Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President Donald Trump Congressman Matt gaetz political cartoons

President Donald Trump Congressman Matt gaetz political cartoons

Political cartoon for President Donald Trump on the election voter fraud 😋I listen to the speech three times
Congressman Matt gaetz portrait political cartoon below I heard him on the interview on his Twitter below
I was drawing socks🗻 but socks kind of looks like Hitler cat🏡 a little bit I always thought that 🏨and nobody knows what his Joe Biden’s cat looks like 😚and I made his name major instead of the German Shepherd😋 because he really is the major 🤔Hitler cat is the major🙃 and the left will want Hitler cat to be destroyed🤫 if President Trump adopted a cat like that
You know Congressman Matt gaetz 🏞he’s really funny he makes me laugh every time 🏕and he makes his host laugh always too 🏦he’s hilarious he’s funny🗽 he’s really fun at mocking the enemy🏗

Other stuff

I found this video in my feed 🏝and I thought it was very interesting🏘 you could look at this as America too 🏨stuff underneath us. 🏘What is in the undergrounds ? 🌧and can we the public use it?🌦 Why not? if no. ☂️You know they always show us drippy walls when they uncover undergrounds☔ and I’m 100% sure that they are not showing us what’s really under there.🌤 They will give tour guide stuff of the worst stuff imaginable⛈ and then expect us to believe that everything underground is just as drippy and cold and wet stinky.☁️ In the movie IT 🤡 they show us the underground’s and it’s all disgusting🏘 but I believe there’s a lot of majesty and Old World Wonder down there🏞

Wow that Cathedral is half buried in mud 🏡and the new civilization just build on top of it🏖 and then the new one Builds on top of it 🏘and then some cultures burn the inside and turn it into something else like Notre Dame 🏠and blame it on vandals or a fire 🏦this is how it’s been done over and over and over again 🏢 the public is not aware of it and every culture that comes along claims that these structures belong to them🏨 even in America

That link is a giant volleyball player girl she’s almost 7ft tall

Creepy podesta art

I miss the qanon videos on YouTube🏞 I took those 2 from a still from the Patriot hour🏗 remember him 🗻anyways someone uploaded one of his videos to Facebook 🏞and I just saw it 🏘and I never saw this creepy painting before🏨 it’s very spooky 🏨and to think that John podesta would buy these things for pleasure 🏦and it makes him happy to look at this🏨 it excites him🧱 I don’t know it just freaks me out🏨 because to me it’s just like hell it’s like hell on Earth🏩 when I see something like this I just feel sad and wrong 🗻I actually feel sorry for the victims🏡 and I can’t even imagine what this is like 🏪 Hollywood get us to see bits and pieces like in the movie The Hunger Games🏘 but even then it’s just not the real thing you can never make art out of this🏩 it’s never like the real 🏪thing🏢 and to think that this is not new 🍓and even ancient painters🍇 because a lot of the old painters that we are taught about..and shown their artwork🍈 were part of this club 🍉that’s why we get to see their art.🍊 Like the painter who painted the famous Venus in a clam..🥝 he painted sets of the hunt 🍋where the soldiers or people on Horseback would hunt these🍎 naked young girls🍍 and then at the end of the like a four-part painting🍑 and at the end royalty kings and queens would be sitting down being served hot meat dishes🥔 and you could see things on plates that looks like bloody stuff 🌽 and you wondered if they were hunting the girls🥔 in the painting and then that’s what they were serving the royalty 🌶I think his name is Botticelli🍆 but he used to paint depictions of this same thing 🥕it’s called The Hunt 🥝and there’s dogs involved and hunters 🥔and then the royalty people get to watch and then later they get to eat🥞 I take it 🌰and you see all these young girls with arrows in them🥕 and sometimes the dogs are fighting over the meat🥔 so this is not new at all🍞 and I don’t think evil has ever gotten away with it until now 🍄and maybe that’s why civilizations collapse🥯 is cuz the people find out what’s really happening I don’t know🍓

I’ve talked about that 4 part painting 🍺on my blog somewhere here 🍸 and I had the high-resolution images of them 🍽I was zooming in on 🥒and you could see everything🍆 so this is an ancient practice 🧄it’s what evil does🧄 and evil 🥝nothing is new 🧄nothing🧄 communism is not new🍄 it’s just been rebranded🥔 and certain men of Secrets have taken credit for it🧅 they take credit for everything ancient 🥜and make it new and claim they invented it🍐 it’s like tradition 🧀and the only way you can get rid of it forever🥔 as if you burn all of their instruction books videos🥜 and just burn it all🧄 that’s the only way you can stop this from happening🧅 and in the future and maybe it’ll be invented all over again🍄 but not for a very long time🥥

When you think about should Americans see this or should Americans keep their innocence?🏚 you have to remember that these satanic people are the ones showing everybody what they do 🧱it’s just you need to kind of ignite the spark 🏘that it’s not in a movie it’s not on the TV show it’s not in books it’s not in the media🏥 that this is real 🏨and I don’t think this is something that should be kept from Americans🏘 they got to know this is going on they got to see the pictures 🗽 got to see it🏦 one more time because they have to..damn it to hell 🏥 it’s like you have to see the atrocities 🏨so that it can never happen again 🎪and you have to ..judge it w justice 🏫you have to call it bad🏰 you have to judge it🏤 Americans have to have judgment on it 🗽because right now people think it’s okay 💒and they can get away with it 💒and that it’s trendy 🗼and it’s cool 🏭and it’s in all the movies for decades Generations🗼 and Americans are so good that they just simply couldn’t see it 🧱after years and years and years of horror movies 🏚they are🏨 we’re still good inside🏤 and they couldn’t understand what they were seeing 🏦because of the symbolism🏯 so the devil broke his pact with the universe 🏯the law of Free Will states that you have to tell people what you’re doing 🏚and symbolism it doesn’t really count💒 because sometimes these people are so good they just can’t see it 🏥it’s like watching a movie with a child maybe PG-13 🏯and then something comes up 🗼but your child can’t see it because its innocent🏦. You can throw symbolism all you want but could Americans just won’t make the connection 💒so you know the devil’s broken his Pact 🧱you know it’s the law of free will if you’re going to screw with somebody 🧱u have to let them know what you’re doing🏦 because you have to have permission🏠 and if you break that law its cheating.

I mean you can say well we told you this entire time look at all the movies you’ve watched can’t you see it’s loaded with subliminals because certain people just can’t see it because that’s how good they are it doesn’t register they don’t see anything they don’t catch it…

When you watch Hollywood movies with these eyes..that see🏗 you see it every 10 minutes 🏗and it’s horrible horrible stuff 🏦

And now all that in all Hollywood’is just pumping criminality…🏩it’s crass🏫 it’s not even a mystery anymore 🏤it’s it’s just plain offensive🗽

good people turn away from that .. because it looks like everything and everyone in the industry is just a Slave🏜 and they’ve just been pimped out.. and all used up and all they can give us is 60 year old Crones.. like Madonna dressed up like a goat masturbating at her songs. Sticking fish inside of her 🏗for royalty of wicked Nations 💒and that’s not something that good people want⛪

Also at the hurting the innocent is something that people will have a bone to pick with you about 💕

For me the Awakening was going back in my entire life and finding out that all the movies that I grew up with🧱 music👩‍🦲 I later found out what was really going on 👩‍🦰that I couldn’t see back then 👩‍🦲and then I feel shame👱‍♀️ but people shouldn’t feel shame for falling for Hollywood movies😗 because when you cant see something 👅you just can’t see it and you’re not to blame👱‍♂️ but when you’ve been awakened 👨you can never go back to the way things were👅 and you can never like the same things 👶and it’s like a Great Awakening and a great cleansing of your soul ❤ it’s like the second part of your life can finally begin🤑 and everything will be different 🤭nothing will be the same🤔 and sadness disappears🤑 when you know God 😙you just realize that only God can give you things not people🙄..

Like I always wondered what was it about Stephen King🧔 that made him such a great writer👩‍🦳 and now watching all his old movies👩‍🦱 I can see the symbolism in them all 👻and he was one of them💩 you can tell💀 he gives himself away so many times👺 and it’s just fetishizing and glamorizing such evil 👾and using Code words😼 and symbolism🙉 and things that you found out about he’s written about 🙊and maybe being part of this satanic Club💋 it makes you a great actor💔 because you know what you did ❣and you can’t let it go to waste💕 especially if they killed a family member in front of you💟 you won’t let your acting career go to waste ❣so you’ll really act and go out of body when you’re on camera🧡

Or if you’re a singer you’ll really take on your rock and roll Persona 🙀because you don’t want to be yourself😼 a fraud 🤑it’s like the shame pushes you into another personality🤔

Or maybe you’ve been tortured so much🤑 that you learned how to love it☺ you learn to love your torture 😝in your mind 🤑because that’s the only way you can deal with it😒 is inside of your imagination🤑 and your vision 🤗it’s like the light just takes you there🤑 because that’s where you’re going😝 you want to leave your body 🤔and once you’ve left your body😶 they play these mind control tapes🤔 like hypnosis on Loop😑 that you know you’re going to be a great actor 😒you’re going to take your dead brother’s place 😬you’re going to be world-famous 🤭you will do whatever we say😐 you will obey😏 and the trauma and the hypnosis🤑 it teaches you how how you’re going to survive😶 and you just to cling to those prompts because that’s the only way that you can function.

I don’t know it doesn’t sound like anything good people want to give their money to anymore 🏵and they know it🐃 what they serve is so ugly 🐗I don’t even think people want to be part of the club anymore🐃 it’s just straight up hate anger and communism 🐷and that’s where we are headed is these people are throwing themselves into communism 🦄because it’s the only way they can scream out in pain and shame 🐽that we all know what they did🐏

And honestly a lot of these movie stars really didn’t have a choice🐎 so is their Soul worth saving? I really think it’s the law of free will 🐄anybody can come clean no matter what they’ve done🐖 Jesus..the real LIGHT. 🦏 will forgive them🐄 it’s just they have to make the wrongs right 🦏and the price of saving their soul may be to be a whistleblower 🐐or to tell the world what’s really been happening🦙 it’s just the only way you’re going to save your soul 🐖if you’re involved in this stuff🦙 is so you have to turn in your bosses 🦏you have to tell everything 🐪you know you have to bring proof positive🐪 if you can’t just talk you have to really bring the proof to the world🦙 and when you’re dealing with the most Christian nation in the world🦊 you know some type of forgiveness would be possible🐺 especially if you were a victim🐽.. I mean everybody agrees that sometimes you have to do what you have to do to stay alive🦌 and ultimately we are all to blame🦃 because Society has not been able to see this 🐺or when they saw it they weren’t able to act🐫 so all of us are to blame for the satanic pedophilia 🐽we all have to take the burden of it 🐎as a society🐗 in the entire world🐏 we all have to take responsibility for this🦌 and we have to clean it up🐷 all of us 🐺because you know we point fingers🐫 and it just points back at us🦒 and the evil people will say 🦌well you knew it all along🐄 because we told you in our movies books propaganda knowledge science education🐗 we taught you 🐎but they’re wrong 🐘they broke The Pact 🐫they didn’t tell us🦙 because good people just can’t see the symbolism🐴 that’s cheating🦏

I mean having the Eye of Providence on the back of our dollar bill 🐗isn’t telling us 🌸what they’re doing🦈 having a little owl in the corner of our dollar bill🌿 2 rabbits underneath the pyramid 🦓that’s not telling us okay🐖 so they broke the laws of free will 🦄and there’s nothing consensual about slavery and forcing people to do things against their will 🦄that’s breaking the law of the will 🐽and you can say🦄 oh well they can take the chains off their neck🦄 if they wanted to🐖 but no they can’t🐷 because they don’t have the knowledge to make that decision🦓 so you can’t say they gave you permission🦄 that’s cheating🦄 you broke the law and there’s a price to pay for it and it’s not just you it’s your entire DNA🦌 that will be punished it won’t be allowed to exist in the new world .. not even your ancestors 😒 because you’ve damned them also .. their name🍒 their future lineage🌽..cursed. your blood will always be ruined🍏 and there will be no Project Paperclip to take them somewhere else 🥔🦒 nobody will be alone in this punishment 🐵 everybody that you love 🍒will be cursed for knowing you 🧁your name will be forever ruined 🐷forever damned🐫 people will talk about you thousands of years from now with hatred🐏 and you will go to a dark dark place🌹 when you leave your body🌹 you will go to a dark place like the bottom of a well 🌹forever like forever🥀 or inside of a stone Crypt 🥀that’s it you won’t be able to get out🌹 forever you🐢 won’t be able to fly ..🐊u won’t be able to see the light🐬 and know everything🐬 no you’ll be in the darkest alley🏵 in the darkest part of a city 🌱where there’s just so much 🍃suffering⚘ it’s cold there and hunger. nithing. no communication. 🍌 every other damn soul🍺 you meet🥔 injures you hurts you 🥔 fills you with fear🥖 no air..dark. shadowy and damp 🧄 the sky is completely black 🥒and there might be one busted lamp🧅 at the end of the alley🍄 and all you’ll see is sadness 😢 and Black shadowed Souls🐗 and you won’t be able to communicate with any of them because they’re all skitzofrenix🥝

The only thing that will set you free from Hell? ☕is if someone vouches for you 🍵and the only way you can get someone to vouch for you 🍵is if you come clean🍯..while ALIVE 🧅and you save other innocent victims🥃 or you provide clues that will arrest the criminal kingpins☕ that’s the only way to save your soul🥂 you got to come clean with proof positive🍻 you can’t just sit in the closet and pray to Jesus🥤 that’s not enough🍺 you got a whistle blow🍴 you got a contact project Veritas🥢 you got to do it🥄 you got to turn in your evil bosses 🍻and possibly take their place🧊.. and for the rest of your life you will make your wrongs right everyday by doing good and actually saving lives🍏 and preventing crime🌽 no matter what you’ve done🍉 you can be saved🥑 it’s possible🍲 and everyone in Christianity is a sinner 🧅everyone.🍑 Free Will trump everything 🥦even trumps Blood Oaths.🥔 This cannot be done half-assed 🍿you have to really want this🍧 and for all eternity🧁 u will be with the light 🍵with your loved ones🧅 for all the time and in Paradise. You could even go Cloak and Dagger Undercover and do this kind of good work🥔 but you got to save your soul you can’t be in with these Devils Communists satanists blood drinkers🍆 you just can’t because they’re lying to you 🥜there’s no such thing as immortality🥕 look at them 🥞theyre skeletons🥦 there’s no such thing as immortality 🌽they’re lying to you🧄 they just get you addicted like a junkie🌶 and what glory in the world will you find as the junkie🥦 nothing 🥝you’ll be worthless 🧅no one will love you🌰 no one will respect you 🥕and what’s the price to pay of having power full positions 🌽if you’re really not in power?🌶 it’s just a sham🍅 you’re just a front 🧀cover 🥯you’re just a puppet🥜 what glory is that🍖

Even your children belong to them 🍇 you’ll have to mutilate your first born 🍓if not outright sacrifice him 🍐and eat him with your buddies.. 🍏 why does that excite people 🥝has anybody ever opened up a chicken and eatien a raw giblet🍆 of course not 🥕because it’s disgusting 🍓you’re lying to yourself if you think it tastes good🥕 it does not 🍏taste gross🌽 and the textures disgusting🥜 you want to hurl 🧄and the satanists they do feel love when they have a child🥕 there is such a thing as natural 🍆but they gave it up 🍆and that’s how bad they feel inside 🥕and what they sacrificed especially if they seen it 🌶and no amount of alternate personality🌶 will ever take that pain away 🧄so why not stand up🧇 say enough and take back what’s been taken🌰 from you and get revenge🥖 become a Christian that is Revenge how the devil has scammed you🧀

What kingdom has the devil given you 🌽just mountains of Shame and hatred..🥕 from the good people of the world.🍒. there’s no glory in that.. there’s no glory in banishment from The Herd 🌶there’s no glory 🍄and that’s where you’re going if you don’t come clean and turn in your evil bosses🥔

You can even speak out publicly if you’re super famous 🍐and support Trump 🌽that would be a way to clean your soul🧅 you have to be very powerful though.. because it has to change the world for the better🍓 because especially if you’re the leader of the Democrat Party🍐 words like this public words like this🥔 would go a long way and a lot of people would join you🌽 and switching sides and a lot of your followers 🍞would actually listen to you and come clean along with you🌰

And behind closed doors to the proper authorities 🥒not to your authorities 🌽but to the proper ones🥜 you could tell them everything you know🍄 forgiveness is on the table🌽 but the price for that has got to be..🍏got to be something big you’re bringing🍉

The devil’s come for your soul🥔 there’s nothing left🍑 there’s no more movies to make🥔 nobody’s buying it🥖 nobody’s watching it 🥒all that power you were promised …well..! 🍆you already spent it!

And just to think all that power that was given to you🍉 all those Hollywood movie roles 🍑all those top powerful DC positions🍐 all those crowns of royalty🍐 and titles🧇… and you didn’t enjoy it 🍓

hahah that’s the sound of the devil laughing at you🍆 so what other choice do you have? 🥕 but to come clean🌽 become a Christian🥬 turn in your evil boss🥨 publicly support Trump🧅 start a movement 🌰beg forgiveness 🥯really if you beg forgiveness to the right people..its definitely the table🌽 depending how big your offering is maybe the public would never know about it🍑

It’s all over .. you got what you wanted🍐 you got what you thought you sold your soul for🧅 but you’re never gone. 🍆 you can’t give it away🍉 because there’s a thing called Free Will which God gives us 🥕so you could definitely win your soul back🥒…

Memories can be erased🥛 if you ask God 🍷you can make new memories 🍪that will counter the bad ones🍪 there is a way out🍪 and there is a light at the tunnel🍺 no matter how big of a sinner you were🍬

And if you’re stuck behind a desk 🍅at a globalist job🍒 and you’re too scared 🍎there are definitely other things you can do🍆 you could even do it solo.

The Trump movement isn’t about saving your soul🍐 it’s about saving the world🍑 and whatever your Pursuit of Happiness is 🥝as long as it doesn’t infringe on the Free Will of another 🍇you can do 🍐whatever it is you want🥔 whatever 🍞whatever dreams you have🍞 whatever Hobbies you like🥖 you could do whatever it is you want as long as it doesn’t hurt another🥯 and in a wealthy world you might really make a name for yourself🧀 because people will have lots of money to throw around🍖

Imagine a world where electricity is free 🍐 and then homes are built with fresh spring water🥑 and people love you for who you are🍄 and not for the illusion and the scam that the devil offers🥒

Capitalism is beautiful🍺 it is so beautiful🥃 it’s everything Satanist pretend they are all about but not 🍼capitalism is not to be confused with corporatism☕ that’s not capitalism🥄 capitalism is about the individual🍽 it’s about you🍽 it’s about me zm🥖and it’s about I 🧇and what I want🍞 and crime will Disappear Completely because when you allow people to be free🍄 they are good people are good inside🧀 you don’t mess with people they are inherently good🍞 everybody wants to succeed everybody wants to make something🥕 everybody wants the basic things like family love and work they love🌶

Imagine wherever you live is Home & you don’t to pay these evil globalists anymore taxes🍅 you only pay taxes if you want to 🥕and they’ll be so much money🍆 and they’ll be so much things you want that you’ll want to pay taxes🍅

I hope you like my short story