Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Screenshots on my phone. Sentimental.

Screenshots on my phone. Sentimental.

Screenshots on my phone. Sentimental. post thumbnail image
I see weird things in the sky all the time. Here.
I found out I was reply deboosted. I know what this means, now. But I didnt back when I seen it before on my twitter check. It means people cant see your replies on posts. They get deboosted. Meaning straight to the bottom and you know the trolls fill every thread with bad stuff, they get boosted.
That is my DRUDGE capture and my source for this caricature of Joe Biden Below.
He has strange folds of skin all over his face. Like melted ice cream.

Devin Nunes. I commented. Hey its true. My dad is the expert on immigration plans. He wrote the textbook also on Nafta. He is highest martin hubbeldale rated for 30 years or so. He works Canada border. All USA borders are equal right? You cannot be racist. By a plan by someone who worked Canada border. Business immigration, he imported from Canada here. Whole companies. I say he is perfect.
Fake hurricane so everyone splits the relief money. Media making it into a storm. hey, they will Hollywood it for you on tv for your money. But if you check the truth, the websites the experts, its all different data. How can a hurrricane cat 5 hover 3 days its fake for money, storms are storms. They happen. 1 person died, who was in the hospital for a month.
Big secret. He is a high roller twitter. He can take any post and give it to someone high up, who can make it go viral. He knows people. Good friend to have.
Proof he is gay. He is. so what. I mean CROWDER. Is totally into Owen. Its on the newest savage facts.
Whats wrong with you Owen? lol
Debra Messing. Caricature. She looks like that to me.
fakest hurricane ever. They will Hollywood that stuff for money. But not for Us. But If you give Bahamas any money, you should give a gift to DeSantis AND mr gaetz TOO. a nice gift.
The Patriot Hour! QANON
ADORABLE how can you say no.
Maybe one day a world leader.
I wanna draw him but not sure this good photo. to work with ZACH VORHIES what a cutie. So elegantly hip.
Will Johnson. I love black conservatives its no secret. He from Infowars. I love him
SEE? I been UNSUBBED from my Potus. I would never ever ever do that. Its happened b4 he knows I screenshot it every time.
He liked my cartoon!
My source for caricatures below
Jim James Comey political cartoon
Devin Nunes. I draw him ALOT.
Classic Alex Jones. He knows I love him. ALOT.
oo la lala
Look at the date! See I been around here before. Women for Trump. Before it was a thing. I was “there”
Source for the memos the 7 memos published finally
Roger Stone is an absolute angel. I would like Alex to print that tshirt. I miss him so much. 2020, he will rise again. He will rise again, he cant leave us yet. One more term. And if one more term, than another. And another. Roger Knows it. He is already an immortal. The Clintons war on women will be in college schoolrooms one day. Mandatory.
But the person before me said she was beautiful too.

I love livechats. I do.
The other day Jamie Delux had a live stream and he commented on my comment live.
My father is a member of the buffalo club
WHICH IS TARTARIAN building, its the real thing, meaning it was here before the settlers arrived. Its easy to claim that you built these, back then, its ancient. American, cities, all of them, have always been here. Way before we came.
Its all hidden well.
The buffalo club the building, what hasnt been robbed by men of secrets,

is old as Rome, Phoenicia, maybe older.

where Ruth Bader made appearance surprise.
He was not there,
Here her at UB, Yeah sure. She looks younger somehow.
You know about body doubles from the Beatles and Hillary Clinton 2016, yes? Her upper and bottom lip look completely different here. It could be a deep fake. Why the darkness and shadows?
You got to see this video. Its real thing.
They will say oh its a movie. But those who have eyes can tell. Its real.

You wanna see a real movie they lie and say its a film. See ” Tumbling Doll of Flesh”
The first time is the hardest. These Asian movie people. are not like us. In Horror Genre. The Mexicans are out there too. But not like the asian horror I have seen. They use real bodies. They cut them up alive. screaming.., they are not prosthetics. Actors disappear. All the time. They have to make it look real dont they. Why not use the real thing and pass off as a film?

We think the world is like us. We are in the biggest love bubble of them all.
The patriot hour. first!
First on Pieczenik!! I saw him first too. I got his books.
That’s a good cartoon Idea. But I like our Uncle Vlad, he is gonna come and kick globalists butt.
Look at the giant holding the dwarf. God all you guys who think he is dead, not seeing the escape. Or witness protection. AMATEURS all of you! There is NO HOMICIDE. Why is Trump strangely silent on Epstein. He puts on his “dealing with NASA ” face. Art of the deal, never show your hand.

My Emperor God is such a conqueror, you have not seen anything yet. We will be begging him to save us, one day. Evil is all around us.
I am first, a lot. Its a race as soon as I get a notification I place a placeholder comment. Then my comments gets the most upvotes.
see she is alive. pancreatic cancer mmm stage 4, ok lol in the most freemasonic city in the usa.
WOW I got tagged accidentally I think in a cable tv show hip hop tweet, thousands views. I was tagged.
Julian Assange! Is in danger. Or very safe. One of the two.
Zombie Apolcalypse is meds, psych meds mixed with hard drugs.
Your brain cant take it, it goes into a black out, and demonic entities who have latched on to you, as us all, start to run wild and move your body, as if controlling it through your cerebellum. A spiritual parasite. They will eat your face off. You know that aint the real you, when you awake.. you just know. Its something else. Muscle memory. Fear. Pain. Sorrow. Lust.

Add involuntary celibacy, INCEL, and you have a pillager. A wild animal. All those years of watching sitcoms where the dad accidentally runs into his son at the gay strip bar, get to you.
They are building a case behind eyes. They are hiding whistleblowers for the BIG CASES coming up or to extract confessions and ABSOLUTION,
Trump Judgment.
If you come to the table with names and enough proof, your soul may be washed clean and you given a new passport and identity.

And if you have dirt on the globalists among us. YOU ARE IN DANGER. They have to hide you. They want to make an example. Of you.

They are not like the villains on tv. They play with blood and eat intestines raw of humans, while they watch, ok..and eat feces.

We are just getting it now 9 11 total joke. As a culture. They are so good at deception they are always breaking glass ceilings in hoaxes. For money. Since when we terrorized yearly by the same stuff year after year. Its not organic. And when you figured it out. They are miles ahead, with the new thing.

All terror plots are FBI and some copycats. But the copycats dont do any damage hardly. You know its real by the NUMBERS. And dont forget the crisis actor roles. Who knows where these actors go and if they are one of them. Look for DUPERS DELIGHT.

Hello its me…

Capitalism, I like alot. Its about me, and I. And what I want. And my own freedom from others. But I also want to admire the ideal man in a leader. A representative. A free world, means, that there is peace on earth. All terror is the deep state and I mean all. It has to be drained for 1000 years of peace. For that to happen, all the evil has to be banished in the undergrounds, Safest place. I admire Trump alot the conqueror. He is successs and ability, that should be rewarded. Not people born in different bodies. Christians are no longer protected by the secret society wolves, they are being eaten by them. Other religions who used to protect Christians, by adding books and annexxing us, no longer protect Christians. The oldest religion of them all. The sun god astrological religion. Life story is in the stars. the stars have never changed their course. Like Clockwork for all time, we are in the garden of eden. The circle of the earth. 4 corners, etc. The inferiors of the earth are now so plenty they want to eat Christians as well. Its the final days. But then, comes the savior, of all Christians, and whoever else. Trump is so moral. How many times does he make a show of this. He is the individual. He is not a party. But a party has surrounded him. He is the ideal American. He is the chosen one indeed. Of the best of man, in this dire time of so much evil. You give a little group power, they try taking it to the end. To the top. Just a little power these people can handle. Not a lot. Trump can handle it and he has for years. He is the Employer. He built the FOUNTAINHEAD also, Trump Towers.

Alex Jones is so powerful. I feel his energy everyday. Some days he is on fire, and I cant get enough of his show Infowars. Been listening to him when everyone else was watching, THE HILLS. He is in great danger. Make it beyond 2020. Because it will be nasty. And then there is the next election after that. I hope Alex can stick around. He is the fighter who goes all out. But we need him so I hope he takes care of his health, drinks smoothies daily. I mean every meal. Green, and Cacao. And lay low, fall back, and try not to do alot of things. Dont go out on the streets. Its too dangerous. Our ambassador. Learn from the journalists before. That were out walking, alone, or driving by themselves. Who were just about to releases something on Obama. Well, Alex is way more dangerous to them. So, they dont forgive. They dont reason, they just hate. They want blood and to play with guts. Alex and I, see things crystal clear. I feel I go beyond Alex. He has too much good in him. He believes News stories, etc. He believes the Jake Tappers of the past, from history books from public libraries. Sometimes. A little naive. But its touching. So innocent. He believes many things, that are hoaxes. He is like a little brother. I am older. Some days I so get him. Some days I am on fire with feeling “synchronicty” with his ideas. He is one of us, whatever that means, he is a little enlightened. From his blood. He comes from elites. He doesnt know it. But
they give themselves offical federal jobs. The elites.He comes from them. Thats how he knows. Its in his blood. He comes from men of secrets. Yes. He is high class. Alex is. He thinks he is just a regular American. Maybe he was one of the lucky ones. But in his blood, GREAT GREAT KNOWLEDGE that is trying to find expression. I know him. I listen to him so much. I know him. I can read between his lines. I know what he is not saying.

He has principles. He knows business. He can handle employees. ( I cant) He works on a team. But being on a team, Alex, you get a little peer pressured. A little locked into stories you follow. You are also pleasing your crew. You have to please yourself Alex. Open up. Its the Alex Jones show. The show about your thoughts. I know you can go further. I know. Tuesday should be fluff day on infowars with silly cute skits, then the weekend, the punch. Serious Alex. Deadly serious Alex. I think you should ask General Flynn to be a guest. Lets bring back, the satanic elements of the FBI. Lets go deep. Also

Lets talk about the Hurrican Hoax Dorian. The hurricane eye, that hovers for three days in one spot. How Nassau Cams did not match up to the destruction shown on news. Bahamas wants their money. They will HOLLYWOOD their storm. Crisis Actors, they will find.
It may be a storm, a usual one. I saw just rain. Just check. Miami, is sunny. People are pissed. Is all this destruction a hoax, for relief money? We remember Puerto Rico.

I have so many Political Cartoons to post. I dont even know where to start. I am thinking of just doing cartoons for my blog and to Trump on instagram and twitter and my page on facebook. I work so hard. My brain is so overloaded at times with news listened at 4 x the speed. I have a special app. I read articles at that speed too. My brain fries. I finish books in hours. I have to manage my time better.

WHY AM I PAYING FOR INTERNET thats not capitalism. We need free energy. Meaning ALL OF US , INDIVIDUALS can create, build without being taxed. I hope Trump brings that. I am sick of paying of internet. Imagine what I can create without energy bills. LIMITLESS. I can buy products from other Americans. Trump, we need to get those cathedrals equipped with the free energy machines. Like the good old days before the reset. Man has alot been kept from the regular American. I know a few of you get me.