Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President Donald trump Political Cartoon Hillary Clinton Antifa ✝️ @realdonaldtrump @erictrump @ivankatrump @LaraLeaTrump @MrAndyNgo @whitehouse @repmattgaetz mattgaetz @greggutfeld #antifa #hillaryclinton #trump2020 #politicalcartoon #blm @JackmPosobiec @Cernovich @MikePence @donaldjtrumpjr @teamtrump #animeright

President Donald trump Political Cartoon Hillary Clinton Antifa ✝️ @realdonaldtrump @erictrump @ivankatrump @LaraLeaTrump @MrAndyNgo @whitehouse @repmattgaetz mattgaetz @greggutfeld #antifa #hillaryclinton #trump2020 #politicalcartoon #blm @JackmPosobiec @Cernovich @MikePence @donaldjtrumpjr @teamtrump #animeright

President Donald trump Political Cartoon Hillary Clinton Antifa ✝️ @realdonaldtrump @erictrump @ivankatrump @LaraLeaTrump @MrAndyNgo @whitehouse @repmattgaetz mattgaetz @greggutfeld #antifa #hillaryclinton #trump2020 #politicalcartoon #blm @JackmPosobiec @Cernovich @MikePence @donaldjtrumpjr @teamtrump #animeright post thumbnail image
the secret leader has been revealed I’ve antifa and it’s Hillary Clinton and it’s their reaction I did some cute chibi Expressions so it’s technically an anime right cartoon

it’s from this article about Hillary Clinton outlines bizarre conspiracy theory about Roger Stone

the source for my drawing.
Like the way she is raising her hand like that for the cameras it’s definitely NLP like this probably nobody there and she’s raising her hands as if you know she’s like the world leader and everybody rise or something
I can forgive
I don’t know I can’t figure out which one it is don’t you think that’s strange
funny meme

We are not in the same reality we were in a year ago everything shifting its accelerating things are changing I mean there could be some sort of rapture going on I’m people disappearing and we wouldn’t even know like a Rapture type of event so many people are dying in the hospital’s through murder imagine what’s next if they get away with this and imagine the other countries that are just waiting for us to go first

I mean if this is the law free will then why can’t we allow some people to take the vaccine and die or become genetically modified organisms if they want to it’s dangerous because that will affect the good people it’s really hard because people are just doing what they are told to do it are they guilty for being good hearted and believing fake news are people guilty for believing in CNN thinking they are doing something good for America or something we’re talkin the old people to senior citizens the ones who are on medications who can’t think for themselves are they guilty for believing in their doctors I mean you have to have the knowledge of both good and evil to make a choice so maybe they just do not know what they are doing

How are these Elites going to get their adrenochrome now they’re going to need new ripe bodies I’m thinking all these people they’re killing in the hospitals for the coronavirus money they’re harvesting their organs but those are mostly old people and you know I guess it’s like vampires when they can’t be around humans they drink the blood of rats they’re not going to like that

I mean Google Chrome adrenochrome how is the system going to maintain itself

where have the elites gone to have they disappeared why are there so many clones or people pretending to be other people with maybe a deepfake video on their head

And honestly if Hillary Clinton were president all the stuff was happening don’t you think we would be in the streets maybe everybody would be in the streets these people would lock us up send us away to our sure death and they would have people applauding us why are we so nice to these protesters they would not do that to us if Hillary Clinton won they are not protesters I’m just using that term it’s an insurrection but why are we so nice of them do you think they would treat us nice if Hillary Clinton were president when we were in the streets trying to fight for our rights you think they would be nice to us and allow us the paint stuff on the sidewalks and stuff they wouldn’t even let us do that it’s not that they outnumber us.. is it because we are good and they are evil but you know that in war it’s really risky to be good all the time. the whole world is waiting to see what we do first and if we fall the whole world Falls everyone’s just holding their breath for us if we win the world will win and if we fail the whole world fails

It’s important that we win even if we have to be bad in order to do it

imagine if it were the other way around it would be such a thing as Hillary derangement syndrome and it would be punishment or we would be institutionalized why are these people running around free you know what trumps response to the coronavirus should be to legitimize Trump derangement syndrome and make that something where you really need a virus that’s my idea make Trump derangement syndrome clinical disease printed up and books and the only cure is a vaccine that we all know retards people. I make it mandatory I mean really the streets would clean up very quickly I mean why are they allowed to make their vaccine mandatory why can’t we create a vaccine for Trump derangement syndrome and make it mandatory to counter their Coronavirus phony-baloney

How about fundraising by finding these corporations they have a lot of money and once they go out of business and they don’t employ that many anyways most of their factories are in other countries it’s slavery and they don’t treat their employees good once they go out of business the Monopoly will be over so normal people could have stores I mean if these politicians are worried about political donations why not just take the money from them directly

Example making masks mandatory make that a $1700 fine and then start going to collect money are the hospitals make it a fine for every coronavirus false positive make that 25000k and then make it so whoever died because they’ve been put on a ventilator make that a hundred thousand and then just go around collect money and then half of that goes to the family.

Doctors and nurses who kept quiet about this about the murdering people slip and fall too much morphine or blowing up their lungs and knowingly that’s the death penalty easy remember these doctors aren’t good doctors okay no good doctor no healer would do this this is all for money you don’t want these people treating you because I’ve been hearing that you can go into the hospital and answer questions and they’ll write in their own answers to your questions saying that you have breathing problems and stuff just so they can get some money they’ll lie and huge fraud I mean if you can find every time that happens you could fill up those empty prisons and the real healers would come out of the woodwork you know there’s real healing and then there’s false Healing medical malpractice I mean my family has suffered almost everybody and I can name five of my relatives who have died because of the hospitals totally I’ve gone into it many times I don’t feel like talking about it but and they’ve actually killed some of my family members through vaccines these people need to be put to death it needs to be a big example these are not healers they don’t heal anybody they hurt people and then Farm their insurance and then Farm their organs that is not a doctor

These doctors pay for their luxury cars and cash they have condos on South Beach they mutilate women after going to a two-week Workshop and these women’s breasts grow hard and they don’t care they’ll charge them again they don’t give them their money back