Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hillary Clinton dying wish Ouija board Joe Biden political cartoon for President Donald Trump scotus Supreme Court Kim Klacik Joy Behar the view #kimklacik #joybehar #theview #scotus #supremecourt #ruthbaderginsburg #rbg #politicalcartoon #donaldtrump #hillaryclinton #joebiden #dyingwish

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hillary Clinton dying wish Ouija board Joe Biden political cartoon for President Donald Trump scotus Supreme Court Kim Klacik Joy Behar the view #kimklacik #joybehar #theview #scotus #supremecourt #ruthbaderginsburg #rbg #politicalcartoon #donaldtrump #hillaryclinton #joebiden #dyingwish

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hillary Clinton dying wish Ouija board Joe Biden political cartoon for President Donald Trump scotus Supreme Court Kim Klacik Joy Behar the view #kimklacik #joybehar #theview #scotus #supremecourt #ruthbaderginsburg #rbg #politicalcartoon #donaldtrump #hillaryclinton #joebiden #dyingwish post thumbnail image


so Hillary Clinton is doing a Ouija board Seance because apparently everybody every headline seems to know what Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dying wish was and we know she’s been dead for at least a year and I mean I just do this to illustrate how silly it was to talk for Ruth Bader Ginsburg from the grave like her dying wish like that’s like her one wish and her entire life her entire life comes down to don’t let Donald Trump replace me I mean it’s ridiculous
Fierce Kim klacik with Joy Behar who seems to have a lot of white privilege about what black people are thinking and I saw her on The View and it’s was very heated and I just wanted to draw
I added a few words mixed around some things to get my point I don’t know I really just wanted to draw her she’s a very beautiful woman
how did they get this dying wish behind closed doors and ass Neons did Hillary Clinton do a Ouija board that was my point
I use this Photograph as a model for my political cartoon of Hillary Clinton
we all know she’s been dead for a long time they just brought her out of the Frozen freezer for this moment they tried to hold on to her as long as possible and boom quite a surprise
so I got this tweet today and it looks like somebody listened to my political cartoon I drew last July I thought it was interesting
famous political cartoonist from the Toronto Star liked my post about that today’s news and my July cartoon
Supernatural psychic Hillary thinks she has abilities
creepy creepy creepy creepy
yes she knows what blacks are thinking and who they support
pretty girl being sassy I loved it but to be honest Joy Behar started with the attitude first
read each one yes she’s not that good put in by Bill Clinton 43 days before an election
thank you Michelle qanon or she used to be qanon I don’t know if she goes back and forth but she’s always talking about her problems and I love it because I have problems too
fill the seat and ask questions later
as you can see I was the first comment on Donald J Trump’s YouTube account and here is my comment the minute it got shown what his reaction was to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and he really did say that he says if you believe it or not
meanwhile in Portland Oregon
very interesting very interesting so it’s like the Sphinx wow that is so cool
so my post about Joe Biden waving to an empty field got a fact check on it I thought it was funny you could see in the picture he’s waving to an empty field and that’s the only description I put on the picture
read it it kind of makes sense kind of it’s just like an alternative History of the United States its true Chicago is spelled differently on ancient maps it’s an ancient city all the streets were used all the buildings were there in ancient times most of it’s been demolished but you can still see the old stone structures from the previous civilization that men of Secrets claim they all built when they never built anything before
before and after the globalists this is what they do to the ancient structures they like to hide all history from their people
I was the second comment but good enough and he actually did read one of my comments almost everybody reads my comments on the screen he didn’t read that one but he read another one so I I can’t screen save and record everything but almost every time I post a comment on the live chats the live chat person reads it online sometimes they say my name sometimes they don’t
200 likes my comment praising Devin Nunes and he deserves it
I signed my name to the US Constitution website it’s really fun Donald Trump posted it he retweeted it so I decided to add my name
here is me at the river restaurant in Miami someone shared this with me and I hadn’t seen it and it’s about 10 years old but still I’m wearing my paralegal uniform my conservative clothes I do have them and I do know how to dress like a paralegal cuz I was one for over 8 years
so this is all demolished stuff in Cleveland Ohio I think that’s where the debates are going to be and I just love Cleveland it’s such a beautiful city oh my god with such an ancient past
look at that light show in the early nineteen-hundreds wow how did they power that that’s
I got a lot of these screenshots of Cleveland Ohio but this one looks like it’s half buried in mud and it’s on us plant
here is a phony construction photo any worker will tell you this is the phony construction photo it looks like an excavation no one’s working on anything you don’t see any workers you just see a bunch of like remodeling done it’s actually ancient it was here before we arrived it’s such a long story but it’s the old world infrastructure we built our new infrastructure on top of and falsely attributed in gave men of Secrets credit for everything
look at that building it’s beautiful I’ve seen the insides too and it’s ancient and even the basement it’s like half buried in mud so there’s underground’s underground floors and everything
look at that monument and look how little people there are and look I mean wow that is impressive for men with horse carts and wagons to build just for a patriotic Memorial looks like it’s from the old world
now what is this weapon is it a weapon a hand-me-down thing in electrical thing what the hell is this is very strange anyway I just posted here cuz it might be important
J635 that’s the year it’s not the 16 hundreds like I said before we are not on the right timeline that’s like a capital I with a hook on the bottom it’s a different character it’s not the timeline we’ve been told we’re on
I669 you can’t really see the hook at the bottom of this capital i but it’s the same character people write it differently it’s not 1669 definitely not look at that what is that is that a black mirror technology or is that an ancient War weapon like the mirrors they use to set ships on fire using the sun’s rays kind of like a dew weapon but it’s actually pretty self-explanatory and easy to explain its using sunlight which is a free energy weapon

Video night please watch these videos I really enjoyed them I can go over them with you

only a builder or a master architect would enjoy this Theory and it really starts 10 minutes and so you have to fast forward and the first part is just kind of like artwork and Imagination and it gets me thinking about the absolute limit but 10 minutes and he actually talks about and shows you proof wouldn’t photographs it’s not just imagination anymore after 10 minutes
this is not a great example.. this YouTuber is actually using artwork and it’s more imagination OF WHAT’S POSSIBLE so it’s just about imagination this video it’s not actual proof but there are those videos also but this is just imagination time it’s just relaxation time and you know just be wary of your surroundings and when you go for walks just look at things differently but there is a point there is a definite point this is about America as well as all over the world what do you think they were bombing in the deserts in the 1950s or in the Civil War or in the World War II they were bombing these great buildings melting them. Just look at the city of Berlin look at Brooklyn something happened there it’s all Rubble I mean look at the ancient stone structures in the desert you can see melted rock dripping down and huge something really hot happened sometimes these are structures are things for beings way bigger than us

10 minutes in the show starts the front part is just some drawings but 10 minutes then is when the guy starts talking and you can feel his passion for structures and for buildings and someone who is a builder like our President Trump would feel the same way that the buildings of the old world were just so amazing the handiwork the master Arts just everything was eye candy and it’s just so beautiful these old structures and architecture and today it’s like we’re just building crap and we’ve never been able to build anything like the old world ever before it’s just all you know we have to remodel these old structures and then that’s how we do it or we build everything from steel and it’s just not the same it’s not really pretty

anyways just relax it’s just a Fantastical it’s just for your imagination and it’s just a story and don’t take it seriously and just relax and just you know you like you’re watching a good science fiction movie sometimes these YouTube videos are really the best and don’t make fun of people who research things on the internet when you may just believe everything blindly on the TV. This may not be the point but it’s in the general area of what people are really paying attention to right now I’ve scoured the internet and these are the new videos that people are really looking into and this is just an example of one of them if you want to know what people are talking about

structures of giants the structures of Titans that’s what Trump said in his fourth of July speech
the point of this is free energy is all around us and we are being charged for something that basically cost these globalists nothing that’s your paying electric bill something that comes naturally from the air stuff like that you know atmospheric energy static electricity even flights are using free energy and they lie to you they tell you that the whole plane is filled with fuel and it’s just impossible it would be a lot of fuel and it would way too heavy and it would be too dangerous but there’s a lot of stuff that we pay for that’s absolutely free and that’s the point of this video it’s very important if you want to bring back you know free energy really free energy meaning no Wi-fi Bill no electric bill and no heating bill and free energy also encompasses water why are we paying the city for water when this is something that can be made for free with the abandoned water towers everywhere from the old world and aqua ducks and fountains that every city used to have it was all structured and you know Plumbing is not invented in the 19 hundreds it’s actually ancient
you want to read about fires and they’re not new and I know antifa wants to burn everything down but these fires are not new and they’ve the globalists have done this over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over now Michelle is a little nerdy at this might be too nerdy for you but if you have time in this lockdown I guess the point is about the fires that have raged all over the world and they’re always blamed on a vandal or a cow tipping over a candle

she goes over Hamburg first but then she quickly goes to New York City so just hang in there because I’m fascinated with American Structures

the fires are started to destroy technology of free energy in the ancient buildings and they want to hide this they want to lie to you and tell you that these buildings are all new …free energy is what every civilization who have lived in the United States before us used and you believe we’re the first culture here that’s a big problem and this is something the globalists don’t want you to have so they are destroying the machines which are the ancient structures they are taking the ancient Cathedrals and repurposing that most churches and then slowly demolishing them over the years and then setting them on fire over and over and over again

whenever they start a new civilization they have to burn down everything and then remodel renovate and then claim they built the whole city in order to rule over the population every culture that’s ever lived has done this they’ve used the old infrastructure and felt upon it and falsely attributed it to hurt themselves taking down the statues and replaced it with the heroes of the day
I have no idea what this is but I saved it on my saved list so maybe I’ll watch it now okay the interview here is really crazy I remember watching this and thinking this guy is really nuts and just the way he was treated when he came out and told the truth about social media. I love YouTube videos they’re very entertaining you get to see some victims of MK Ultra and what they all look like they all got that bug-eyed look and they’re creepy we’ve seen it many times like Adam Schiff.

the video is about satanic Cults and it’s some new information I haven’t seen before

I wonder if that’s just a fairytale or maybe back then they really could turn things to gold you’d be surprised at the technology that they hidden from us but anyways it’s a story we all know King Midas and his daughter that’s turned to gold
fyrggian cap
senate mural also
griffin. in Ankara
Maybe Barron Trump is going to be a giant
It looks like Giants have solid Stone homes made out of some sort of really heavy masonry or brick
is this what a real fasces looks like? This is embedded in American artwork and its sculptures it’s on the Lincoln Memorial that’s on the dime the old dime I think it’s on the corner of the old quarters it’s in the Senate mural George Washington has it Mussolini has a picture with it it’s ancient Roman times also it’s a big mystery what this is It’s A War weapon of some sort
Look the Incas even had running Waters they didn’t have to pay the city for they didn’t have to use City meters and didn’t have their water fluoride. they just that’s natural spring water that’s where people got their water from and it was like energized it was supercharged and no one had to pay and they lasted Millennia these pipes and these fountains and he didn’t have to pay anybody for water it was free
Do you see the iron or what do you think iron ore is from iron ores from hemoglobin I don’t know this is far-fetched but why do you think all the statues in museums from the ancient world they’re all just reproductions they will never show you the real thing sometimes when they x-ray the old statues from the old world they’ve see skeletons inside and I don’t know how you could turn a person into a statue of marble but sometimes I look at the old carvings and they’re just too perfect you know like Silk blankets and sheets and flowing Linens and everything’s carved so perfectly the water running over the toes it’s you know the hair and not one thing was wrong some people are saying there’s people in all these statues but I don’t know this to me does look like blood it’s hemoglobin turns to Iron Ore and you know who knows how large humans once were we could have been Titans and even Titan titans and evidence is all around you but only when you know about this when you don’t you’ll never see it
Something like this would be Legos for a Titan
lost to us once in Argentina 🇦🇷
#ladyjustice in the year 920
so buildings half-buried when they do excavations all the buildings are half buried meaning they were here before we arrived before before the last reset and we came along and just told everybody that we built everything but the buildings tell a different story
Same thing with Salt Lake City Temple you didn’t think a hundred men in horse wagons built that did you . ignore word wizard. look w your eyes.
They get free energy and we don’t they terrify us with psyops to make a scared of these things you know you think of flaming Zeppelins but you know that’s done on your behalf to stop this technology but the globalist keep it for themselves and they don’t have to pay anybody anything
President Trump bring back the balloon technology get a big Trump blimp a Zeppelin it’s basically free and you don’t have to pay for anything

the video asks an important question it’s called the Vanilla Sky technique and what they’re hiding is the background they don’t want you to know that all the buildings that you enjoy today existed back then

this video. this last one. you got to see. President Donald Trump!Bring back the blimps!!