Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized MY OPINION ALEX JONES #infowars SHOW 4 / 13/ 2016

MY OPINION ALEX JONES #infowars SHOW 4 / 13/ 2016

MY OPINION ALEX JONES #infowars  SHOW 4 / 13/  2016 post thumbnail image

MY COMMENT BELOW!! on Alex Jones radio show, April 13, 2016
On this Wednesday, April 13 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the uptick in Syrian refugees entering the United States, the unlikelihood of Hillary Clinton going on probation, and Roger Stone’s demand that Trump delegates sign a loyal pledge ahead of the convention. On today’s worldwide broadcast, we talk with Chuck Untersee, director of Behold A Pale Horse: America’s Last Chance, starring country music legend Charlie Daniels, and Kamal Saleem, who was recruited by the Radical Brotherhood at an early age before turning to Christ and establishing the Koome Ministries. We also talk with Stewart Rhodes, the founder and President of Oath Keepers, a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” 

Alex you need your brains, you need a team, you have to listen to everything and take in everything and work out what is truth and what your goal is, and these ideas will give you what you need.

Bernie being an honest communist? No such thing. Nothing honest about death. About theft. ABout making one man a slave to another. NOT HONEST. Its a farce. He is confused. I think mentally ill! He should not be in government. WHERE ARE THE ANTI COMMUNIST police? From the 1950s! Bring them back, what was the attorney general famous for that? Lock BERNIE up, and get him to rat out his commie friends, where they have secret commie meetings.

Viet Name TET, I cannot believe you are talking of this with your guest. I am expert. I studied it, had the time books. I knew vets who told me what happened to them. It was INSANE. Tribalism. You cannot win with tribalism. NEVER. Its about ideas.

They are taking taxpayers money by the billions these Republicans. There are voting laws against this kind of racketeering! THANKS ALEX JONES. Alex wants to sue the NEW WORLD ORDER, I AGREE. Lets sue them I want to see. WHATs THE PENALTY. Lets use free speech on them! The truth! People will reject them. They are not AMERICANS , global elite.

Alex JONES, really? Did you just say we can send ships to the moon? DO YOU STILL THINK WE LANDED ON THE MOON. I love you Alex, let me take your hand so you belive me. I promise, WE DIDNT. PLEASE HEAR ME, noone went or has ever gone to space. Sorry, you have to believe me, NASA I think shot the missile into the pentagon. Thats how evil I believe them to be.

They are luciferian. Twin astro-Nots? WHAT ABOMINATION. So you can fool easier, one is in space, other one on earth. Hey, maybe its just one brother!

They lie so much and they get self esteem from grand master crafty wizard lies and they summon spirits. TOP LEVEL NASA. They photograph themselves praying to Triangles. They do satanic signs when supposedly in space. They take stuffed toy owls in space when they fly up there.

Then you have the NASA ARTISTS, who create fantasy pics, they tell you they are IMAGES. Fake planets, FAKE PROBES in the universe. Hey MIT says they found two black holes having sex.
 ( colliding) The deception is in our universities too.  THEY SAY THEY FOUND WAVES OF GRAVITY… what bs. Strictly BS. This is GOVERNMENT Science. SECRET SOCIETY Space. FOR MASSES. To fool we are on a globe.

 HARVARD TOO! They teach it with gusto, knowing the truth. All of them are in on NASA ADVISORY BOARDS. They are misleading children!

To dumb everyone down so only a small luciferian gang can laugh at is. Same with CHALLENGER crew they are all alive ALEX JONES, took on their twins names. Or some of them didnt care to change them. They are professors. Right now. KRISTA too. Teaching lies. If you took this on, you would stop time, EVERYONE WOULD LISTEN.

 I just heard you talk about how we put men on the moon OY VEY,  LISTEN ALEX, I was listening to you, ALEX JONES back when you were defending Vaccines! You would go up to friends of mine and go OH you are the VACCINE guy, making like it was phoney conspiracy. and way before you were reading Drudge I was reading Drudge. You blew it off as conservative. I was there when you had aha moment. . So I seem to be a little ahead of the curve. Alex Jones, you took a while to see the muslim problem I saw that coming a year before. YOU didnt even ever mention it. When people called in, you didnt even want to bring it up, now you have thoroughly addressed it. I love you.

I want to skyrocket you into power that comes from within when you KNOW SOMETHING NOONE ELSE KNOWS. I KNOW I am head of the curve, Especially with FLAT EARTH. I want you to join me. I think it can make you alot happier and smarter when you know the truth. Dont you want to know why the elite are laughing at us? Because we think we live on a spinning globe!

 Only a first grader would eat that up, if a pretty teacher told them. A high schooler would laugh!

SPINNING WET BALL? Flying planets and stars? All traveling, then why the stars and constellations the same LIKE CLOCKWORK?  WHY ECLIPSES are there, when sun is in view? OY VEY. NASA, you believe thats a photo of SATURN? WHERE are the photos of the earth! DID YOU SEE THE NASA GLOBE EARTH PAINTING that has SEX written in the clouds? Clone Photoshop tool to copy clouds. And repaste them so you can tell its obvious. They incompetent.

 ITS ALL CGI PHOTOSHOP. There are no Mickey Mouse ears on Mercury, Alex. No Rainbow colored moons of Saturn. No PLUTO on PLUTO. DOESNT EXIST. No hexagon on SATURN. TESLA said stars were plasma, look at a telescope. MOONTV is good on CEEDEE youtube channel. The stars and planets and moving plasma like lights. YOU CAN SEE YOURSELF THEY ARE NOT PLACES.

You wont win with globe earth or with globe earth mentality. You cannot go to new earth with old ideas. I am doing this ALEX JONES, to get you to see, to have THE EDGE. I am twisting your wrist here. I am. I am twisting it. WE NEED TO GET TRUMP IN. THIS IS EMERGENCY. Have Leanne Macadoo work with me. I send her stuff! I love her. Or Kit. Can I send stuff to KIT PLEASE… or ROB DEW HE IS SO BEAUTIFUL.

I cannot prove it to you. You need to do it yourself . I have learned. ..and it s about 100-300 hours to prove it. SHIPS OVER HORIZON, SATELLITES, COMMON SENSE, SOLAR MODEL, OCEAN MODELS, GRAVITY, ECLIPSES, The moon and sun equality, ANTARCTICA ICE WALL. ICE WALL keeping oceans in, or FLIGHTS, how they fly flat. HOW CANALS ARE BUILT FLAT. HOW THE HORIZON ALWAYS IS EYE LEVEL, no matter how high. LET ME SHOW YOU NASA FISH EYE LENSES scam. You know what a fish eye lense is right? Have you seen NASA’s space cam of the dark side of the moon. You believe that crap? Its a painting. Look into and cross reference and pick the one that makes PERFECT SENSE. EARTH HAS NEVER MOVED BENEATH OUR FEET. Think. We are supposed to be spinning 1000 mphs? Yet when you shoot cannon ball, it comes back in hole, not 8 miles away. Please Alex. Do 1 hour a day of flat earth research. You will thank me. Look up the hits. YOU CAN GET THOSE HITS FOR YOURSELF. Look at the persecution online. Help us at least get the word out so people can all wake up and wake up each other. Its not overnight. TOOK ME A YEAR. I can prove it to you. In time. I cannot wait until you take this on. Its coming.

 Political Persecution going around. Dsouza was arrested. Yes. YES! STEWART RHODES whats the plan! They are taking our votes , taking everything, and selling us to the UNITED NATIONS, KING DESPOT crowned this election. Manipulation, its lies. We are the most important party, its our money. Its our land. We live here, this is a few men, who want a goal of one world domination, that is not the dream of the AMERICAN PEOPLE, to be made the same, as everyone else. We are better. We respect the individual. We respect private property.

Rockefellers are the enemy, reject them. Rothschilds too. SOROS. I love that kid talking about the film. Stewart is OATH KEEPERS I see OATH KEEPERS bumper stickers everywhere, they are MASSIVE HUH.

Your guest who used to be a jihadist, telling us whats going to happen, blew me away ALEX, he was recruited. SWORD Of ALLAH. MMM sounds nasty. Doesnt sound like freedom. I cannot wear pink. I have to pray to god I can keep my children, I dont have to drown them for “HONOR” if my husband wants to rape them. No. NOPE! Wake up call. This is a global wake up call. ( GLOBAL LOL) Thats what your guest says.  SIGH Its true. HE CLOSED WITH SAYING HE WOULD SERVE YOU. wow I WOULD SERVE YOU TOO ALEX.

I believe if Roger Stone and Trump get shafted, we shaft them. If they hurt him we bring on the free speech about these individuals in power, these GLOBALISTS. Lets tell the truth about them! Sun worshippers. BAAL worshippers.  HELIOCENTRISTS!

SUN SPOT,  ALEX. see the sun is CLOSE, it is not 93 million miles away.  LOOK AT THAT SUN SPOT! Why, Alex, is Polaris, the same place every single night? You ask, whats the motive? NASA just bought a 290 million SPACE TENT. Who knows what other crimes they are doing. Isnt it wise to double check ALEX JONES< this could be the story of the century. That is just ONE MOTIVE, there are so many, I cannot get into them here. But the door is here for you, I want you to at least listen.
Its close to us. Same as moon, they are equal. Moon is lesser light. Moon light is not the reflected sun. Look at the waxing and waning moons when the sun is in view. The moon has its own blue hue cool light. Its the same face. It never changes for all eternity. The moon is not what we think.


I leave you with OBAMA and flat earth references

There are flat earth members of congress.!
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ALEX JONES. I love you. I want to serve you. Knowing this, will not hurt. It will make you see crystal clear, the evil and you see pretty clearly!!
I also suggest you drink raw juices too, like a good one, is half head celery, half head kale and two cucumbers. You need that in you. Chlorophyll is close to our blood! Also fresh coconut water! 
BEHOLD A PALE HORSE I had that book Alex. Reminds of WILLIAM COOPER right
The collective voice of patriots need to speak up. We have a scary elite Alex I agree. I love this author. It astounds me too. SO MANY TRAITORS in our midst! I agree. I am loyal to AMERICA and AMERICA first, not United Nations and the new religion BAAL WORSHIP. They sell globalism, its not  GLOBE !! I get angry when you say it and when you have flying ball behind you too . You are too smart!  Providence and God is on your side. I am looking for a weapon. I want to buy it. I will go see the movie. I will. I promise. This will go national for this movie, it has to do good in HOUSTON. I am a little far. I want to go. Maybe I buy ticket online? JUST TO SUPPORT?
We need weapons against weird accented globalists, senior citizen vampires. Prey on the world, wow they get a head trip.
The terrorists attacks which will be launched in the United States will be blamed upon middle eastern religious fanatics, Christian fundamentalists, white supremacists, Patriots, or Militias. A more immediate result of these operations will be the increased use of military forces, weaponry, and equipment such as tanks and armored personnel carriers in civilian law enforcement, the suspension or elimination of Habeas Corpus, the elimination of jury trials, the attempted disarming of the American People, and the institution of martial law with show-trials conducted by a tribunal of judges. – William Cooper 1997 (RIP

REVELATION THE MOVIE, I will go. I am supporting liberty. I am paying for freedom. I will pay Trump if he would take my money.  Capitalism, will prevail.

ALEX you can start with NASA LIES, Did you know NASA employees came out last year and said they been spraying lithium on the people for a long long time.  Or what about when George Bush Sr was rolled in on wheelchair and they left a green screen gridded screen up where astronaut Tim Peake was supposed to be in space doing ZERO G space tricks. Later Nasa liars came up with a good excuse, but I need you to hear what they said. And look. NASA DOES LIE. You can introduce Flat Earth like that. Slowly.  Even to yourself. I am asking you please just for now, go on this adventure,

You will learn stuff, cartography. About GPS about the SOUTH POLE, There is so much beauty. You will see the moon and sun like our ancestors did. THE LION AND UNICORN, Moon and sun equality. But there is a big question. Who made all this?  SO much stuff I want to go over with you. My mind is racing. But I leave you now with these short words.

Soon the KING DESPOT of the world, will be crowned of the UNITED NATIONS. Alex the time is now.

WHAT IS YOUR MISSION ALEX JONES? To overthrow the GLOBE-alists. How do you do that ? FLAT EARTH. This will get the worlds attention and all evil will be rejected and we can get Trump in.

You may say Oh I am too busy to look up flat earth, but these globalists been planning this for 100 years. They meet in secret about this. We do not have that choice to meet with patriots for 100 years. THEY want to crown their king despot of the World ! Its the UNITED NATIONS. They are going to fail .

 We can do it. Trump can liberate the worlds gold from the evil elite. Mountains of it. YES, how is that for an incentive!  To help get him in, we need nations! Our country has been infiltrated, Its up to us.

I ask all you evil people out there, come clean, gather information and rat out your bosses if you have to. Hide in their midst and report to the world their secret doings. Do not be a coward. Be a manly man. Post photos, videos online. Name names. Tell your story. Point fingers. Tell everyone.

Hey they took a moon car up there, did some rituals, collected samples two days, played golf on the moon etc…and then that turned into a boat.