Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized President DONALD TRUMP 🍎Political cartoon Judge Engoron Letitia Tish James Appellate court @RealDonaldTrump #DonaldTrump #PoliticalCartoon #letitiajames #judgeengoron #arthurengoron #appellatecourt #tishjames

President DONALD TRUMP 🍎Political cartoon Judge Engoron Letitia Tish James Appellate court @RealDonaldTrump #DonaldTrump #PoliticalCartoon #letitiajames #judgeengoron #arthurengoron #appellatecourt #tishjames

President DONALD TRUMP 🍎Political cartoon Judge Engoron Letitia Tish James Appellate court @RealDonaldTrump #DonaldTrump #PoliticalCartoon #letitiajames #judgeengoron #arthurengoron #appellatecourt #tishjames post thumbnail image


President Donald Trump Political Cartoon Arthur Engoron Judge and Letitia James TISH Appellate Court New York

I’ve never seen any man with such perfect symmetry.

I use this reference to draw my cartoon. In fact all of my cartoons are the photos of the day. So it’s like I’m cataloging in my political cartoons I don’t just draw Trump off my head..over and over again ..I draw that days news picture.

I listen to the speech above about 50 to 100 times today. I just let it run on repeat. There’s just something really important about the speech. Every time I listen to it he saying something different. I listen to his tone of voice.. and you think.. he means something ..but he actually means something else.

I have a profound love for political cartoons, which has been my passion since 2016. Creating monthly cartoons and sharing them through videos used to be my routine, but now I’m overwhelmed with freelance work every day. Despite the exhaustion, I continue because it’s necessary to pay bills. My dream is to draw political cartoons full-time, especially for Trump. His entertainment. It’s tough to stay committed to being good when evil seems more rewarding, but I believe in Trump’s goodness and his remarkable brand. Imagine a country built by Trump—it’s a vision I’m serious about.

President Trump awakened this passion in me, and I’m forever grateful. I only put his name in my blog url to get his attention, not to make money off a brand. But I should respect it. When I get my new blog, I will rename it. .

I am not a businessperson. But an Artist .

Since I was a little girl, I’ve been fascinated by political cartoons. My grandfather collected shoeboxes full of them for me. But it wasn’t until President Trump came along that I found myself truly engaged with political.cartooning. He ignited a fire in me that I hadn’t felt before.

As a child, in Ny State. I was always writing letters to politicians like Rudy Giuliani, expressing my concerns and desires for change. Even though I was so small. I always wanted to be with great men, in politics. I personally seen how Rudy cleaned up his city, and the entire country followed suit, they all copied him. It’s why all of you guys had a clean cool downtown to hang out with in your younger years.

I’ve always had a special connection to New York City. I spent time there, exploring places like Strawberries, the World Trade Center, and Thompkins Square. I cherished every moment, even amidst the chaos of skinheads at Ray’s Pizza. New York held a special place in my heart, with its skyline adorning my bedroom wall. I loved NY so much, nah I cant tell you. BUT New York, knows!

But it saddens me deeply to see what has become of New York. Once the beacon of American excellence, it now feels like it’s fallen into disrepair. It’s heartbreaking to witness the decline of a place I once loved so dearly. Businesses are leaving, Noone wants to live there anymore. Because of what Judge Engoron is forcing all of us to watch. It is SO PAINFUL. It’s become low-class. Because of Leticia James. And Arthur.

New York, do you remember me? I ask you. TISH JAMES and JUDGE ENGORON are the cancer. You must cut it out or you will die. You recognize me, yes? I gave you the most precious years of my life. I always honored you, sometimes too much. I am asking you to give back to me. And my wish, is that you must get rid of the cancer killing you.

I believe President Trump feels a pang of sadness when he considers New York these days. As for the Roosevelt Hotel, where I’ve stayed myself, it’s an old and elegant establishment. It’s concerning that they’re allowing pests to infest and multiply within, tarnishing its grandeur. Invader hotel now. Call them anything but what they are… Wasteland! Don’t the owners love the architecture?

For any upstanding individual with a keen intellect, a penchant for refinement, and a dedication to hard work and integrity, grappling with the current state of New York can be deeply disheartening. Once likened to Atlantis, it stood as the epitome of excellence and promise. However, the current challenges facing the state leave one questioning how to reconcile its decline with one’s own values and aspirations. Death and Decay because of the Left.


New York, you are in grave danger.

. On the oldest maps in the world, New York City was labeled as …Arcadia. Its skyscrapers seem timeless, have been there since the beginning of time..attributed to each civilization that inhabited it. Every civilization that is lived there has told its inhabitants they built it.. we’ve been under many many resets. All history we have is from the encyclopedia Britannica and I can’t tell you how many lies it is. Did horse-drawn carts truly haul tons of dirt from Central Park, or did construction methods hide a different truth? Cathedrals’ construction raises questions about rock quarries, without engines or cars..while the Statue of Liberty’s origins may not align with historical narratives. Construction videos reveal vintage Photoshop techniques and creative methods, challenging perceptions of progress. It looks worse than the Photoshop of today . A groundstone doesn’t guarantee original construction; perhaps it merely signifies a found-ing moment. Or Established. But never built.

New York’s greatness surpasses imagination. In ancient empires, it held sway, when Lady Liberty adorned a Phrygian cap and the Statue of Liberty was the Colossus of Rhodes, named after Rhode Island. Parasites plundered its legacy, buying grand mansions, falsely claiming ownership, then demolishing them. They aim to erase its true history, suggesting it was built only in the 1800s. Yet, examining historical construction methods of that day..reveals humble shacks ..log cabins..and shanties, challenging this narrative. Only the wealthy were allowed to live in the ancient castles.. and they turned them into post offices ..and nobody ever questioned.. they just assumed everybody could built like that. All that stone in horse wagons..? No . no paved streets in the 1800s.. but yet you had masterpieces. As if the doorways were built for Giants. Pillars. I believe once New York City was covered in gold. Whatever they called it.. in the beginning of time.

New York City is Light 🕯️ and Paradise.

Seeing President Trump endure trials and unfair treatment in court only deepens my admiration for him. His desire to serve as President reflects the ideals of the American spirit. Despite attempts to tarnish his image, his enemies make him look more perfect…

Yes, most Americans inherently strive to be good. Trump’s leadership inspires personal growth; listening to him feels like a transformative self-help experience.

Being good is challenging, and being bad is inherently easy. Trump inspires goodness, demonstrating that it’s possible to succeed, possess beauty, love life, and still maintain individuality. Contrary to previous beliefs, Trump reveals that goodness leads to wealth, power, fame, happiness, and joy. He reshapes the false perception that goodness ..equates to struggle and poverty, showing that one can achieve everything they desire while staying true to their values.

I was a lot richer when I was bad but now I’m trying hard to be good. Am good..following my dream and it’s such a sweet pleasure when you try so hard and you push yourself and then finally you create something that’s a masterpiece .. always seeking that high of a beautiful cartoon well drawn. ..something that people will only look at for 12 seconds. I really am in heaven but I’d also like to be rich too and I think I just need patience and to earn it and make all my wrongs… right. I pray my cartoons redeem myself. Because I know I’m doing good for the world.

When President Trump comes back that’s when my cartoon life will really begin. All this time I’ve done this is just practice. That’s all I care about in life. I really should put myself first. I’m going to have a brand new website. And maybe I’ll get a coach or something. I’m not good at designing websites or making to-do lists or even talking to anyone about my personal project.
We are just leaves on God’s tree. Here in Paradise. We have to keep our leaves healthy , we have to keep the tree healthy. We have to stay close to the source. Or else we shall fall on the ground with all the other Dead leaves.

I’m a freelance political cartoonist available for commissions. Additionally, I offer ghostwriting services for articles, stories, speeches for school boards, scripts for conservative podcasts, and even conservative reels for Instagram. Feel free to reach out for any of your content needs! Most of my work is private and I have to delete my copy. I wish I can show you my entire portfolio. I hate giving away, selling my cartoons, I wish they were all mine. But working for others it helps me tremendously. I just want to become better that’s all I want.