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Tarot Reading for Donald Trump. Is Hillary Clinton Still their Queen?

Tarot Reading for Donald Trump. Is Hillary Clinton Still their Queen? post thumbnail image

Have the DEEP STATE, have they turned On Hillary Clinton yet?

That was my question. I did a one card reading. And I got the EMPRESS Tarot Card. a Blonde Woman. Matriarchy Card. In the rider waite, version she holds a baton.


( This is the YALE CARY deck, which is the oldest deck in the world and kept at the university in a very safe place.)

Image result for the empress tarot yale cary

Yes, Hillary Clinton is their Empress. She is their queen. There is a matriarchy. The Deep state, they worship her. She stands on a star fort. In this deck. Star forts, very Tartarian! She is a woman of secrets. She is flanked by children. Because she is the PATRON SAINT OF PEDOPHILES. She is the international symbol for it. That’s the reading. Yes she is their queen bee. Still. After all this.

But as you can see, this deck, it could be a depiction of A FEMALE GIANT. Its probably from the old world, which the public know nothing

It could be a Giant Queen with four normal sized adults. Like our size. This could be a giant. A real one. We possibly come from giants. Dinosaurs, maybe thats a big joke on us. Maybe. Next time you see a stone building with an arch really high up, doorways made for giants, and half windows buried in the concrete. Think of this card. What if every city was here before we arrived fully formed? And men took credit for building them? With scaffolds, leaning ladders, thats not proof of building! photoshop they were very good at that. but the old fashioned way.

She is standing on a star fort. Which our statue of liberty stands on.

Some say the statue of liberty was always here, and a great hoax that the french sent it over.
Very creepy. From the old world. Tartarian possibly. Already here, before we arrived.

WATCH , there is a colonial narrative that was pushed. It was not quite true. Only Indians. etc. A new land, never lived in. No treasures, But carnegies came along and claimed credit for building these buildings that were ancient and half buried.

One hears stories.

You cannot watch this, until you watched the first one.
This would interest Trump, more giants. In art 2 thousand years old. He was caught with his undercover camera and I think he really risked to show this to you

You wont get it unless you watch it IN ORDER!

( I was thrown out of the Chinese ” Bodies” exhibit for filming, when it came to Miami. They deleted all on my phone. But I took out the card before they grabbed it. So it was all blank. It was real live bodies, of dissendents! All preserved as sculptures! Body parts. Cancers, Black Lungs.)