians here and that colonials came and made America what it was when that’s not true who was here before we arrived and it was very extravagant like the Vatican every city was like the Vatican and everything’s been leveled and torn down because you just can’t explain these things away.
I was on a Gore website looking for unseen Ed buck photos and I found this head that was beheaded and its spine was microwaved.. that’s how angry this young man was.. in Europe ..when he went on a date with the woman and then he found out it was a guy’s just not accepted in society.. it really freaks men .

I’m sorry that it happened but the media is the TV Hollywood they’re all lying to you.. It’s not trendy it’s not what everyone else is doing.. you live in a bubble u will be outcast. It’s not trendy and trans may have gone away with getting roles and power..the covert ones but it will never be overt.

Do you think the word ” Queens ” comes from when they talks about transvestites ?
because most queens in Europe have been men in drag it’s part of the club if you wanna be a member .

Hey do you wanna be a member?
Watch carefully.
I see sodomy and transvestitism. A
And the world underground built by ancients. Not our military silly. Those big corkscrew trucks for show. For little boys!
The undergrounds.

Built for evil to be banished in. Hell.
Gitmo way too risky. Epstein is proof.
So u got 18 dead versus 6 thousand dead.
You decide. Who are the oppressed?

The wee ones need our help. They crying to be saved.
Update. Desmond is amazing still dancing for men in bars. Skin exposed. Long sultry child legs. Its abomination. Like the dancing boys of Afghanistan.