Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President Donald Trump, You have a choice, Political Cartoon. The Unvaccinated are still AMERICANS.

President Donald Trump, You have a choice, Political Cartoon. The Unvaccinated are still AMERICANS.

President Donald Trump, You have a choice, Political Cartoon. The Unvaccinated are still AMERICANS. post thumbnail image
President Donald Trump. You have a choice on vaccines. Political Cartoon.

Good on you Jack Posobiec.

The Vaccination Debate: Why Donald Trump Thinks You Should Be Able to Choose to Get Vaccinated

Trump says you should get it but stresses it is also YOUR CHOICE. He is not a doctor. Big Medical have killed Presidents of countries who went against the vaccines. They are dangerous people. He could be saying that not to ruffle their feathers. They have the media and a lot of money. Big Pharma and Big Medical for years have been so corrupt. The death list is growing. They can be very intimidating. But he says over and over again. It is all about choice. It should never be mandatory. Free will is the law of the universe. You cannot go against it without consequences. Forcing anybody to do anything by gunpoint is communism. It is not capitalism. It is not freedom

The Mandatory Forced Vaccination Debate

Our very great President Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, has spoken out in support of the right to choose to be vaccinated or not. He has also asked that the public school system accept a doctor’s note to provide any medical exemption to vaccinations. This is a significant moment in our healthcare debate. Donald Trump has taken a bold stance against both the forces of Big Government who would otherwise try to mandate vaccines, and Big Pharma, which would almost certainly make a fortune by requiring vaccines. Unfortunately, many people, myself included, continue to argue that the small number of people who can’t be vaccinated should have the right to make that choice.

Trump’s Thoughts on Vaccination choice

I get to decide whether or not I want to take the shot. That’s why I have so many children. That is why I am fertile. That is why my kids are alive and vibrant. Vaccinated children are all in wheelchairs or drooling. There are so many bad cases with this covid vaccination. They are dying right now. So many people have no clue. Social Media bans it all. People do not speak up. This is a private family matter. Plus, people feel guilty and do not want responsibility for killing their children. 

The Argument Against Mandatory Vaccinations

The main argument against mandatory vaccinations, especially in the U.S., is that they pose a danger to health. There is graphene oxide inside them. Black Goo in Hollywood movies is very similar. It is a programmable matter. It reacts to frequencies. It makes people magnetic. When they are forced, they can call it murder for those who die. Many people who died or are paralyzed should never have been vaccinated to begin with. Many parents choose to homeschool their children or avoid vaccines at all costs for these reasons, but many choose to risk their health and get it. They are furious they are so sick, and sometimes dementia sets it like Michael Rappaport. Hence, the different groups who call for mandated vaccinations are driven by their anger because they were not smart enough.

The government, Big Pharma, and big medicine cannot tell you what to do with your body. That is against the Nuremberg Code of 1947. Written so medical experiments can never happen again. The FDA never approved the Vaccine. Many in the FDA are leaving. They state they disagreed on it, but the media lies anyways. They just gave the emergency authorization all over again. 

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Here is a James Okeefe Project Veritas political cartoon I drew but I never posted here. I am so sorry. Gabriel Gipe. Antifa Teacher. You must see this expose.