Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Tarot reading for President Donald Trump January 7th and General Flynn political cartoon Alex Jones Infowars

Tarot reading for President Donald Trump January 7th and General Flynn political cartoon Alex Jones Infowars

Tarot reading for President Donald Trump January 7th and General Flynn political cartoon Alex Jones Infowars post thumbnail image
Political cartoon General Flynn Alex Jones Infowars the day before the January 6th protest

Tarot reading January 7th on President Donald Trump

Now to prove I picked this card randomly 🍇I use an online generator 🍇and I disguised my question.🍇 for a clean reading🍇 anonymously

Trump now a great reading 📚 I need a clue..what is going on…

I got the strength card randomly

There is alot of Gold 🦁it’s a big lion and a woman is opening up its mouth and not afraid🦁 almost like taming it 🦁calming it🦁

I’m incredibly worried about our President Donald Trump after the Jan 6 Capitol event March for Stop the Steal. 🦁I really wanted to know his State of Mind only because I love him so much 🦁and I wanted to know if there’s anything I should know. 🦁I only do tarot cards in emergency 🦁and I am really gifted at it so I figured why not. 🦁

Here is the reading

Tarot reading for President Donald Trump right now🦁
It is a lion with a woman over him. The STRENGTH CARD 💪

Forgive me if I type without proper punctuation but it’s really a stream of thought🦁

🦁People underestimate his power because it’s invisible right now ..but see this as an advantage ..he can control a situation without outward excessive force. he is calling the shots still..with his strength his confidence ..and he can overcome growing fears.. he has the power within himself to overcome and to persevere..
What he does with his anger and animal instincts is to calm them ..into a greater balance for his good..
He has the inner strength and fortitude to deal with things ..even though by right he should be really angry by being betrayed by people like Mike Pence ..President Trump has inner power
Even though the lion looks mean and vicious the woman has dominion over him.. through her peace and calm ..and he is very disciplined in these times of great adversity..

I see this as a card of great stableness.. and he is a stable genius ..capable of so much emotion but he holds it in balance with love and peace.. in these times of great danger and distress.. he is calm..
He has great resilience and fearlessness and this will greatly Aid him.
President Trump is a master of his raw emotions right now. ..Courage and magnanimity.
He is handling the situation with great maturity is interesting the card has the background color is gold..because that color I see to be very important in his life.   And also President Trump.. his animal.. spirit animal.. is a lion.. and the symbol for being a trumplican is the lion.. the Patriot party and ..people have long Associated the lion with him..

The card is one of Extreme success and honors

He’s got all of this under control ..what is it going on.. and his energy right now is Purity and spiritual powers versus Donald Trump’s wild and unconscious forces bowing before it..

This tarot card for President Trump predicts the triumphant conclusion to a major problem..He has strength of character. And he is as strong as ever right now.

If you think about it the nature of a lion is aggressive🍓 but Trump can’t really be like that right now as a leader.🍓 He does also need that spiritual side to temper his raw emotion. 🍒 Trump is wild and fierce, but his force can can be banked, like a fire in a hearth..

The card to me is a balance of Trump’s spiritual powers versus his Earthly animal instincts🍇 maybe also quelling anger at the system that has failed us all 🍇and there is like a perfect balance 🍇that he can control himself🍇 and be like very calm… which is the definition of strength!

It also reminds me of the story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den 🦁.. Daniel got thrown into a lion’s den..🦁 and he prayed..🦁 and the Lions didn’t hurt him’s this story that represents Trump’s energy 🦁. The Lions didn’t hurt him.. because he was blameless before them. 🦁And I see our President Trump like this he’s completely blameless 🦁and the Lions simply cannot hurt him🦁 he is protected.🦁 I see that as an alternate reading.. that comes to mind🦁 he just can’t be hurt in any way he has God’s protection🦁

Daniel replies that his God had sent an angel to close the jaws of the lions, “because I was found blameless before him”.

If that helps..


I couldn’t draw a political cartoon last night 🍒because all the news was so overwhelming 🍒 even though it was crunch time for history🍒 I’ll just try to gather some strength myself 🍒 and draw a beautiful one today 🍒 I was up for 24 hours taking screenshots 🍒I have a large collection🍒 I will post here soon🍓 I was overwhelmed 🍓with what happened🍓 with the small group of people undermining everyone’s Free Speech right 🍓and I couldn’t sleep🍓 and I had a great cartoon idea🍓 but I was just so tired doing all the research 🍓I’ve been scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and scrolling🍓 and I got a lot of Clues as to what happened🍒 the news and the stress is really overwhelming 🍓and I could only imagine what President Trump is going through 🍓so it makes me feel better that I did a reading..🍓because I feel better. I am very empathic and I feel a lot of emotion in the air 🍓and when I saw Kayleigh Mcenany 🍒her press conference this 🌄 morning…she looked exactly how I felt 🍓(MY HAIR MUCH WORSE )but I do believe.. and I know exactly what’s going to happen🍒 he’s going to be our next president of the United States..or maybe even better . Emperor God of America ..🍒 King of the Christians ✝️ or something like that more official sounding🍒

But this is something we all had to go through 🍒 along with our President…he did it🍒 and he was calm 🍒 and he had his emotions under control🍓 and he did beautifully🍓 yes. I am much more confident now🍒 although I was feeling a lot of pain🍒

We must all be like this 🫐we have to control our fear🫐 we have to control our animal instincts to flee or to fight 🫐and feel unconditional love and Trust🫐

🦁I just got an alert for a President Trump White House speech🦁 and I was the first commenter and here is my comment !
🦁listen to what he says about emotions being high..and having to temper them..🦁. isn’t that like synchronicity?🦁

I… I’m going to really reflect..🙏 right now .


👇is an absolute angel ..a 60 year old teenager! One of the most intriguing..

My opinion on Trumps last video 🥰 he does look under duress 🥰that could be it 🥰or it doesn’t look like him🥰 and it feels not right.. 🥰 last minute he could be talking about a new system.. 🥰this wasn’t a concession speech🥰 plus his famous red tie was taken off.. 🥰I’ve seen him use this color combination with stripes before🥰 it’ll come to me..🥰 he also said😍 it’s only the beginning 🥰and don’t forget he can declassify everything 🥰things can change overnight🥰 he could mean a peaceful transition to Liberty and freedom once and for all 🥰and it looks like a deep fake 🥰especially the smirk at the end the last second you see a smirk🥰 could he be in another state far away in safety? 🥰 this could be a deep fake video and this could be like his Brother Roberts body?🥰 I always thought he was still alive. Or it could be something like the a gun pointed to his head..but still something doesn’t seem..right ✅ green screen? Or could this be? I mean wouldn’t you like to see just like a preview of what would happen in case it goes the other way 🤔 to kind of like let them do whatever they want and we can see exactly what happens 🥲 I mean in a way I want to see how bad they will fail at this… or is this just all to buy time is there a plan up his sleeve? 😍 or is this testing the American people? 😊 is this to find out who the deserters are 😍who the traitors are among us🥰 I noticed there’s a huge Purge on Twitter 😛and I’m unfollowing a lot of people also 🥲because they’re showing their true colors🤗 its very sad to me..🥰and yes I do believe in miracles.

I’m watching the video and he does look a lot younger. He has confidence.. he talks about the journey for his loyal supporters just beginning.. and he promised us he would never allow the election to be stolen..from the American people. Well I’m not giving up and I know I’m not letting him go and as a nation I always say it’s up to Americans to save the world so maybe it’s up to Americans to keep him where he is… we can’t let him go impossible I mean unless he’s talking about something better coming along which I think he is talking about .including him..I’m never giving him up.. he is my president.


norad? castle rock co?
And the winner for best actor…💭thank you thank you I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for all the fake people🤾
the ears and forehead..jaw..eyebrows are a match but the color looks a little brighter..must b the lights ✨ and the lockdown pale.
a long time ago I said what the day will come when these false Flags they will be caught in the act 😄and I think that day has come 😆a false flag is when you carry the flag of the enemy team😇 and then commit a crime😇 to make it look like they did it😍 in the past 😊things took sometimes decades to solve😊 now they are instant!
im thinking
lin wood
hmmmmm very interesting..I like
Flags in the snow do not prove that there is a South Pole🐒 right? its not..proof? I mean how would you tell just by looking at the photos they give us?
they do both look in focus..🦓hmm