Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Political editorial cartoon Governor Ron DeSantis coronavirus covid-19 passports #novaccinepassports #rondesantis

Political editorial cartoon Governor Ron DeSantis coronavirus covid-19 passports #novaccinepassports #rondesantis

Political editorial cartoon Governor Ron DeSantis coronavirus covid-19 passports #novaccinepassports #rondesantis post thumbnail image
Governor of Ron DeSantis of Florida he is such a hero and he is Banning the vaccine passports so I Illustrated here..that he’s like a bouncer and someone’s trying to get in ..some demonic sick being and he’s saying no.. because ..I’m trying to show you that it’s the vaccinated that are really deadly. But I understand people won’t believe that just realize that this is Free Will.. and you can take it if you want to ..and it’s big business but most people are not getting it especially our leaders they are lying about it or they are getting fake ones on TV. A great de population is going on and most people believe in the whole fake science of this demon 😈 bug.. so let them have what they want but do not make it mandatory that is totally against the rules it’s the laws of the universe. Many of us are informed actually.
I used this photo for my editorial cartoon because I thought it was really pretty. That girl looks pretty lucky to have a picture with such a handsome politician. 😍 Ron of the Saints! Ron DeSantis De Santis.
I can’t believe I left Florida thinking it would be safer in the future when actually Florida is the best place to be.
Nobody wants it. Why don’t they try it out in Europe for a year and then see how it goes there before we decide?
The vaccinated are the ones shedding. Many doctors and biologists say to stay away from them. If they survive the christening. What happens when the next flu season comes around? Or what about those fibers that move inside the covid-19 what are they and how long do they take to infect a person?
He is such a handsome man to draw.. I love his big blue eyes ..he’s so beautiful and photogenic. I was one of the first cartoon is to draw him way back in the beginning. Remember when Andrew Gillum was around ?..I was drawing political cartoons of him back then too. Governor Ron DeSantis has always put Americans first instead of this globalist scam demic ..too bad most people believe in it because they’ve been in the grinder since birth and first grade about it and being terrified about flying invisible things. It’s hilarious because if they waited till you were 15 years old to tell you this you would burst out laughing.

If the world were biblical ..Ron DeSantis would be a literal saint for the work he’s done like a literal Saint Ron you know President Trump is King of the Christians ..? and he should make Ron DeSantis a real-life saint of health and wealth and well-being!

They were so set up. It’s not the first video they put out against vaccines.
That’s a senator in Australia I’ve known people who have fleed Australia’s tyranny ..and 5 eyes followed them here. America should not have anything to do with the way these countries are treating their populations. That makes us no different and we are extremely unique.
You could be a dummy mannequin ? That’s you you are the Covidiot if you believe in such imaginary folklore demons 😈
You can be all American.. and say no to tyranny mad demonic scientists who get lots of money for going to the dark side.. who are you going to work for?
siding with America’s Best on this . What about the Nuremberg code says you cannot experiment on any people? What about the Constitution? And it is a caveat for everything .. the only emergency you see is the one on the mainstream news and it’s proven over and over they use crisis actors and different already published footage. You are in the movie and it’s a horror movie they’ve been prepping you for decades with zombie virus stuff and everything you know is from Hollywood on this topic.

Most of us grew up as children with the vaccine passports but things aren’t the same we were not getting 53 shots a year. The ingredients have changed. When you look at old reels of people who stepped on a rusty nail or human rabies you realize you are watching actors. But as a child you grew up believing in it. If you travel to a tropical country and you get a vaccine before you go you will get a parasite you know that don’t you?

Americans are demanding it let them because you cannot bring them into the new world with us. They have to take their own poison if they choose. Still it’s very sick to manipulate people and profit off sickness. And it’s kind of cruel to do a soft kill because that person is trusting you it’s very wrong. And you really believe that you’re going to get off easy after all these people die horrible deaths because of your quack medicine? and you are not liable you do not think you are spiritually liable for that?