Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Owen Shroyer Infowars Alex Jones Vatican Political cartoon #owenshroyer #infowars #politicalcartoon #editorialcartoon #vatican #cardinalpell #hiddenhistory #historymystery

Owen Shroyer Infowars Alex Jones Vatican Political cartoon #owenshroyer #infowars #politicalcartoon #editorialcartoon #vatican #cardinalpell #hiddenhistory #historymystery

Owen Shroyer Infowars Alex Jones Vatican Political cartoon #owenshroyer #infowars #politicalcartoon #editorialcartoon #vatican #cardinalpell #hiddenhistory #historymystery post thumbnail image
Owen shroyer political cartoon the Vatican Cardinal pell
Here I was drawing the spirit animal of Owen shroyer and I don’t know if I did this technique right I don’t think I did but I’m going to keep doing it I’m taking a drawing class and this is the newest thing is you’re supposed to draw a spirit animal or even an object or a tree or a flower anything else draw that 1st and then draw the caricature of the person on top kind of using the lines and inspiration but I’m not sure if I did it right but it was my 1st attempt..
That’s really cruel to have a dead animal on top of you I think dogs know the difference.

see..they know!!!
it’s just a cake.
cannibal club I really doubt people members are giving up their bodies to be eaten and who would want to eat an old lady. That sort of stuff is just a cover.
So….where are their getting their human meat?

I’m pretty sure members of satanic groups in order to gain power and positions they are forced to eat this and they really don’t like it but they just do it because it’s kind of like you’ll do anything for power anything for money it’s like that.

But then you have the people like John podesta who take it a step further and it’s like they constantly have to out do each other so they really get into it and you know after a few years of doing it they gotta do more and more and who knows I don’t know I’m just imagining…

I mean to torture a child you really have to have an alternate personalityThat is the self that you give over to the demon but it’s actually just an alternate it’s like schizophrenia or multiple personalities… not actually a demon.

They wish they can conjure demons but they just have active imaginations. They’re just criminals I think too

the whole demon stuff is a cover at how evil these people really are inside and they just say O..I do it for the demons but now they’re just evil and that’s it.

“Demons made me do it I did it for power” But even that takes personal responsibility and liability away from the individual who committed these acts because he liked it.
And they destroyed this they said it was destroyed by fire and knowing what I know I’m pretty sure it was not destroyed by a random fire I don’t know maybe glass burns? s I don’t know it’s one of those notre dame mysteries!

They didn’t want you to have this and that’s why they destroyed it. They didn’t build it either it was there. It was a remnant from the old world order. Real Grandeur for the people… for and America the same story with many palaces like this.
I understand this is a very hot cartoon and I don’t know why I drew it I was just more focused on my drawing assignment and I didn’t really have a cartoon idea but when I was listening to him I heard him say this and he said the Vatican should be raided and he talked about he hidden archeological digs that they don’t share with the public and it’s all of our history and plus about Cardinal pell being released.

I think I know someone who Cardinal pell worked… I think and it’s just rumor… a long time ago someones I married by a man they said knew the Pope and I think it was Cardinal pell that he was under .. I do remember that name… It was pretty high up…and he had run to America to escape this something about child stuff … molestation or something.. It just means he got caught once ..when.. usually it’s something they’ve been doing for years and probably more extreme in private…and nobody really knew this about him until many years later… but I think.. he actually married the alot of people.. and it was not a traditional Catholic wedding it was I don’t know everyone was dressed up like in capes and Lord of the rings stuff. Everyone had like a ring of roses on their head. Pagan if you ask me. I seen the photos. He wore his priest outfit…

So he also wrote a book about how Mary Magdalen was Jesus’s lover and she was actually royalty. And Jesus disciples were jealous of her or something it was really fantastical book.But that would make sense considering how.. And it wasn’t until a lot later that people found out who this guy was but and he was marrying people like crazy he was marrying people like crazy. All I know was rumors I wasn’t there.

Plus it was like 20 years ago over 20 years ago so I don’t know I’m just talking but anyway these priests they get in trouble and they just get sent somewhere else or they exiled themselves to America and start their own little communities so it’s not a far fetched idea…he was..a bishop..right? That’s the title? Something like that. Possibly. Or under a bishop under Pell. Something. Exiled in America.

Catholics were very good people and are very good people and I was raised in Jesuit funded schools and I’m telling you my education was the very best and nobody ever hurt me and I never witnessed any funny business…

My favorite thing about catholics as they like to have large families and I really admire that.

Plus remember that p**** David wilcock ..back then..he was talking about the vatican.. and how they had statues that the pineal gland and I don’t know but I think this priest was also writing about mysteries and everyone thought that the Vatican new secret knowledge about the peniel gland and stargates.. That’s why the statues of those pine Cone looking things…but now looking back EVERYONE NOW knows that the reason there’s pineal gland statues all over the Vatican is because they like to eat them.

I don’t blame people you know I just think when people hear that this priest work with a Pope it’s kind of like a big deal and I think this was before the sex offender label so honestly everybody involved all the parties involved were innocent. No one knew back then…but it was found out..

Think people are eally upset about Cardinal pell being released? Yes? after hes probably killed and eaten many little boys and that’s why Owen shroyer was upset and he didn’t exactly command people to raid the Vatican he said it should be raided.. but I don’t know why I drew this I really don’t know sometimes I just do things and I don’t know and you can’t win every time and like I said I’m just drawing and that just came up so it’s like an unprepared political cartoon it’s just a drawing.

It was more focused on the spirit animal thing.

I paid $75 for this course and it’s got so many exercises and assignments and the spirit animal is just one of them and here are some screenshots of what I am learning and I’ve only watched 1 video on this so I think in the next month I will be focused on spirit animal caricature technique.

What I was drawing before was I was doing contrast caricature..meaning opposition sketching meaning you draw 2 people at the same time and you exaggerate their differences as you’ve noticed the past month I’ve been doing 2 faces in my cartoon kind of similar in expression and where the faces are facing.

I am constantly learning and trying to get better and I’m never satisfied I always want to be a better cartoonist and I’m realizing that you really have to go simple simple simple but it’s just the way my mind works it’s just always wanting to go further and learn more and try new things and I really should take a class on the political cartoon itself instead of learning how to draw faces maybe I’ll do that after I’d finished this course
Jimi Hendrix spirit animal was a tree. It doesn’t have to be an animal
When I heard to the next part of the course the spirit animal I was dreading this but the day has come so I don’t know what I’m going to get out of this next month doing spirit animal caricatures but I’ll pose assignments..
The spirit animal of Clint Eastwood was a gun that he used in dirty Harry it was a really long gun.. Do you see where Clint Eastwood hair is ?? I don’t know the name of it a 45? So it doesn’t exactly have to be an animal it’s just something that it reminds me well for I don’t know I just did my 1st lesson so I guess I will learn when I watched these other videos and there’s a lot more to…..learn.

But no matter what at least I’m doing 2 or 3 of those these cartoons A-day so it’s just good to get my hand going.

I would like to do four political cartoons A-day I just really really really want to become faster and more simple and loosen up.

I really feel like I’m going to save my soul in this noble cause.

Remember I have no manager I have no job I don’t even work for a newspaper I get my ideas from everywhere and I’m an American and all of those things mean something and I learned and I started when Donald Trump announced to is going to run .. And my entire childhood but my grandfather was always bugging me when are you going to become a political cartoonist why don’t you go to school for political cartoons here have a shoe Box of them.. and he would collect political cartoons for me so I think all these facts..are pretty special.

It’s like the 2nd half of my life has begun and it’s completely different than the 1st half and nothing is more satisfying and more successful when a worthy cause

And I’ve been doing these for 4 years but in a way I feel like I haven’t even begun I think if I can get … help get trump to twenty twenty I think then it will start.. it ..or I will be really professional by then and I will have fixed up any errors in my style. I want to be known for my work and I do not want to be known for anything else and God knows I am not perfect I am a sinner and no one is perfect and I’m sorry but I try to be perfect every day and I’m opening more and more to goodness.

I would rather be a good political cartoonist then good looking… It’s a huge shift in my priorities and I’ve wasted years trying to look beautiful on the outside and it does take up massive thought that I could be spending on researching politics.. Although I look at it as it only helps my political cartoons.. if I’m a little bit attractive so I do try a little. Studies on beauty show that people that are attractive people will hire more over ugly people more qualified.

You cant buy hair gel anymore in lockdown.

And when all of this is done and I leave this plane..just remember I have a FULL collection of the trump presidency through the eyes of an American Girl a female. Who learned the art through the trump presidency… who sprouted out..who started as a fallen angel..and wound up being saved…who has a free mind and didn’t just work for one newspaper but for them all..internet news..drudge.. and including of YouTube and radio.

Lost and then found.

Every cartoonist documentary out there they all say the same thing “we need more female cartoonists”..

And I should dumb down my cartoons because when I dumb them down and make them a little slapstick those are the ones that go viral ..

My college English Writing teacher sat me down once and told me Maria your writing is very incendiary 🔥 and I understand it’s just my nature so I really gotta stop being so incendiary and just be a little comical silly and fun.

My high school film teacher had to give me a special class all by myself because my projects included too many swear words and horses with fangs…stuff. But he said I was very talented and he gave me full access to all the equipment… I was after school supervision girl my entire life so if I wasn’t doing art I was just sitting in the cafeteria doing homework.. I was never home from school earlier than 6:00 p.m..

These days it’s easy to make animations on your ipad.. but back then you had to actually draw it and take photographs and put it on a reel. And there were special equipment that you needed. To keep still the papers and camera couldnt be moved.

I was also taking pictures photographs..with rolls of film. I had to measure aperture myself..a bitch! …I took photos of ancient buildings.. And kids at the skate park.. and I had to actually go in a dark Room with chemicals and now things are so easy you can do that on a phone but back then no one even had cellular phones.

And just when you think you took a great selfie you found out it was blurry after you put it through the dark Room.

Humanities were always my thing.

Don’t forget I took weekend classes at Albright Knox art gallery…growing up. Huge watercolor pieces. Oil.

When I was in 1st grade I couldn’t believe I had a friend who could draw Disney characters perfectly and I had no idea how she did it .. It tormented me how could she do this so easily I had no idea..

but now looking back I know exactly how she did it .she just copied the characters…over and over until she memorized how to draw them. These things all artists find out..that when you 1st start out you have to imitate until you find your own style.
It’s not copying it’s not tracing its called studies and you always make sure you write that it’s a study you know it’s like repainting the Mona Lisa you didn’t paint the mona lisa.. but it is “Study “of the Mona Lisa so that stuff’s allowed in art.

The political cartoon these things make comebacks just like comics comics is really badd but one day comics will have a Renaissance just like political cartoons right now the rages making memes collage work and it’s really easy to do with the Internet and there’s many apps you can get to make them but a political cartoons will make a comeback syndicated cartoons are kind of getting less popular and less funny…


Even the cartoons in the new Yorker are sanitized and dumb dumb dumb like I said these things will make a comeback and comics go up-and-down and right now they are really down but there will be a Renaissance of political cartoons one day.

Most syndicated cartoons are so dumb a the humor is so dumb it’s like..

With exception of Dilbert which I love and it’s just genius.
I read them in my epoch times newspaper subscription

the kind of humor
I come from German culture so.. to do lists ..and perfection and pushing yourself and making plans and getting angry when u don’t accomplish things I can totally relate to.
That makes me angry when I’m punctual and and time and everyone else is late and it doesn’t even bother them. What I get out of this cartoon. I get pist off when there are no planned activities or to do lists with other people I feel angry that they don’t have them especially if you’re with them…
No set itinerary for the date??
I asked my phone by voice.. to put on info it redirected me here this is new.

That’s terrible explanation of what infowars is. It’s not fake news!!!
one year ago today