Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Ron Desantis the INCREDIBLE SHRINKING CANDIDATE political cartoon based on article by CHARLES HURT in Washington Times

Ron Desantis the INCREDIBLE SHRINKING CANDIDATE political cartoon based on article by CHARLES HURT in Washington Times

Ron Desantis the INCREDIBLE SHRINKING CANDIDATE political cartoon based on article by CHARLES HURT in Washington Times post thumbnail image

I was truly inspired by an article shared by Trump on Truth Social, written by Charles Hurt. The article resonated with me so much that I couldn’t resist illustrating it in the form of an engaging editorial cartoon. As I delved into the captivating content, I couldn’t help but wonder if Charles Hurt might be Drudge’s boyfriend! Regardless, my passion for the article drove me to create an NFT, immortalizing the essence of the piece in a unique and captivating digital masterpiece.

In the Unyielding Grasp of Twitter’s Guillotine: My Banishment Continues! I AM STILL SUSPENDED ON TWITTER. Because that is what TWITTER DOES!

Alas, I find myself still entangled in the cold grip of Twitter’s Guillotine! While my gaze may roam the digital realm, the power to share and approve has been ruthlessly severed, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty. The very notion of when my suspension shall cease eludes me, much like a phantom haunting my digital existence.

Such suppression weighs heavily upon the hearts of us conservatives, for it stifles the cries of liberty and quashes the essence of free expression. Our cherished platform, once an open arena of thought, now stands as a bastion of division, alienating those who champion the cause of MAGA Patriots.

Ah, to witness the return of Trump’s voice, yet without the loyal support of his followers, would be akin to an eclipse obscuring the sun. A void without echoes, and a stage bereft of actors!

In the face of this adversity, we persist, seeking alternative avenues to unite and resist. Yet, our fervent desire remains rooted in the hope of reclaiming our rightful place upon this virtual scaffold. So, let us march onward, steadfast in our defiance against the globalist wannabes, as we uphold the sacred banner of free speech and the indomitable spirit of Trump’s legacy! LINK TO THE NFT FOR COLLECTORS: