Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized My opinion of CROW777 Video SPACE AGENCIES EXIST SO YOU KNOW NOTHING


My opinion of CROW777 Video SPACE AGENCIES EXIST SO YOU KNOW NOTHING post thumbnail image

Our governments give us fraud. There is noone is space. TRUTH is easy to see, but you have to go through a huge change within. THIS IS BIG you can never go back. But its worth it.

Not a proofs video, not for newbies…but for flat earthers I watch CROW. He is not a flat earther. But he is close.

You are looking at fraud.
NASA would have you believe they put a camera on a COMET. right now. The fake photos they put out, CROW goes over. 
They steal your money and give it to the dark side. TO HILLARY CLINTON.  This is where they get billions to spend however. TRICKING you, saying ROCKETS that go into the ocean, anyone can see, and they do not go into space. They just fall back down., that they lie and say go into space, or rocket on top of a rocket.. snicker.. or into the moon, or flying past SATURN you have a NASA wants you to think they put a camera on a comet!.
PEOPLE BUY IT because the MAINSTREAM MEDIA has been pushing it on you since you were a baby. ALL HOLLYWOOD SPACE PROGRAMMING. KIDS CARTOONS you cannot escape it. 20 min watching cable tv you will see a spinning globe COMPUTER GRAPHIC. There is not one photo of the EARTH as a ball. NOT ONE. Its all fake. Provable.
Nasa gives you IMAGES from many data. They call them CGI’S. Its photoshop, but it has to be they admit.
Fraud we are constantly handed from SPACE AGENCIES, so many people coming with open minds challenging what our governments put out to us and steal our money. LIE to us about space planets, heliocentric…abominations. LIES upon lies, inside jokes. 
There is no camera on a comet, as NASA wants you to believe. ISIS is encoded in  ALL THIS COMET NONSENSE. ENCODED is 911 too. GEMATRIA. NUMEROLOGY, if you are into that. 
WHERE ARE ALL The IMAGES and VIDEO of COMETS? Or of the camera on the comet??
Do not worry CHINA is on the moon right now.
Where are the photos and videos?
This is a provable lie, you just need to take the time. 
Head of a comet is a COMA.
Are you in one?
PROVABLE LIE, take the time. 
( I have a subscription to CROW777 PODCAST I think I am yelmprincess in comments section?)
Recent comets we have had CROW points out like ISON.
Nasa made the comet ” art”  the same as an island it was named after. BEFORE it was known what it looked like. Crow woke up everyday. He could not find ISON in his telescope. Was in coordinates?
He was looking everywhere, looking at the markers. He got fed up, approaching naked eye visibility and it never happened either. 
SO CROW says ISON was not there, he tried the hardest. He has the best equipment.
ISON is not where he was told it was. 
He mentions comets how they historically mark significant events. Like in NATIVITY scene. COMET means hair. Tail does look like a tail. 
He shows you old photos of them. Also means to be asleep. 
He is into astronomy. They have a look he says, of historical comets. He can say oh THATS THAT COMET. Like CROW can recognize what comet it was, by the look of the old drawings. 
( LIKE CLOCKWORK COMETS COME, we are not flying away from a big bang that produced monkeys that turned into us)
Head of a comet is called a coma. Major events in history like earthquakes. God is sending us a comet as warning? Or magic? Fill in the blanks. Historically comets are harbingers of dread.
So he is going over the ROSETTA comet. He says NASA landed a camera on it, LOL…and took some photos. 
So he is going over dates and numbers and there are shenanigans.
2004 this mission supposedly took place.  They are named after ISLANDS in EGYPTS with temples of ISIS. ISIS temple is there. 
They name these things not knowing the shape of comets. YET later the photography of the comets, look like what they are named after.  Like islands where ISIS temples are for example. 
OSIRIS is the name of the CAMERA 100 million dollars they scammed us for! ONLY 4 mega pixels!?
Stunning part/ 4 megapixels is this camera. 100 million dollars for camera with 4 mega pixels. THAT IS IT.
 TEN YEARS ago they say that was a great camera?  CROW says no. He discovered KODAK had cameras of  SIX MEGAPIXELS. Already out for  sale! WITH 100 million dollars they bought that 4 mega pixel one? HMMM
They landed on a comet 80,000 mph…ahahah lol. NASA says. THERE IS CAMERA, sitting on a COMET!!!
Is a comet a sign from GOD? WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Harbingers of dread historically. 
ROSETTA COMET, Nasa landed on…discovered 1969 ( numerology). Named after island in egypt linking rome, and main thing being ISIS temple there. ( SHENANIGANS)
They realized the shape of the comet one year…2014. Public renaming of the landing sight of the comet. Flooded these temples, rebuilt a new landing zone. 
OSIRIS camera on the comet…cost 100 million dollars. and only 4 mega pixels! 
We are shown photos of comets with glows around them and tails. Now the comets look like cheese from NASA. 
SO the COMET matches the island that holds the ISIS temple. 
Nothing funny going on here>? Anything? Take a closer look. 
And he thinks the ISIS temple would be where the landing sight of the camera, on the COMET.
You are being FED GARBAGE and if you repeat what you are is all done based on error. 
CROW 777 has no faith in space agencies.
COMETS have comas…you are asleep. This is a lie on magnitude that is unimaginable.
FISH EYE LENSES create the spherical look of GLOBE EARTH

 I am live chatting now see my comment? I was there! WATCHING HISTORY! It feels like he is looking right at me. I swear, WHEN I seen him last night I felt he was looking right at me in the camera! 
Last night I seen another live stream.
He chose others yes. MANY OTHERS, anyone will do. Private dancer dancer for money, and any old music will do…
Meanwhile CNN headline was so lame,,said Trump “looking for black votes”. LAME HEADLINE. DRUDGE WON.
I meant what I said…he really is spot on about alot of things. Makes me wonder if he is a FE er. You can see …you have the THEY LIVE glasses on…everything is out in the open, but noone can see it..but you.. You can never go back,,,,
DAN BINONDI liked a flat earth tweet I did .
I DREW a political cartoon ! I DID I get so excited.
I did with sketchpad took a photo uploaded it to picmonkey and used the free blush tool for shading. DO YOU LIKE? ITS GEORGE SOROS living forever with blood of the young transfusions. This company wants to go public called AMBROSIA..and ALEX did a report on it and so did LEANNE MACADOO.
 I also made a  HARAMBE MEME too! 
( I made this after UNIVERSITY said they were racist !) 
I drew this photo, its a study of an 1834 cartoon. I am learning new techniques.


How is the sun reflecting off the moon !


Pear Shaped he says it is. Earth is pear shaped Neil De Grasse says