Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized My Favorite ALEX JONES quotes from 6/15/16 SHOW

My Favorite ALEX JONES quotes from 6/15/16 SHOW

My Favorite ALEX JONES quotes from 6/15/16 SHOW post thumbnail image
“Get ready, and then, they will blame John Wayne.”– Alex Jones quote 6/15

When the government calls off the sheep dogs, its a false flag– Alex Jones Quote

“Obama is really showing who he is.” Alex Jones Quote

Germany arresting people handing out flyers, or posting on a facebook account, criticizing the refugees – Alex Jones 6/15

Hillary gets 20 million Dollars Donation from the Saudis – Alex Jones 6/15

Sharia law is the strategic goal of the globalists! Alex Jones 6/15

“Obama is cooking up something BIG!” 
Alex Jones Quote

” THE TRAITOR is the PLAGUE”- Alex Jones

Alex Jones Quotes
” They are hiring FOXES to guard hen houses!”

Hillary Clinton is Cold, Calculating and Self Servicing– Alex Jones quote 6 /15

“We are in so much trouble!” Alex Jones Quote 6/ 15

We are a bastion of freedom compared to most places
Yet, we are falling, a broken nation we are, like a prostitute
beaten by her pimp, He sells her off for 500$ for a snuff film.
Alex Jones Quote 6 / 15

Alex Jones Quote 6 /15

“Defend free speech, they will not even give Roger Stone the permits, to speak in Cleveland. this is bad. This is the same formula they rolled out in Europe. “

“They Love the death of logic!” 
Alex Jones Quote
“Nations ( usually) cannot survive Treason from within”

General Petraeus with Chariots of fire Rob Dew chasing him, its a VERY GOOD QUESTION! Watch the whole thing.

I loved this. I need him in the Tangy Tangerine suit! 

Alex Jones your guest HANEY, he used some globe earth programming, in his comparisons on Isis and talking about the muslims. I just want you to be aware of this, as it happens. I notice this lately on all the radio shows.  He used the magic words, properties of “gravity”. Spoke its like the planet sphere etc..all in his short speech. Then he goes on to talk about the properties of water, which in fact, prove flat earth not the globe.

Maybe its just me, but I see this stuff on all the radio shows. A Guest will come on, talking about something and then BAM you get globe earth programming. Its snuck in. I hear this, almost every other day. Its all over the TV too. EARTH IS FLAT ALEX, I promise! Do not keep this truth from people. LOVE YOU. An Agent is an agent. Use your own brain.

1.3 Million Dollars raised for the families of ORLANDO 
( John B Wells Quote last night)
(and I do not even know if it was staged yet. Noone does yet. ) Is that a lot of money? How much is that? In a few days?
I heard SANDY HOOK really paid off financially in donations. Really paid off.
I love this photo. Donald Trump looks very nice. Is he playing golf, skyscraper to skyscraper? Maybe when he is elected he will build THE BEST golf course like that. The verdure everywhere, would be beautiful! 
Yes you are Hillary and you are going to be judged for it.
The Biggest Heist ever. People are still asking questions, they are almost to the finish lie!
I love you DONALD and Roger and Alex and Infowars and all the angels out there doing good.

Thank you. Here is my flat earth meme corner today.

Conspiracy research GLOBALIST usually refers to Internationalists, people in favor of a one world order BUT MORE LITERALLY, and more ACCURATELY, as the UN LOGO shows, the term GLOBALIST signifies those who propagate the centuries old myth of a GLOBE EARTH.
Thank You Marie

Watch this its been deleted so many times and now its been reuploaded

Watch it before its gone.