Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Political cartoons Gretchen Whitmer Joe Biden Democratic National Convention Barron Trump cardi B Mike Pence vice president Michelle Obama President Donald Trump

Political cartoons Gretchen Whitmer Joe Biden Democratic National Convention Barron Trump cardi B Mike Pence vice president Michelle Obama President Donald Trump

Political cartoons Gretchen Whitmer Joe Biden Democratic National Convention Barron Trump cardi B Mike Pence vice president Michelle Obama President Donald Trump post thumbnail image
Gretchen Whitmer pretended like she was on a hot mic and she said it’s Shark Week expletive and I don’t know what she meant by it but this is what I thought of when she said it I figured you know she’s on her. In the ocean I don’t know it’s so stupid I don’t know but that’s what I imagined and that’s how I drew it it’s that time of month I don’t know but it it’s like the last political cartoon I did of Gretchen Whitmer she was going through menopause so she was having hot flashes so it’s kind of long the same line
so this political cartoon is Joe Biden interview by cardi B and he won’t give any interviews won’t go on TV just does everything recorded and taped but yet he’ll go and get interview by cardi B and she is famous for stealing money from guys getting them drunk and you know he’s famous for groping I figured they would get along and they would say a coronavirus song cuz that’s what she’s also famous for that voice
now there is a book about a time traveler named Barron Trump that was written in 1900 are the eighteen-hundreds the late 1890s and it’s about a time traveler named Barron Trump and I copied the cover but I made it I was trying to point out how tall he got because I guess he was seen with his dad and he was towering over his dad so I was making him like a tight and you can see below my idea why I took a screenshot of the post this political cartoon went viral at over a hundred read retweets
now this I got this idea from a commenter on Twitter and it was so funny because I was watching Michelle Obama speak at the DNC and she says it is what it is and then I thought I would have Mike Pence thinking how come no one calls him Big Mike I don’t know funny to me
she does looks like she has a 5 Shadow everybody is saying the same thing I’m reading all the comments and everyone saying oh my God she looks like she has a beard
an intense look on vice president Mike Pence
cardi B robbing Joe Biden and Joe Biden groping cardi B and them holding the coronavirus baby just like her videos
Gretchen Whitmer unhappy Pearl’s pearl necklace on happy she’s miserable she’s a Viper she’s like a den of snakes
it is absolutely crazy absolutely crazy and I don’t think Americans ever realized what’s going on they found a loophole
Martin never used to say hi to me but now he says hi to me he’s had his YouTube videos deleted his channel deleted over and over again and he just hit 20K on his new one he is very influential he has a cult following
these pictures were leaked this morning before Hillary Clinton spoke at the DNC I heard it’s funny I love politics anyways to me this is vanilla I want to see some really really evil Bill Clinton photos liked him at one of his Voodoo dances eating a sacrificed chicken or something
can you imagine what Joe Biden must be thinking that he’s still in nominee
I watched it it’s beautiful she’s just going to hand over the presidency to Trump I’m his so she diss to Joe Biden and Kamala so bad
I responded to a Martina post and she liked it very cool woman my favorite reporter
she covers most areas most people wouldn’t cover like the anime right are art right
now why is this important I took these two screenshots because it’s presidents thanking a political cartoonist now why is this important I took these two screenshots because it’s president thanking a political cartoonist for his drawings of them
why is this important it’s important because you a p such a Vanguard I asked him for a wrench wow getting one at the same time I was asking meaning the post I did before this I didn’t have wrench but now I’m an admin there you go I’m in I have a long resume of forums and boards and YouTube’s that I am either an admin or moderator so it’s part of my resume I’m in
so I don’t know I just like this meme
someone nominated me
rest in peace Robert Trump although I think it’s possible you were murdered there are medical Hitman for hire in the hospitals they either finish or do the job but I’m hoping he faked his death I don’t know nothing is what it seems like in politics so I don’t know what’s going on but it more I’m more feeling like this was murder murder by at the doctors and I just hope President Trump remembers this because he could have been easily saved and the doctors chose not to save him or they probably killed him so if that’s really the case while I hope President Trump learns that these doctors are wicked evil and they need to be set straight because there’s a lot of wicked people in the medical industry at the cult witches and warlocks in the coronavirus is there demon it’s not even real it’s fiction I mean these people are liars

Screenshots off my phone random stuff short story writing imagination section maybe It can help Trump maybe It can’t. But I like to collect things that same kind of interesting

I pick things from my backyard I put these everyday there in season for a long time
That is definitely my girl
Now is this a depiction of a giant you figure the lions are pretty big and that’s a horse a unicorn it’s not a goat if your horse and just look at how high maybe it looks like a giant
Now this is interesting this got set in fire at the end of the 80s and it was in America and if you think about it still tonight fern so the official story is it was burnt down but that’s impossible because he’ll doesn’t burn so something else happened here with the globalist definitely destroying some technology that’s ancient just like the Eiffel Tower was not created by Mr Eiffel that was also there for Millenia just whatever these things are the globalists don’t want to know about or they take credit for building it or they destroy it and I just wanted to know why
now this is probably an art project but I still think it’s very beautiful I mean it kind of looks like an eye doesn’t it in a way it’s very pretty pretty art project I wouldn’t call it mud fossil but it’s pretty to look at this stuff anyways
Now there is a style or it was a trend or maybe it can’t be real I don’t know but I’m just putting it here because this could be a Titan who’s built the stone castles and buildings impossible for men of our stature really or it could be like symbolic of he who is in power of the structure you’ll see what I mean can you see he’s sitting on a castle a cathedral
Here it is again either this is a Titan making like a doll house a large Cathedral Castle or it’s symbolic of a ruler who’s in possession of the castle and they use it they have like a toy model of it and he’s like posing with it I don’t know but this was I have a lot of pictures like this and it’s a mystery to me I think it might just be like a a trend an artistic Trend but I’m not sure if it could be a depiction of a Titan building a castle for Lee the little people
Now I can’t tell if it’s just perspective but do the men on the boat look like they’re mostly Giants and then there’s two smaller humans at the helm
Now is this a depiction of a Titan
I mean who else would have built these buildings anyway someone who would have fit under these arches like in this Cathedral you know these Cathedrals were all over America they’ve all been blown up oh yeah they want to hide the old world from you because they don’t want you to know they want you to think America’s new the only Cathedrals that are left in America are the ones they claim they built
The reason I took this screenshot is this could be a New York City this could be any downtown area where they have the stone buildings I mean the globalists like to hide the stone they cover it with brick or they pair them down but you know this could be like old New York old Boston it could be I’m just saying it looks similar I’m not saying it is
Here is another guy a ruler with a toy model Castle or a real castle I don’t know I can’t tell if it could just be a trend in the way people portraits were done

I mean imagine President Trump sitting down for his portrait and he’s holding like a toy model of the white house that would be a beautiful portrait maybe I would cartoon that one day I’m just looking at how past rulers lived in the technology they had in you know my blog is about fantasizing imagination it’s fiction I just go off I just like to pretend and play Dream and it’s truly about relaxing it’s just how I really relax and wine down for the night as I like to think these thoughts so don’t take me seriously don’t quote me I’m just having fun and you can have fun listening to me

Hear a guy is again carrying a cathedral made of solid Stone
So here’s a giant next to to human size people now they aren’t children I don’t post those I see a lot of them where they don’t look like children but they don’t look like men either and I leave those out this for sure is a grown adult because you can see they both have beards
So this was the rage to have your portrait painted like that I bet if you were a powerful person I mean unless you were a Titan I don’t know you why I always have to leave that option open because who did build the cathedrals definitely not our size people but our size people definitely like to take credit for it because they have to in order to demolish them or to control whatever is inside of it or to charge people for looking at it or whatever whoever owns these buildings owns the world whoever controls these buildings controls the world and what the globalists do is they control them just to destroy them
So here this lady is sitting on a castle can you see the size of the doorways in the windows that would have to be a pretty tall lady unless it’s just the way portraits were drawn I don’t know
now is this a battle between Giants Titans and little people look at the size of the doorways look at the size of the people and look at the little people on top of the tower the Giants are as big as the first or second story
So here’s this guy I’m thinking these are toy models or it’s symbolic of whoever controls the structure
Here is the King sitting on his throne with a toy model of his structure President Trump on his fourth of July speech says America will always have the structures of giants he said that twice and he said the structures of Titans wants and he called it our inheritance and that’s why I’m building upon what he said here because maybe there’s something to it
Wow this was a very famous pose this is what rulers depicted how they depicted themselves how artists depict at themselves holding the structure so that’s how rulers do it just saying this is how kings of the past have shown themselves to their people is them holding the structure they are living in
So this night cut off this guy’s head and now he holds the structure
Now there’s a lot I don’t post when the small people seem to look like children but these two women do not look like children they look like adult grown women our size and when you compare to the king he looks like a giant correct I mean maybe it’s just how people painted but I’m telling you from my point of view what looking at this it looks like a giant
Okay so look at the size of the people at the table versus the size of the people playing chess now I didn’t think these were children because they look like grown men I’m just saying these look like giants next to people are size and it looks like a complicated game of chess or maybe it’s like dancing or alcohol I don’t know
Okay so look at the size of these oxen and you know how big are oxen are there bigger than you so these people be like Titan like so I’m just saying if these were Titans that could explain how these castles were built with the huge arches and they’re all over America to most of them have been blown up but a lot of them are they turn them into City Hall’s and post offices and you know Library of Congress and every culture that comes along tells its people that they were the Builders of these buildings that’s how you control a population you conquered the building’s first and these buildings are ancient so how would you build a castle how would you Corey The Rock how come sometimes these pillars are the entire pillar is made out of solid marble you know that the only explanation would be Titans built the buildings this is a man of Secrets secret so I’m sure whatever you think about Giants it’s like mockery fantasy but you know Giants are actually biblical and so are Titans there biblical you know the men who’ve lived for 10,000 years each that’s like the lifespan of a Titan and when you look into mud fossil research there’s there’s evidence everywhere under our very eyes we just can’t see it because it’s like once u see. U see.
Now this could be a child but what about the lady in the window in the tower standing up in the tower that’s what I’m saying I don’t know I’m just fantasizing trying to make sense of it and every culture every culture that’s ever existed have told their people they were the Builders of the buildings and they put ground stones in the buildings and they have phony construction photos Photoshop from the olden days they lie rulers lie to their people they don’t want you to know how great your history actually is
Now you see she’s pressing a button and it’s like blowing wind inside this like Organ can you see that so I don’t know if this is like an organ that supposed to go in a church or if it’s like a miniature I don’t know how it’s powered but it sure is beautiful

My grandmother was an organist in a church a few churches

I don’t know what this is but they look a lot taller than the men on horseback

The orphan trains of America funded by the Catholic church child trafficking white slavery like you wouldn’t believe they stolen the kids after a phony pandemic just like they do every hundred years the year 1920 the year 1820 the year 1720 they kill off the parents using a phony pandemic that’s made up that’s imaginary and they kill everybody with the medicine and then they take the children from the dead parents and relocate them who else is going to work in your field who else is going to be the foundlings of America the kids just took on the genealogy of their adopted Masters so how many Americans think they came here on a boat when they were actually from the orphan trains that’s a big question they were all unaccounted for and the official story is bulshit

They had entire 40 story buildings just filled with incubators they raffled off kids they sent them in the USPS they sent babies in the USPS there was nobody around hardly anybody was in the cities which was fully intact and preserved from a previous civilization
You know I have a lot of Orphan Train pictures but I don’t know if I want to post them yet I mean I got a huge collection and I’m adding two a previous collection I’ve been collecting these pictures for so long and when something is true you just see more and more at Eternal it’s Eternal the photographs I mean a no one speaks in this white slavery that happened nobody and I documented the madame’s I’ve documented lots of things in this blog I just you know it’s just so enormous
But let’s take a break I wanted to post this because as you can see this was what they call mud flooded meaning it wasn’t built when the rulers told their people it was built it actually is half buried at it’s probably even more buried under that but what’s noticeable is do see the carvings are on top of the mud flood so the people who built this we’re not the car verse if you know what I’m saying it’s all these things are ancient every civilization that comes along the ruler is like to claim these buildings as War memorials gifts to wives or they like to tell their people that they were the builders and they do this every time all over America they do this to date either destroy them so you can’t see or if they can’t get away with it they’ll tell you that these were just built to copy the Romans or some b*******
President Trump knows they were going to destroy this if you believe this was built in the eighteen hundreds just for male then you are a dumb person you are a dumb dumb person if you think this is 200 years old just tell me how they built it just tell me just tell me I want to know where they quarried it on their horse and wagon

Anyways it’s now Trump Hotel

He’s such a prick if you think he built everything he owned you’re wrong he just told his people it was all his he just moved in and didn’t pay the rent
watch this new video if you want to be my friend very warm and fuzzy place where you can just fantasize and travel too far away land and somehow I promise you that this information will be relevant to whatever it is you do on a daily level meaning this affects everybody this type of information

that link is extremely crucial it’s a theory that these wars are not what we are told they are about and they are more about destroying ancient technology and structures then about day-to-day things that we the little people worry about such as racism are socialism garbage stuff there could be other explanations why Wars are fought at certain times it’s a long story I’ve looked into this thoroughly I can’t prove it every post but just watched that Facebook link and just look with your eyes and I’m always pointing out photographs or images and I just want you to look I don’t know what anything is and I don’t know if it’s fake or not or fantasy but just think of different options because they’re Clues to how the world works trust me we are not in on it.

My point is the Ancients all had free energy oh I know this I’ve seen it I’ve seen this billions of times the Ancients even ancient America was all over the world you’re not looking at electricity in 1900 your looking at something that works using atmospheric static electricity and it comes with the buildings that comes with the ancient structures that they tell you they themselves been built their very greedy about this kind of knowledge and they hide it very well

I’ll never ever show you what they found I’ll just show you a drippy wall and say that’s what they found any ways take a look at that style of architecture it reminds you of many American Structures and we were told that they were built to just to copy the Romans as if the Romans and the Greeks are the only ones on Earth who have any ancient history and living ruins
For example this is Richmond Virginia look at these structures their ancient they were here before we arrived and as you can see their mud flooded the one on the lower right looks like a big flood came and it’s like on a slant they didn’t build it that way you understand what I’m saying so when things look obvious like that they demolish him all of these were demolished every single one blown up with dynamite they don’t want you to know nothing nothing it’s just cowboys and Indians for you it’s just for fathers it’s just fairy tales it’s just the colonial narrative which is just as real as CNN
You will file away in your mind these images because these are all over the world this style is all over the world from Spain Paraguay China it’s the same style the pillars in the Triangle Europe England Rome chile-argentina it’s all built proof of the old world order that had free energy these Building self heated using geothermal Steam and they lit up at night with illuminations the stone itself lit up the obelisks sent light into the air bright lights I know it’s crazy but you just have to follow me and I’ll prove it to you and I’ve already got a huge collection because the reason I’m collecting this is because I think President Trump should bring back these Technologies it’s about the buildings why do you think antifa want to burn down the city Hall’s so bad it’s just a building they say right it’s just the building people are worth more they say then these buildings so why can’t they just destroy other buildings then if that’s the truth why do they go after the city Hall’s and most of the city hall is especially the one in Portland has been remodeled renovated so many times you can’t even see the original structure and all the technology has been lost we’re talkin moving sidewalks Plumbing intact after Millennia these were the structures of giants the structures of Titans and they’re all around us everywhere

This is Michigan this is how these buildings were found they were excavated out they were all buried in mud the White House used to be called the mud house because it had to be dug out of the mud it was covered in mud and with every culture and civilization that’s lived here it’s been burnt so many times and renovated and then the people who do the renovation tell the people that they build the entire thing this is how every ruler has done it it’s necessary in order to control the people that the people cannot have the technology that come with these buildings this was in Michigan take a look

Mud fossil research is really interesting because these were not just Giants they were Titans they lived for sometimes 40,000 years they were so big they say that doubles mountain is actually a tree stump and they’ve analyzed it and it compared it to normal tree stumps to see how trees petrify and it’s an exact copy anyway mudfossil research I’m just getting into it anyways you don’t have to believe it but it’s fun to go on an adventure and just look at the pictures it’s very interesting anyway this is supposed to be boney bones

Election microscope our hones

It’s very interesting curious research and it’s very nerdy but I’ll post some things every post it’s very very interesting to look at the pictures and to imagine how big these people were that were here before we came along before the big flood

And the flood is definitely biblical if you’re a Christian

This is San Francisco before the great fire now I want you to remember that fire does not destroy Stone buildings these buildings were demolished they were hardly anybody in San Francisco this was before the gold rush it was all intact just palaces like you wouldn’t believe blown up blown up with dynamite robbed I mean buildings literally for Titans anyways here’s some of the lesser-known structures that were demolished

if you think people at that time. Were capable of building structures like this you’re pretty dumb no really you’re pretty dumb I mean even a builder can tell you it was impossible
But boy were these structures easy to blow up with dynamite and blamed on a fire that’s what the globalists do
The source of all their power and all their money it’s the destruction of these ancient buildings in America every city look like this every single City I’ve documented it you just have to read up what I’ve collected and I think this is very important in Trump’s America because we have to save these structures because they hold secret Technologies and they’re part of a motherboard of some sort and electrical motherboard and all the ancient city layouts are built it’s hard to explain but President Trump is the only man on Earth that can back engineer this
I mean look how tiny the doorways are compared to the people I mean who built the glass who did this in their spare time this wasn’t this was before the Gold Rush the Gold Rush is such a funny story also this was before the Goldrush this was before look at that Phoenician brick that’s just like the White House on the lower left you see what I’m saying it’s proof of the old world order you can find the style all over the world all built by the same people the same people who built the pyramids built these and it all worked all together all of these structures lit up at night they illuminated those aren’t flag poles you see they were antennas the electricity the free energy came down the chimneys
Blown up as if it were Berlin in World War II except it’s here in America
Look at the size of the Arches as if they’re ancient doorways and every culture that comes along makes the doorway smaller and smaller to fit our size but as you can see this is they can explain this away to the little people of our size so they just had to blow it up I didn’t fit the colonial narrative just like New York City isn’t it in fact every American city had flat iron buildings like this they all been blown up now tell me how those little ants build a structure like that in that time look at the roads look at the roads and I’m talking all of the stuff was here before I arrived the Subways the submarines the ships America was a ghost country something very very evil and bad had wiped everybody out
So they need children that to repopulate these places it’s hard to explain just have to fantasize with me hear these empty cities all of the world all over China their empty for a reason there’s a plan and they’re going to move in children that they’re going to take away from the parents during a phony pandemic like they do every single hundred years I know it’s it’s hard to believe when you haven’t seen The Back-up of what I have and what I know and would have collected but I’m sussing it out that this is the case they’re going to genocide everybody using the medical industry the doctors are already bribed the nurses are already bribed these are not good people these are wicked witches these evil people the medical community are evil I can’t believe we put our trust in them to save our lives and he’ll us I just can’t believe it’s the most evil group in the world these are not healers k it’s like the difference between gender studies and Plumbing only one is necessary the other is harmful and if I’m correct and if Robert Trump was murdered because it’s always the doctors that finish the job of assassinations I’ve looked into all the presidents that have shot and shot the hospital always finishes the job or makes you senile or kills you this is how a sassa nations are done this is how they cover up for people how do you think you know Joe Biden’s son Beau died you think he died from cancer how come everybody around the Biden’s died from the same cancer and then the cancer doctor herself got murdered I mean these are murder assassination people there the industry than medical industry they are bribed the genocide us all for money they’re already doing it to old people they’re already doing it there already frauding I mean when are you going to wake up and get out of the brainwashing the television set doctors in lab coats are not good people and the coronavirus is proof you know it’s fake you know it’s imaginary you know there’s no such thing you know getting sick isn’t proof the coronavirus doesn’t exist there are other rational explanations such as people using Heating in the winters in it dries out their lungs that dehydrates them that’s why people get the flu try it sleep with your heater on all night on high you’ll wake up with the flu it’s an infection of the lungs same thing in offices in airplanes it’s the heating systems okay there’s also such a thing as toxins that everybody can get sick from there’s many reasons why people get sick and imaginary Boogeyman glowing neon Qbert looking bug unicorn bugs that flies and lives in the air and has superpowers I mean that is the demon if they have you scared of your own Shadows where you have to wear you are an idiot you are stupid you’re just going along you’re just being bully you’re just a cuckold
Because trust me if you start collecting giant doors you’re going to be working night and day forever because it’s endless the photographs of giant doors but who would be tall enough to walk in these doors that’s what I’m saying just look at this just try to imagine what I’m saying okay that these are structures of giants that were here previously and the men of our stature came along it’s like we’re the we built on the old infrastructure a new infrastructure and we falsely attributed as to we built it or we copy the Romans or we copied we just copying copying copying that you know the Romans are is where everything started and we have no idea how rich American history is because it’s been kept hidden burnt dumped in the ocean okay they don’t want you to know how great you were everything that you’ve ever read in mythology and myths and biblical it could have happened here cuz it happened so long ago it happened before all the countries all the nations nobody knows where this stuff happened there’s no places those are tourist traps those are hoaxes there’s just so entire city based on false myths that aren’t even in the right place but when you actually look into this you see that it’s more likely that it happened in America for many reasons so everything we’ve learned about entire reality the globalists have taught us that it all comes from the Middle East and Europe and our world savior they put in the worst place on Earth and they told us Christianity sprouted out of another religion I mean it’s just lie after lie after lie you got to erase everything you’ve been taught everything you’ve been taught you have to erase because we are far greater than we’ve been told and the sick thing is these globalists they get away with it they get away with it I just they’re so good at lying and you know why they get away with it is because Christians are just so good we are so good we can’t even imagine an evil such as this
They’re planning on killing all of you and taking your kids and repopulating these empty cities with them and trust me there will be a lot of these orphan trains more than you know don’t be so many who else is going to work the fields and do the slave labor

They do it every hundred years what you don’t you think these people don’t write are in in charge of reality they write your history they educate you they had no idea the internet was going to change things this time around though and they had no idea President Trump would be an office either
now I’m not selling Fair Point at all oh no I’m not doing that at all I’m not because you know what it’s not going to happen because President Trump is here there’s never been a president like him there’s never been anybody like him we are already saved I mean knowledge is the first step there’s no fear point this is not going to happen I am crystal clear on this but this is what they want to do and they’ve done it before they’re just not going to do it anymore but they’ve got nowhere to go they’ve got nowhere to go they’re just acting out theater but I’d be careful if I was in another country because everyone’s just waiting to see what America does because if America Falls the world will fall but I think other countries are going to go ahead and try to genocide there people using a phony virus hoax Theory which is so phony baloney there’s no such thing as viruses no such thing none anything they find in your blood I mean there’s things in your blood okay candida yeast bacteria those things are real but this virus living thing but not dead no microscope can see it smaller than any particle cannot be isolated how do they prove that the virus causes anything do they show it in the act of infecting a person do they can they microscope microscope it going up someone’s nose you see what I’m saying how it’s like outer space it’s just as it’s like it’s so tiny that you can’t see it which is opening the door wide open for we’re just bullshiting you

It is very very easy to mass hallucinate the entire world it’s been done before but it’s not going to happen anymore I’m not selling fear p*** I’m not trying to make you scared I just want you to realize how evil these people are and they’ve destroyed our buildings they’ve lied to our children they’ve killed off all our ancestors all your grandma’s and grandpa’s they’ve killed them they killed them they killed him in the hospital they gave them drugs they killed them in the nursing home you just didn’t believe that you couldn’t see it because you’re so brainwashed to the television programs about how doctors are father figures and they are healers they’re not healers they do not know how to heal I mean yes if you got your leg cut off feel so it back on for you but that’s just the difference between gender studies and plumbing I mean there are trade school things that all healers need to know but the rest of the stuff it’s they make you take an oath to Apollo they make you inject children with pee blood I mean anything sacrilegious I mean you wouldn’t believe the drugs they would give to your grandma or to your aunt they kill your little baby cousin with a vaccine they tell your aunt she must have rolled over on it they Grandma goes in cuz she has diabetes they tell her so they say these are fortune telling people anyway Grandma goes in and guess what she comes out with no legs and they talked her into it and she believes them her legs were not necessary and then Grandma dies a year later I mean really like really what are they what are you going to allow them to do next to you think of all the misdiagnosis they have given you think of all the time they didn’t prescribe you the right medicine and it made you sick or if I gave you parasites I mean like doctors are the worst people on earth I mean I can’t even tell you I used to work for one so I know they are the worst people on Earth okay just know that and nurses unless they’re speaking out against this coronavirus fraud they are evil as well and you just can’t forgive them you can give them a chance to come clean but they probably won’t because they have so much blood on their hands they’ve been killing people using these ventilators blowing up their lungs and they knowingly do it they put too much morphine inside a grandma and you’re not allowed to see her and visit her and I or she slipped and fell in the hospital when you know she was in there for phony coronavirus I mean they’re killing people and tire hospitals are being blown up in China and Fox News is only reporting to died I mean you are being lied to on a big scale this is the reset this is what they’re going to do they’re going to kill off everybody this is it we are here they do this every hundred years this is what they want but they never expected Trump to be president so I’m just saying I’m not trying to fear p*** you because I hate that it’s like listening to coast to coast and then feeling like you know solar flares are going to kill you and being worried about it for a year and nothing happens it’s not like that I’m not trying to do that I’m telling you this is what these people are up to and they’re not going to get away with it this time they’re not going to get away with it okay Trump is just playing politics remember Trump said in his book art of the deal that you only battle what’s most necessary you only do battle with that which is most urgent so he’s working on something big okay and all this little stuff he’s just playing politics and going along with it and you know I could go on and on and on explaining it to you but I’ve already done some of my blog many times trust me Trump got this he has this it’s not going to be easy it’s going to be a test for all of us and you thought 2016 was a big election wait till you see 20/20 what’s going to happen

J 616 NOT 1616. All of the gravestones are like this you can have it looked it’s a j with a hook at the bottom of it so it’s a strange character but English has always been English and before that I don’t know but when you look at all the old maps all the old paintings all the old gravestones you realize it’s not the year 1600 at all they’ve lied to you about what time line we’re on which is pretty important. There’s lots of missing time nobody knows how long
I can’t vouch for the YouTuber but interesting pictures

Starts at 1:47. Long intro.

My point is there times up all secrets are revealed all hidden secret all hidden knowledge is revealed okay it hasn’t been done before in a long time Trump is going to usher in a thousand years of peace no kidding he’s going to bring back free energy he’s going to have a life term there’s going to be a new system and I knew this when he announced he was running for president at all downloaded I have known this and I’ve been researching this for years and I definitely am psychic about this I have visions iic this so I’m not crazy I know this is true okay good is going to win this time I’m 100% sure and it’s over for them the evil people it’s over it’s just you know with this knowledge comes a great responsibility and a great sadness also because you know the fairy tales the Santa Claus like stories we have about our history it’s going to be shattered and we’re going to realize that we were far greater than we’ve been told or taught and we’re not supposed to be paying Heating and electric bills free energy is free no one can you patent it okay true capitalism cannot happen one world capitalism cannot happen unless Americans are given free energy first we have to be the first ones cuz we will leave the world that way by example by free will the whole world will want to be like us it’s we will have the greatest border ever I think people will be dying to come in literally when we have been restored back to our greatness and I’m pretty sure Trump can figure out something about these ancient structures that are still around they still can be used they can teach people how this technology works this free energies atmospheric its Statics from the air it’s from Niagara Falls from gold it’s definitely gold that’s the secret gold that’s why they taken it from us gold is the closest thing to Sunshine there’s things we don’t know about it especially when it’s mixed with red mercury for example I mean you could pick up every TV station in the world if you knew how to work free energy you could have a Wi-Fi gun for free you could never pay any bills ever again private property will mean that literally nobody can take it meaning there’s no tax on it this stuff has to be brought back by our President Trump it has to be I mean I’ve gone into my plan many times I’m just chatting lately about it but the days come it’s over for them Conquest is in the air it’s our turn our voices will be heard we will be in power we have to take this responsibility very seriously we’re putting our own in Congress Laura Loomer just won the primary and there’s others to we have to take this responsibility very seriously we’re putting our own in Congress Laura Loomer just won the primary and there’s others too

That’s it it’s it’s over for the globalists it’s completely over there already done it’s done all this is for show all this is the last gasps of evil but it’s the worst part of its yet to come and it’s going to hurt but it’s going to feel good because we’re going to win it and can’t appreciate anything if it’s free and it’s a true test of all of us inside I mean all secrets will be known you have to come clean yet have to accept Jesus he have to you have to come clean to God all that is good you just not going to make it you’re not going to make it it could be painful or it can be beautiful 20/20 is a Great Awakening now why is Christianity perfect is perfect because no matter what you have done no matter what crimes you’ve committed you can be forgiven by Jesus and God as long as you make your wrongs right and the wrong better match the right meaning you have to bring proof positive of your bosses you have to really speak out at of what your knowledge of evil is to help them you know sometimes the most powerful evil people when they come clean their the biggest weapons against evil because they know it and they can be a witness well you have to come clean
I 775. It looks like a capital I but when you really study this you could see a little tiny nuances sometimes it looks like a capital I but other times it’s like a capital I but with a little hook at the bottom but in this instance it is I but you know what when we came around we just picked up where we left off and I think this is how it was translated as they thought that was the year 1775
It says almost if at the bottom of the I there’s like a little hook like a little boot

This is a staged construction photo I’ve seen worse but this one is pretty good it’s very believable but what’s one thing you notice there are no workers so I don’t think you understand the glory of the Capitol building how beautiful it is solid Stone it’s beautiful these domes they they can’t be copied they just can’t be copied all the bills you see are probably originals from Ancient Ancient Ancient times here in America that have been turned into libraries or whatever and slowly over the years torn down but this particular construction photo kind of looks real but what they do is it’s like a double exposure you know they white out the sky you can’t see any clouds and they kind of like double expose or double impose a miniature crane that’s not a real picture okay people were just arriving nobody even knew what are presidents even looked like I mean back then things were different

Okay so they just erase part of the building like it Blends in with the sky and then they double expose this miniature Crane or sometimes they’ll take a basket and photograph it and then put it on top of the Capitol as if it was just building but when you look closely I didn’t you see it’s just a basket it’s really bad Photoshop jobs but they do this to all of our cities the great Marvels cuz they like to claim they were the builders or sometimes they set them on fire and rebuild it kind of like they do with Notre Dame and the people just nobody says anything it’s just a fire old vandals but the thing is fire does not destroy these buildings only Dynamite does bombs do carpet bombing stuff like that cannons don’t destroy cannons aren’t even what you think they are cannons didn’t destroy all the parthenon’s in the south something else did they were just lying to you about the cannons in the Civil War just follow the hand signals not really just follow the hand signals when you see someone doing a hand signal that means they’ve taken credit for something from the old world order that’s what it means you can be a musician of poet and you can claim that you wrote ancient piece of literature and that’s what these people do these hand signal people they take credit for building these Mansion such as the carnegies they didn’t build anything their decadent men they’ve never built anything before in their life and you know just follow the hand signals they do this with music famous composers with the hand signals that means they didn’t write the music it’s left over from the old world order they just back engineered it or figured out how to play or read it properly you understand.

You dont.. even know where you live do you ?

Well that’s good news because guess what we’re far greater than you’ve been taught far more magnificent I meam..we’re talkin we come from the very best cut

Your entire life you’ve been told that you’ve copied other people or that these magnificent structures were just thrown up all that money where it was just thrown up and monuments just thrown up Towers just throwing up all ballistics just carried on here from a boat or are the Statue of Liberty just it was a gift from France I mean we’ve been lied to about everything k.. that’s not even its real name okay

Now what came first the gods and goddesses or the statues of them that’s a good question but here’s the thing every culture that comes along remodels and we decorate so you assume that the Builders of these great structures were the same Builders of those who put statues and carvings all over them correct

You know Tucker Carlson is important because of the Capitol building behind him if is subliminal you think that we built that beauty you know how hard that would be to build and where are the workers in the construction photos there’s no worker in sight it’s just like a ladder some wood on the floor that’s that that’s what they built it out of where did they Quarry the stone who made the glass I made who made the solid marble stuff who took down who whitewashed it where’s the Obelisk that used to go in front of it it’s solid Stone and it has underground’s do you get it
So the new civilization comes along and carbs on these things and then tells their people we are the builders this is a gift to a wife or it’s a war memorial whatever they want to make up and they claim it as their sand that’s how you wow the population because it is a beauty and when you’re inside one of these buildings you feel like a god you feel so good you feel elevated there’s just an energy about these nations structures there’s some sort of they use their electric you don’t even know it there’s they’re tied into like they’re part of a motherboard I can’t explain it but it’s supposed to work as a whole when there’s an energy turned on these buildings are supposed to light up the stone itself lights up and look at the Arches how high how tall do you have to be to walk under there and how could little people build that

You have to admit you know nothing now you have to in order to it’s like this is a Renaissance of everybody and all knowledge but we’ve learned has been lies no I’m dead serious I I don’t want to get into it because sometimes you stray too far from the herd and you become an outlier but no really we got to come together on this and I’m skimming over a lot of things because I have so much so much saved I just in this blog I have to upload each picture individually and it takes time and it’s hard to explain everything and every post every time so I’m hoping you know you follow me because then it will make sense all this will make sense once you see it for sure

I will never sell you fear p*** I will never make up stuff I swear I want to help our President Trump the best way I can and sometimes this is the only way to beat the globalist once and for all is find out what they’ve lied to us about how about that

There are a lot of booby traps and you won’t make the research on your own you won’t make it on your own you’ll get lost within one minute you’ll feel like I’m crazy or something wrong with me because the way you Google portrays things they don’t want you to know about Thursday Market or they give you fake Photoshop Yahweh stuff cult-like behavior and Weirdos and freaks to make it look bad so you won’t be able to wander hours and hours with the patience that I have through old texts old world websites like galica. You will see the craziest people posing the craziest stuff it’s kind of kind of like when you look up Alex Jones in the first thing you see is his wife talking bad about him how he’s an actor and then you’ve already made up your mind about Alex Jones because you seen that and you believe that to be what people are saying you know what I mean if you’ll never get the truth unless you got at sit through years of listening to Alex Jones to figure him out and I still can’t figure him out there’s just something I can’t put my finger on he’s exceptional in some areas but you know what not all of us are evolved at the same level so some of us are really smarter in one area and Dumber in another and then others are smarter in other areas and Dumber in others so it’s like when we all get together and we compared notes you know we can move forward looking for things through different perspectives that we might see the truth better. That’s the thing with Geniuses is the genius part is because some other lacking part you know and for example I just I see people that you can’t fool them with any false flag at all like they can see every fall swag in the world they can see it ahead of time but yet they fall for the virus hooks if you don’t seem like it’s always like that one thing. Or he’s a genius and everything but yet he believes the propaganda that these globalists somehow can create chimeras when evil can’t create anything whatever they create will just die it’s just you know it’s hard to see the truth when you’re good I think that’s the issue it’s really hard to see the truth if you’re a good person because you grew up believing in your Authority in your parents and what they taught you in school and you’re a good person you don’t think the world is capable of evil but those who have knowledge of the greatest evil can see the greatest truth I know it’s hard to see but that’s why you should give evil a chance to come clean because they can help battle it the best if they’ve come clean and I mean really clean like you know on their knees to Jesus.

President Trump has tools at his disposal there’s ancient technology within War weapons and trust me war weapons are the biggest thing lied about things on earth you know they want people to think they have secret weapons when very simple weapons they just got to keep them Secret because they’re so simple he can access the past because we have this false belief that we are the most advanced race when actually we’re the most slave like I know if we are if you pay an electric bill every month you were slave plain and simple you’re a slave if you got to have a job to keep your house because you have to pay tax you’re a slave that’s that’s not capitalism that’s not greatness that’s not voluntary that’s against the laws of free will you understand electricity why it’s all supposed to be free you understand we’re not our home is supposed to be heated through Steam geothermal I mean other there’s other things that can heat your home that these people have taken because they want you to pay them every month

So what I’m saying is if the people of the past had free energy and we’re bigger then why can’t we copy them they had electrical weapons they had fasces they had all sorts of cool things that could destroy entire cities weapons that can joy that if I explain to you it would make perfect sense you wouldn’t believe how easy it is to work these and that’s why they’ve been taken from us because any man can understand this isn’t like the high priest of science bulshit we’ve been used to high Priests of medicine high priest of everything we have to just bow down to them because it’s so complicated we can understand it but that’s not how life was supposed to work these Technologies are supposed to be so simple everybody supposed to understand instantly once they’re explained like it’s like simple free energy simple like anybody can do it

And I’m sorry if I repeat myself over and over again it’s just you know I should start writing as if everyone who has read my writing has red everything up until now because if I just talked about like carry on conversations from one blog to the next block the next and never talk about the same thing twice then when you first hear it without the background you’ll think I’m totally crazy. But I should start talking like that because how else am I going to grow and if you’re curious you could always read my blog and figure out what I mean when I say these things and I can show you proof Beyond prove years of proof every day there’s more new proof I mean that’s endless when something’s real

I come from a good place and I appreciate Beauty and I love President Trump I’m not a trolling anyway even though I talk about scary things sometimes and I’m mean and I’m judgmental and I’m bored constantly trying to explain stuff to people but here this is proof this is proof this is proof that I understand Beauty take a look at this beautiful person

I have that picture saved on my phone because I know Beauty when I see it
This is it this is the only chance we’ll have will never ever will fall all of humanity into the end of the world will be here okay the end of the world will be here the coronavirus will genocide everybody that’s the excuse to kill us you understand

And if we win the greatest Conquest ever we’re talkin all the world stolen Treasures Nebuchadnezzar’s Treasures the gold of a fabled Egypt which is probably in America I mean let you know really I mean I I can’t even get into everything it’s just so much I’ve discovered like really no it’s if we win like literally we will leave the New World Order I mean in a positive way in a free capitalism by example individual rights free energy all Humanity we will we will like evolve like maybe we’ll start growing into Titans again no really it’ll be that powerful they’ll be like a Renaissance not like you know the Renaissance we’ve been taught about because all that’s lies the Renaissance it’s all lies, none of that happened the way they teaches you okay will learn how to build those castles again those Cathedrals those generators those will build the motherboard the motherboard is frying right now have you ever seen a motherboard computer like when it fries and it burns well that’s what’s happening to like you know Paradise California like the motherboard is frying like really like we need a reset of our own like not the reset that the evil people have done but a reset of the evil people gone

This isn’t cute these people don’t care about you they are not keeping you safe this is torture

I apologize for not being a cookie-cutter trump supporter but I really think that we got to pull energy from everywhere and not just the mainstream I mean we really got to speak hard for new ideas because these wars have to be fought with ideas that are out of the box you have to be unpredictable

I’m only posting this song here because I really really like it I listen to it last night like 10 times I loved it it’s like the old medieval books had the notes in it and they used to write music notes in Black Blocks but in the same way on lines with illustrations and everything and these are this is really old song it’s like nobody knows when medieval happened nobody knows it’s pretty old nobody knows that’s why it’s called the Dark Ages because nobody knows they’re just making up stuff when they teach you about it and if this song is as popular as I think it was because there’s many different versions but it all sounds the same like there’s different instruments and there’s different tempos but if it’s as ancient as I think it is ball listening to this it just might awaken something in your DNA or memory or there’s got to be some sort of memory we carrier we can gather from the atmosphere something that this music inspires I don’t know what but it’s really catchy and I had it in my head all day

Remember the medieval. Whatever it was it’s famous for its kings and queens and we’re talkin rulers of Empires so it’s not far-fetched to stay with the collection of kings and queens and all these old paintings and artwork and literature that this song wasn’t play at 4 past rulers so this is a big shot song If you know what I’m saying this was played at Banquets and balls this wasn’t like a peasant song

How would these tiny people build such a structure like this in West Virginia no seriously think about it and you could tell it’s like under the ground it’s they just a previous culture has made the floor that way and made the windows shorter and every civilization that has lived here has used these buildings and only we have decided to blow it up

What if you’re looking at the real thing what if this is ancient Rome right here in America but what if I mean did we copy the Romans or did the Romans copy us obviously we have the same structure we just have different rulers through a pretty evil and that they would blow this up you can probably see the grass none of these buildings are tourist attractions there being used as government buildings to see what I’m saying they are falsely attributed when they are actually the old infrastructure that the new infrastructure was built on top of falsely attributed if that is easy to understand

This was in West Virginia you’re looking at the real authentic thing this is as old as the pyramids this is all sold as the Romans this is older than the Romans this is older than Christianity well Christianity is the oldest religion the original religion because Christ story his life story is in the Stars I’ve explained this in my blog before and it will make sense to you once you hear it so I don’t know but there’s many different versions of Christianity meant Christ has many different names and he’s never been in a worse place than he is now that’s for sure the globalist they hate you so much they they hate you so much

Too bad the globalist blew it up Too bad the globalist blew it up

They want you to believe some millionaire felt that to copy ancient Rome that’s so funny how could you even copy that using Stone like that that’s meant to last the entire time and that’s you know if it was still around it would be Corporation would own it or something and whoever controls these buildings controls the world these are very powerful buildings the way they’re built I mean some of them the plumbing still works like it’s natural Plumbing I can’t explain it it’s you know using steam from the earth in it’s self-heating carries electricity down the chimneys from the antennas those antennas are they like to tell you they are flagpoles but no their ancient antennas for free energy electricity from the air
And these aren’t the best examples I’m just showing you these are like middle-class houses of giants I mean like middle class these aren’t the Palaces but they still destroyed these two this is West Virginia I mean if you think these are beautiful wait till you see the buildings they demolished using the Civil War as a cover. Just follow the hand signals my friend and I’ll show you when you’re looking and you understand they tell you out in the open what they’re doing even in the old photographs
And this is what these people do to all of our American cities since day one they’ve been blowing the buildings up so you don’t have passed this is me after math when you look up how did all these buildings get lost it’s usually a fake fire story or a fake earthquake story or a fake flood story
They had to destroy this building I can tell because it’s proof of mud flood they couldn’t tell the people they built it because the people would be like well why are there half Windows why does it look like it’s buried so they had to demolish it if they can excavate it out they demolish it and it sometimes these structures are too expensive to destroy like the Philadelphia city hall they could not destroy that because it was just too expensive but yet it was the supposed story is it was a few million to build so they say but it’s too expensive to destroy why would they want to destroy something that they throw it doesn’t make sense none of the story makes sense you know and every city in America has these structures you just go into them walk right into them yourself and ask you want to see the blueprints you want to see the construction photos and I can prove it to you because you’ll find there aren’t any

That was West Virginia too

And the aftermath the afterbirth
to truly understand the sadness looking at these pictures wait till you seen thousands of them over years I mean there is no bottom to the hole that’s in my heart when I look at these buildings you don’t understand I have a saying a special thing where I really like these buildings like I really love architecture the old world architecture I I love it I mean it sometimes I look at these pictures and like my eyes well up you know cuz of the beauty we lost imagine having lunch there I’ve been having like a party there a wedding their graduation and think about how beautiful you would feel inside these big buildings like there’s just an energy about them is like you want to swim into a man’s arms
Now the people of this time. We’re only capable one thing and that’s log cabins how would you explain this anomaly that looks like Greek ruins you would have to blow it up you would have to or else you would lie and say you built it in the style of in the quote style of quote
Now I don’t know the thing is every culture that comes along takes down to statues and replaces it with their own so who knows how many times the statue has been switched but the base never lies the base always stays no one pays attention but that’s where all the secrets are when I’m looking at the space what I see is that it probably hold a magnificent Obelisk bigger than we could explain I had to if I mean just look at the size of this imagine the how big the Obelisk would have to be here in West Virginia
Look it looks like the Holy Land right there in West Virginia and how just kidding but I mean just look at those pillars I mean look at that Monument the tower almost looks like a fasces which is an electrical weapon the Ancients had
Richmond Virginia I don’t know if that’s still around if it was probably demolished almost everything was but look at the Arches now look at the people there’s nobody in the streets hardly anybody is there yet it’s a new city but yet look at the roads left over from a previous civilization why would these people build streets five Lanes wide for who for what for horse carts
Places in Richmond Virginia to it’s probably demolished now you see how it’s on a slant built on a slant now they didn’t build it like that that means it’s half buried in mud that’s what it means and there underground this probably goes down six stories you can tell by just the sometimes the way the windows go down and have sidewalks and you count and there’s usually a pattern so it probably goes down six stories
Now why focus on Americans America’s hidden history buildings but I’m just posting a picture of this building that used to be in Bolivia just to show you it’s the same style of architecture and the pillars aren’t built in sections with cranes know it’s the whole thing is solid Stone all the way up impossible it would be impossible for us and I mean really impossible no you got to think hard about this one it’s not capable we’re not capable of this stuff it’s a lost art these buildings can’t be replaced is antifa blows them all up they can’t be replaced we can’t rebuild them you see what modern architecture has rebuilt no this isn’t paper mache plaster mesh no no these buildings are meant to last
And here is China the same old world order Style I mean the old world order it was it was a one world order and look at the size of the doorways it’s for Giants it’s not her people are size nothing is our size the keys were not our size of Swords nothing was our size the bed everything was enormous Plumbing especially

They want you to think their leader built this they want you to think your leader just copied ancient Rome because that is the hoax

All over the world but most of them have been destroyed and trust me these are not the best of the Palaces this is just one particular style on highlighting the pillars in the triangle and there used to be a fresco and who knows if the Fresco was just carved by later culture but all of these have frescoes on them also and they’ve been whitewashed the statues taken down they all had sphinxes especially Griffin’s and Wing Wheels I mean there’s a lot of symbolism that all of these have in common that out have all been removed by the globalists and put away somewhere
Australia the same story you don’t think Australia was founded by convicts to you they just threw those convicts overboard they lie to you so much
The question is all of these cities at the same time at this time of photograph was taken where empty all the American cities that look just like this one empty to that’s a question all around the same time early 80s and sometimes these men of Secrets like to put themselves back in the past 200 years to explain things away so sometimes if we think our history goes back before this time it’s usually falls apart as you know a 33 hopes
Where are the people where’s the bustling activity where are all the people why are the streets 10 lanes wide for nobody where is everybody are they just arriving

All of our cities were found intact they were found not founded found not founded found not founded

All of these are different cities you can see the style is all the same the roads were already there ancient Roman even older than H Roma the ancient the whole Roman thing is b******* like the whole what about all American no really this is all American this is I mean this is as nationalist as you can get as all of our buildings all of our countries have these structures all of them and if they don’t it’s because they’ve been dynamited anyways where are the people
where is everybody what was that this built for how many lanes do you need I mean wow you think people just built that was Stone solid Stone where do they carve it from I mean really this is impossible where is everybody
There are hundreds of thousands of Arc de Triomphe all over the world built in the same style with the same Fresco with a same for horses with people on them on the top even New York had one called the victory Arch but they demolished that they said it was a war memorial and they just threw it up only to tear it down a few years later I mean San Francisco had one that was I don’t even know how they could have destroyed it was so big it was like the tallest Titan on Earth could fit under it they bombed that the globalist did they don’t want you to see it they don’t want you to have such beauty that would be the easy explanation they don’t want you to have the secret technology that would be yes more likely
So you’re supposed to believe that was built in the eighteen hundreds look at looks already weathered it looks black from some sort of fire damaged I mean look at the trees around it in the middle of nowhere why would they just build this in this is why would they at why would everybody just want to copy the Romans what’s so great about the Romans I mean do you understand how they had a create a lie around the Romans so to explain that everybody wanted to copy them when that’s not true at all
Now when I say all the plumbing was intact at this building this is what I meant the running water still worked after Millennia the Phoenicians probably used it the Pyrenees the Canaanites I mean even before that mean like eons of people even before history people were using these and they still work and they’re all over America Chicago head moving sidewalks buffalo head moving sidewalks few other cities had moving sidewalks gondolas is all been bombed destroyed

Imagine Trump looking into these structures and getting the plumbing to work natural spring water you can look at the Venetian pool in Coral Gables that’s natural spring water pool and it’s constantly flowing in its pristine and there’s waterfalls and everything and it’s free energy running you don’t have to you don’t need anything
The same style all over the world and possible for us to have built it I mean I I have I’ve gone over just hundreds of thousands of these pictures and it’s impossible live look at this every single way I’ve actually seen the fake historic sites they have in the Middle East those you can easily easily build oh they’re so fake over there Babylon the entire city of Babylon is a hoax these are ruins I know what ruins are ruins are you know what was destroyed at the World’s Fair in San Francisco Buffalo Chicago those ruins Kay things like Stonehenge is just crap
See those big large horses bigger than you look at looks like by the window sticking out that it’s half-buried but anyways where are all the people why was this who is this built for it doesn’t make sense that official narrative
Where are all the people why are the streets so wide
The entire pillar is solid Stone each one these things can’t be brought on any boat I don’t care what Caligula last said you can’t bring the Statue of Liberty over on a boat it’s too heavy do you understand you can’t bring it in Parts you can’t piece it together it’s too big to understand
Where are all the people
How many times have these structures been set on fire over and over again oh look they’re growing cabbage they just built all of this for a farmers market sure they just built this to copy the Romans


Not only that but the buildings themselves are old but we see but they weren’t built with basements they were built on top of previous structures that had been flooded over with mud and they go down maybe six stories like I’m not kidding you and that’s where they get the underground because there’s stuff underground these structures solid stone structures in your cities they all have them just look for the weird numbers usually these buildings are on 33rd Street or 13th or they were erected on this date and it took 33 years to build like you know these people hide this well but they give Clues

Let’s go back to the orphan trains or the foundlings of America is there called they are the foundlings of America meaning they populated the Midwest they were stolen from parents using phony pandemic and Wars from all over the world mostly from Ireland and these were not humanitarian this was child trafficking this was slavery this was pure evil this there is nothing it’s as good as Hillary Clinton getting the kids from Haiti this is the same thing. On a mass scale funded by the Catholic Church

the official story of these photographs they’re all b******* all of them even the Orphan Train story is bulshit anybody with eyes can see realize realize can Realize Real Lies no really you have to have great knowledge of people not to fall for this s***
Why do you think they want to do the Coronavirus why do you think I mean really why do you think the coronavirus is such a big deal why do you think they want to kill you and take your children from you and repopulate them somewhere else into a new land New City
who else is going to B A Slave who else is going to work for free who else is going to farm Your Land who else is going to do the work who else going to work in the factories who else is going to get the new land started these are all American pictures
You could take as many children as you wanted they were free how do you think America was founded white slavery is the darkest secret it’s definitely a mint of secret secret
I’ve got a lot more of these it’s just really tiring to post but I want to post them here so I can delete them off my phone so I got a real lot All Over America especially the Midwest that’s how these cities were populated most Americans and I mean most are descended from white slavery

you don’t believe these kids were used as slaves well

I just have so many pictures I think I’m just going to post the best but you get the picture
What happened to the oppressed becomes the oppressor what happened to that all the innocence of children the Innocents

Who pays for this you got it the globalists somebody needs to pay for what they’ve done

I’ve even studied the tickets they were the numbers were unbelievable and there were going everywhere all over the Midwest they’re coming in from New York City they weren’t runaways in York City they were coming in from other countries being relocated from Wars and stuff like that and it was not humanitarian it was they were stealing them they were taking them from people
. Now if you believe men were good back then and they’re evil today you’re wrong same type of s*** that was going on back then is happening today it was just as bad
some of these didn’t upload and I don’t even know where I am

They took the kids away from the parents using a phony pandemic

Because in the winter months people use heating it dehydrates the long’s it dries out that Long’s infects and then you get your flu symptoms that’s where you get the flu same thing in offices and airplanes it’s the heating there’s all sorts of heating that’s test it out for yourself tonight sleep with your heated heaters on you’ll wake up with the flu I promise you I’ve tried it I’ve done it it’s nothing to do with a virus that’s imagination it’s all imagination
you use help by the media the police the government agents the evil ones and you kill a bunch of people by inoculating them with something and then you take their children from them the year 1820 was cholera and that’s the same nonsense and everything you know about cholera is from literature and literature is the fake news CNN of the olden days and with help from the media the police you can do the same thing + 1720 was the plague same nonsense they killed people with the medicine made it up it’s like Voodoo you tell people they’ll be sick they’ll be sick you believe you believe in the devil possessing you or evil or or you can even poison them I mean there’s many ways to kill people using a fake pandemic don’t forget 1920 it was the Spanish Flu they killed they murdered people all over the world same way they’re doing today with the old people in the hospitals are killing people they’re being bribed to kill people you don’t think they’re capable they’re doing it now
How can you tell if you’ve been vaccine injured you can’t because you just think being sick and tired is normal because you are used to it how do you know the damage that you’ve had as a child how do you know this there’s nothing to compare it to how do you know what it’s like to be vaccine free you don’t anyways that’s how they do it that’s how they kill people through the medicine
The quarantines were death camps here in America remember there’s no such thing as the Spanish Flu I mean the flu is the flu coughing and sniffling and plus the voodoo and the power of belief in the media and the doctors and the Brain washing through the schools nobody even knew nobody even questioned
People are just walking right into the mouth of the demon and asking for vaccines
Good night and don’t forget the all of these buildings they illuminate at night they’re supposed to with a light so bright the stone itself illuminates
All obelisks are supposed to light up in the United States okay

the Nobbies on those Cathedrals are meant for free energy light and you don’t have to pay an electric bill or plug-in it anything the buildings are designed that way that’s why the globalists want them destroyed
I’m focusing on this and this post but I have shown illuminations in New York San Francisco Buffalo Etc it’s definitely was here unfortunately all the buildings that I’ve shown in photographs that illuminate have all been blown up with dynamite especially the ones in Chicago

This is something that President Trump can bring back he is absolutely perfect for this job can we will be the greatest living man ever he will be like a world leader and just by example

At night it’s like daytime in the entire city
And this is what the wars were about also
This was the New York City it was demolished you don’t think that they made this beautiful thing just for the Navy copying all the Arches all around the world did you only to tear it down a year later nonsense anybody can take down a statue and replace it or carve over a fresco
Look at the tallest person there that’s how big it is
Chicago. Demolished
Anybody can carve anything on these things but you know what it’s not proof that you built it
San Francisco levelled it’s all demolished all of this is gone
now just a park
Chicago. Demolished

Good night I’m really tired and I think I’m going to watch some YouTube videos if I see a YouTube video that I really like I’ll save it so please come back