Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Nancy Pelosi political cartoon #donaldtrump catholic

Nancy Pelosi political cartoon #donaldtrump catholic

Nancy Pelosi political cartoon #donaldtrump catholic post thumbnail image
I drew demons on her necklace and a demon on her shoulder Nancy Pelosi political cartoon nancy is the Catholic that is hilarious.
One of my roosters is missing. So I asked it online Tarot generator to take me where my rooster is. And I got this card and it’s unsettling.

I lost one of my chickens earlier in the year and I asked I posted it here somewhere in this blog ..I got the death card with a white horse and I took that to mean. my neighbors white dog who’s trained to kill birds killed it .. Who hasn’t been let out since I’ve noticed….but this 1 is a little different it looks like a lion but I take it to mean maybe a Coyote or a Bobcat …both of which I’ve seen around my house early in the morning sometimes .. Like a wake up and I’ll see a giant links in my backyard drinking water from the faucet.. The garden hose one..

and the last time I saw my rooster it was looking at me..And it was jumping off the deck to go back to its coop. It doesn’t like to stay in there they like to come and I feed them rice Bananas potatoes and bread and corn.. can corn they love it. I also have chicken feed and grit I mix in..

I’m so sad and when I don’t know what to do I always ask a Tarot one card.. Only when I absolutely emergency need to.. and I take this to mean it was eaten because it looks like a lion but I know how the Tarot talks and that’s the closest thing to what it is and it’s probably like a Bobcat or a Coyote because it is Winter. Food is scarce.

I’m so unbelievably sad I walked around my property with a flashlight and I’m going to do it again and my other hens are laying eggs so but I do have one rooster left

I don’t tell anyone this but my other rooster that’s left..was bit by a dog ..a pit bull..the landscaping guy’s dog ..and I healed it with CBD oil and all the feathers grew back ..but it can’t really fly over the co-op over the gate because it had an injury so sometimes I like to keep it in my master bedroom bathroom on some newspaper and its quiet and it doesn’t do anything.. it hardly makes a mess ..or noise..except 4 am when it cock a doodles .and I get up to draw my cartoon..and in the morning I let it go again and I always hold him and I love him hes like my pet ..if the father of my kids found out I did that he would kill it ..he does not want chicken inside the house but it’s just the way I am.

Yes. no 1 is allowed to eat chicken and no 1 is allowed to eat pork in my house so only beef is allowed I’m very sensitive to animals and I am not an animal eater and I’m not ashamed of it. But I keep that to myself in the conservative movement.

I’m so unbelievably sad to lose a chicken or rooster. When I lived in yelm I remember we were friends with a couple who had chickens and they were constantly losing them to wolves and coyotes and raccoons so they would set up cameras and when we went over their house we would drink wine and watch the night vision of all the deer that walks by and the raccoons and they’re very very good ..they sneak in small spaces and they just take your chickens!

I am consoled knowing my other rooster is in the Room next to mine here I’m in my bedroom now.

Once I saved my pig’s life and it’s a real bonding moment when you heal an animal. One night I had an unsettling feeling and I couldn’t sleep and my daughter told me she had closed the co-op ..but I didn’t believe her I went in a storm..and I couldn’t find my pig.. and I looked all over and I saw him slumped in a corner and he was listless and he had a paint bucket over his head and he couldn’t get it out and I couldn’t pull it out I was hysterical and I went in the house and the father of my kids didn’t wanna help me he was too tired.. so I was like screw this …I went and I got Olive oil and then I went back out in the storm and I rubbed it all over his head and then I pulled and I got him out and he took a breath and it was a real bonding moment and I spent some time with my pig and then I got him safely to his shelter to his bed and there’s a bunch of hay and he slept nice and ever since then he looks me in the eyes and he has human eyes.. it’s a girl actually it’s a girl and maybe once A-day I spent some time and I massage her and I scratch her back and I feed her all sorts of things I cook for her every day squash beans rice and there is feed that I mix it in with always but I always add fresh vegetables and fresh fruit.

I really didn’t want these animals they were brought here and we do live on a farm and now I guess I’m the only one who takes care of them and it’s really really hard.

I just find it really hard to not be a caretaker to these animals and when I fail I just don’t know what I could have done differently except lock the chickens up all day maybe the evenings I should put them in earlier. But I carry them around and I feed them in my hands and they do a little dance when they want me to pick them up and they are really attached to me so I can’t really keep them in their part of the farm all day can I.

I will forever be a city girl and I’ve had many pets come and go throughout my life it’s a sad moment for me.

Thank You Tarot. My mind is at peace.

The weaker rooster is what I call the one in my bathroom because it was bit by a dog had an open wound all its back feathers were ripped off and I healed it for 3 days straight with high doses of CBD oil on cut made from hemp.

Just by chance I have on my phone a little video of it of him here is. You can see he does a little dance when he wants me to pick him up

That’s the weaker rooster we call him the weaker ..and the healthier One is missing. Do you see his feathers grew back?
He had a huge wound to and now he is healthy I gave him high doses of CBD oil dropped on his tail. Wherever I go he follows me and thank God I still have him he can now mate with the hens.. because the healthy rooster always shooed him off ” cock blocked..” and the healthy rooster never allowed him to eat with the rest of them he would always Chase him away.

I feel so guilty maybe I should have loved that other roaster a little more because now that hes gone I just miss some and I’m feel badd that I didn’t spend a lot of time with him.

Also there used to be 6 wild turkeys that every now and then they come in my yard and now there’s only 5.

I just feel so sad I have a stomach ache over this.

I lost my chihuahua old age but I never told my blog this because it hurt so much. I have a frenchy .. It’s actually the sister of one of… I can’t say who ..cause she’ll find me I’m sure she has Google alerts but it’s a “very” famous person..left and it’s so old it’s so old and can barely walk and when I give it CBD oil it’s the only time it wants to run around and play with me. I will give her a bath right now to console me.
My weaker rooster doing a little dance and then I pick him up he walks right up to me and I pick him up.

See it’s in my bathroom now.

No creature is allowed to hurt my chickens they are protected they are loved may God protect them it is my will ..I put a force field around each one of them and they are protected no 1 can hurt them nothing can kill them it is my will I put a force field around them and I also ask to have a psychic connection to them in case anything is up I would like to know and I would like to protect be it!


This cartoon was liked by newswarz!

she is so pretty