Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Rachel Maddow Alex Jones Candace Owens tweet Political Cartoon

Rachel Maddow Alex Jones Candace Owens tweet Political Cartoon

Rachel Maddow Alex Jones Candace Owens tweet Political Cartoon post thumbnail image
So last night I noticed that ALEX JONES was trending. What a sigh of relief to see him on Twitter. I decided I would draw him and this is how it turned out. I had to sleep on it actually. This morning I finished.

Candace Owens said this. She made him ALEX JONES, trending. I would love to see her on his show again to discuss this theory. I think Alex Jones speaks the truth and makes it sound like a conspiracy theory . Because you have to put it out there like that to play with it. With funny voices and spooky music. And I think Rachel Does use her platform to make up CIA mockingbird takeover talking points. First of all. The Capitol Protest was beautiful. Nothing Happened. The Deep state created a narrative and pulled out their ” deprogrammers” like Ashli ababbit..a TOTAL ACTRESS. It will never be solved. 100 years from now maybe people will know what happened. And her sidekick Fbi John Blm who just happened to make a fortune off the footage and now she is going to get tens on millions. Her real name is something else, she already fake died. You can look it up there was a woman who died this freak accident and it is definitely her with a different name. Plus somebody put some thing into her mouth before she started bleeding you can see it on the footage and she was definitely alive and well when they pulled her out on the stretcher into the ambulance. And people who witnessed it at the time they were being interview they all said they are actors they are actors. Notice how people interviewed war Maga hat backwards? That’s how you can tell who they were is that’s how they were antifa dressed up in Maga hats but yet they were their caps backwards so they can tell each other. And the whole thing is suspicious. This is how the deep state does it. Nothing really make sense doesn’t it? And when something doesn’t feel right when something doesn’t feel authentic like her profiles online then it’s probably wrong. This is why Vlad Putin brought it up. THIS IS WHAT THE DEEP STATE DOES and Rachel Maddow is just the honest person you see on tv and you believe all her lies just because she is on tv. how January 6th was the worst day ever just cuz some clowns walked in and looked around dressed up as nero. Not even trump supporters. So the narrative is that it was some horrible thing.

Now we have to ask. Is Rachel Maddow a man pretending to be a lesbian? You have to look at satanic trends. In politics. Did Rachel Maddow, photoshop high school yearbook photos? Just like Big mike? Is this the biggest trick. WHY would men, give women ANY POWER? Wouldn’t you want men teaching women how to really be a lesbian? If you were into giant jokes. And you wanted to really hate humanity..and laugh at it at the same time.

I dont know maybe its like west side story. But to tell you the truth, there is a love hate relationship between those two.

And it is like hahaha making fun, on tv for the world to see. Thats called bullies and mean girls. Rachel Maddow watches his show I am sure. But Alex would never watch her show. Alex Jones speaks the truth but yes he makes it sound like a conspiracy theory because that’s his genius is he is really good at that because I’m sorry with these kind of truths It has to be done that way.