Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized My outline of MELANIA TRUMP SPEECH at RNC. #ILOVEHER


My outline of MELANIA TRUMP SPEECH at RNC. #ILOVEHER post thumbnail image
Melania. I almost named my daughter after you. Almost. It was my top three.  You represent to me, the ideal woman. I wanted always to be like you. Here I outlined your speech. I saved it for later and savored it again and again.

You are so smart and you speak many languages. I read magazine interviews every time you are on cover.
Hearing DONALD call you MY WIFE. WOW, you are SO LUCKY, he chose you, of all the world. 
Your voice is so sweet, you mention your son BARRON.
The CROWD GOES WILD they love you.
You are proud of our choice. Yes. Its my choice. I choose DONALD for this seat.
You are very grateful. HOWEVER
You are biased and you have good reason.
You know of his love for this country and his patriotism.
You tell your story of SLOVENIA, communist country, your sister INEZ, and your elegant MOM, AMALIA introduced you to fashion and BEAUTY. Your dad installed passion for business and travel. Their intelligence reflects on you.
Your parents told you about working hard in life. From a young age. That work is your bond. You do what you say.
You treat people with respect. They fought and showed you values and morals.
You teach your son morals, that is our job in our nation.
Teach the kids, the ONLY limit to your achievements is your dream and willingness to work.
Your heritage brought you here with a working card. You saw joys and hardships of life here. You worked in MILAN and PARIS. You saw NYC and you lived.
I forgot, to mention, but Melania, you have such a feminine sweet loving voice. 
You became a citizen of the USA and you think its the biggest privilege on EARTH. ( I AGREE, Nothing like it. NOTHING. )
This country offers freedoms taken for granted. You cannot do that. They come with a price so many times.
Sacrifices of our veterans are reminders of this.
You take a moment to recognize, an AMAZING VET, and you honor SENATOR BOB DOLE. ( SO NICE)
YOU Thank all our veterans ( MY GRANDAD was in KOREAN WAR, I thank him now too)
With your heart, you know TRUMP will make a lasting difference. You say this with certainty.
You speak of DONALD TRUMP attitudes. DEEP determination he has. Never give up attitude.
You seen him get projects DONE. You seen him wait YEARS. HE DOES NOT GIVE UP you say.

“If you want someone to fight for you and your country, I assure you, He is the guy. He will never ever give up, he will never let you down.”
“Donald is an amazing leader, now he will go to work for YOU”

“His achievements speak for himself”

His performance in the primaries proves this. He has what it takes to WIN THIS.
He knows how to make our country safe and secure, he is tough when he needs to be and also kind. He is FAIR and caring. It is not always noted.
It is there for all to see. You fell in love with him.
DONALD is intensely LOYAL. To his employees and countries and families, friends.
He has respect for his parents MARY and FRED and his family. His late brother Fred you acknowledge.
His children been mentored, and amazing testament. TO WHO HE IS AS A MAN AND FATHER.
There is a great deal of love in the TRUMP family.
No room for small thinking or Small results. Donald Gets things done.
Our country needs new leadership. 

DO not be satisfied with stagnation.

DONALD WANTS prosperity for ALL Americans.
We need opportunities to challenge the young.
Donalds experience will be good for our kids.
Inclusion rather than DIVISION. THATS HIS SUCCESS.
Donald intends to represent all Americans, such as JEWS CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS…poor, middle class, latinos, blacks, asians, rich etc..He has worked with people of many fates.
Like noone else, you have seen his talent. 
You have seen his resourceful mind. TENACITY. SIMPLE Goodness of the heart. GOD GAVE HIM.
He will do this better than anyone else, and they will not even be close.
People are counting on him. SO many he has touched. 
This campaign is a movement, still gaining in strength and in numbers.
The toughness is now behind us.
Let us come together in a NATIONAL CAMPAIGN like NONE OTHER.
There will be good and bad and unexpected turns. It would not be Trump to be with out excitement. 
This beautiful country that he loves so much.
If you are honored for first lady, you would use it to use people to help in OUR COUNTRY.
CHILDREN and women are your movement. That is your cause. And EDUCATION. You want the best!
It is kindness love and compassion for each other that will keep us together.
I am moved MELANIA.
You say those are values you will bring to the WHITE HOUSE.
Your husband is ready to fight. For our children. They deserve.
GOD BLESS YOU MELANIA, the dress is perfection. I cannot wait to blog about your fashions when you are FIRST LADY! You are perfect!
EAT YOUR HEART OUT WORLD. Melania is here.
HER STORY according to NY TIMES
And this HERE MAN is the plagiarist. He is the phony:

Foreign FOREIGN FOREIGN BARRY All  I know, is he lies. HE JUST LIES. DO not analyze. He JUST HATES!
Why ANALYZE evil? They JUST HATE. For whatever reason, OBAMA hates America. He JUST HATES. 
That is WHY. Obama just hates. He has NO FREE WILL. He does what he is told. NO FREE WILL. Imagine living like that. Just submission. 
No, instead of acknowledging your story, Hillarys people called you a DUMB IMMIGRANT, said you should be DEPORTED and , snicker, that you plagiarized Michael’s 2008 speech. LOL. Because you mentioned your values, where you came from, and your heritage! That is standard opening, for a speech! What defamation and lies. The American people can see crystal clear.
Do not be hurt by the DISHONEST MEDIA. You did not plagiarize. YOU ARE NOT THE PHONY. 

BANISH HILLARY CLINTON TO HER UNDERGROUND LAIR she is too dangerous for FEDERAL PRISON. She may bribe guards with promises of future power. 

HILLARY IS HONEY BADGER, she do not give shit, she takes what she wants! She is a badass.
But I bend over backwards trying to hear Donald Trumps speeches, on my cell phone. I do not do that for anybody else. 
Watch him come in. LEARN FROM HIM PEOPLE. This is how its done, WORLD LEADERS! Take note. Look. COPY.

EW BANISH HIM to his underground lair please, his crisis gold needs to be given back to the countries he stole it from. Or to TRUMP for what he has done against TRUMP. Look at him. He is so gross. 
This guy loves him: see him looking up? 
NO SHOW. LOSER, BANISH HIM,  weirdo, SCAREDY cat. He is waiting to see what the dark lord will do next. If JOHN thinks the DARK LORD is on his side…lol.

Hillary will say WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE when she betrays all the last left, rare people who still trust her. If they do. They must hate her.