Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President Donald Trump Political Cartoons Anderson Cooper Nancy Pelosi hydroxychloroquine Bill Melinda Gates Tiffany #Trump Rep. JOHN Ratcliffe Coronavirus Cat Lockdown cartoon

President Donald Trump Political Cartoons Anderson Cooper Nancy Pelosi hydroxychloroquine Bill Melinda Gates Tiffany #Trump Rep. JOHN Ratcliffe Coronavirus Cat Lockdown cartoon

President Donald Trump Political Cartoons Anderson Cooper Nancy Pelosi hydroxychloroquine Bill Melinda Gates Tiffany #Trump Rep. JOHN Ratcliffe Coronavirus Cat Lockdown cartoon post thumbnail image
Anderson Cooper and Nancy Pelosi political cartoon where she called President Trump obese obese morbidly obese and she couldn’t even talk straight I’m not sure if it was her Dentures or alcohol or Botox but she couldn’t like move her mouth properly and her teeth kept clucking it was really strange I’m very concerned
I drew this political cartoon of our President Trump on a cell phone using an app called penup I figure the way he’s talking he really likes hydroxychloroquine and it must be delicious and I know he likes soda. 😋
So Bill and Melinda switch sex is and since Bill Gates is wearing a pink sweater everyone is supposed to trust him because he’s wearing a pink sweater I mean that’s so soft it’s so unthreatening of course you can trust him if he’s wearing a pink sweater and I wanted to draw Melinda as a boy because she has the masculine features and I just wanted to see what she..or zee.. would look like as a man. They don’t call them queens for nuttin!

My entire life I heard about Melinda Gates and I always wondered how such a rich and powerful man like Bill Gates I’m surprised he loves his wife so much because it’s I don’t know it’s kind of weird that you would go into business and have organizations with your wife because everybody in business relationships and marriages They Don’t Really last I mean you have to really have your own lives you can’t really be controlling each other and so I was wondering about that and as soon as I saw what his wife look like I realized it’s because it’s a dude and they’re satanists

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Tiffany Trump graduated Georgetown law and President Trump have a good father that he is thanked her publicly for the world to see that is an ideal father I mean President Trump is the father figure of them all
Rep John Ratcliffe is such a cutie I wanted to draw him and I couldn’t really find a joke so I just copied this portrait of him and I really like him I remember during the impeachment hopes he kept asking good what about Sweden good what about Sweden and then Adam Schiff would go yes good what about Sweden and it was really strange moment and I remember that from the impeachment hoax.
He earned that position.

There was a bunch of Senate Republicans that would not work with Richard grenell and I’m pretty sure since Richard grenell is pretty popular also Trump’s got another position open for him and he’s earned that also you have to fight to get things you have to earn your position it’s not given to you like the Democrats do just to any loser know you have to be an all-around good guy and you don’t necessarily have to be an extrovert you could also be an introvert and be intelligent and work the scenes …behind the scenes.

I’m talking about how the Trump presidency honors skill honors bravery honors courage and it doesn’tjustt give these titles to just anybody..

and sometimes I think our President Trump works out deals where he gives evil people what they want but they will never be able to pass a test of the American people so sometimes he gives these people positions to put them on trial ..
but in this case he definitely gave rep Ratcliffe this position honoring him and boy do all eyes see him now
World power.
Everyone is making jokes about Joe Biden in the basement so I figured maybe he’s stuck in the basement maybe he’s lockdown himself I don’t know there’s a bunch of theories out there that he’s been arrested and who knows I mean who knows if he has a leg hold on and if he’s doing all this for show but I figure you know since he’s taking the fairy tale to the extreme why not him and his bookshelf run for president and he can run the country from his basement because that’s what it looks like or it could be a green screen
My point is I think the coronavirus covid-19 lockdown is even way too evil for the lockdown police themselves it’s just too shocking if you know and they’re bound to be whispering like what the hell is going on amongst themselves

it’s kind of difficult to get good men to do evil things it’s very hard

I drew these two cartoons from imagination I had no references I just threw it out from my mind ..and I didn’t even know what to do.. and I said I wasn’t going to use even a font I was going to do these two from imagination and I was going to try to be funny like Far Side style or you know some of my favorite cartoonists wacky gags
as you can see I really try I do I think about drawing all the time for 4 years now and I just want to be better and you know even though I was given three booklets of vaccinations in my childhood and I had a lot of learning issues and focus issues and I got a lot of C’s and D’s in my grades I still want to overcome whatever I lacked from being so vaccinated in my childhood I had three booklets filled with vaccinations I almost died. I mean I’ve been drawing for 4 years straight and I’m still having a hard time drawing the way I want to draw and I guess you know I’ll maybe I’ll never be good enough of my own eyes I just want to be the best political cartoonist in the world and you know I’ve been there since the beginning since it mattered.. before Trump even got elected I was drawing cartoons so if you’re going to look at it as our President Trump is the greatest president in history well you got to look at the political cartoonist and there are good political cartoonists that support Trump but very few since the beginning and even fewer are female and I am a female political cartoonist so how’s that for WOMEN FOR TRUMP..but I work really hard anyways and maybe one day I’ll be able to beat the great ones but you know my political cartoons are not for the masses and they’re very complicated and my tagline on my Facebook is ” my political cartoons are not for dumb men “
So I don’t want to be like an All-American political cartoonist I want world leaders to follow my political cartoons on and that’s who I draw them for I don’t draw political cartoons regular people..they wouldnt get most of the not even for people who watch the news I’m drawing these political cartoons for Donald Trump
And …world leaders! My audience
what a gorgeous girl I seen her on Infowars she’s very pretty and she has these beautiful blue eyes and she’s really well-dressed and professional-looking and she speaks well of President Trump
you know I listen to this over and over and I figured he was saying I’m going to be Joe Biden but that’s not how it came out and his mouth tricks on him and he really said I’m going to beat Joe Biden there’s a t i really studied this I replayed it over and over because I really think he was trying to say I’m going to.. be Joe Biden ..but what happened is he slipped and he said I’m going to beat Joe Biden what an idiot he can’t even speak properly
I love her. Red dress.
Blacks for Trump. Good people. I love them soooo much.
joe biden is the king of the blacks . Now.
poor guy. Bad Joe biden.
Yes. That’s ✅ dont let the dems control you.
my daughter’s godmother sent me a picture she’s a rep for the EU in Brussels and she loves my daughter so much they talk all the time. Isn’t she a dream isn’t she beautiful I am so blessed I just pray that I can get overcome these obstacles in my life right now so we can see her she’s always inviting my daughter to her vacation home in Bermuda or she has another home in Washington. If I take care of some things maybe we can all go visit her but she spends most of her time in belgium. She was once the minister of tourism in Bermuda and she knows kings and queens and she’s written books and I think it’s important that my daughter have positive role models in her life

that look hes so lean.. look how beautiful he is I mean really don’t waste your time President Trump and respond to Nancy Pelosi and that’s what he said he said I don’t waste my time and Nancy Pelosi is a waste of time and then he said next
he is hilarious him and his bookshelf I mean what is it with that bookshelf what kind of codes are there what kind of secret messages is the passing along so I always study the bookshelf
I love this meme of Joe Biden as a slave master telling the blacks he’s that they’re not blacks and he’s roping up Kanye West
I’m not sure anyone wants to take the blue pill for it leads to death and the red pill leads to life so if you want to die Go With Joe Biden because you’re looking at the absence of a president..w joementia

you know since good people will always be around I think the good should infiltrate the Democratic party if they can’t beat them all together I just think you know it’s been done before evil has infiltrated them so why not good Christian men infiltrate the Democratic party in you know there is free will God gave us free will free will to be evil or free will to be good so you can’t really tell people they can’t be evil anymore there’s always going to be good and evil we can strong but what happens if the good infiltrates all the evil positions on the Democratic party side and just take it over? By vote? By talent? I’m surprised they don’t let just anybody run for president and I think you got to look at Nancy Pelosi’s position and even if you could get a Tulsi to replace Nancy Pelosi that would be a step.
I can’t believe they’re just robbing people I mean they’re just looting it’s like the devil is allowed to run free in order to be caught in the act and they’re all just going crazy breaking all sorts of rules openly it should be so easy to win.

I love that he’s wearing such a preppy tie I really noticed the details because I cartoon people and I look at everything that they wear every line every wrinkle I see everything and believe me I have visions a lot sometimes the things I pick up and I really think this guy’s a good guy he just exudes goodness.

Jim hoft .. he has a way with words and you know what the Gateway pundit Clique is a hard one to get into they are very opinionated and I like that about them
happy #worldgothday happy world goth Day to all the Goths for Trump and The Gothright I love you all
magic number is going on there and I just thought it was weird about this quote about there being Giants and we were like grasshoppers to them in the pre-flood days I really think they built all those buildings
there is no such thing as the coronavirus I’ve said it since the beginning and I’ve been consistent about it and I’ve logged about it written about it for hours and hours and hours it’s there’s no truth to the coronavirus is it’s like a boogie man it’s like a demon it’s like a folklore Fairy Tail and the only people that are falling for it are superstitious of Americans it reminds me of the SNL skit on Saturday Night LiveBelgium.

watch that SNL video it’s exactly what’s going on with the coronavirus this guy is that mainstream news that he’s talking about the coronavirus which is no different than scary robots I mean it’s so funny it’s hilarious and people are I’m watching everybody on the right run around in circles trying to figure it out but why can’t they just admit it doesn’t exist there’s no such thing it’s people getting sick is not proof that a virus exists or even caused it and you can’t even show it in action because it’s so small and the whole virus theory was invented before these things could even be seen and the reason they were unseen to begin with is because it’s like a ..imaginary thing..threat that can unite the whole world if this is a one world order agenda like a threat from above well you got to create ” above..” . first and threat from the weather which everybody is scared of ..u gotta create global warming nonsense..and every year it’s the same exact flu ..
Meaning people cough in the winter and get sniffles and sinus and cough I mean every year and there’s a simple explanation and easier answer than an imaginary flying demon that lands on your eyeballs
and people get the flu because they leave their heaters on all night and when they wake up their lungs are dried out and same thing with offices and apartments we share the same system and you don’t get it from a germ or you know some toxins or you froze your lungs with freezing are I mean there’s so many reasons why people get flu like symptoms and an imaginary unseen flying germ I mean really how does it fly without wings how does it live what does it eat it just makes no sense they got you believing in your Shadow it’s They’re laughing at you they think it’s funny they think you’re so dumb that you can fall for anything and whatever they say on the mainstream media about the Coronavirus people believe so watch this SNL video it’s exactly what I’m pointing out
this is a flat earther joke it’s really funny if you are in on it
this man’s got to be a pervert I mean I can’t see any other explanation does he like share tampons with women in the bathroom now
these are the health experts she looks like a man and I guess she is a man and she’s in control of our health isn’t that funny she doesn’t look healthy or.. Zee doesn’t look healthy
I wore a mask I had to to get groceries the other day and people that wouldn’t wear them they wouldn’t let them in so I had to wear one and I couldn’t breathe I was gasping for air
it’s the strangest thing in the middle of the night I heard this it sounded like a record like you know tropical birds record that you play on your record player that is like really really bird noises of a jungle and it was 2 in the morning and I heard this and apparently lots of people are hearing that and the next time I hear it I’m definitely going to record it for you because it was Birds I never heard before and I live above a bird sanctuary and I’ve never in my life heard those noises and it was coming from all over and it’s strange because it was just a strange noise it sounded like it was a recording but it was coming from different areas and other people say it sounds like it’s a recording it’s doesn’t sound natural anyways it could be something to do with 5G I don’t know
the secrets to the free energy past. It was here before the settlers arrived and a great a whole secret society is built around claiming that these men of the past were the builders and I think every culture that is lived in America before we did claim that “we built the building ” but no these are ancient electrical free energy antennas or something they gather free energy from the air the whole all these old buildings are machines that’s why they’ve been destroyed every year over and over and walls torn down every year and flagpoles that are actually antennas are taken down because they don’t want us ever to have free energy
I really like it when Eric Trump posts he’s really good at it when I first saw this comment I didn’t see who posted it and I was like wow what a great post and then I scrolled up and saw his name and I couldn’t believe it he’s such a great Twitter poster
now Court Jones is a caricature artist and I’ve paid over $200 for his courses and he doesn’t comments on everybody’s caricature and he commented on mine he liked my Nancy Pelosi Anderson Cooper cartoon and he doesn’t really like a lot of people’s cartoons on his Forum it’s not that he likes everybody so I felt really special
wearing masks is dangerous your breathing in carbon dioxide it’s poisonous and I can’t believe they’re making children put it on in schools that’s your hurting them you’re harming them.
there’s nothing I like more than doing a good drawing and I really like this portrait of Nancy Pelosi it’s not like a portrait it’s a real cartoon it’s a caricature and I want to do more of these like this I want to make all of my political cartoons have great caricatures. But like really funny I want to make people’s faces look really funny and I really am trying hard I took courses I took a digital art courses and I work hard everyday and I also try my hand at drawing from imagination and little quirky gags and single panel ðŸĪŠ
President Trump Saint Donald Trump World savior Donald Trump Archangel whatever you want to call him he’s so holy and he’s the ideal American
this reminds me of the painting Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth

Susan Rice Pakistani Sal??

now Susan Rice and Sal…. Obama’s gay high school friend or college roommate or something and I was reading up on it and in Obama’s biography he was speaking in code I read between the lines in his biography, He talks about Sal as this guy who he gave a job reference to and I thought that was suspicious and they also lived at a 33 address so I thought that was suspicious as well and I really think it’s Susan Rice

It’s not far-fetched at all I mean look at Big Mike
they are holding hands together you have to zoom it in really close and then you see some extra fingers I know it doesn’t look like it but when you really look close you can see some extra fingers
now you think she’s a nobody from the past but no she’s not in this is very serious we cannot let this happen you have to vote
it’s so creepy how the faces match almost exactly anyways look at her family do those look like African American children know and I was looking at childhood photos of Susan Rice and they’ve been photoshopped I have those eyes they’ve definitely been Photoshop it’s like they gave her an afro and made her skin black but she’s really Pakistani and it’s a he
they don’t look African-American they look Middle Eastern the children and maybe Susan Rice is the father but who’s the mother but they kind of have the father’s eyebrows so I don’t know what sort of stuff is going on there and I don’t believe science can do stuff like this I mean I just I think they want you to believe that they can clone people all the time but I don’t think it’s a perfect science and I think it’s high priest mind control stuff..s there could be other explanations like maybe Susan Rice with his penis got his husband’s sister pregnant and maybe that’s why the kids look like them there’s always tricks about this kind of stuff

Now that’s it I have a ton of screenshots and research I’ve been doing about America’s ancient buildings and my dad even did some investigation on a church around Buffalo and we found some serious Clues to the past and it’s a very interesting story but I just I have I’m so backed up and I have all these screenshots of ancient buildings in medieval paintings and it’s the same style of buildings that we have in America like with the White House and stuff like that it’s very strange and I think they were all built by the same people even before the Renaissance even be before medieval and you know all those artwork Phoenician artwork and Canaanites all the artwork above them it’s actually still around today in our face everywhere and I was researching a lot of the artwork describing Jerusalem you know paintings and stuff and King Nebuchadnezzar and his throne and how his throne is in the Vatican but it’s painted black now it’s very strange all this stuff I found and I piece together but it’s just enormous so I figure maybe in my next post I’ll have time and I’ll post all of them.

he always likes my comments he’s the man Flat Earth British laugh all you want but check is videos out check out his subs and he’s been banned several times so those subs times 3.

Sometimes I think that all I should focus on is my political cartoons but I do a lot of research and I have a lot of knowledge that I think Pro Trump followers would want to know about our country and its secrets and you know what’s more nationalist than that and I don’t want people to think I’m strange or weird so I really want to make it as a political cartoonist and I don’t want to scare people off but I have some Clues I think would really help you know especially getting 20/20 and figuring out because once you realize the lies these parasites have told us for centuries you can’t be lied to anymore so I think it’s important to go through everything we’ve been taught in school and stuff like that and sometimes it’s most of what we know is a lie and but yet I don’t want to stray too far from the herd cuz people will think I’m crazy… but I can prove it I mean things really fall into place and you see examples of this everywhere I’m kind of a nerd

And I’m not saying President Trump be the truther either but he can use the disinformation that Americans believe against our enemies and I think he’s doing that with space force warp speed taking power from CDC and I agree to all of that I know he’s got a plan and I really trust our president and when he says things people get upset about them but you don’t understand you have to play chess here and there’s Clues everywhere and I think I understand what’s going on.. plus he always appears soft on a subject before he’s about to hit and he likes to take power away from people because a lot of these disinformation agencies and they’re doing other things that President Trump could also do those other things for example they definitely use NASA to spy on people and other countries. So create your own space force and do the same thing. Alex Jones likes to say you can’t win the argument of Flat Earth ..even if just use the disinformation Americans believe.. against our enemies why not.

But in the end after he is Victorious he should definitely be the truther because that would solidify his presidency and possibly Americans would be so grateful we would give him a life term and you know his bloodline needs to be protected it’s very holy .

Saint Donald Trump 😇

My specialty ancient buildings free energy technology of the past.

And I have a collection of ancient tartarian statues of angels and they are so beautiful it’s such a large collection I can’t put it here I will probably make a video and I can post the video here but these angels are so beautiful I always thought of Angels were real that the arms would be the wings but who knows who knows right

And don’t forget God is the word …🙏

I just made this video for you reader