Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Recall Gavin Newsom Nancy Pelosi editorial political cartoon

Recall Gavin Newsom Nancy Pelosi editorial political cartoon

Recall Gavin Newsom Nancy Pelosi editorial political cartoon post thumbnail image
Gavin Newsom political editorial cartoon those are his exact same words
listen close..🎶
nobody wants Gavin recalled more than the doctor
Jill was the baby 👶 sitter I didn’t know that! How 🤔 ❓ nice

I did a study of President Trump’s new seal

I studied this on my cell phone🦅 ..with my stylus pen🦅 I have an app called penup.. 🦅and I traced over this.. 🦅so I can study it very closely..🦅

It’s not really a drawing 🦅if you are tracing🦅 but in this case🦅 I really wanted to study it perfectly 🦅

I actually traced this coin.. with my app called pen up ..and my stylus pen.. I very very much went into deep detail.. and I spent a long time meditating on it..
Don’t forget it’s the political cartoonist who loves 💘 symbolism and I’m glad to know this is the Dorsett Die Pierce seal? Good to know.

How about whoever saves this country ..gets the Seal of choice?

update 🦊there was a typo in my political cartoon🦝 which I fixed🐒 in case anybody wants it..🦒 it’s better .🦓.when his name is spelled properly.. 🐄even though she’s got a heavy..lisp..🐱 and this is why I need a manager.. my dream job of course would be working for the office of the future President Donald Trump or even the army or something like that..

like Dr. seuss..

Anyways it is fun political Intrigue.. and giving my opinion.. in writing short story fiction.. and imagining.. and studying.. it’s really a lot of fun but you know what.. if you want my honest opinion.. I think that whatever is there now can’t stand and I don’t think it will be anybody’s fault but them doing it to themselves coming..I really think that we should just stand back and just watch ..because everything now is on Joe Biden’s watch that’s my opinion.. I think it will fail ..I think it’s inevitable.. it’s just the way everything’s been set up the past four years.. leads me to think that all the things that were put in place.. all the things that were killed off.. for example Joe Biden signing the Paris climate Accord

that’s meaningless because it can’t be enforced’s already dead ..and I think they are all bankrupt anyway they don’t need a threat from anybody.. I think it’s just going to fail on its own ..that’s just my opinion so you know if nobody comes to save us …well I have no regrets… and for those who thought President Trump was a best friend… they never had …he opened up his office of the former 45th president …so they’ll be lots of communication coming soon …once he figures out a way to talk to people… because he’s banned everywhere …so you can just follow him …and he is the most beloved man in the world… so I don’t think he’s going away.. and if someone does come to save us… which I kind of expect… it will be beautiful thing too.. remember for four years the Democrats refuse to acknowledge Donald Trump as a legitimate president ..and nobody said anything and riots were allowed ..covered up by the media.. for someone to not accept Joe Biden as a legitimate president it’s no different than what they were doing on the left.. and it’s not an act of terrorism to believe the election was stolen especially if you’d seen hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of video proving it what’s easier to believe what the easiest answer is that the whole system is just corrup..t and it’s not wrong to have that opinion ..because for four years the Democrats thought Trump was corrupt.. so what’s the difference?

It’s really fun getting involved in politics.. and going back and forth picking a team.. it’s a lot of fun playing General and wargaming and it’s something the Entire world revolves around…

And nobody said anything when Madonna said she was going to blow up the White House or Kathy Griffin show the bloody head of trump and all these rappers shot our president in in their videos… so Homeland Security and shouldn’t really go after people who know the election was stolen …or just call yourself what you are …at least admit …it don’t hide behind an agency.. just admit it ..come out in the open… come out in the light and just admit… what it is you want.. people can only guess.. do you know what it is you want? Because I’m just warning you guys.. it could be a trap.. you know the devil gets allowed to play.. in order for him to be caught in the act.. so if you’re totally confident that Joe Biden is legitimate.. and you’re committing all these acts of treasonous.. I’m just saying you’re doing it out in the open..

We can learn from history and what we have we learned about these past four years of..” trying to get Trump? ” I’m just asking are you confident or are you being set up.. to figuratively hang yourself? It’s like that book Crime and Punishment by fyodor Dostoevsky about a secret criminal..mastermind perfect crime… who basically gives himself away in the end.. who was his Own Worst Enemy and winds up exposing himself through fault of his own..

I’m not sure exactly what a false narrative is .. because it’s it sounds.. like a false narrative itself…

are you under a hundred percent sure.. it was a successful inauguration?.. I’m just asking you ..are you a hundred percent sure? Maybe I’m just looking out for you…? Remember the mainstream TV and media.. is not reality . Just be careful going forward and make the best decisions and think about your family and think about your good name if you have one just be very careful going forward because.. you are in a serious chess game. Are you going to commit treason.. just because it appears to be allowed? You see I’m just looking out for you..

I hope you like my short story.. I’m really a political cartoonist ..that’s it.. I love watching politics.. it’s a lot of fun ..and I love writing fiction from a Blog a blogger point of view. and I really like using my imagination. It’s what AlexJones refers to as role playing.. I mean he does it too.. he plays General too.. we all do it it’s fun.. it’s a game 🎮 it’s the best game in the world. To watch. Hey it’s like football… but football is no longer fun when .games are thrown.. are they? Fair is fair .. when does the game become bigger.. than football itself? Oh yes when you include the owners.. the law.. politics .xcetera.. it’s still part of the game. kind of.

There’s probably nothing 😕 but. it’s interesting . the Constitution says you will be sworn in at noon.. and Joe Biden was sworn in at 11:48 and finished his speech at noon.. probably nothing though..It happened once before with Obama and he had to redo it at noon ..because they said that was ineligible.. now this is not a false narrative. this is a fact.

And Sotomayor pronounce Kamala Harris name wrong. The emphasis was on the wrong syllable. I do not understand what the controversy is on that. ka MA la….or KA mala..?

old news… but people are still talking about it..its “overwhelming ” and an “injustice ” well it’s a good thing.. to know.. that there is a right and a wrong way.. to pronounce it.

funny meme..March of the 2nd impeachment..of the former 45th.
cobra commander officials
Now I’m posting some anons language here… so you understand who these people are.. wouldn’t you like to read what they are writing? Apparently past posts.. have numbers on them call timestamps.. and when you see someone post a tweet at a certain time today.. you look up that number ..and sometimes you find old posts ..and it’s kind of interesting.. they were told that..future posts will prove the past ones…

I’m just posting here so you get a little taste I’m not promoting it ..I’m just sharing with you because these are very popular

Yes if Biden team charge ..would they hire the generals brother? Good question I do not know. I think these questions would be of interest to you …no matter what side you are on ..I mean don’t you want to know.. for sure?
I don’t think in 2017 anybody understood these posts.. and it’s very hard to understand them now… but it’s still very interesting ..what people are sharing.. because they relate to current events..which there are many unanswered questions
regardless of you believe this.. it’s interesting to look at articles and photos about politics anyways🍄
well I don’t think it was staged …because there are a few people there…..and he says more people were greeting President Trump and Melania.. in Florida Palm Beach then here. And where again is the Sun ..that brilliant sunlight that was in all the photographs and videos?
Here’s another meme next to a painting that cost $204 it was sold for $204..

Will these executive orders have any action on them? How long before they become active? Is it to portray confidence that, these people can expose themselves openly and freely, in order to be caught? Democrats everywhere are horrified at what Biden is doing. Is there Studio lightning in the ovaloffice.. when presidents sign stuff ? Yes..because you can see the reflections of the studio lights the windows.. I ask again.. are you 100% sure.. this was a successful inauguration?

Before and After

so this is where Biden gives his press briefings ..and it’s supposed to be the White House ..but does it look like the White House to you?
I mean I’m just asking you order for you to make sure know.. 100% for sure.. it’s in your best interest to know
update.. the executive orders are now in the federal registry.. so maybe these things take time..30 days til active
Look close at the right

Now think mirror is something that is in tons of cue..posts..mirror?

It’s almost like the Biden administration is working against a clock.
refueling in the air? Trump is staying in the air? Disregard..hyten on telegram. not him

I know you don’t want to hear the name John Durham.. but before he left ..Trump made him a special prosecutor meaning he cannot be fired .

that is drop 204 which is that painting is 204 dollars.. I don’t know if it makes any sense ..but it is a beautiful quote.. so just make sure you forgiven everybody and you admit to yourself that nobody is perfect and we all have flaws.