Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President Donald Trump and JD Vance visit East Palestine Ohio Political cartoon Nft on Opensea

President Donald Trump and JD Vance visit East Palestine Ohio Political cartoon Nft on Opensea

President Donald Trump and JD Vance visit East Palestine Ohio Political cartoon Nft on Opensea post thumbnail image
President Donald Trump and JD Vance visit East Palestine Ohio Political Cartoon nft on opensea

I used AI for References of inspiration. I show you how in my video below.

I didnt use it for anything but inspiration and I made the drawings my own. It was fun, but I wish the ai could give me better Ideas. I just took what I liked. I also had a specific process for drawing this. I drew it 2 am so I was very tired. I wanted to finish, so I said, I would not do ANY CORRECTIONS just move forward. I stopped many times but did not go backwards. I moved forwards. I figured my body my hands know better than I do. Sometimes I WANTED to work on something more, or erase something, but only when I truly WANTED. It was like intuitive art. Those ai screenshots were awful and not what I wanted but I said for the sake of exercise I will do this . I looked at each ai art and focused. I tried to take one thing. I figured AI the demon, maybe can enlighten me. But it did not.

FOR example. That is not what Trump water has ever looked like, but I went with it. I wanted to pretend I was a team player on a board of artists. And this was my job.

UPDATE I had to wait 2 days because I cold not upload my nft. I finally did. I spent all day like a robot over and over and the entire day my nft was not allowed to publish. Rarible or Opensea.

FINALLY I changed the title to ” Political cartoon ” and it worked. So I am not sure if the words Palestine Ohio.. are censored on nfts but It did not work for me for two days. Finally I gave up and called it political cartoon and it worked! It was the ONLY thing I did.

Here is link

My Opensea account

Some browsers you can see my video:

If you cannot see the video in embed here is link. MY TIMELAPSE 2 am tired rushing cartoon hey at least I did something

Best I can draw 2 am. DAY OF.. 2 22 23

Its 2 24 today took me two days to write this page. YES alas I need a manager and an office.


I am on Fiverr again copywriting. I have written many articles on this event.

Here is a


If you are a conservative and want to write for tons of republican blogs and news outlets , ask me I will help you set up a gig. I been doing it long time. More of you means more for me.