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Roger Stone and Donald Trump Drawing.

Roger Stone and Donald Trump Drawing. post thumbnail image
I am going to leave it like that. I cant think of anything that would make this funny. The Source is from the deposition. I ts a somber screenshot. I just want to make this dramatic and not comical. I cant think of anything I want to not say. But I could feel the hurt and the love. The pride .Those two are going to be the best comeback of PRESIDENTITAL APPRENTICE when at the end of the competition, they BRING BACK previously fired contestants to ADD DRAMA. And the ratings! It will be like a healing of the undergrounds Trumpers meaning the internet.

I am not kidding. I speed watch all my youtube videos so I can better see when body language is talking heavy. And I know Stone is friends with Donald Trump. But its like the west side story with those two. There are so many obstacles. That must be avenged. Like not human life..I mean, always when I say that. I mean by SMARTS. SO I can read the bpody language in the stone depositions. I know what meant something and what didnt. And I could feel the animosity, I was so enraged a man was put thru that on stage recorded and shown to the world. But he looked great. But when you speed it times three, he makes it known what really irritates him and what doesn’t. Larry the ..I dont know who he is and Roger Stone, were talking I could feel the animosity. This is a real thing boy. That is like any boxing match. Everything Stone said was on display for everyone on youtube.

I got loads of screenshots. I will post later. I am typing and not voice to texting.I am on my computer. I love to write it loosens me up. But now I am a CARTOONIST. Who wants to also be a caricaturist, One day soon I hope. And know the best news out there first. Its very focused. I should try to write something before I sleep.

Owen Shroyer whom the lawyer didnt seem to know how to pronounce his name or even know what it was…was kicked out of cpac. For no reason. They had none. They couldn’t tell him. The reserve the right but Owen also has a right from discrimination.

So dreamboat Charlie kirk..

walked by Owen, wanting to talk to him. but his friends were leading him looking into his eyes, like mind controlling him to snub OWEN. I dont think he meant it. He also feels he is on a higher ladder. Maybe in ratings, I dont know. Not looks, Cuz Owen is a real dreamboat too. Just like Roger,

I would blame who Charlie Kirk was talking to, because I REALLY think he wanted to look him in the eyes. But scared kind of, awed.

Cpac like an EX you dont want to see..Cassandra Fairbanks wrote. in A meme. On a tweet

Dont you think its suspicious all these home deliveries pop up suddenly, everywhere supermarket home deliveries etc.. Its for Coronavirus. Pizza places are about to cash out in a big way. Which makes me suspect these globalists want to cash in big on home deliveries and why? Do they think something is coming? That they create as one big borg? Pizza deliveries about to cash in big. Think who owns these. They will sell you the masks too.

Mike Bloomberg says CHINA loves their system. I highly doubt that. China is reporting no dead bodies in the strees anywhere and in complete lockdown. Dissidents are taken first and old people, because they cost money. Its genocide as usual. And the world thinks its a neon green cartoon germ that has wings that can fly that can land on eyeballs.

The media creates any event it wants. ANY. But its up to Americans to debunk this because if we dont we are doomed. The belief is the virus and super contagious. People grow up thinking Hollywood outbreak movies are..reality. Real science. Science is a cult. I know its hard to see. But a lot of their theories are archaic, like leeches. They the number one killer of people. People think they are taking the medicine, they are really taking poison.

Someone has to stand up to big pharma and its superstitions about imaginary flying germs. Taught to us since we were babies. There are other rational explanations for colds and flus and fevers. How could evil create anything BUT deception. They have no skill at anything else. They could not create life. They dont want to. They want death. They prove this over and over I know its hard to stop listening when you are bombarded with fear germ porn. But the corona virus…is a CARTOON.

A cover for genocide. And they are coming for TRUMPERS

There are lots of houseleaners bacteria fungus CANDIDA yeasts in your blood. That look scarier. But NEON GREEN GERM IN YOUR BLOOD YOU CAUGHT FROM BREATHING Hilarious

Ho can something they create show up in pockets. People testing positive no travel to WUHAN, no talking to others. What do these people have in common. Are they dumb? How can you accept a false positive? Do you really trust these monsters?? I think the tests need to be debunked. I think they are giving out false positives just like AZT killed all those people with “AIDS” Just look at it. SAY How are you testing for this, blood, what are you looking for. Because I guarantee the corona virus is something natural in all of us. Those a little more acidic possibly. It could be a yeast protit. It could be candida with lots of spikes. The medical industry rejects that. They know its present in all cancer victims all aids, but they deny it, because IT BLOWS APART THEIR VIRUS THEORY. And their chemo barbaric murders. Never have I seen anyone with cancer come out alive of that treatment. I have seen multiple people with tumors like grapefruit, heal themselves completely with the raw vegan diet., Diabetes cured. Most of those pioneers have been murdered or sued into oblivion. All symptoms gone in 3 days, 2 weeks normal. Bircher Benner hospital, all those hosptials in Europe. 100% cure rate for cancer. Muesli apples fruit green juices nut pates and creamy raw nut dressings on greens, krauts, kombucha.. etc ever hear of Ann Wigmore? Murdered!

Imagine if they told you you caught cancer. You caught it. A germ landed on your eyeball. That’s just as silly.

THEY WANT YOU DEAD> THEY WANT YOU SPINNING> THEY WANT YOU NOT TO NOTICE THEY STOLE ALL OUR GOLD. That they destroy our architecture. That they FARM US our bodies for money.

Short Story practice. GOD I AM SO BORED. AUTOMATIC WRITING. 10 minutes timer. I am going to do this for a week. Dont expect miracles in one day.

Gloria walked in the door. She saw her friend with the red hair. Very NERDY. But HOT. She spoke.

I went to school for LITERATURE and took a lot of writing classes. All my writing professors invited me to their homes, even my high school teacher. Still my friend today. Always told me I should be an artist, SO I am a writer and a reader. Now my days sucked up listening to news. But I was once a reader , snail reading, entire books. The way I felt, after a Thomas Hardy book.. made me swoon.

When my roomates were having a rave at our place. I was in my room reading Freud. Or entire volumes Guy de Maupassant. Almost every short story. I just couldn’t stop reading. I had to get lasik to fix my eyes. I am better than 2020. 2010!

I really freaked men out in clubs when I talked to them, I would bring favorite topic. Fyodor Dyostoevsky! I was a real nerd. Thank god it was in Boston. I was acting out all the books I read in French Literature. That was my thing.

She walked to the stained glass windows with the long white curtains, the giant windows,

So Gloria looked around. She went on.

Ok so this is what God teaches. To me. Its about the highest out there. The best. The brightest. The funnest. The one who isn’t a sociopath but an empath. Who would never do anything to hurt you, even if you are hyper sensitive, they would know. How to never stop loving you.

Its about bringing dark to light. For how can you come if you weren’t running from something.Its the perfect friend. The perfect Mother. The perfect father, if everything you wanted them to do he did. Its up to us to solve the puzzle of what we want. We are a reflection of what surrounds us.

God is what helps you. The devil is what hurts you. Whats good is the truth, and whats bad is a lie.

Many of us have been under evil spells. Its not your fault. The more processed food your diet is, growing up..if it was the vaccines that you all took growing up, did take part in. If you were unhappy, which who wasn’t.That means its not your fault. You have grown up into chemicals like you wouldn’t believe. Dead everything. Cans.

God wants a good person, however way you can do it. Crazy yourself into it.

I just could never walk up those steps . Until Donald Trump came along. I was a very materialistic person. I was very frivolous and absence of care.

Its brought me so close to god. Like nothing else. I remember crying in coral gables church services. But I didnt know it like that I know now.. How can you love something if you never saw it until you left. Its circumference. God is ancient cities hidden among us. That can change the way we experience life.

God is Gold. As sure as the sunshines. Ancient Treasures from the old world..are god. A solid foundation…that’s not flying spinning…would make people..stop spinning. God is the good that helps others. A product even.

God rewards you when you give his sunshine to others. You want to wish people well. For no money can buy that. Its priceless. And never be mean. Because if you are mean. You get that energy put out. You can forgive your worst enemy. But sue them anyways!

If they owe you something. And be a boss if you have to, that doesn’t count. Its good to be like that especially as a warrior. WhenSugar Ray L was interviewing M Tyson. Mike cried. He asked him how he does it. And Ray Answered god and Mike Tyson started crying for a long time. Talking all the way. LIKE A BABY. I think it was yesterday? Posted on youtube.

Gloria looked to her friend. With the Red hair.