Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Nancy Pelosi 25th amendment political cartoon impeachment editorial for President Donald Trump

Nancy Pelosi 25th amendment political cartoon impeachment editorial for President Donald Trump

Nancy Pelosi 25th amendment political cartoon impeachment editorial for President Donald Trump post thumbnail image
talk about 25th amendment Insanit🤬y you’re looking at it👿 and I really like the mace of the House of Representatives pin 💀I added the touch to this political cartoon of Nancy Pelosi ☠screaming for impeachment again👽

Looking back instead of impeachment 😋I should have written in 25th Amendment 😉 sometimes after I post 😚I somehow unconsciously or subliminally get corrected 😋or it’s like once I post then I get all these Corrections downloaded..😊I don’t get them before I post😙 so maybe I’m just reading other people’s criticism🥲 for example as soon as I post something😃 I’ll feel something like oh my God 😊I spelled it wrong 🥲and I didn’t see it before I posted😙 so it’s like I’m psychically downloading other people’s criticism of my political cartoon😙 it is the strangest thing I have a connection to my cartoons😚 and I feel when people are laughing or amused sometimes😚 I just get that feeling😙 and I start feeling happy I don’t know🤔 it could be my imagination😋 but I definitely could have taken my time with this 🥲that’s why I need an editor😛 most cartoonists have one and if they don’t have one they usually have a partner 😚who looks over their cartoon before they post it🥰 and another weird thing is😍 I always know when a high-profile person is liking or going to retweet my cartoon🤫 before it happens 😋it’s like I just get that feeling🥲 and then it happens😙 but I’m too embarrassed to talk about it in my blog😉 because it just takes away from the appreciation I have😋

why is Lady Gaga smoking crack with Hunter Biden🥰 and it looks like there’s a doll 🤗I can only imagine what are they doing😑 poor Hunter 🤭doesn’t Lady Gaga have a wee wee?😒
Ukraine militants at some famous Airport explosion or something I don’t know😉 but what’s he doing with antifa at the Capitol🥰 now that is definitely him I definitely know this I draw faces for 4 years straight everyday that is definitely the same guy..
Now this guy😚 is definitely not the same guy in the mugshot 😍that I guarantee 😛
yeah it’s just used for presentations I love that part
Facebook is just terrible absolutely terrible 🤣it’s just it’s such a headache to use😉 I can’t even post on there anymore🤩 I can’t even comment share nothing😙 it’s just so bad and you know what 🤗I’m so disappointed that parler is down 🥰because I was starting to make memes like not political cartoons 😚but I was like using layout app to make these cool memes 😙and I was posting them to parlor🤫 and I was so happy that I really liked enjoying making them🤭 and now I can’t share them anywhere 🤫and gab is acting up I can’t post on gab 🐸 but it’s probably because millions of people are going there😍
I’m going to reflect on this a little bit


isn’t it. This lady posted that and I just thought well synchronicity to a question Lionel media had

And also this mean below was posted to that question

Symbol for the Patriot party should be the Griffin the Eagles head and front legs with the talons in the back of the body the Torso should be a lion torso.. I somehow like that better than than the lion I don’t know but the people will decide but just let them have a choice!🦅🦁

.Short story

now in now in the story The Fountainhead novel 😀 it’s about a man who accomplishes his goal.😋 but in the process he has to fight everybody🥰 and I mean everybody😙 he has to fight everybody🤗 to get his building built the way he wants it on his terms☺ and everybody fights him 😙the media his peers😗 his friends 🤑and you know what even the woman he loves 💐 but the story is that no matter what you can accomplish your goals even if you have to fight everybody🌼 and I thought about this for the past few days 🌻I didn’t want to mention it 🌼but there’s a lot of deserters🌻 a lot of people who may not want to go the whole way with President Trump🌴 including you know his own wife🍃 possibly 🌼but I didn’t want to say it because I didn’t want to talk about🌻 bad luck🌴 but when you are someone as great as President Trump 🌳you can’t let a woman get in the way of your goals🌳 and I’m not saying anything🌴 I’m just saying that you know that the true test is that you go after your goals no matter what 🌴and you could still love the woman of your dreams🌴 The Story Goes🌼 The hero man wins .even though she fights you 🍃and I’m not saying that so 🌵but I’m just saying that I had that thought at Howard Roark in the book🌺 The Fountainhead even had to fight the woman he loved 🌴to get to his goals 🌲and she tried everything to stop him..but failed. 🌲They were madly in love🍂 but it was like she was competing for him or something 🌻and she married his arch enemy 🌴and he didn’t care 🌲he still loved her 🍂because to him he was going to accomplish his goal no matter what..🌴 she wasn’t a threat to that🌳 but in the book I think her name was Dominique🌴… his work was a threat to her🌼 she even wrote scathing reviews in her column in the newspaper🦠 and she destroyed contracts he was about to have🌼 with large companies🌿 she would ruin it for him🌴 but in the end his work did speak for itself🌺 and he beat her 🌻 despite everything she had plotted he still got those accounts 💐and they were still in love with each other🌼

My point is the ideal superhero man🌻 would never let a woman get in the way of his goal. 🌺God bless those two🌼 and you never know about true love🌴 but I’m just saying in the archetypical story of Ayn Rand characters 🌻it’s an archetype that the PERFECT man 🌷even has to fight the woman🌼 he loves to get to his accomplishment🌷

its a test of spirit.

No wedding ring? or body double..?🐈 or he doesn’t wear one…it could be.
Well sometimes you wear them 🌫and sometimes you don’t 🌤wear them ⛅it doesn’t mean anything☔ but I don’t know🌩 🌫 I do hope everyone’s happily married🌩 and you don’t really need a ring for that🌨 it’s just something you know☂️ and I wish them all good luck🌂 and I hope they’re happy together☂️ but being this is politics 🌊details like this are noticed☂️ and I’m just going over it🌡 I don’t think it’s anything but you always have to see what Clues are 🚡and if people are trying to say something 🚧just in case🛎 because these people are so valuable⏰ and they’re worth so much🕝 and they are national Treasures💒 very beloved 🌨
they’ll always be together no matter 🌩what but typically in crunch time like this 🪨For Better or Worse scenarios🪵 a lot of women don’t choose to stay🪵 when the going gets tough🏤 but this would be the ideal couple🏢 the ideal relationship🏣 if they can pull it off🏣 I’m talking everything that’s just falling apart right now🏭 deserters everywhere💺 my point is nobody’s perfect🕙 🌝 but you really got to stick by your man when the going gets tough 🌔and it’s definitely a factor🌞 if you’re concerned🌌 because it’s about saving America 🌡Cannot. let anything get in your way.🪐🕑 it is a true test!

It’s a valuable lesson we can all learn .. 🌨how important family is ⛅and how important having solid relationship ❤it’s stuff that dreams are made out of!☁️ it’s too good to be true for most of us❣ but with President Trump everything is the real thing 💕everything’s the real deal💜

And really he’s married to God and married to America first and this country ..

take a look at the video below at the structures in Philadelphia 🧑‍🚀and just the amount of work 👩‍🚀and the massive Stone👩‍🦰 and the craftsmanship 👩‍🦳and the SOLIDNESS 🧑and how they go below ground level sometimes 🙍and the bridges🙎‍♂️ and the water towers that brought fresh spring water😼
most demolished 😪 worth a look

Salt lake city utah

The Early 1800s in Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City was founded on July 24, 1847,f by a group of Mormon pioneers. Led by Brigham Young, these pioneers were the first non-Indian settlers to the Salt Lake Valley and settle down. One hundred and forty-eight people were in this founding group, consisting of 143 men, 3 women, and 2 children.
So how did they manage to build with all this stuff in less than 50 years by 1850..
No power tools no cranes and only horses and carts
And there’s a lot more 🙃and what would be the easiest answer?😼


Fort Morgan, Baldwin County Alabama, USA

Fort Morgan, Baldwin County Alabama, USA

Construction on Fort Morgan began in 1819. The fort was built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers mostly through the use of African-American slaves. Brick and mortar were the only materials that could be obtained locally. Other essential construction materials like finished granite, sandstone, iron work, and cement had to be shipped by water from New York. The fort was known as the “Work on Mobile Point” until April 1833 when it was named to honor Revolutionary War hero General Daniel Morgan. Fort Morgan was completed in 1834

These photos are from the later 1800s. The fort looks absolutely ancient already.

Now if that story satisfies you you’re not a deep thinker and you may be too trusting ..because tell me the easiest would be that this is left over from a previous civilization.😚

These photos are from the later 1800s. The fort looks absolutely ancient already.

painted on American flag
🙈wow it looks like antifa really got to this👻 or maybe this was a candle tipped over like Notre Dame Cathedral👹

All the star forts are like perfect……


were these structures. the real targets of the Civil War…? 🍷namely the destruction🍫 and suppression of infrastructure 🍷and the people who built it, 🍶..the black slaves..?
You know I’m not sure a pile of dead bodies🍏 is proof that a war happened .🍵 I’m not sure a bunch of guys in uniforms in 💺 chairs is proof. Im not sure uniformed guys standing around Canons posing.🍉.is proof that a war happened.. 🥭and what exactly are canons anyway? 🥃because cannonballs don’t do the damage that you see with these structures ..🍵I would need a little more. 🍻I’ve been looking for this for about four years 🍷and I haven’t seen anything yet. 🫓Still waiting. 🥝
compelling but not proof
there is something about this bridge I can’t quite figure it out
look it’s like an HD photo
Okay a war with no fighting scenes ..ok..its possible

Was there like Instagram moments 🥤of all those fancy balls 🍻with the ladies with the Puffy’s flounce dresses?🍺 I’d like to see them 🍮Ive never seen them🍬

fighting scenes?


I do see a lot of drawings paintings and reenactments
Yeah that’s a dude anyways 🥔
Sitting around posing
um…🪵 cannonballs don’t do this damage🏞 I mean where would the cannonballs be inside?🏤 all the windows?🪵 if you see what I’m saying 🪵all the all the pictures look like this🏦 it’s just cannonballs don’t do this damage 🛖Fire doesn’t burn Stone also🏤 so to me it’s like dynamite ⌚ is this an ancient city or something? Pillars domes Stone capitals ? Structures that look like the Parthenon ..all blown to rubble. Maybe it’s a cover to some sort of secret War 🤔
okay they’re filling the canon in here 🗻 yet there’s guys standing up there in total view..of the enemy? And why are the skies all white like you can’t see the city landscape? 10 guys 👦

❤ they must be cleaning them ? 🧱and were the Cannons already there? 🧱You know a guy can take a cannonball to his stomach right?🏣 Are Canons some sort of tech that we are not told about? 🏢That may have been already there 🪂could they be something electrical?🛬 Over the years I’ve collected so many evidence of this in old engravings 🏣that they actually give out some sort of Sparks or something like fireworks🏥 ..or some sort of light at night. But those are just ancient Engravings.🏨 you don’t know anything about cannons really how they were logistics? Were they all brought over with like horses in carts?
ghost 👻 it’s a bunch of guys posing
Why is the sky Whited out ? where is all those domes and buildings? that’s it this is what the National Archives are? 🌧 this is. A cannon? ⚡
So it’s very leisurely …and I noticed that the proof of the war happened is that they have a Canon ?..🧭and that’s all the proof you need??? what is it about the Canon?.. Some sort of secret Tech that was left over from previous civilization abandoned.. found not founded?🛖 there’s always a man in Black somewhere in these old photos..
So you’re here you have slaves ..digging mud? 👌 🆗️ sure and they are putting it on the tracks..ok. I have to ask I wonder what for..👨 🧍‍♂️ 👨‍👧 in ⚫ man in black.. he must be the slave master. And they’re sitting around in chairs leisurely.🚀. now did the slaves even have shovels?🛎
chatting while a war going on..
Now I’ve seen this in school but I have to ask ..🪨you know.. did this really happen ? or could there be another explanation for this ? Did they just shoot off all their slaves.. and neatly Place some rifles on the ditch all carefully like that? For the photo? I do see one possibly dead body but the other ones look like a pile of clothes.. could this be a previous reset? We do not see who killed them?

Okay I see marching and nothing else 🛖and again where is the background 🪨where are the clouds🏕 where is the city 🏘and is that a flag painted.. on the photo🏥
Okay this is a detail from a civil war picture.. it’s really far you can’t even see it in the 📷 photo..I zoomed in…but what is that there looks like an ancient “Roman ” Temple …??? That they probably blew up later.. again no war 🪵no people 🏞totally abandoned!🏟

stuffed puppets?


Now here is the actual damage that supposedly those cannons did and..rifles..

take a look. It looks like there was a previous Advanced civilization there ?that would rival something in Europe ? and yet it was all abandoned? there was nobody there? you don’t see any people..

I mean really how would people of that time be capable of building such magnificent castles 🏰?
Okay so there’s one guy there🛰 he must be a Survivor..🛑the only one.. 🛢what happened to all the treasures inside those cathedrals ? 💺 don’t tell me a few cannonballs..did all that?

Look at the rubble it’s all cleaned up.

the customary..

.lone children 🎶 in Charleston!

Boy they can really rebuild on top of the old buildings and 🌪then claim they built it. 🌪You know I bet you Rome was created⛈ in order to explain away 🌩all the..old world order structures in America 🇺🇸?

What really happened here I don’t see anybody doing anything there’s nobody there it’s totally abandoned


Okay in France.. same arches are there that are in civil war ruins above.👇..and do you see the ground level. where they did the excavation ? and they find all these Old Stone buildings actually go down sometimes six floors .

🙃.same thing in America ..all those Stone buildings see ..they calL the undergroundS..but actually they’re just buildings buried. And then you have 🌘Ny Fancy Pants 🌞architect🌕 reconstructing..not constructing… it and then claiming he built the whole thing.! Filled with treasures gold statues like you wouldn’t believe..ancient tech.. and all this is hidden from the people who just can’t see it it’s everywhere it’s all around you the old world.. every single one of our American cities is ancient even the city layouts.. and falsely attributed to being built by the controllers..

And here are The Arches from Russia. If this isn’t proof of an old world order I don’t know what is

And here is the obelisks..spires..ruins all Whited out.. there’s no clouds ..they just erase the sky.. they erase the skyline.. and there is an ancient Bridge.. I mean it’s like looking at the moon landing pictures where are they erase out the little squirrels..

Remember everything you know about this stuff you learn from Hollywood and TV and your first grade teacher.. and you just believe it accept it.😚

I’m starting to believe that wars are created as an excuse to destroy historical buildings so we don’t learn our true history.

If they can’t demolish, I’ve been noticing they reface it to try and disguise it. Also, the huge doorways, they fill it in with glass to also disguise it.

I mean why else would they do this in America
Atlanta..Why do this damage.. and claim it was the Civil War?
Atlanta civil war..💓 and there’s your man in Black.💗 It looks to me like the whole city was abandoned 🧡was found that way.. the question was who built all this 💚and who lived here before we came along?💜 there’s just nobody around except Men in Black😹 the customary lone children💘 the orphans🙊 and the men posing round cannons😠
okay so that’s a bridge that’s gone what happened to it or was it found that way
there you have the posed Men in Black. or the only surviving?
why is this Canon blown up what happened to it
this is a ghost City
where are all the people? not one Survivor?
sureeee.. remember Fire doesn’t do this damage to Stone buildings you saw this with Notre Dame Cathedral
Nobody was in these cities how do you see the bad Photoshop of the Skies ..the artifacts..they erased it..and in other photos you see they’re full of spires and churches and domes and obelisks and all sorts of pillars and Parthenon looking things
and the controllers just memorialize these ancient structures as tombs to their presidents or leaders up today in this civilization
And yet these structures… that are still there today.. and it makes you wonder about ancient Rome.. that it’s not Roman at all ..that it’s actually all American.. and these are living ruins as old as the Parthenon. This is the real deal.. and we are told this was all built to copy if Americans are copiers .and we have no history of our own or ruins.. yes they are definitely whitewashed to hide.. ancient statues removed ..and ancient friezes destroyed and painted over to make it look like it’s just a fabrication or a copy and why would people of that time Build architecture to copy ancient Rome all over the place ? and people of that time. They were capable of log cabins that was it!
what was the Civil War really about
what happened to the cities in the south 💅that did this destruction? 🦻 surely it wasn’t this thing👃

who lived here
Corinthian pillars ?or Doric?
Let me guess..widows ? °
💟 you can find this kind of structure like at the Vatican💥 or the Holy Land 💫look it was all destroyed..💫 here in the South of 🇺🇸 America..
you can see the artifacts of the background destroyed or are they simply more blimps balloons
what could you all this damage and look at that flag
it’s like a real American ruins☺ but what was there before is the question🤗 I guess we’ll never know 😶because when you think of the Civil War👺 you only think of one thing..🙀BLAH BLAH BLAH💔

🤫 how did people with the technology😽 of horse carts create such magnificent structures🤬 out of stone?😡 Where are the pictures of them building this?👻 where are the blueprints?💀

what on Earth did this kind of damage 💫now I really thought about it💬 and people are talking about the Nazi chord..sound frequency 🤗and directed energy weapons🤭 but also the easiest answer would be it was found this way 🤭already demolished and abandoned 🤭of a past civilization long long ago .🤫 maybe a great reset of the past🙄 or maybe even a past fake phony pandemic like we are in now😼

Scarlett O’Hara’s place 😆 literature is famous for rewriting history especially Hollywood too..
I mean that is really good quality steel you would need a lot to make stuff like that
I mean look at that Majesty it almost looks like it’s Marble
Okay so here you got Civil War soldiers fighting with a broken Cannon 💔
Okay so this guy did not lose an arm 🏜he’s simply pretending to have lost an arm🪨 I’m just showing you this is like men’s magazine fashion photography🏥 it’s not real 🏥you can see for yourself🏣 it’s just not real🛖
And I don’t know what this guy is doing with his hands .🚁. but that’s your Brave civil war soldier there 🕑and you know the Civil War was real🏢 because of the cannons. Duh! ⏰
Here is another civil war soldier fighting with his broken Cannon
yes an artist’s illustration.. of city and its residents fleeing.. there you go that explains it!
having the cannonballs there🐎 does not explain away this destruction🐴 it’s almost like an excuse🐎
so are we to believe Civil War soldiers built in the style to copy the Greco-Romans? I’m sorry but they were not capable it’s impossible
there is no time left we need to hurry up we got to stop these people from doing the same thing and they’ve been doing it every year for centuries🦝 you can today 🐺you can read in your paper a new church was burnt 🐺a new art gallery its walls were torn down ..remodeling..garage one ever notices🐃 but they’re destroying something very special🐄 and they’re putting up demonic statues 🐄outside these sites and churches 🐂All Over America in every city🐄 and they’re feeding you lies to the movies historical pieces yes it’s the same old same old 🐆as if 🦝only a few authors were good enough🐱 or knew the secrets🦊 and how many more false flags are you going to be set up for¿


🦅the only way out is🕊 Trump four more years now 🐱the only way..🦁 you have to!!