Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Roger Stone on Lew Maxwell and Hanoi JANE FONDA the OLD CRONE’s comments

Roger Stone on Lew Maxwell and Hanoi JANE FONDA the OLD CRONE’s comments

Roger Stone on Lew Maxwell and Hanoi JANE FONDA the OLD CRONE’s comments post thumbnail image
Its a good day. I see two Roger Stone Videos in my Recommended Youtube .

Roger Stone is the CENTER of everything since Richard Nixons day
He is Very influential with DONALD TRUMP
THREE GREAT BOOKS Lew Rockwell, recommends 
THE BUSHes really are a criminal family!
THE CLINTONS WAR ON WOMEN tells all their very nasty escapades
  1. Much about the CLINTONS have been supressed
  2. Things are different today
  3. Information can no longer be suppressed.
  4. Government will not tell you the truth, these days
  5. Two party DUO-POLY which gives us one set policies
  6. LEGACY of the BUSH and CLINTONS
  7. WHICH IS same for Reps and Dems:
  8. Endless war erosion of civil liberties and value of money
  9. massive debt and spending 
  10. Bailout for the SCOUNDREL thieves  on Wall street
  11. Working cannot find jobs
  12. Incoherent foreign policy
  13. Military ATROPHY
  14. Peace through Strengh out the window
  16. Mainstream media is going out of their minds.
  17. Donald Trump raises questions on VINCE FOSTER
  18. Raises point on Ted Cruz fathers photo next to LEE OSWALD.
  19. Ted Cruz Father RAFAEL…was indeed part of Lee Oswalds CREW.
  20. Trump has largest amount of votes more than anyone of all time.
  21. Bush Crime Family is a negative.
  22. Jeb Bush says he will not endorse Trump because his character!
  23. Jeb BUSH is a CRIMINAL, you go down the list.
  24. Jeb just get fat checks for selling his soul out, using daddys name. I say.
  25. There are some Bitter Enders left for TED CRUZ
  26. There are Low scale Machinations Ted Cruzers around.
  27. Donald Trump forces are in solid control of all committees.
  28. GOLD you want to see.
  30. Professional agitators who come there to foment violence.
  31. Violence at Trumps rallies 
  32. These rioters, GALVANIZE VOTES FOR TRUMP
  33. Agit Prop, they come there for violence.
  34. Donald Trump is not violent
  35. He will not stop speaking out on value of our money.
  36. He will talk about all these things.
  37. He is not scripted he is not programmed he is not COACHED
  38. what you see is what you get
  39. You have enormous respect for him.
  40. It makes you NERVOUS Secret Service is looking out for him
  41. This is not affairs, private matter, not about infideluty
  42. Bill Clinton is a BILL COSBY type sexual Predator
  43. All these women will be smeared, as well as ROGER
  44. Trump does not pay women to lie about Bill Clinton.
  45. These are charges, court cases, out of court settlements
  46. Hillary Clinton calls them trash slut nut looney tune, stalker.
  47. She says its womens fault, for falling for Bill, 
  48. No, not about affairs, this is BILL RAPING!
  49. Very exciting driving the establishment crazy.
  50. Hillary says you must believe the women too. When they are raped. Ironically.
  51. No women been prompted to bear false witness to the CLINTONS
  52. Let the women speak
  53. Let the people DECIDE.
  54. Clintons pay out, instead of going to trial
  55. Media Matters suppress free expression
  56. This worked in the 1980s
  57. National Enquirer printed Bills stories, well 6 million readers they have.
  58. John Edwards scandal, they got right
  59. Oj Simpson Right they got right.
  60. Washington Post has less integrity than the NATIONAL ENQUIRER.
  61. Obama resettlement questions with refugees Lew asks.
  62. What a good interviewer. I am going to FOLLOW LEW ROCKWELL NOW.
  63. Tipping point, horrific videos of Germany, to see the wave headed this way
  64. ( You call it wave, interesting)
  65. Million Votes for Trump that are getable.
  66. Strategically in those states that are in play.
  67. Trump is within striking distance of Hillary.
  68. TPP TPA next generation of GLOBALIST Trade deals.
  69. Third of Bernie Sanders voters are left to Trump.
  70. America has been left out of the world order economy, these trade deals make things worse.
  71. Nafta was mistake Hillary said.
  72. Its a watershed year.
  73. Save our REPUBLIC now or it does not get saved EVER.
  74. Donald Trump has brought this issue to the boiling point.
  75. Hoards of Radical Men raping pillaging vandalizing, the Mainstream Media, will not tell you.
  77. Head and SHOULDERS he is the best choice for conservatives in 2016!
  78. All our policies, DONALD TRUMP is rock solid
  79. He has healthy skepticism on war on drugs. (YAY Legalize and make money!)
  80. If we cut our rate you will see jobs booming
  81. Business wants to stay here, 
  82. Nothing good would come of anyone else being PRESIDENT. 
  83. Trump is less warlike. 
  84. Political Correctness, Donald Trump has raised.
  85. Donald Trumps opponents, absolutely guaranteed to be WORLD HISTORY DISASTERS
  86. Hillary might destroy all life Lew SAYS, HE KNOWS HE KNOWS I do too
  87. Hillary was going to run against Jeb, that was the plan. 
  88. Bubba is like the fourth brother, Barbara Bush says about CLINTON
  89. Joint involvement in crimes, they cover for each other.
  90. American people would be put to sleep, country would go down the drain.
  91. UNABASHED NATIONALIST Donald Trump is.
  92. At first they laughed and ignored him.
  93. Donald Trump won every debate.
  94. He moved up after everyone
  95. He was the only one getting ganged up, he still won
  96. He went on to win bigger and bigger
  97. He is a force of nature
  99. Judge Napolitano is email buddies with you ROGER STONE

  1. 1.
    a person who advocates political independence for a country.

machination.  a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end 
an event or period marking a turning point in a course of action or state of affairs.
  1. a situation in which two suppliers dominate the market for a commodity or service.
  1.                                            shock or excite (someone), typically into taking action
  1. political (originally communist) propaganda, especially in art or literature.
  1. bitter-ender

    1. a person who holds out until the end no matter what.

  1. a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people.

” I would like to see RON PAUL as HEAD of the FEDERAL RESERVE” ‪#‎ROGERSTONE‬ ‪#‎CARAVANTOMIDNIGHT‬ ‪#‎DonaldTrump‬ ‪#‎ronpaul‬‪#‎libertarians‬
I believe all you Mexicans should support Trump. And if the American Dream sounds good then come over here Legally. Make sure you KNOW OUR CONSTITUTION before you get citizenship. Know that we are under control of the GLOBISTS, that want one world everything. They hate Mexican Culture. They want you to be just like CANADA and USA. NO culture. You Mexicans are rich in resources and ancient temples. Do not give it up to the SATANISTS posing as the VATICAN, The Bankers, the NEW WORLD ORDER families or Radical Crisis. They hate everyone. Want you all dead. They are using these groups, 
NO COMMENT on Jane Fondas Comments. She is like the OLD CRONE demon. From the ancient times she was an actor. Good at spells and lies.
Self Explanatory. My thoughts. This old crone, is nothing. The real demons we will soon see. More Beyonce Bathshebas flying on the tvs. No matter how much evil, 24 7 on cable tv, you cannot keep DONALD TRUMP from his SEAT. None of this works of evil, actually work. He is so GOOD. All of it will backfire. I warn you. Do not stand in Trumps way, for money from Hillary. You will never get your promised paper money worthless booty. She kills all her people who know too much. Its not worth it. Instead come clean for Trump. You will get way more GOLD then. And you will have self esteem when you see what good you have done. And the dream, of the individual, will come alive again. Donald Trump represents the “I” in each one of us. I think I can do it. I think I can. Well, He CAN! 
Hillary Clinton is an OLD CRONE very wise only in LIES, and in black magic.
The crone is a stock character in folklore and fairy tale, an old woman. In some stories, she is disagreeable, malicious, or sinister in manner
YES two old crones. Long infertile.
Possibly another ANTI TRUMP demon, coming soon from Hillary Witch cauldron of spells. Could it be someone in MTV?
She is famously wicked. 
Here is a compilation of DONALD TRUMP calling out HILLARY. Thank you INFOWARS.

He will build the most important building in the world, as well as the GREAT WALL, they will call it. The Mexican American wall. Many things he will build and they will be the very best. 
DONALD I WOULD HAVE SHOT THE GORILLA TOO. MAN first in my book. Animal Socialists can go watch Animal Planet. Real Men save LIVES.
The most beautiful women love DONALD all his life. Follow him, watch his shows. Cut out news stories. This is normal America. To look up to greatness.
Donald Trump future WORLD LEADER.
Do not say some cable tv is bad, but not all is bad. ITS ALL BAD FOLKS. PLEASE cancel cable tv now, until Trump gets elected and its REAL entertainment. But for now, its TRASH, it will ruin your life. Hook up STEREO  and GIANT SCREEN tv to the internet. GET THE BREAKING NEWS to your emails.
Globe earth programming makes the GLOBALISTS world go round. Take away their ball, they have nothing.
#RogerStone on #CaravantoMidnight interview with #JohnBWells last night. Amazing interview. I did catch a FREUDIAN SLIP. Roger Stone, meant to say #GLOBALISTS but instead said #Globists . Interesting. 14:50 on Part 2 of Episode 542. GLOBIST DEFINITION n. One who understands the use of globes. Yes. I like that word much better to describe the Globalists! #flatearth
Flat Earth Meme 
NASA new space photo? 
Does this look like a NASA space photo with galaxies, to anyone? Well it’s bread crumbs on my glass dinning table actually.

AND WHAT THEN , WHAT THEN! No Intelligent man will ask the question…and he who may be called an intellectual man will know that the demonstration of the fact that the Earth is not a globe is the grandest SNAPPING OF CHAINS of slavery that ever took place in the world of Literature or in SCIENCE. – William Carpenter