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My Notes for THEY MUST BE STOPPED Islam Facism,

My Notes for THEY MUST BE STOPPED Islam Facism, post thumbnail image
I loved this audiobook on audible. Here are my notes, for just a few chapters. Its a really good read. I took notes to remember the ideas. They were very good ones. 
“Explosives in baby bottles these radical islam people put inside. They do this to get past security and to blow up targets of Christians or Jews.”
Attacks of civilians, and the COST.  Immeasurable work its expensive to monitor. Very expensive this work is. Time Consuming always too.
Inspired by the prophet Mohammed, Islam is. There is a Declaration of war, they have allegiance only to this religion. They have a ruthless brutal disregard of all local rules. Only Sharia Law.
All civilians, who do not believe in Mohammed, are the enemy. 
Even moderate muslims respect the jihadists passion. The mosques absorb muslims to take up the jihad. Mohammed worldwide conquest, they view this in decades, they are willing to fight it slowly. Internet is terrorist training camp for them. Contemptuous they are, of even mild muslims. 
Radicals, for them this is their right and it is their duty: to lie to the enemy as written in the Koran. Doctors mothers lawyers train for decades and live among the enemy, just to turn and kill and be killed themselve as martyrs. 
Islam facism, it is authoritarian.
Rule of strict sharia law, is only law they respect. Even a moderate group of Radicals were asked and they all raised their hands. Destablization of economies and governments is how they do their conquest. They delight in the devastation, in the name of Allah.
Civilized world has witnessed many times these Jihadists onslaught. Islamic radicals will put their own children in cars, and use the children as props. They really do this. Mother’s blessing.
Radical muslims exploit the liberties America gives them, to take them away, not to enjoy them. They invoke religious freedoms, to distract you from their crimes, to protect them. Clerics in their schools are all an extremist organization.
Radical Islam says no government should exist unless its sharia law one, even if those governments are muslims. They will kill their own.
They harbor resentment of the wests superiority, to their squalor.
Neo-jihadist declarations of war target western art and culture, which is bankrupt and morally corrupt to them
Islamic law governs all matters to them. Even how they wash. How they dress. How they think. Its 5 times a day everything has to stop for prayer.
Purity and perfection, they are into,  that is their mission to restore islam to its purity.
Global conquest and subjugation of all its infidels are their tradtions!
Moderate islam is secondary to the danger of radical islam. A totalitarian ideology is its vision for global conquest. They have a deadly utopian fantasy like communism. This will assure us only of death. Death to infidels they preach to transform mobs into hateful advocates of murder. There are children living, who grow up in this, watching this, from their leaders and families. Those muslims who kill the most are revered the most.
100’s of thousands of muslims, descended on muslims, decapitating teachers in front of students. Just for not being pure enough. There are uncounted women’s souls who have been slaughtered or mutilated for exposing their hair. They brutally rape women, then gut them. This is seen in photos of white genocide in South Africa and Australia, where it is kept hidden.
Radical Islam Jihadists are motivated by rage and hatred So PROFOUND! They terrorize the Afghan community, and try recruiting holy warriors from all over the world. They do very public executions and tortures. People ask, ” What do we do so they do not kill us?” We cannot grant them any concessions, because thats always, how it starts.
They will infiltrate media as mouthpieces and infiltrate schools to indoctrinate. So, why should we believe them, they understands their enemy well, They understand our quest for reason and appeasement. They can and do exploit us without reason. Radical Islam will not stop hungering for our blood.
Peace we give them, is repaid by war, history teaches us . Radical Islam is waging jihad against us all. They have had astonishing success in the west. Soon, each and every one of us has been summoned to witness, the forces of chaos and civilization collide. We must stand against them. 
Act for america is organization that teaches how to defend against this real threat. We are ringing alarm bells. We must stop tide of islamic facism. We have to understand who this enemy is and how they exploit.  We have to educate and inform everyone against this enemy, enough with political correctness. We have to demand that government protect us from this scourge.
Islamic facism will be rightly judged correctly if we just look at it closely. And we must insist our governments use armed forces to protect us. 
Islam 101, growing up in Lebanon, she saw what west and east were all about. She knew the trends in the west, who was famous on tv. It was loaded with USAchannels, yet lack of info coming from that side. There was lots of misundertstanding of foriegn media. It was very censored, so her mystery continued. Most of her childhood friends she lost in wars with them.
Westerners do not understand Islam and how it is a political ideology. Not a Religion. Its about governing, everything. The judeo christian faith is all about love tolerance forgiveness. Yet, islam represents hatred murder, ” subjugation of infidels”. ( Slavery? Rape it sounds like invitation. It may make good men, evil.)
Ayatollah Komeni when he was around, there was so many hijacking and murders so many of them, the planes hostages, bombs! Almost every airport had an xray machine. The countries failed to connect the dots. The perpetrators had something in common, they were muslims and the victimes always Westerners, Christians and Jews.
In the 9/ 11 explosions, there were  4 airplanes gone. It was Homage to allah. They, Americans, would kill Americans and anyone who stands against the tenets of their ancient religion. They destroy to make a statement, they make statement of intolerance, bigotry around the world.
Radical Islam has demonstrated they were able to take on anyone, even the most powerful nation. They want to be the masters of all humanity. What is the truth about islam? Explanation, muslims say its racism. Movies like, “Not without my daughter”. Is this true or lies? Do all these films paint muslims as bomb throwers and wife beaters? Lets test this. the actual statements found in the koran all say yes. All muslims are wife beaters and bomb throwers. They are seen as heroes, straight to Allah.
This not so hidden agenda poses a threat to us all. There is a declaration of jihad all over the world, we need to be aware of.
Islam facism or islam nazism. What is driving the terrorists? God given right they feel, the past of islam.
Before Islam, Arabia was all polytheists.There were many gods, rituals, sacrifices. Their gods embodied in trees and in rocks. Arabia built strong holds, Medea lay in oases in Mecca and was very prosperous. Its location halfway was along the westcoast. There were traveling nomads, and the merchants prospered. Mecca had an attraction. In addition a black stone enshrined in the kabba, where arabs worshipped many years. Kabba is example how islam appropriated ancient pagan religions. It is a GIANT CUBE they circle.
570 ad Mohammed born, at age 40 he recieved revelations. In the koran, there was an explosion one night and he was visited by the angel gabriel who demanded him to recite. ( Sounds like JOSEPH SMITH, CORRECT?) 
The Koran they think is the only book correctly written by god and anything else is tainted. KORAN is the final revelation. That is the Islamic doctrine. Islam they believe is superior to all religions. No man made laws or negotiations that contradict would be respected, to them. Sharia Law should be the governing code of conduct. They say there is only one god, and he is self sufficient, all knowing, all powerful. He is the creator of all that is and all that will be. Noah Abraham Jesus are in the third doctrine. Says also that god created angels good and evil. Koran, not the bible, is gods final  message to the people. They believe. They also have a final judgment day, where evil will descend into hell while the good will ascend into heaven. ( Sounds like Christianity)
Profession of faith is the Iman, that also is the belief in oneness of god..To them, god is the greatest there and Mohameed is the greatest they have to know. Only those two. They have by the seconds, regularly scheduled prayers that take place five times during the day. Radicals do this alone or in congregation, they face Mecca. Some alarms are set at dawn. Sunset nightfall, etc, you must submit to allah in every moment. And then, daily prayers are very important. The follower is expected to do this five times daily, away from any distractions. In arabic only, because that is the perfect language to them, that is unchangeable.  All they have belongs to allah, entrusted to them.  
Trip to mecca on the twelve month to the kabba demonstrates the muslims final act of submission to allah. They go and they kiss and dress in white and kiss the kabba. This is one of the five duties of every islamic man. By the koran, that is the exact words from god, its divine foundation. It is written in 114 chapters or soras. They are guides ethical regulations wise sayings for every aspect of daily life. not one word been changed. The hadid book is their spiritual nourishment. The hadith are all the written records passed down muslim to muslims. Their record of what he, Mohammed,  is supposed to have said and done. Then also, the sharia which is arabic word for way. Sharia is to guide the believers. It is an obligatory set of rules, set out by god to be followed and obeyed. It covers rules governing marriage food hygeine criminal commerical law. It is meant to help people, to live and maintain a harmonious society. They have fasting and daily prayers. They have this in common with Christianity. But the Radicals call to kill other people of other faiths, this what makes it different. This call for death of millions. Clerics everywhere reciting verses from the koran to call for death of everyone.
We must come to understand islam as political ideology not a religion. Islam is central to lives of muslims. Loyalty revolves around their religion, even in same community and nationality, its not a religion and it is not national identity.
Radical Palestianians will feel closer to Radical Albanians, more than anyone else around them. They feel they have a divinely common past and a destiny of being superior beings. Radicals believe allah is true sovereign. That God gave him political authority to rule over all. Allah as their one true god, no matter what nation, what seat, wholly and completely even to military. It is as one religion politics, as ONE basis of Radical loyalites. 
There are two groups, the house of islam and then the infidels, the house of war, infidels. Infidels are those who do not believe in Islam. They say, all people one day will submit to islam. It does not recognize treaties or borders. Any act of war, is morally and legally justified with no judgment, that is the driving force of radical muslims. These are 7th century practices. FIght the OTHERS, until all opposition ends. Radical Islamists are commanded to raise Jihad until victory! JIHAD is a communal religious duty, they informs its followers always, that a holy war is being fought.
Radicals, also AKA they were called MOORS, TURKS, TARTARS.
Islam is not an ethnic group, they call it religion. But its not. Referred to mohammedism, but its not a religion. Mosques are not muslims churches. they teach political agendas, they preach hatred and killing in the name of Allah and they are where militants hide and talk about war. All muslims are told to subjugate until islam rules the world. 
All of these leaders will stand as one when allah akbar call is made.
To them, justice is the opposite of tyranny. They expect the return of islamic caliphate throughout the world, free of western culture. They see all Christians and Jews, apart from Allah, so they slaughtered cultures and made slaves and took their land and houses.
People who kill for ALLAH are told God killed them, you didnt.
Three thousand meccans attacked the mohammed army. They felt the loss was theirs to blame, because somehow, they lost allahs favors. Mohammed told them it was because they were enjoying looting and booty of war too much and not doing this for allah. 
 Allah has blessed saudi arabia with wealth, they believe. They show this as islamic kingdom. Mohammed traveled to Mecca and made camp. The locals seen Mohammed as a non aggresive and he was viewed kindly, but this was his strategy. He signed peace treaties and made peace, until two years later they trained themselves secretly and then attacked and took over. They attacked tortured plundered enslaved their own people. Jizya was a tax they demanded of their new citizens. Radicals can break contracts with anyone else, They are allowed. Jizya was paid, the infidels were allowed to live because they paid this.
House of War is land that is not conquested, or taken. They convert or be killed. That is eventually the obligation, of all muslims.
Conquest of mecca by 630 two years after signing their peace treaty too. He destroyed all the idols, and declared MECCA as the holy city. Mohammed with revelations from angel Gabriel led his followers, to rape pillage and slaughter and destroy all “idolaters” there. They destroyed art and history. Pay the jizya tax, infidel,  and you keep your life. Conquered many lands including Babylonia Armenia Persia Syria Tunisia Algeria Morocco, the Iberian peninsula, and Europe and Portugal. India and Central China. Islam is a political totalitation ideology. Back then, it covered more of the earth with the Roman Empire.
They have to wear disntinctly clothing. Yellow badge for Original nationalists was created by the muslims, not the nazis. They did so much bad, there were devastating tragedies, that they created. Many mosques are built on top of Pirateish temples and christian churches.
Then, the CRUSADES were to take the lands back to Christ. The Industrial revolution gave Christianity the tools to fight Islam. The scientific revolution and a military advantage. Protection tax the Christians stopped paying. Napoloean marched into Islam and they surrendered. France British invaded Algeria Egypt Libya, etc.
The west had gotten the land back and declared victory over 400 years of Islamic terror. 270 million people the muslims have murdered. Suffering the defeat, they felt allah was not in their favor. Christianity, how could they, perfect,  be defeated by the IMperfect religion. They were the true path. Radicals lost their power because Allah is pissed they believe. They are waiting for this world conquest but it is going to be painstaking slow. The Radicals today are using the oil wealth, and the same things that the Europeans used to combat them once long ago.
The history of the treaties the Radicals have signed, they are sanctioned and blessed by prophet to BREAK! Peace Treaties are not honored by them. Islamic Principles bully by using political correctness. Islam is rising up to avenge its ancient glory. Islam rules by the sword. The state, and all other religions are suppressed. Islamic facism ideals have escalated. The fear of communism is replaced, when everyday, the media bring evidence against these muslims.
10 thousand terrorist attacks by men and women who believe this self sacrifice, is more important than LIFE ITSELF. They suicide themselves. The dream that Iran reignited to establish a caliphate around the world. Moderate Radicals because fervent and indoctrinated by Radical Islamists into this new facism. They want to establish a global muslim state who has the cultural mindset that committing political atrocities in the name of allah is heroic.
Komeni committed atrocities on a daily basis in private, until the iranian crisis hit. More people AYATOLLAH butchered than the Shah had in his 25 year reign. America betrayed its ally RUSSIA for the SHAH. America today is calling for democracy in middle east which is noble idea. Slowly, Saudis royals are becoming lesser evils, to the evils of islamic radicals. Komeni incorporated sharia law in Iran. He was a dictator as world superpower. Men and women had no rights. They sacrificed children in mine fields, clearing mine fields. They had students used as shields, or with bombs strapped to their bodies.
Iranians world had spiraled into hell. Komenis government attracted like minded muslims from around the world to focus on the west as a target.
Islamic radicals in iran held 52 americans hostage. This cost Carter the re-election. ThenBirth of al quaeda and hezbollah. There was ” black september” in munich olympic village, Radicals made their way to the israeli wrestling team room and murdered 11, then demanded the release of arab terrorists from jails in Israel. Then followed Islamic Mayhem. Terrorist attacks are too numerous to name. The list is too big.
Because They Hate book Brigitte wrote, describes them all. So many worldwide terrorist attacks. Like in 2001 on 9/11, 3 thousand died. 21 dead in Sygnagouge. Bomb outside american consulates. Boat crashes, nightclub bombing killing 200 mostly australian citizens, hotel bombings, killing 16, 130 Jews in one day, constables stabbed to death and other police. Manchester ricin attack attempt. Then some suicide bombers, 4 bombs, targeting Original nationalists and christians. Next month, suicide car bomb kills 20 injures 100. Bombs in houses 17 killed. Turkey 25 killed in church. Truck Bombs at embassies. Ten bombs on four trains in Spain killing 191. Saudi Oil company bomb, killing 22. Executed Americans in public. Blown up airplanes. Embezzling. 33 storm a school and take 4 thousand students and produce over 300 dead children. Car bomb in Indonesia. Terrorists enter and kill everyone, so many places, so many times. 52, injuring many more. Three suicide bombs in Bali. Three American Hotels in Jordan bombs. Two Bombers blew themselves up at police celebration. The groups all take responsibility. Planned terrorist attacks foiled in Toronto Subway. Group accepted delivery of explosive materials. Canadian Radicals. Denmark HONOR KILLINGS, 9 convictions, 50 reports of honor relating crimes. That means killing your children for honor. 24 muslims plotted to blow up ten planes, they were caught. 2007 there were suicide bombers in Algiers wounding 100s, killing 35. April 8 people died when suicide bomber walked somewhere. The bridge in Tigris river was bombed. Car bombs are in two vehicles the car bombs did not detonate per cell phone. Airport bomb, cars with bombs who crash into targets. You name it.
They will use any tool to get weapons. “We know no values than total submission to the mighty allah”. Komeni used to preach, he taught to , ” Confuse our enemies and do not remain truthful. The almighty allah taught us how to kill, without this skill, man would have been wiped out by the beasts.” He used to preach.
World disaster is what will bring in this jihad then all will live peacefully. We in the west think this is madness and that they do not ” really” believe this. Oh yes, they believe, they are assured paradise and 72 virgins.
Purists drink their islam straight.  “Incapaciate them and cut off their fingers and toes”. Says in the Koran. Mohammed they consider the perfect man. They truly believe the koran their holy book. They do not have to make up their motivation, it is written in it black and white.
We are fighting the muslims who drink their islam straight. Islam says all other religions are inferior. Beheadings with those begging for their life were all over the tv in the 1980’s, but we refused to believe.  Many think Radical Islam is hijacked ISLAM. It is ISLAM.
Many think all this is over America’s presence in their countries. It is someone else’s fault. Its not theirs. Our leaders fall over themselves trying to convince us like BUSH who says, ”  I believe ISLAM preaches peace.” Our nation will be well served in learning about this.
“Bind them, make them captives through your generosity. You are commanded to carry out jihad until they submit to islam.”
What is tolerant about this idea?
“Fight and kill the disbelievers, take them captive, ambush them, using every strategy of war Fight them until there is no more fight in them”.
Why are not Radicals apologizing. They are silent. They are terrified! Most muslims are moderates and will not carry out suicide missions, they think the radicals will not affect them. Only remember what the Taliban did to Afghanistan! 
Most Germans were moderate, but that didnt stop the Nazis and costing the world. Most Russians are peaceful, yet the Russian Communists killed so many tens of millions. Same with CHINESE, most Chinese are peaceful. Yet, but that doesnt stop the Chinese Communists from killing 70 million.
Islamic Moderates and radicals always win debates, they win, because they back their statements from facts from the holy book.
Its like fighting terminal cancer. Your healthy cells become irrelevant! 
Moderate Radicals are afraid, they are irrelevant in the fight against Radical Islam. Radical Islamists are willing to commit martydom they dress and even get degrees like professional doctors, or surgeons, ten were caught plotting to kill for Allah. These are physicians part of the death martydom cult. After decade of school. Thats dedication.
Promises written in a book, makes these people, so impassioned about their faith, they are willing to die, to make this religion supreme and get awards after they sacrifice their life. For those who believe, there will be gardens and the fulfillments of all desires. Says koran. No more aching of your head. It says. There will be females with big eyes as  reward for the deeds. But only after one dies in jihad mission.
Schmoozing with terrorists, a book, about a guy who interviewed Terrorists, he says they became bombers, not for political reasons, but the goal was not the killing, but to reach ALLAH. Special Statures in the other worlds, they believe. They do not care about ISRAEL or the WEST. They want to reach ALLAH. 
They advertise these views online everywhere and willing to sit with reporters and share their thoughts to see the West understands what they want. The Public Relations Departments are very savvy in using the media. PR campaign with mission statements and publicity machine high tech is successful. Islamic Nation Victories are achieved in the past 26 years against the most successful cultures. Triumph is in the air. Since the rise of Ottoman Empire. Victory serves to highlight the weaknesses of the enemy. Victory is the motivation to lay waste and plunder the land of the infidel.
No form of surveillance can stop them. Billions of dollars worth has not stopped them. USA marketing is ignoring them. Information revolution. The book of allah is a faith deeper than all the lies of the western propganada machine, to them.
Western Strength we cannot use, for they use the same against us, they manipulate us. No, we cannot influence them, they have the fire. They do not doubt their ability to demolish all obstacles. 
Brigitte Garbiel spends hours monitoring radical forums, she finds no matter where, it is all same rhetoric, only difference is the dialect. Authentic straight islam and is to be single minded, in the jihad mission, to fight the infidels, was the same in all of them. The koran, is what drives these passionate followers, including are the promises mohammed, how will the caliphate be brought back, etc. Only a matter of time, they say. They are repulsed by Western sex drugs nudity and especially by womens freedom and independance. That is Abhorrent in their view. Women given such freedom to undermine their gods will. Womens’ rights they blame so they can initiate divorce and break the family. Women need to be beaten. They believe. Its ok. Its not a crime. 
The Radicals believe western women who wear shorts, are bathed for sin. Friendly women say, but since the Radicals lived among us, didnt they see how nice we were, how we were not corrupt. ” You are the example of what they hate, I can see your eyes arms neck face and hair and your cleavage. You are the image of what they hate, independant women, undermining Allahs will, who can provide for her family who can drive and get a job. You prove you have a brain, and flaunt this female freedom you have. This female independance is one of the muslims worst sins!”
The leaders all urge the faithful to fight, they tell them, if there are 100 muslims, they will slaughter 1000. That is a KORAN QUOTE. Also, “Fight the unbelievers and let them find harshness in you.” or “Fight until they submit. Allah will grant you victory.”  Suicide Bombings provide a win win salvation, and gurantee the pleasures of paradise and finanical security of his family, to be memorialized as a valourous fighter for allah. Selfless sacrifice is suitable acceptable course of action to their culture.
The White House insists that it is a religion of peace, that its not the religion that is corrupt, but just the individuals. We are committing cultural suicide by not looking at this.
Sep 11, 2001 was written, ” The suicide bombers of today are the most honorable persons among us, or they say, the Highest embodiment”. They openly said this.  They were throwing candy in the streets when 9/ 11 happened. In 2001, in Jerusalem this man prayed “MAY THE FIRE OF ALLAH BURN DOWN THE USA. May ALLAH infect the USA with EARTHQUAKES”. Violence is always in the mosque. It is the real center for the society of Islam. They meet for prayer, 5 times a day. All important matters are transacted and they gather on important occasions. They are educational centers too. Their cultural center, speaks violence and all allow it.
They are not just trying to get back what the JEWS took, what they are living on, a sliver of what was originally theirs, and they think the USA , that they are mad at USA for protecting them. Thats not why they are pissed. The Radical Islamist abhors the sin of Radicals’ failures to slaughter. This Call to hatred and Jihad should send shivers down our spines.They are using our freedoms to end our culture and democracy. Why are they free to do and say whatever they want? And we cannot? They even attempted to assasinate the POPE. Bombings, going after tourists, all over the world, too numerous to mention.
Islam is determined to destroy us. They reject and destroy the ousiders. They eye the infidel west as waiting to be consumed. Can we match their passion? There is a believer and there is an infidel. That is it to them. That is all man. Radical or EVIL. They do not care about living, but thirst for martyrdom. How can such people who strive for death be allowed? I think we have named our enemy. Religious war is what we are facing. They are declaring it.
George Bush takes pains that this is not religious. Blames the evil doers, than being devout muslims. Candidly speaking about ISLAM, in a bad way, can be hazardous to ones health. Reluctance to name the enemy, astonishes them. They do not conceal their intention. We are cowardly in their eyes. Open invitations for attacks, this creates. We do not want to offend the offenders. To Oppose our enemy. No.
I hereby claim the right to name our enemy: Radical ISLAM. Put the dangerous genie back in its bottle. Its a dangerous element in the political landscape. We have to brace ourselves. Purist form of what Mohammed created. Islam has not been peacefulized, by moderate norms. They have traded their swords for Assault weapons.  Mohammeds Original Islam is the enemy. It is a threat to our way of life. It will not be solved once we pull out of IRAQ.
 A very Detailed DOCUMENT was found by SWISS ARMY. 
There was found a MUSLIM 100 year plan to establish a one world domination plan. THE PROJECT it was known as. Written by Radical Brotherhood and explained their Collective Goal. They are the oldest terrorist group. They want to bring in SHARIA LAW.  The plan is very cerebral. It relies on much patience. 
Unsuspectingly they want all muslims to embrace this. To create violence. To Accept Jihad. To put in monitoring systems in the USA, to create think tanks and get into publishing to legitimize them and document their history. Comprehensive Plan this was. Building Schools, Hospitals, Charities. In Institutions, politics and judges, and labor unions, in government. Converting institutions and turning them muslims later. Avoiding conflict in all levels. Alliances with Similar goals. Inflaming violence and keeping those who moved here in JIHAD state of mind. Making Palestine an issue, to create Islamic State for Global Domination. Incite hatred against Radicals for Jews. Jihad terror cells to create. Collecting funds to perpetuate JIHAD around the world.
Non Radical parents are invited to Radical houses and told to ask them to convert. This is the plan. To encourage conversions. To get them to believe its a peaceful religion. Lying is bad and honesty is good. Is our culture. So when we hear muslim talking heads. 
Americans BELIEVE them. They have not been hijacked by radicals. THEY ARE THE RADICALS LYING. We fall for it. We believe in truth and honesty. Its our weakness.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, said SHARIA LAW in England is unavoidable. That is how successful they have been. FBI even invites CAIR to speak for them. And to hire them! Radical foot washing benches are installed in the USA for them. Westerners are being taken for a ride. Caving to cultural islam. Too many examples to describe.
Radical Brotherhood want the muslims to unite, keeping Radicals in the west living in a jihadist frame of mind. There is a propaganda plan for this.  Look for clues. There is a North America Plan, the American Brotherhood Branch of Radical Brotherhood charts the groundwork for an Islamic Government in the west, for North America. It is a Radicals DESTINY until the final hour comes. Cultural Jihad. American Corporations are getting bombarded with muslim demands, girls only gym hours for example. Charitable Organizations as well. Hajib wearers in all the commericals. 
There are schools that train children to be suicide bombers, that get this money from Hamas.The muslim brotherhood has a goal, wants a Pan Islamic State. Jihad doesnt need to dominate by the sword, but will change the US Constitution. It can be fought with the pen and tongue too. It is an INSURGENCY. 
Islam flourishes behind bars. Its on the march behind bars, for criminals inside and out to do their dirty work. Pedos Rapists Murderers remain vulnerable to religious extremists. Recruitment for suicide missions in the USA are happening in prison with african americans primarily.
 These do not fit the usual profiles. Mohammed disliked the blacks tremendously and referred to them in the Koran as RAISINHEADS.Black Slave Trade is still surviving today in the SUDAN. Barn Animals they see blacks as. They are forced to covert to Islam or die.
Islam appeals to the mentality of the aggressor. In Prison this is why conversion is successful. Allah created women to be the property of men. And if she is disobedient you can beat her. Thats their law. So in prison, this appeals to those who are domestic violence abusers. Suddenly the rapist is good in the eyes of islam, and thats his deepest desire, is rape. Islam says ok! 
Smite the unbelievers on their necks, cut off their heads and their fingers…says the koran. Murder them, cut off hands, feet, their doom will be dreadful, suffering constantly. Koran says. They kill unpersecuted. Child Molesters are the boss. Serial Killers in Prison, suddenly, are GOOD in the eyes of Mohammed. Killing is ok.
Mohammed married a 6 year old girl. In the eyes of the West, he is criminal, but all of a sudden, the sex offender in prison, his desires are legitimized in the eyes of Mohammed. He is good, accepted! They appeal to those in the dark side. That is why conversion in prison is so successful. 
Hamas has cells all over the world.  Infiltrated in many cities. The financial paper trail has been discovered too. IRS complaint judicial watch said, all the American Islamic Organizations serve as fronts for terrorists. That report says all these groups are tied in with terrorists. All the friendly muslim american groups. 
Islam will obliterate Israel, they threaten, and the Jewish People. Hamas is a problem on American Soil as well. They partner with all the ORGANIZATIONS that serve as fronts for their bank accounts. They thrive in Islamic Communities.
Enemies have been scheming for a long time. They take advantage of unfolding events. 

Clinton News Network  ( CNN) LIES!

They call him Hitler. LOL. Because, Hitler wore a tie too.

There is the book again. You must get it I only highlighted ideas from a few chapters. You will not believe whats next. Her voice is so powerful, and so fast, and so emotional and righteous. I love her.