Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President Donald Trump Anthony Fauci political cartoon corona virus

President Donald Trump Anthony Fauci political cartoon corona virus

President Donald Trump Anthony Fauci political cartoon corona virus post thumbnail image
President Donald Trump Anthony fauci political cartoon
Not quite sitting right Anthony fauci..with patriots.
Creepy photo. Creepy.
Sprouts! Soaked overnight. 3 days this jar be filled w green sprouts.. equals sunshine
Freeze dried the best.
My dad sent me.
Complete Your census…..u will get a reward for doing it..
Easter is when the Sun goes dark for 3 days..shortest days or something.. and then after that he is risen again and everything will be beautiful again it’s just one of those hard times of the year kind of like Halloween. But trump will come back Victorious. ..

3 days of death only to be resurrected from the dead.

I love getting packages from ” grandpa”. Always chocolates.

I hope people do not misinterpret my political cartoons as being anti trump because if they’re not they’re really not when you study them you see what I’m trying to point out that the doctor here is making trump look bad and I don’t think hes doing a good job but I know that our president wants everybody to come clean and hes giving him a chance he.. really is and I hope he doesn’t screw it up and learn from others who fell before him like the deep state clapper comey Strzok struck down.. page.. Hillary etc..learn from those around those who have fallen before who have tried to fight our president..
And even if this round they aren’t taken down their reputations are ruined with the masses so I would not fight with president trump and I would not act like I have power higher than people and big magic medical somebody needs to stand up to them they are just too powerful and we don’t even know if there science is sound because it’s only high priest stuff.
My home delivery grocery store came I waited 6 days I asked the guy how long was the wait and he says it’s about a 2 week wait now so I better put in my order to get another grocery delivery little coming 2 weeks all boy that means I have to really ration the stuff.

There’s nothing like fresh greens and fresh fruit I haven’t had that in a week.